The One You Feed × Brandrew AU

By crownthedude

4.3K 280 303

[King!Andy×Servant!Brandon] It was a sort of unspoken law that royalty shouldn't marry anyone below them. But... More



161 10 13
By crownthedude

-Andrew's POV-

"Well, there's just not a lot of fine and eligible women in Laine," I said.

Though the ground was blanketed in snow, the sun was shining boldly above us. It was so bright, I'd even call it blinding. I was in Elmont today, visiting Onys to discuss the events of the previous months. We sat peacefully in his garden, which was far larger and more impressive than my own.

"Such a shame," Onys laughed in response. He had the good end of the deal. Elmont was filled with beauty, in both setting and residents. No one would try to overthrow him. He was simply too good of a ruler.

"Well, what do you suggest I do?" I asked, picking up my glass of water from the small corner table and taking a sip. The mood of our conversation shifted from playful to serious. Onys, however, wasn't having that. "I don't know?" He chuckled. Perhaps he had too much wine. "You could marry a man?"

I spit out my drink, some of it even coming out of my nose. I couldn't contain my laughter. I looked up, expecting to see Onys laughing as well, but his face was plain. My laughter ceased. "I'm serious," he said, taking a sip of his drink while keeping eye contact.

"You're a joke," I grunted. I was offended that he'd even suggest that. I don't recall two men ever ruling together, why would that happen now? "Your rule over the kingdom is a joke," Onys growled. I frowned, shocked as his new attitude.

"Where on earth would I find a man willing to love another man?" I asked him. I sat on the closest bench, looking forward to the answer. Onys sat next to me. "Well, you see, you already have," he responded.

I began drinking my water slowly again. I wasn't sure how I felt about Onys' idea. The garden suddenly filled with eerie silence, and I set my glass down, swallowing the water. "Who?" I spit out, staring bitterly at Onys. He could tell that he'd offended me.

Onys leaned closer to me, smirking proudly. "From the way I see it, you should force yourself to fall in love with one of your servants. Impressionable things, you know," he said. "Choose the right one, they won't kill you. Now, who's your favorite? The one always by your side when I visit?"

My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe he was suggesting this, still. The idea was absurd. "Brandon?" I questioned. Of all the people I'd ever met, that boy was the last I expected Onys to suggest. "Yes, him," Onys replied, then sipped his drink nonchalantly. He must have lost his mind a long time ago.

"Think about it. He's never really threatened your power," Onys continued. He was losing it. "He wouldn't think even for a second to kill you." His words either began making sense, or I was losing my mind as well.

"His friends will convince him to kill me," I responded in a monotone voice. Onys smiled, faking happiness. His smile twisted away, forming a frown. "Get rid of the other two. Trust me, you won't miss them."

Kill my servants? Did he want me to be overthrown and beheaded? But, then again, who would think to challenge me?

"Sounds fair," I said. I sighed long and hard, before standing up. "You're taking my advice? You're so stubborn, I never thought that'd work!" Onys shouted loudly. I threw him a glance of disapproval.

"So, I kill two of my servants and fall in love with the other?" I asked. I was still doubtful of this plan. "Will the people riot if I marry a man?" More questions entered my head by the second. "Well, you've got the plan down," Onys replied. He inspected his nails, which were nicely groomed as always. "And no one will think to riot, if they do, set fire to them all."

This would never work. I'm dying alone, for sure.

I groaned loudly. "Onys, do you recall when we made a deal, I could only say your full name in a crisis?" I approached him. Onys snickered to himself, nodding. He knew I was about to do it. "Of course I do," he said. He stood up from his bench, swinging around, his cape fluttering in the breeze.

"Well," I started, "AJ Rebollo, you are quite the thinker."


That night was spent tossing and turning in bed, wondering how in the world I'd plan this. I was going to marry a man who probably doesn't like me, and that, would be impossible.

I was in soft cotton pants and shirtless, covered in a layer of three different sheets. The sun had set hours ago, yet I still wasn't asleep. I always found the process rather strange. It was nothing but resting, dreaming, and feeling renewed when you woke up. Maybe there was something I was missing.

As the hours rolled on, my eyelids grew heavier. Every second I was convinced I'd fall asleep soon, and it must have taken three hours for that wish to come true.


"I love you," a voice said. I opened my eyes. I was standing in the garden, and though it felt real, it was nothing but a dream. Brandon was standing by the rose bush, stroking the pedals of a smaller one. He was smiling. "I love you too," I said back, involuntarily.

The garden was colorful, as it appeared to be spring. It was hot outside as always, and the garden was flourishing. Never before had the kingdom appeared so beautiful. I looked back to Brandon, who had pulled some flowers from their bushes and began tying them. "What are you doing?" I asked. He laughed softly, running his fingers through his short, dark hair.

I watched as Brandon tied the stems together in the shape of a circle, and placed it on his head. It was exactly like a crown, but it was made of flowers. He laughed again, only this time, much louder.

"It's nice," I said to him. Brandon took my hand, and began pulling me to the steps. He wasn't talking, only smiling and giggling. I tried to do the same. He pulled me gently to the peach tree in the field, where a basket of peaches already sat. The two of us sat down.

"It's so nice out, Andrew," Brandon sighed. He wasn't referring to me as the king anymore. Was I removed from power? I checked my head, and indeed, I was wearing my crown. I must have been married to him in this odd dream of mine.

I didn't respond to Brandon. I simply bit into one of the peaches. They tasted dry and flavorless, almost sour. I spit the fruit out. "Are you alright?" Brandon asked me. I proceeded to spit out the remains of the fruit. "That's disgusting," I said firmly, throwing the rest of the peach across the field.

Brandon only laughed some more, and ate a peach himself. His wasn't rotten like mine had been. Maybe that meant something. Maybe my dreams were telling me that I ruin everything I touch, and Brandon was the exact opposite. Maybe I'd ruin Brandon.

I watched in ecstasy as Brandon slowly ate the peach. A strange feeling filled me. I recognized it as something that was rare. I was feeling happiness.

(OH SHOOT 😏 This right here is the turning point of the story. The next update might take a week or so, but it'll all be good.)

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