Colouring Book || Harry Styles

By fadoraharry_

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Taryn Summers is like an empty colouring book. All up until she meets a man who starts to colour in the pages... More

Colouring Book || Harry Styles


1.2K 61 101
By fadoraharry_

i finally read and watched me before you (i balled my eyes out) so i just had to include it in this update haha and same with dave franco bc i am obsessed with him

and i know it is taking me forever to update and i know i said i will try to update every one or two weeks but clearly that isn't going well. i'm terribly sorry, you don't know how much this bothers me. updates are once a month.

but i know you will like this update because haryn haryn haryynnnnnnn hehe ;)



"Holy shit, Harry!" I said with excitement when I realised what date it was. June 3rd, 2016. I looked at the corner of my laptop (I recently switched to answering Harry's FaceTime calls on my laptop since it was more convenient for my arm) and saw Harry jump slightly from being startled from my random outburst.

"What is it?" He lightly chuckled as he put his hand on his chest.

"Sorry," I blushed. "Guess what movie came out today?"

"Uhh...I don't know. What movie came out?"

"Me Before You. You know, it's with the dragon girl from Game of Thrones and the hot guy, Finnick, from Hunger Games," I explained from seeing Harry's clueless face. Harry shook his head, a frown on his face. "It's about a guy named Will who's quadriplegic and a girl named Louisa who gets a job as his caregiver? No?"

"It sounds familiar." He was still clueless. I sighed with defeat.

"Open a new tab, go on YouTube and search the trailer for Me Before You." I made the FaceTime tab full screen so I could see Harry's face more clearly. Harry furrowed his eyebrows (something he always did whenever he was concentrating on something) as he did what I told him too. I heard the trailer start to play and I imagined all the shots that Harry was watching in my head. I watched the trailer so many times that I basically had it memorised. By the end of the trailer, I felt the familiar feeling of my heart aching.

"Oh, yeah. I think I saw this trailer before but a few months ago."

"And what did you think about it?"

"It looks good," he said while leaning back against the pillows on his sofa. I smiled at him. It was the kind of smile I did whenever I wanted something from someone. "What is it, Tarrie?" Harry playfully groaned as he recognized the meaning of this certain smile. He knew me so well.

"Do you wanna watch it with me?" I singsonged as I gave him an innocent grin. Harry huffed and rolled his eyes, the hair in front of his face blowing away.

"What about Alex?"

"That bugger is watching it with her friends," I said with annoyance.

"Your friends?"

"One of them hates movies like that, and the other is already going to watch it with her sister. So you're all I got. You don't want me watching it by myself like a loner do you?"

"I don't think you could look even more of a loner than you already do."

"Excuse me!" I said with total shock. My hand rose to my chest as I started at him with surprised hurt. Harry went into fits of laughter. His eyes screwed shut making crinkles form beside them as he pointed at me.

"I'm joking," he chuckled. "You're adorable. I was going to say yes from the start, by the way." I smiled and immediately opened Chrome to search for the showing times of the movie.

"Great! So do we want to watch it in the afternoon or night time?" I said as I switched back to the FaceTime tab.

"Maybe night would be better."

"True. Because you know, you're famous and all that," I joked. "So there would be fewer people at night who would recognise you." Harry chuckled and playfully rolled his eyes at me.

"Are you sure that's the reason? Maybe I just like watching films during the night?" He shot back with a light smirk.

"Films at night? How romantic, Harry," I teased.

"Anything at night is romantic." I immediately thought back to earlier this week when we had froyo at the park. I tried to ignore the thoughts of confusion that was clouding the back of my mind. It's just a movie. Just two friends watching a movie.

"That's true," I tilted my head side to side. "Which viewing time do we want to go to? 8:30 or 10:30? 10:30 is the latest time."

"10:30 then," Harry smiled. "Which cinema are we going to?"

"The one that's closest to my house. It's small and really cute. It's the classic theatre that's in all the movies and shows."

