The One You Feed × Brandrew AU

By crownthedude

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[King!Andy×Servant!Brandon] It was a sort of unspoken law that royalty shouldn't marry anyone below them. But... More



150 10 4
By crownthedude

-Brandon's POV-

Days, along with weeks, passed. It was now a month since the party, and Charlotte's death. Since then, winter had rolled in completely. The ground of Laine was covered in a thin yet hard layer of snow, and farming began to slow in the kingdom. The only crops that managed to flourish were the ones grown in the caverns.

I was given thicker clothes for the season, as well. The outfit consisted of a wool coat, pants of a thick leather material, and a new pair of boots. Despite the clothes being far better than what I'd received in previous years, they barely managed to keep me warm. I guess it was better than nothing.

Today's task was cleaning the stained glass windows of the throne rooms. Brent, Hayden and I were given some form of chemical liquid and a torn cloth to work with. The windows were large and intricate, meaning that it'd certainly take a long time.

Though it was snowy, the day was rather sunny. The castle was filled with large torches and candles, leaving the place rather warm. I expected it to be just another day of Hayden and Brent screwing up, me having some awkward encounter with the king, and then going to sleep. But, it was the first eventful day of the winter season for me.

We had just finished a lunch of freezing cold peas and overwhelmingly hot meat when we heard shouting from outside. King Andrew demanded the doors be pulled open, and just as they did, two knights began dragging someone into the room.

The king stepped back into his throne, and the rest of us cleared the way. The man was dragged to the center of the room and forced to his knees. "I didn't do anything wrong," was the first thing he said. His hair appeared dark at the roots, but had been bleached and grown out. He wore a thick cotton vest and long-sleeved shirt, with black pants that hung loosely around him and were torn at the knee. We wore the same boots, though his were more worn. He also had a leather messenger bag around his shoulder.

"Then why are you here?" The king questioned. The man tried to stand, but was quickly pulled back down. His bag was removed from him, and seized by a guard. "I'm a messenger. A new one, from Elmont," the man replied. The guard began shuffling around in his bag. "Maps," one guard announced. He dumped the maps onto the floor.

In response, the king snapped his fingers, and the knights released the man. The man stood up, and brushed the snow from his clothes. "Name?" The king asked. The man smiled and straightened his back. I could see he had one gold tooth in the back of his mouth. "Bennett," he said.

The king stepped off his throne, and approached the man named Bennett. They were similar in height, though I could tell Bennett was younger. "I apologize for the misunderstanding," King Andrew said. He buttoned his cloak in the front, and reached out his hand. The two shook hands.

"That's alright, I'm very new to being a messenger," Bennett laughed. The guard returned his bag to him, stuffed with the maps. "I only came to tell you there have been numerous attempted assassins arrested in the area."

The king furrowed his eyebrows. "Where are they being held?" He asked. I watched eagerly from the side, and watched as Bennett glanced to me, then back to the king. "All in Elmont. Seemed like the safest place to keep them," Bennett responded. The king nodded.

"Do you need new clothes?" King Andrew asked, furthering his interrogation. Bennett laughed loudly. Laughter was a sound I didn't hear much anymore. "Nah, I'm happy in my own clothing," he chuckled as he adjusted his belt. The king placed a hand on Bennett's shoulder, and glared at him. The friendly vibe in the room ceased to exist.

"Bennett, you smell like the aftermath of a beheading," the king scoffed. Hayden and Brent laughed softly from behind me. "I'm going to get you new clothes. Until then, sit down, I'll have some chefs bring you food." He then turned, and left the room.

It was clear that Bennett hadn't been raised in a luxurious place. His face was covered in dirt, his clothes were torn, and he probably hadn't bathed in a month. Well, to be fair, I was in a similar situation. I watched as he sat down on the floor, tongue slipping out of his mouth and grazing hid lip quickly. He almost looked like one of those grown men who'd stand in the square on Sunday mornings, and shout vulgar things at the ladies.

Hayden immediately walked towards Bennett, seemingly eager to meet him. His advance was met only by a death glare from the king. Hayden quickly backed up, standing next to Brent and I.

Bennett turned to us, and smiled. "Servants?" He asked softly, so that the king couldn't hear. I nodded my head, but Hayden and Brent rolled their eyes. Almost as if they still believed they were free.

"We don't wanna be," Brent grunted. He shoved his tightly clenched fists into the pockets of his pants, and stared down to his feet. "I get it," Bennett responded. "I've seen it all over these lands. People being enslaved when they don't want to..."

Our conversation was interrupted when King Andrew reentered the room, carrying thick fur clothing. It seemed like something much nicer than what I'd ever receive. He approached Bennett, and held it out for him. It must have taken Bennet a few seconds to realize what was happening. It was clear to me that he was from a poor family. After a few awkward seconds, he reached out, took the clothing, and bowed his head. Seemed to be the only respectful thing he'd done during his stay here.


Bennett's visits became more frequent. He'd come three times every week to tell the king of updates around the lands and surrounding kingdoms, sit down with him for the occasional dinner, stay a night or two when he felt like it, and speak to us when no one was looking. Bennett was almost like a friend.

It was three weeks since his first visit. Memories of Charlotte's death were fading from memory, as the impact it had on the king was now nonexistent. He was back to his old, merciless self. Bennett had spent the night twice so far, and had been permitted to stay in a luxurious guest room. He entertained the servants with his stories of travel every night, and sometimes gave away his food to those who weren't given much.

Other than my friends, I came to know Bennett as one of the kindest men I'd ever met. He treated me like I weren't a servant. To him, I was an actual human. Not an object, as I was to the king.

Hayden and Brent's friendships with Bennett strengthened as well. If anything, they got along with him better than I did. They were all notorious trouble makers, only one of them made a career of that.

But for me, I lacked that rebellious spirit.

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