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-Andrew's POV-

There were two days until the party I dreaded dearly.

I prayed there would be royalty there looking to marry as well, but I had only heard of young men. I talked to my close friend, King Onys, about it. He was just a year older than me, and had about three women my age working in his castle. We had thought it through, and decided they would be at the party.

I had just finished my lunch, and decided that I was going to travel to the kingdom of Elmont to visit Onys. I went back to my throne room, where everyone remained working. I let a smile appear on my face for a single moment, before creasing it back into a frown.

Happiness was weakness.

"I'll return by sunset!" I shouted. The entire room froze, falling silent at my words. Everyone looked around at each other, somewhat in a panicked manner. They all began sputtering out their goodbyes. I knew none of them  meant it. My eyes fell on Brandon, who was already looking at me. He smiled nervously. I widened my eyes, and turned back so I could exit the castle.

The two guards standing at the door moved out of my way, pulling the handles with them. The door opened and revealed the daylight I often never bothered to look for. "Where are Ray and Isaac?" I asked, turning towards one of the guards. Ray and Isaac Luna were the two guards who always accompanied me when I travelled. They were skilled swordsmen and guides.

"Both are sick," the guard replied. I furrowed my brows. "With?" I questioned. Whatever it was, it must have been strong enough to stop them from moving. "Common fever?"

"Unfortunately," Said the guard. "Who else would you like to travel with?" I felt myself zone out for a moment. I heard the question, but it didn't yet register in my head. I realized what I had been asked, and shook m head. "You two. Now, let's go," I spit out. The guards looked at each other. "But sir," the second began, "who w-"

"Silence," I ordered. The guard jumped back slightly, but then resumed his original position. Without another word, the two guards followed me out the door, leaving them to slam shut behind us. I made my way down the cobblestone steps with the guards following close behind me. I could hear the loud, prominent sounds of my shoes clicking against the stone, and they became louder with each step.

I stepped off the final step, and began pacing on the walkway ahead of me. "Open the gates!" I shouted, making sure I was clear. On command, the steel gates were wrenched open. Two more guards protected the gates, and I kept a straight face as I walked past them. The horses were already waiting for us.

I looked back at the two who were accompanying me, and they both looked somewhat anxious. "What's the matter?" I asked, knowing the question would strike fear into them. They looked at each other yet again. "It's been a while since I've ridden a horse," the second one admitted. I could tell that he was lying, that perhaps he had never ridden a horse.

I didn't mind him. I simply mounted my horse, adjusting myself carefully. I took a deep breath, and with a flick of my wrist, the horse began running, and I rode away from the gates.


"I can't believe you!" I remember the king saying. I winced as I observed the rage filling his face. "I-I'm sorry," I stuttered. I backed up, only colliding into the wall. I didn't want this.

"I ask you to wash the dirty plates, and you break a whole stack of them!" He shouted. I frowned, bringing my hands up to my chest. He was going to make me suffer for this. "I didn't mean to!" I cried out. I could feel the warm tears running down my face.

We kept eye contact for a minute. I could see the king's chest rise and fall, as he kept his teeth bared. "It was an accident," I choked out, trying not to cry anymore. The king backed away, rolling his eyes. Maybe he wouldn't hurt me, I thought.

"That's what I hear everytime, Andrew," the king hissed, pushing me back into the wall. I turned to my side, cringing. "But we have to correct the clumsiness, right?"

Before I could respond, the king's fist collided with my noise. I heard a crack as I hit the floor. My blood began dripping on the white tile. I groaned in pain, as his foot hit my back. I landed in my own blood. I let out another pained cry.

The king kicked me again, until he was practically jumping on me. I could already feel the bruises forming, and I could hear the snapping and cracking of my bones. All I could do was lay there and cry.

After what seemed like an eternity, he stopped. I didn't realize it, though. I felt as if any moment, his foot would crash into my bones yet again. It never came. I waited a few minutes on the floor, making sure it was safe to rest, and then relaxed on the floor. I didn't care if I was laying in my own blood.

It must have been another ten minutes before I felt a hand around each of my wrists. I knew they didn't belong to the king. The king's hands were rough and warm, and these hands were smoother and ice cold.

"E-Elijah?" I whispered, looking up at him. He had begun to drag me down the hallway and to our shared room. "What is it?" Elijah responded. He looked behind him to assure nothing was in his way. I didn't respond to him, though. I let him drag me into the room, and throw me onto my bed. Blood spilled everywhere.

There was already a bucket and a rag, along with bandages and ice on the floor. I smiled nervously, and that's when blood began gushing from my gums. I sighed, knowing the pain would end soon.

I heard the rag being dipped into the bucket, and the sloshing sound it made against the water. "Hold still," Elijah said to me. I bit my lip, preparing for the pain. He pressed the wet cloth against my broken nose. Blood absorbed into the rag, and it stung badly.

"Ouch," I said simply. I grit my teeth. Maybe it would help with the pain. "Relax, I have to get the blood in your mouth next," Elijah said. He pressed the rag against my nose once more, before dropping it back into the bucket, squeezing it tight, and pulling it back up.



I convinced myself that I didn't regret what I did to Elijah. Yet, there was still doubt.

We had finally arrived at Onys' castle after an hour and a half of riding through forests and hills. Elmont was still flourishing with vegetation. Flowers surrounded the castle walls, attached to lush green shrubs and perfectly arranges trees. Laine's plants were already shriveling up in the increasingly cooler weather.

"The party is in two days," I said as I entered the castle. It was warmer than usual there.

Onys got off his throne to greet me, and I looked around as always. "I'm aware," he said. He then looked over my head, at the sword positioned above the doorway. "And I wish you the best of luck in finding a wife."

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