"Sounds perfect—"

"Baby I'm perfect, baby I'm perfect for you," I sang and burst out into laughter. "I'm sorry, I really couldn't help it," I said as Harry made the biggest face-palm in the world. It was really amusing because his whole hand was covering his face but I still saw that smirk lying underneath. He shook his head, a heavy chuckle coming out his mouth. Then he looked at me with the most amused half-smirk-half-smile.

"That was really bad, Tarrie. Like really bad."

"I know I'm not a great singer, but I don't think my voice was terrible," I joked. It only made Harry do another face-palm, which made me laugh lightly. "But trust me, I know that was horrible. I've been listening to all your music, if you couldn't tell already," I randomly said. Harry perked up at my words, his back straightening a bit as he intently looked at his laptop screen.

"And what do you think?" He asked, his hand returning to his lap as he looked at me nervously.

"I like them."

"Do you really?"

"I do," I smiled. Harry let out a little sigh of relief, which I thought was really cute.

"What are your favourites from each album?"

"Hold on, lemme find the tracklists." I went onto my notes app where I had the track lists of all his five albums and bolded the songs that I liked the most. "Okay so for Up All Night it has got to be More Than This, I Wish and Tell Me A Lie." Harry nodded his head, approving my choices. "Then for Take Me Home it is Kiss you, Last First Kiss, and Little Things. For Midnight Memories it's Story Of My Life, Don't Forget Where You Belong, Happily—I have a lot of favourites in this album—Through The Dark, and Better Than Words."


"Is that a bad thing?" I laughed. "Isn't it supposed to be a compliment?"

"Oh, it is, trust me. Continue."

"From Four, my favourites are Ready To Run, Where Do Broken Hearts Go, 18, Girl Almighty, Night Changes, and Fireproof. And then my favourites from Made In The A.M. is Drag Me down, Love You Goodbye, History, and A.M.."

"You basically said almost all the songs," he smirked feeling really pleased with himself.

"What?" I asked, feeling a bit self-conscience all of a sudden.

"Nothing, it's just that I thought you would only say one song from each album."

"Uh...okay?" I said having absolutely no idea what that meant.

"It's good," he reassured with a smile. "I'm happy with what you said."

"Can I ask you a question, though?"


"Is the line, "If you're looking for someone to write your breakup songs about," referring to Taylor Swift?" I smirked.

"Everyone keeps asking this!" He threw his hand up in defeat.

"Because it is! Isn't it."

"Yeah, it is," he admitted casually after with a little shrug of his left shoulder. I let out a good laugh from his confession before carrying on the conversation. I could have gone on about his ex's, but that really didn't matter to me...

Actually, it did.

It bothered me a lot actually.

I looked the completely opposite of the girls he dated. They were tall and slim, and I am short and thick. It clearly looked like Harry had a type for model-looking girls so, of course, that hurt. It constantly felt like a slap in the face whenever I would think of those girls he's dated.

"Are you busy today?" I asked to stop my previous thoughts.

"I am actually. I've got some meetings to go to—actual meetings this time," he said with a light chuckle. "I've got some errands to do and I'm meeting up with some mates for dinner. You?"

"No, not busy. Just gonna chill and hang out with my cats. Probably just watch videos of Dave Franco on YouTube or something."

"Ahh," he nodded his head and chuckled. "I need to go now, though, so I will pick you up at 10-ish?"

"Okay, sounds good," I smiled. "Bye. Have fun with everything you need to do today."

"Thanks, love. You too. See you later." Harry rose his hand in a wave as I ended the call.

Starting my mornings off by talking to Harry really lifted my mood for the rest of the day. It's been just two days since Plan: Be Happy and so far it is working. I made sure to take my iron supplements because I have anaemia (and apparently having low iron levels had a huge influence on your mood and depression) and I also took daily vitamins too.

I was bored as fuck after watching Dave Franco videos for three hours straight, so I quickly made an egg sandwich to eat before baking some red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting because I liked to bake and just why the hell not. I listened to a throwback playlist on Spotify while baking and sang and danced along to the songs.

