Skeletons and a Pet

De KimGreenwood844

660 34 6

Inspired from RaccoonSinQueen's fanfic: Six Skeletons and a Maid: Mai multe

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Puzzles and questions
Chapter 3: Movie and Roses
Chapter 4: Bones
Chapter 5: Jealousy
Chapter 6: Pet and Monster
Chapter 7: Surprise
Chapter 8: Curiosity and Fears
Chapter 9: The Talk and Sickness
Chapter 9.5: MafiaBros
Chapter 10.5: Swap Day
Chapter 12: Y/N's birthday
Chapter 13: Dress Up
Chapter 14: Date
Ask Kana and the group
Chapter 16: Green and Yellow
Chapter 17: Nightmares and Dreams
Chapter 18: Saving and Capture
Chapter 19: Dancing
Chapter 20: Home
Chapter 23: Examination
Chapter 24: Halloween
Chapter 24: Heat
Chapter 26: The beginning of the end
Chapter 27: Christmas Party

Chapter 21: Multiverse

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De KimGreenwood844

(This chapter is fully dedicated to RacoonSinQueen cause of obvious reasons) dark.

Wait...there is a light.

Kana groaned as she slowly opened her eyes, her vision having to get used to the bright white...nothingness?
Kana was getting her senses back, she tried moving but couldn't she felt weak and drained she looked toward her feet noticing blue strings hanging her up, if she had more energy she would try and escape but she was so tired.

Blackness came once more.

"Wake up Kana" a familiar voice said forcing Kana out of her sleep, "mmm" she moaned noticing she was laying her head on Red's lap "Red?" she asked confused, Red smiled "how's my wolf doing?" he asked stroking her hair.
Kana quickly sat up "w-wait...I'm...lost" she said trying to remember what happened, Red frowned "what's wrong sweetheart?" he asked as Kana groaned "I'm...meant to be at my home...with the jungle" she said her head still spinning "w-why am I here?" she asked.

Red only stared at Kana in a mix of confusion and sadness " not want to be here?" he asked, Kana only stared "no of course I do, but...I just don't know how I got here" she said, Red came close to her "maybe you were dreaming..." he replied stroking her hair again.

Kana sighed a dream sounded the most...plausible, it did seem too real to be true "it was also a nightmare...I had to leave you, everyone" she said leaning onto Red, "'s okay my wolf, you don't have to leave me" he said causing Kana to smile "I don't want to...I'm happy" she replied.

"I'm glad...I want you to be happy" Red said Kana moaned into his touch, her ears began to twitch she was hearing a voice.
"What is wrong my pet?" Red asked as Kana sat up, her ears twitching straining to hear the distressed voice, it sounded so far, yet so close.
"Kana, Kana, KANA" the voice said getting louder and louder "wake up it's just a dream" the voice said, Kana's eyes widened as her world went black before her eyes opened to the white nothingness she saw before, seeing the familiar Sans skeleton known as Dream at her side "where am I?" she asked.

Dream smiled "your in the white void, do not worry Ink is dealing with Error as we speak, he was trying to get your soul" he said, Kana only seemed confused but shook it off "okay, so...I was taken by Error" she said, Dream nodded as Kana sighed trying to stand up only to wobble and fall back down "you've not regained your energy yet, we gotta wait for Fresh to sho-" Dream said before Fresh popped up "YO I heard someone call my name" he said scaring Dream, Kana only groaned remembering his annoying lingo.

Dream sighed "Fresh don't scare me like that" he said, Fresh looked past Dream to Kana "oh hey it's my bro dawg girl, how ya doing?" he asked, Kana gave a forced smile "I'm" she replied "Fresh we don't have time for you to catch up, you need to send her to Sans and the others" Dream said, Fresh gave a smile "okay" and like that Kana's world went black once again.

It was still dark as the loud DING-DING-DING-DING of an alarm clock went off, Kana groaned as she slowly woke up in...Y/N's room?
Spotting the alarm clock and turning it off she looked at the clock '4:43' it was way too early, she got up out of bed yawning at least she was back home...but...where was Y/N?

The first thing she did was head toward Y/N's small bathroom, she almost gave off a scream as she saw herself in the small bath mirror.
She was in Y/N's body!
"Oh great" Kana grumbled angrily, "juuuust great...of course Fresh would do something like this" she mumbled more heading out of the small bathroom, she dug around finding Y/N's uniform "never thought I'd wear you again" Kana said to herself a little annoyed but got changed, she was surprised at how...not uncomfortable it she's worn this for a long time.

Taking a sigh of contentment after her change, she rushed upstairs and into the familiar looking kitchen, not seeing her body on the couch she guessed her body was outside in her small house, she wanted to go out and check but...something was compelling her to...cook?
"B-But I can't cook" Kana whispered to herself taking a small gulp as she entered the kitchen, "okay...just make something simple, you can do that" she mumbled to herself as she got started.

