MAKE YOU MINE (Diggy Simmons...

By suckerforfictions

55.4K 1.4K 112

"I couldn't keep my eyes off her. She caught me one time and I swear if looks could kill, I would definitely... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 24

1K 42 2
By suckerforfictions

Four year later.

"Teenager sensation Diggy James aka by his stage name Diggy Simmons seems to be making it big in the USA. Please welcome Mr Diggy Simmons." the audience clapped as I smiled at the TV.

"So new album, you said all the songs on there are all about your life experience but the one we are most intrigued about is MAKE YOU MINE. Most of the female population are going CRAZY for it." the audience wooed again. I was in the social area at University I was attending watching BET on the big screen, hardly anyone was paying attention but me.

"Yes it's about a girl, my first love. She was everything to me. I wouldn't be where I am at if it wasn't for her." They clapped again.

"I think one thing we are dying to know is about the rumours. Everyone saying the girl is this celebrity this that and the other." he chuckled and I laughed along with him. Celebrity?

"All I'm gonna say is when the time comes, me and my future wife made a pact we will meet soon. I know she's the girl of my dreams." the news is going to be going crazy on the wife bit. It made my heart melt.

"... all the words in that song are true. She had coming in extra fly coming in late. As you know I went to boarding school in England. So I didn't expect to meet my love there. "

“Wow Diggy, you are a real gentleman. What attracted you to her?" bow wow asked.

"It was her attitude. I'm not gonna lie. Back then I was shy and mysterious. My ego can put you to shame. She knocked me down a peg or two. Told me I wasn't all that. Mostly it was her smile." Bow wow chuckled.

"One final question, do you think she's watching this right now, if so what message do you want to give her?" he winked.

"After all these years. It's still and will always be you." the audience awed. I turned off BET and matched to my next class with new confidence and happiness. He still feels the same way. I know he is making it big in America with his father Rev Run.

I remember clear as day when he told me to go with him, but I had dreams and hopes I wanted to pursue. I was so glad that he understood. It made it less hard to watch him go. As soon as college was over and we were both eighteen, his father had asked him prior to move with him.

They were still had gaps in their relationship but it got better somehow. It put my mind at ease that he and JoJo now had a family that accepted regardless of the fact they weren't Justine’s. I even watched Rev Run on TV when Uni wasn’t taking a toll on my social life. It made me smile watching him bond with the whole family.

Even after we returned to school and Diggy was still getting over that traumatic beating, I felt at ease, knowing everything happens for a reason. Even if Georgia and Katie did continue to try on failed attempt to steal Diggy from me and ruin my life. But since Jacob and I became friends it made their task just as hard.

"What are you thinking about?" Jamie asked me as she took a sit next to me in literature. It was the final lesson and we were all chilling and talking about the finals we had last week.

"Just what happens after graduation, I mean exams are over and in a month’s time hopefully it's graduation." she nudged me.

"You are one of the smartest people I know, you will pass. I promise you that. Beside the point I keep telling you, you need to hook me up with that gorgeous brother of yours." I rolled my eyes as Jacob walked over to us and sat down. He gave Jamie a heads up and kissed me on the cheek.

"How have you been Lis, do you want to go to the cinema tonight with me and Shanice?" I shook my head, the mental images of Shanice and Jacob going at it on my bed still haunted me.

"You're still bothered about us are you?" I chuckled.

"Took you long enough to figure she liked you." Jamie snorted as she focused on the board. I and Jacob went to the same uni, he did history and literature combined I did English lit and spoken poetry combined.

"It’s about now not the past and I preferred now because my playing days are over."He shrugged his shoulders and returned to his friends.

"Like I was saying Adam is fine." I shook my head at her she wasn't serious Adam was way too old for her. Anyways Adam told me he would totally go for her if she wasn't too young for him. Even so she doesn't care. She wants him and the Jamie I know doesn't back down.

The class continued their chatter as I stared into space dreaming about Diggy. I don’t think I could ever stop loving that boy. Likewise, he is the reason I’m here today.


"Welcome the class of 2014." we threw our hats in the air, smiling.

"Come here baby girl, I am so proud of you!" My mum kissed me on the cheeks, while my father embraced me. Even Laurel joined in hugging me and Jacob. I could see Jaheim and Adam making their way over as well.

"Proud of you little sis. We have a present for you later" I wiped the invisible tears to show how grateful I am they are here.

"I'm starving, can we go and grab a bite to eat." My brother stated. I could hear my stomach grumbling alongside my brothers. He was already making his way through the crowd towards the car park. We all locked eyes and laughed.

I would just like to propose a toast to the most beautiful and caring children in the world!" our glasses clinked as we sat conversing with each other. This was the place to be at sitting with the people that care and want the best for you. Jacob flushed as his mum fussed over his crooked tie while my brother flirt with the waitress who was constantly coming over to check on us well more on Jaheim.

"Alisa?" I nodded as Adam handed me an envelope.


I recognised that handwriting anywhere. Not waiting, I pushed my chair back and hurried outside, I heard my family calling but I ignored it, I was too intrigued with what was waiting for me.

My heart stopped beating when I looked all around but found nothing. I could have sworn it was him. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. All of a sudden I felt an arm wrap around me and felt his lips near my ears.

"It’s still and will always be you." I closed my eyes, letting it sink in my brain. Just to be sure, I pushed myself into him, hoping there would be someone to fall back on, there was. I felt the corner of my face tug into a smile as I whirled round to meet his face, his aftershave doing damage to every sense in my body.

I lightly caressed the stubble on his face, taking him in. he was even more beautiful than I remembered and I adored him. He was more built and taller and the scar that he gained from the incident with his stepfather was just near enough faded but still visible.

"I Love you so much!" I jumped on him hugging him over and over again.

"Remember that promise I made to you on the last day of school before I gave you that letter." I nodded as his lips grazed my ear.

"I said I was in love with you, I told you I WILL make you mine one day and I definitely wasn't lying." he smiled making me giggle.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I replied, kissing his lips that I have missed so much. It almost felt like eternity before he pulled back and smiled. We continued kissing, melting into each other, not caring we were forming an audience including my own family. I didn't care about anything else. He came back for me and that's all that matters, nothing else but him. I could never love another guy like Daniel James and no amount of money or fame could ever take his place.

Four years before

Dear Alisa,

I know we said our goodbye, but this isn't goodbye. There is a world out there for both of us that we have to explore. It was selfish of me to ask you to come with me. I am so glad you said no, because no doubt, you would be living in my shadow. The world is our oyster Lis. I want you to dream. Aspire. Create. Thrive for everything thinking of me and I will do the same for you. I love you forever Alisa Darius; no one will ever take your place. It will and forever will always be you. I will come for you one day; this is my last promise to you. We will meet again blue hands.

For Now... I'll see you later.






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