Lucky Ones

By chanelomara

555 31 0

Ever since Chanel was little she could not believe in love with befriending the janoskians change that or onl... More

Introduction/ chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 13

Chapter 12

20 2 0
By chanelomara

Sorry its been 5 days, I just haven't been keeping track of how long its been. !! but here you goo new chapter.


~~~~~(STILL CHANEL'S POV)~~~~~~~~~

The light was blinding in my face so instead of just turning over on the couch i decided to just wake up, besides I have to get home anyway. Beau is gone so I walked over to the kitchen and wrote a note to him saying he can come over when he see's the note. 

Hope he remembers to come through the window.

















I walk into my house, and head right upstairs I don't feel like encountering my mom. I decide to just head right in and take a shower then i'll go over to Gabi's room and see whats been up with her lately.

I finish putting clothes on and blow dry my hair. I walk into Gabi's room well more like the guest room but more importantly she wasn't there.

Its like 10 in the morning where could she have went. I considered this the perfect time to look threw some of her stuff maybe to find out why she is acting so weird.

I see nothing out of the ordinary under the bed or in and on the dresser but when I get to the desk I see a letter. Its for me and then there is a separate one for Luke.

Dear Chanel,

I know I should have told you but I've been seeing Cameron again, tell Luke i'm sorry and give him my letter for him. Cameron asked me to leave with him yesterday remember when we would all sit there and plan that? Me, you, Cam and Nash talking about just traveling the world together. Our love was so fresh then. Nash wants to see you again that's all up to you though. 

But I hope you understand that I really do love Cameron more than myself most days. I love you and Luke too but i have to start thinking of myself and whats best for me. He has changed in case your wandering.

Also i'm sorry I have been distant and keeping you and Beau from doing what couples should be. But don't waste you're time looking for me, we will be everywhere and nowhere. I'll write and call you every time i'm about to go somewhere new because your my old soul. Hopefully one day we meet up. But until then my lovely one.

                                                                                      Love, Gabi xoxox

Oh my goodness. No. No. My best friend.

The first thing my mind told me to do was to grab Luke's letter and take it to him.















I ran into the house they really need a better hiding place for there key. 


I ran up to his room to see his head phones in and laptop open. I closed it and puled his head phones off and just gave him the letter. 

I walked right out into Daniel's room I don't want to hear what she wrote to him. I don't even know why I went to Daniel but I did. He was just laying on his bed with his phone in hand, I don't know why but i just went to his side. 

I wrapped my arms around him, I didn't cry just silence I think he sensed not to talk too because we sat there.

We didn't say anything until Luke and Beau walked in.

"What do we do?" Luke asked 

I could tell he was crying, now I kinda want to know what was in that letter.

"I don't know I think we should let her go." I said

"What?"  They all said in unison.

"Well she said in my letter she will be going place from place and she is obviously happy with him and if anything goes wrong she will come back, she usually does." 

"Okay." Beau said.

"No shes my girlfriend. I got to find her." Luke shouted.

"Well go ahead i'm just saying i'm tired of this weird love she has with him i'm letting go of my chameleon soul." I stated remembering how we figured out our soul nick names.

~~~~~ FLASH BACK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Gabi stop running so fast I'm fat remember." I whispered trying to keep up with her.

We had three minutes to get to her house before her parents would flip.

"Well then we should have left earlier move it." She said back.

We made it to her house just on time. We went to her room and layed on on the bed.

"I think I want to be a singer now." Gabi whispered facing me.

"You change your what you want to do everyday. What time of music would you even sing." I said

"Well not your 50's music i can tell you that you old soul." She laughed.

"Whats an old soul?"

She leaned in closer "An old person's soul that was born into a young person's body. Which is like saying you think like a grandma."

"Well it beats having a Chameleon soul like you, picking new futures every night." I moved away. 

"Please explain to me what Chameleon soul could possibly mean." She stated

" It means where your heart has no moral compass pointing a certain direction, or no fixed personality. Just an inner indecisiveness that's as wide and wavering as the ocean." I was getting tired now.

"That's cool we should use those more." She said starting to sleep. 

So i whispered "Okay."

~~~~~~~ END OF FLASHBACK ~~~~~~~












"She said she would write and call that's all we can look forward to Luke so go chase some other girls. This is her and how she has always been ever since Cam Just deal." I stated.

Beau took me out of the room now.

"Well now we can focus on our relationship now babe." he said

"So date tomorrow?" I asked kissing him lightly.

"Of course." 



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