Galaxy Girl || The Adventures...

By _emily_welch_

114K 1.6K 851

Bullied by classmates, young Max escapes into a fantasy, conjuring up the action packed lives of Lavagirl, Sh... More

SharkBoy And LavaGirl
Prologue and Trailer
ChapterFour~•~ HateBeingUpsideDown


13.5K 211 79
By _emily_welch_

Chapter Two ~•~ Welcome To Planet Drool
^GalaxyGirl's OutFit^
**Galaxy Girl's P.O.V**


"Max. Wake up." I whispered to a sleeping Max.

"Dream Max." LavaGirl whispered next.

"Open your eyes Max." SharkBoy whispered after.

"Eyes open and dream." LavaGirl continued.

"Stay dreaming!" SharkBoy Whispered-yelled to Max.

"Wake Up!" We all whispered-yelled. Before we ran out of the room and towards the kitchen and hide on the ceiling of the kitchen. We watched as Max walked in the kitchen and closed the refrigerator door. Seeing the eaten cookies and half a full glass of milk with stars floating around it.

"SharkBoy." He whisperer as he picked up a cookie with a big shark bite in it.

"LavaGirl." He continued when he picked up a burnt piece of cookie and droping it after holding it to long because of the heat.

"GalaxyGirl." He ended when he poked one of my floating stars that were twirling around his head and the sparky cookies that where scattered all around the table.

SharkBoy hung on the right side of the ceiling, LavaGirl on the Left, and me in the middle close to SharkBoy. Max began to notice our presence so we disappeared in a blink of an eye.

•·.·''·.·•TIME SKIP•·.·''·.·•

By the time we came up to Max's school a wind storm appeared. We busted through the windows of the classroom and landed in the middle of the room.

"It's them." A pretty girl in the front of the class says while peeking over her desk.

The techer over by his desk peeked over to look at us so LavaGirl turned her head around to face him which made him cower behind his desk. While LavaGirl turned her head back around.

"I'm looking for Max!" I growled which made stars float all around me. All the kids pointed to the back of the classroom. LavaGirl and I started to walk down the aisle leading to Max's desk. While walking LavaGirl set papers on fire while I had stars floating around the whole classroom.

"She's sparkling." Linus said as he picked up one of the floating stars and examining it. Suddenly SharkBoy grabbed the star and took it out of his hand and growled at him which showed Linus his sharp shark teeth. 'Whats his problem?' I thought as I walked closer to Max's desk before glancing at SharkBoy.

LavaGirl picked up the desk to reveal Max curled up in a ball on the floor.

"We need you help Max. Come with us." I told him. Max slowly got up and followed us back to the front of the classroom.

"What do I have to do?" Max asked.

"Come with us to Planet Drool. We'll explain on the way." LavaGirl said.

"Where going to Planet Drool?" Max asked with another question.

SharkBoy scratched the chalkboard of a diagarm of the solar system and Planet Drool with his claws.

"It's my home planet, right outside of your solar system." LavaGirl explained.

"You should know Max. You made it up." I said while leaning against SharkBoy.

"I-I can't go with you." Max said looking back at his classmates.

"What? Why not?" I asked getting a bit mad which made some stars pop out of no where. SharkBoy put an arm around me which made me calm and some stars to disappeared.

"Because you're not real. The three of you are just a dream. And when I open my eyes, you'll be gone." He shut his eyes tightly. As SharkBoy pulled me behind Max so we can freak him out.

"Where still here Max." LavaGirl said which made him jump.

"If you wanna stop the darkness
from destroying our worlds, come with us." SharkBoy said while holding my hand and pulling me toward him.

"You better go with them." Mr. Electicidad said but sounded like he was in fear.

"Okay I'll go!" Max said bravely. 'Thats what we were waiting to hear.' I thought as we ran out of the classroom and on our way to SharkBoy's rocket.

"I can't believe I'm finally getting
to ditch this place and go to Planet Drool! How we getting there?" Max yelled over the loud wind and with another question for us.

"You sure do ask a lot of questions Max. You know that right?" I told him as we got closer to the rocket.

Once we made it on to the rocket we all took a seat me between SharkBoy and LavaGirl. I pulled out me glasses and put them on which where sparkly with a galaxy design on it.

"Put these on, everybody.
Blue goggles for the boys,
pink for the girls." LavaGirl said while handing out the glasses to SharkBoy, Max, and herself.

"Do you have another pair of boy goggles?" Max asked not wanting to wear the pink girly ones he has in his hands.

"Uh-uh." SharkBoy said with a face. Which made my giggle. That also got SharkBoy's attention and he threw a smirk at my direction. Which made me roll my eyes at him.

"So, how do you fly it?" SharkBoy questioned.

"You don't know?" Max questioned also.

"Duh!" SharkBoy yelled out.

"That's sort of been the whole problem!" I finished.

"You press go." Max says while he did something and a green button that says 'Go' on it popped out of no where and he pressed it resulting us to know we are on our way to Planet Drool.

"How do you fly it?" I questioned.

"Its got an autopilot." Max said while making funny faces from the force of the rocket going up.

"You just thought of everything, didn't you Max." LavaGirl asked with a smile on her face.

"Not exactly!" Max replied.

"How do you land it?" SharkBoy asked.

"That's the part I never thought of!" Max replies which is making me worry a bit.

"Wait! So you dont know how to stop this thing?" I yelled at Max with a scared look on my face. All he did was nod.

"Oh My God! I am not dieing tonight!" I yelled even more as I grab a hold of the handles beside me.

"Jupiter... Saturn... Neptune...
You might wanna hold on to something." LavaGirl said getting worry as well. She and SharkBoy grab on to the handle bars like I did.

When the rocket had crash kinda softly making me smile a bit. The latch of the rocket open for the four of us to walk out.

"Welcome to Planet Drool..." I said as I turned to Max.

"...Or what's left of it." SharkBoy finished for me.



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(:**Sorry if there is a lot of errors not a professional writer, just a teenage girl who likes writing stories. But if there is an error help me out and comment where it is and what it is and I'll fix it later. Please and Thank You for reading**:)

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