When my sister came home from school, we chatted for a bit before she had to do her homework. So while she did that, I decided to make a new blog post about Plan: Be Happy. But I didn't finish because soon enough my mum came home from work, I had dinner, and it was already time to get ready for the movies with Harry.

I took a shower and let it dry naturally. I put on some mascara but decided against foundation because I never wore that around him and I felt like if I did, I would be putting in way too much effort. For clothes, I went for dark high waisted jeans, a plain white t-shirt, and an oversized blue and green flannel to go on top. I put on white socks and grabbed my wallet and black side purse, putting my wallet inside.

I had perfect timing because as soon as I went downstairs, Harry was calling my cell phone.

"You here?" I asked as I went to the front door to put on my shoes.

"Yup, just parked and I'm getting out of my car." On cue, I heard the sound of his car door slamming on the phone and with my own ears. I went to the door and opened it, seeing Harry just a few feet away.

"Hey," I said, still talking on the phone.

"Hey," he replied back with his dashing smile. We both hung up and slipped our phones in our pockets.

"One sec, I just got to put on these shoes." I sat on the floor and untied the laces, cursing inside of my head since they always took forever to put on.

"No worries."

"Is that Harry?" I heard my mum yell from the living room.

"Oh no," I groaned to myself. Mum came rushing to the door and gave him a hug. Harry smiled politely and said hello. Alex also came a few seconds later.

"Want something to eat or drink, Harry?"

"No, thank you. I really appreciate it, though, Louise," he smiled.

"Are you sure?" From hearing the word "eat", it reminded me of the cupcakes I made earlier today. I dashed to the kitchen and grabbed the small box that has two red velvet cupcakes inside before returning to the front door.

"He's sure, mum. Thank you." I gave them a hug and dragged Harry out of the house by holding his arm. "We don't want to be late for the movie."

"When does it start?" Alex asked.

"In twenty-five minutes."

"Oh, you've got to go then! Do you have money?" Mum asked.

"Yeah, I do. Thank you. Don't worry," I smiled reassuringly at her.

"Okay, bye, Tarrie. Bye, Harry. Have fun watching the movie!"

"Thanks, Mum. Bye."

"Bye." Harry waved as we walked to his car. He opened the door for me like a gentleman and I thanked him as I sat inside. "No prob, babe." I flushed as he said those words, so I was very glad I had time to compose myself as he went around the car to his side.

After buckling up, I put my phone on silent (so I wouldn't forget to do that later on) and slipped it in my bag. I saw I already had a pack of tissues in there as well, which will be very much needed while watching the film.

"Where is it?" Harry asked as he turned on the engine. I told him the route and Harry followed my words. "What's that?" Harry nodded his head to the box in my hands.

"Oh, I made some red velvet cupcakes earlier and there're lots of extras so I wanted to give you some."

"Oh wow, thank you. That's really sweet, I appreciate it," he smiled at me. In ten minutes we parked in the lot. I left the box on my seat and climbed out of the tall car. We walked side by side inside the building. It was dark outside and it was lightly raining.

As we got our tickets, I tried to pay for it but Harry was faster and tapped his card on the card machine before I even had the chance to open my wallet.

"Are you ever going to let me pay?" I asked him.

"Never," he stuck his tongue out at me. I shook my head and made it my person mission to pay for the food at least. So I kept my card in my hand, hiding it from Harry with the sleeve of my flannel. "Want some food? You hungry?"

I wasn't really hungry but I nodded my head because I wanted to pay for something. "Want to share popcorn or something?" I asked.

"Sure. But I don't like butter on mine, if you don't mind," he said slowly and sheepishly.

"I don't mind. Plus, I would rather not get my fingers all buttery."

"Do we want a drink too?"

"I'm fine without."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, are you getting some?" He shook his head. We ordered the popcorn and as Harry went to grab his wallet from his pack pocket, I quickly stuck my hand out and tapped my card on the machine.

"Wait, what?" Harry said with shock as he had the card ready in his hand. "Taryn," he looked at me. I shrugged, a satisfied smirk on my face. "I wanted to pay."