It was matter what, her body seemed to not comply with her minds request at 'simple' she worked and cooked through pots and pans of different kinds of foods and drinks, most likely for the skeletons upstairs she took the first platter in her hands and headed upstairs, after making the trek to Blue's room she began knocking a series of knocks that she didn't know.

One big knock, four small knocks, and two more big knocks.
Suddenly the door swings open, and she's welcomed by a huge smile, "MS. Y/N! I WAS JUST WAITING FOR YOU!"

Seeing Blue's smiling face filled her with...DETERMINATION!

"Master Blue, you re looking as energetic as always" Kana paused at her words *crap I called him Master.*

"OF COURSE!" Blue opened the door wide for her to walk into, the drapes had already been drawn and his bed was already made, he rushed over to sit at his star-themed desk, awaiting the food she had prepared for him, "I HAVE A VERY STRICT SCHEDULE OF WHEN I NEED TO GO TO SLEEP, SO I CAN AWAKEN THE MOST REFRESHED SLEEP IS VERY VERY IMPORTANT, YOU KNOW" Blue continued, Kana was still shocked at her words from earlier made her feel okay?

Kana smiled at his seriousness, "of course, Master Blue it's very astute of you to say so, not many monsters value a strict sleep schedule as you do" she said *what the hell...I don't even know what 'astute' means.*

He beamed at the compliment as Kana set down his platter of food, before she came up behind him to tie a napkin around his neck "WELL, I TRY TO MAKE SURE I CAN BE AS READY AS POSSIBLE IN ONE DAY, PREPARATION IS KEY AFTERALL" he said, "star-shaped blueberry pancakes, drizzled in blueberry syrup with assorted fruits on the side, one cup of warm milk, and one cup of cranberry juice" Kana said *WHY DID I SAY THAT?*

Blue frowned, "I THOUGHT I ASKED FOR ASSORTED SUGAR PASTRIES ON THE SIDE, NOT FRUIT" he said, even Kana knew Blue preferred sweets over fruit "Master Blue, how can you be filled with energy if you only ever eat pastries, it s not good for you" she said seeing Blue's heart broken face, like the world was crumbling around him, "B-BUT PASTRIES HAVE SUGAR AND SUGAR IS CONVERTED TO ENERGY" he said making Kana almost hurt with her words *just give him his sweets.*

"Guess what fruit has in it?" Kana asked, Blue bowed his head "SUGAR" he replied sadly, "perceptive as always, Master Blue" Kana said *Orange will not be happy with this STUPID STUPID KANA!*

"BUT-" Blue said "no buts" Kana interrupted "enjoy your meal, Master Blue, but I have to tend to the others now" she added groaning mentally at having to serve Black his food.

Kana rushed downstairs to get the next platter of food, after grabbing it she quickly ran back up the stairs and knocked on Papyrus's door "COME IN" yelled a familiar voice she knew was Papyrus, opening the door, she noticed that Papyrus was hard at work setting up his action figures to just the right angle, the drapes were already drawn but the bed was messy, "MS. Y/N DID YOU BRING THE WAFFLES?" Papyrus asked.

"Of course, Master Papyrus, I wouldn't dream of forgetting it" Kana replied getting used to these responses that she knew wasn't hers Papyrus hopped to his desk, already tying a napkin around his neck, "GOOD, BECAUSE IF YOU FORGOT, IT WOULD BE A CATASTROPHE" he said *cat...what?*

Kana set down his food, "warm waffles, drizzled in maple syrup and cream, along with sliced bananas and the tallest glass of orange juice I could find" repeating the order aloud, "YES GIVE IT TO ME" Papyrus started tearing into his breakfast the moment her hand left the plate, "if you eat too fast, you'll get a stomach ache, Master" Kana said knowing that was true she sometimes got a stomach ache whenever she ate too fast.

A flush of orange briefly crossed his face "I KNOW THAT I WAS JUST EVALUATING THE TEMPERATURE BEFORE IT GOT COLDER" Papyrus replied, "of course, Master Papyrus" Kana replied as she made his bed, Papyrus enthusiastically explained to her every event that happened in his dream last night, down to what colour socks he was wearing, "-BUT WHILE THE FROGGIT WAS YELLING AT ME, I JUMPED INTO-" Kana interrupted "Master Papyrus?" Papyrus stopped and turned towards Kana, "DO YOU HAVE TO GO?" he asked she nodded, "WELL, OKAY FINE YOU CAN LEAVE BUT I GET TO TELL YOU THE REST OF MY DREAM AFTER YOU'RE DONE, OKAY?" he asked "of course, Master" she replied.

Kana quickly left to get the third platter, this third platter of food was considerably difficult to carry, considering it had so much on it, she made her way back up the staircase, careful not to drop the plate, before she reached Black's room.