"I wanted to pay too." I knew Harry only meant well by wanting to pay, but I didn't like him paying for everything. I knew I didn't have millions of spare money, but I had some and I wanted to use it. "Now let's get our seats." I let Harry hold the popcorn since he would have taken it from me anyway—even though I was clearly capable of holding a bag of popcorn. I was actually surprised that no one noticed him and stopped him for a picture or autograph. I guessed it must have helped that it was really late at night and there was almost no one in the cinema.

"Do you watch movies often?" I asked as we took a seat three rows from the back. There was a group of friends (all female) a few rows ahead of us on the left side of the theatre and two couples somewhere behind us. The pre-show was already on, and some lady on the advert was talking about a new movie that was coming out soon.

"Ehh, not really. But I did watch a film a few months back. Do you watch often?"

"No, not really too. I would rather just wait for it to come online, to be honest."

"Sneaky, sneaky," he teased.

"What? It's free."

"And illegal."

"Ehh, that's not really important," I joked and we both laughed. I put some popcorn in my mouth not being able to stop myself from thinking of all the germs that were on my hands. Harry's phone suddenly rang really loudly, making the group of girls turn their heads towards us. "Tsk, tsk," I teased back at him as he scrambled to get his phone out of his pocket.

"I should probably turn this off," he sheepishly said. Even with this dim lighting, I could still see his cheeks turn a light shade of pink.

"Is the Harry Styles embarrassed?" I whispered, teasingly. "I would have thought that nothing flustered you."

"There are some things that make me flustered, believe it or not," he said staring right into my eyes.

"Like what?" I forced out. In the inside, I was melting into a puddle from the look he gave me.

"My phone ringing at inappropriate times, is one. Tripping and falling are another—I did a lot of those one stage and it came up in an interview once. They showed the video for everyone to see, it was so embarrassing," he chuckled to himself. "And girls too." He looked at me again. I nodded and tried to eat more popcorn as graciously as I possibly could. I bet it didn't look gracious at all, though. "Now spill me yours, T." I nodded my head, my mind whirling with possible answers as I swallowed the popcorn and tried not to choke while doing so.

"There's a lot of them—I can go on for hours." Harry gave me a look so I took a deep breath and listed them. "Speaking in class, calling people I don't really know well on the phone, going to new places and not knowing where to go, seeing someone I kinda know somewhere other than school and trying to hide from them...There's way too much." I tried to lift up the mood by letting out a soft chuckle. Those were only the very few things that my anxiety makes me embarrassed or flustered about.

"How about guys?"

"Oh, them too." I put more popcorn in my mouth. "I'm not gay or bi or anything, but even girls makes me nervous. Just anyone who looks intimidating—so basically everyone really. Even little kids and dogs." Harry laughed. "I'm serious."

"I know, I'm sorry. I wasn't laughing at you. You just—it was funny how you said it."

The lights dimmed and I bounced in my seat with excitement. I read the book a while ago, so I already knew what was going to happen in the story, yet I still cried at the end. I cried while reading the book and I cried while watching the movie. It was hard not to. I felt like even people who never cry while watching movies would at least have a tear shed while watching it.

As the credits started rolling, took out another tissue from my bag since my first one was all wet and gross. I sniffled, wiped my face, and blew my nose. When I looked at Harry I wasn't surprised that he was wiping his tears from his face as well.

"Want a tissue?" I offered. I didn't wait for a reply, I grabbed the last one I had left and gave it to him.

"Thanks, T— Fuck, that was sad."

"I know."

We got up from our seats and walked out the theatre room. I immediately squinted my eyes from the burn in my eyes from the bright lights. We threw out the empty popcorn bag in the bin, along with our nasty tissues. We made a quick stop to the washroom to wee and wash our hands before leaving the building to go back into the darkness of the parking lot.

But as soon as we stepped out, we heard and felt the heavy, heavy rain. It instantly made us soaking wet, even if we were only out there for a few seconds.