She took a sigh, and mentally prepared herself for Black, it wasn't like she completely hated him, she just really REALLY didn't like him.

Two quiet knocks on the door, before, "YOU'RE LATE" Black's voice yelled she entered the room "late", "Master Black?" she asked, shivering at having to call Black 'Master' Black growled at her tone, "PRECISELY THREE MINUTES AND TWENTY SEVEN SECONDS LATE" he said Kana mentally groaned "my deepest apologies, Master" she replied *urgh I'm never getting used to that.*

"YOU ARE FORGIVEN, AS ALWAYS, REPEAT MY ORDER" he said, standing up and sitting at his desk, Kana set down the heavy platter, and said, "two chocolate pancakes, one with thirteen chocolate chips in it and one with seventeen, topped with 1.7 ounces of chocolate syrup and three cherries connected by a stem, four biscuits, one with beef-based gravy, one with chicken-base gravy, one with flour-based gravy, and lastly one with pork-based gravy, an omelet slowly cooked with poblano peppers, kumato tomatoes, vidalia onions, portobello mushrooms, and only a pinch of pepper and lastly a cup of coffee, straight black" Kana was surprised at herself half of those words she didn't even know.

Black spent a good three minutes inspecting the food, making sure it's exactly how he asked for it, eventually, after noticing something, Black smirked up at her and said, "FOR SOME REASON, I SPECIFICALLY REMEMBER ASKING FOR CHIVE SHAVINGS ON MY OMELETTE I DON'T SEE ANY" Kana was scared *crap* something in her told her to turn the omelette so she did revealing the chive shavings "how could I ever forget" she said.

"IT'S VOID OF IMPERFECTIONS, AS ALWAYS" Black said annoyed, "thank you, Master" Kana replied *huh...I've gotten over it*, she turned to go draw his drapes, filling light in the dark room she began to make Black's bed, picking up the pillows strewn about across the floor, after she was finished, she turned back toward Black and asked, "would that be all, Master Black?" *oh god why did I open my big mouth?*

"MMMMM, NO, I BELIEVE MY CLOSET NEEDS REORGANISING, I WANT IT DONE BY COLOUR" Black said, Kana sighed "my deepest apologies, master, but I have to wake the others" Black seemed annoyed by this, and turned around to focus back on his food "FINE BUT WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED, YOU WILL COME BACK AND DO MY BIDDING", he said Kana almost smirked "of course, Master" she said *haha, nope!*

Kana left for the fourth platter, Kana remembered who was next a blush came on her face *okay Kana you have to do this, you have to tell Red your trapped in Y/N's body and your...doing stuff...that you don't want to do.*

Kana retrieved the fourth platter and rushed back up the long steps to Red's room and knocked twice on the door, no response, she knocked louder, "Master Red?" she said *NO come on just say Red!*

She heard a deep, low groan from behind the door, she huffed, opening the door, Red let out a low growl, Kana gave a small smile seeing Red she set the platter down on his desk, Red was still in bed, the covers over his head completely, Kana drew the drapes letting sunlight brighten the room, Red let out a loud hiss, before he tumbled off his bed away from the light.

Kana had to hold back a laugh, she didn't want to risk anything if Red didn't believe her "a little warning next time?!" Red said sharply, "I'm sorry, Red" Red rolled his eyes, as he sat back up, "my deepest apologies, master red!" he stopped catching her words, since when was his maid so informal with him, also why did he quote words she never said?

Kana having a small bit of hope at finally being able to talk continued to try "I set your breakfast on your desk, Red" she said *so far so good.*

Red stared almost confused and lost, it was almost like he was talking to a stranger, standing up he walked over to Kana who didn't seem scared in the slightest, granted the maid wasn't but she was never this informal " okay dollface?" he asked, Kana blinked those were new words from Red "yes...I-I need to tell you something important" she said.

Red crossed his arms "alright sweetheart I'll play along" he said, Kana smiled "I'm not Y/N, it's me Kana" she said waiting for Red to spawn a shocked face, but...nothing the name seemed like nothing to him "Kana...sorry dollface, dunno who that is" he said Kana was quite shocked.
"K-Kana Tokisho."
"The wolf girl."

"Y-You love me."
Finally something but it wasn't an emotion Kana had ever seen before, "heh...sweetheart, if I did love certainly wouldn't be you, though I admit your quite cute" he said, Kana's heart broke *why would he say that to me?*
Red was walking towards her as Kana backed away *does he not remember me?*
Kana backed herself to the door, Red was really close now *did he...really not care?*
Kana closed her eyes tightly waiting for something.

But nothing came...

(Before people go "WTF IS THIS!"

Pay attention to the title, this isn't Kana's version of Six Skeletons *wink wink*

Kana's words, her actions were not her own nor mine except for a few differences.

"Okay does this chapter matter?" I hear you ask


Also most of these words I do not own I got them from RacoonSinQueen's first chapter of her fanfic.)

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