"It's raining!" Harry screamed out while holding his arms out, his palms facing the sky. He tilted his head back and opened his mouth, his head shaking side to side as he took in the moment. Then he looked at me and held his hand out for me to take.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Enjoy the rain, Tarrie. It's actually so nice if you enjoy it. Come on. Like Will says, live boldly." I was wet, tired, and cold. I could just imagine myself getting sick tomorrow.

Do it for Plan: Be Happy.

So I grabbed Harry's hand and did the exact same thing he did. I stretched my arms out beside me and looked up at the sky. I had to blink constantly to prevent the rain drops from hitting my eyes. But I had a genuine smile on my face as I just took in how I felt at that moment.

I felt this weird sense of freedom and happiness.

"May I have this dance?" Harry asked with his hand out again.

"I'd love to," I replied. We both had goofy smiles on our faces. People passing by would probably think we were crazy, but I couldn't care less.

I placed my left hand in his and my right hand on his shoulder. Harry put his hand on my waist and we both just randomly started dancing in a circle as Harry hummed a tune to a song I didn't recognise. I couldn't help a laugh from slipping out as Harry dipped me, my face again being covered with more rain. Harry slowly pulled me back up and he changed the rhythm of our dancing.

Instead of a more ballroom type of dance, we were slow dancing. Both his hands were around my waist and as I wrapped my arms around his neck, he pulled me closer towards him, our bodies just an inch apart. Time felt like it slowed as we stared at each other. My heart was pounding against my ribcage, harder than the rain that was hitting the ground.

Oh, Harry looked so beautiful right now. Droplets of rain were running down his structured face, some getting caught on his lashes, making them look darker and bolder. His eyes were an intense shade of dark emerald. They looked so beautiful and mesmerising, I could stare at them all day if I could. His hair was flattened by the water, some strands pressing against his forehead and cheeks. I felt it hard to breathe as we continued staring into each other's eyes.

We have already stopped dancing a long while ago and we probably stared for another few moments before he leant in. My breathing got caught in my throat and a million thoughts suddenly popped into my head.

He's going to kiss me.

Holy shit.

What if my breath smells?

Why would he want to kiss me?

Shit, he's closing his eyes.

I felt my eyes closing too as his lips were pure millimetres away from mine. I felt his grip on my waist tighten, holding me even closer to him.

Then I felt his soft, wet lips against my own.

My head felt like it was spinning as we started kissing each other under the rain. It felt perfect. Everything felt so right as our lips moulded together so wonderfully. My whole body was tingling and my heart felt like it was going to explode.

Harry's hands slide up the sides of my white shirt, that was probably see-through from the rain, and cupped my jaws as he continued kissing me deeply. My mouth opened and he slide his tongue in. My left hand held the back of his neck while my other ran through his hair.

But we soon pulled away, both of us gasping for air. We looked at each other, my eyes glancing down to his pink and sore lips. They curved up in a smile and I looked back into his eyes. I felt his thumb brush over my lips, wiping the water away.

"That was my first kiss in the rain," he whispered. "And I loved every second of it." If the butterflies in my stomach weren't already fluttering all over the place, they sure as hell were now.

"Me too," I smiled.

Harry gripped my hand in his, our fingers interlocking as we walked back to his car. I felt bad getting his car seat wet, but Harry said it wasn't a problem.

We sat in silence as he drove me back to my house. When he parked, Harry walked me up to my door like how he always did. But this time, he leant down and pressed a soft kiss on my lips as we said good night. I smiled at him and he smiled back as I entered my house. When I closed the door behind me, I had to lean against it to wrap my head around everything that just happened not too long ago.


haryn kissed! i was melting while writing that part because i was just imagining myself as her and i'm gonna cry. i want a harry so badly! if someone can find out where to get one, please tell me. *le cries*

i love you so so so much, i hope you are having a lovely day. if you aren't, i hope this chapter made it a bit brighter. stay lovely xx.

~ May <3

p.s. it's 12:42am and i need to take up at 7am lol rip me :P but i really hope you enjoyed this chapter :))

p.p.s. i am still writing the netpals epilogue, but it will be up by the end of this month <3

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