Sweet as Honey (An OHSHC FanF...

By BubblesTheHippo

133K 3.4K 1.4K

Honey meets a new girl. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Ch 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 58
Part 59

Part 57

873 24 0
By BubblesTheHippo

School was a hassle. I knew I had to do well, so I begrudgingly studied every single day. Everyone was caught up with the coming exams, and the week before exams, clubs were cancelled.

I studied like a maniac. Mom had told me a week or so before that we were all going to a party on Christmas Eve. It was a business party in the northern part of Japan, so it was going to be freaking cold there. And of course I didn't want to go. Mitsukuni and I were going to meet up on Christmas and exchange gifts and... go on a date. We hadn't gotten very far with our plan, other than spending the day together. Probably go get some cake.

Anyway, Mom and I came to an agreement: if I got number one in the exams, I wouldn't have to go to the party. Thank goodness I wasn't in the same grade as Kyoya. There'd be no way I could beat that guy.

Then exam week rolled up.

"Good luck Rika!" Mitsukuni told me with a bright grin in the morning on our first day of exams.

"Thanks! You too," I replied.

The math test wasn't bad, but the history one sucked! And don't get me started on the Japanese language test...

"What should we do on Christmas?" Mitsukuni asked me. We were waiting to get our scores back the day after our last test.

I shrugged. "I don't know. I might have to go to a business party on Christmas Eve." I sighed. "Is your family doing anything over Christmas?"

"Not really!" he replied, all-smiles as usual. "We usually celebrate it with family." "Then can we still..."
"Of course!"
Agh, I better have gotten first!


Oh man. Mitsukuni came walking back down the aisle looking pretty pleased. Is that a good thing? But no, that's his results! Not mine. Ahh.


I stood to get my exam papers back. Once they were in my hands, I immediately flipped to the page that showed who was the top in our grade.

Well. Let's just say that...

Damn! Damn it!

"How'd you do?" Mitsukuni asked curiously.

I frowned.

His eyebrows rose. "But you got second place, didn't you?"

I nodded. "Yeah, but now I have to go to the Christmas party," I whined, making a pouty face. "I don't want to. Mitsukuniiiii."

He giggled. "It's okay. It's a party on Christmas Eve, right? You'll be back by Christmas." "Right." I smiled. "So we can still meet up?"

And now! A classic dilemma in all shoujo mangas! What the heroine gets as a present for the hero!

Tsk. The heros have it easy. It's so easy to pick a good present for girls. You can get them jewelry, cute charms or other decoration, or just plain flowers. You can't buy flowers for a guy! Or jewelry! Or anything cute! And what can you get a guy? I've seen mittens in manga before. Oh there's also handmade scarves, hats, and more. And I think I've seen earrings for guys that have piercings. But there's no way Mitsukuni's ears are pierced!

Ah, maybe cake or chocolate is the best way to go after all.

"Kimiko-nee." I knocked on my sister's bedroom door. Soft footsteps approached before the door opened.

"What is it?" she asked. Behind her, her desk was covered in papers and textbooks.

"Aren't you done with your exams?" I said.

She glanced behind at her messy desk, then smiled. "Yeah. But... well, I was just reviewing what I got wrong. I want to do better next time."

Oh. Amazing! Onee-san, you've leveled up even more!

"That's not why you came to talk to me right?" she asked.
I shook my head. "What are you getting Masa-san for Christmas?"

"Eh-Eh?!" she squeaked, jumping slightly and definitely blushing. "Why are you asking that Rika? It's none- none of your business!"

"I need ideas, Onee-san," I replied.

"Oh. Ideas." She nodded then chuckled. "Well Masahiko-kun really likes watching historical movies, so I'm getting him one of those. And maybe a hat."

Movies huh?
"What does Honey-kun like?" Kimiko asked, opening her door further. "Want to sit down or something?"

I sat down at the edge of her bed, thinking. "He likes cake and anything sweet. He likes Usa-chan. And his friends and family."

"I guess you could always get him a cake, but I'm sure he'll be happy with anything you give him. You would be, wouldn't you?"

That's true. I don't even need a present from him. Just spending time with him would be enough. Hm... I hopped off Kimiko's bed. "Okay! Thanks a lot, Onee-san!"
She smiled. "Sure, though I didn't do anything."
"I have an idea now though!"

The next day, we flew off to Asahikawa, a city in Hokkaido. After endless pestering from me and a bit of persuasion from Dad, Mom agreed to send me back to Tokyo early Christmas morning.

We had a small house in Asahikawa. And small means three floors with seven bedrooms and their own connected bathrooms, a huge living room, an average-sized kitchen, and an entire office floor.

We settled down and then there wasn't anything for me to do. So I pulled out my phone and sent an email: "I'm in Asahikawa right now Akane. And I'm bored!"

A moment later, my phone sounded and an email appeared: "Asahikawa! Cool! ^-^ My parents want to eat dinner together by themselves on Christmas, so what should I do? Eat by myself? They said if I wanted to I could go eat with them, but I'd rather not interrupt their date haha."

"Go eat with Goofy!"

"Hm. Not a bad idea. I'll ask right now."


"Hey he said we could go eat together! With Yuuta-kun of course."

"Great! What about their mom?"

"She's working."

"On Christmas too? That sucks."

"Yeah I know right?"

"Rika! Come on!" Mom called from somewhere within the house. "Your father's going to give you a tour of the Hayashi stores here."

"Gotta go later."
Then I dashed out of the bedroom. It was about time I started getting to know more about the family


I spent the day by my dad's side. I attended a long and mundane meeting and visited many Hayashi Sweets stores with him.

On Christmas Eve, our entire family took several hours to prep for the party. It was, apparently, a business party hosted by a family in the agriculture department, and everyone had to be at their best. Ugh. The party was actually a small one. Only the wealthiest families involved in cooking, baking, and, in general, the production of food, were invited. Which meant that the Funakis were also here.

It was boring. The room was pretty though, with crystal chandeliers that shone, pale blue paint, and a large Christmas tree in the corner with plenty of decorations and lights. Overall, it had quite the Christmas spirit.

People talked. I talked, a bit, but mainly just hung around my parents and enjoyed the yummy food. Finally, the party ended and we returned home. God, I can't believe we flew all the way here for such a drab event! "What did you think, Rika?" Mom asked, as we took off our winter coats.

"It was boring," I replied. Obviously that wasn't what she wanted to hear, so I continued, "But, uh, educational. I met a lot of people who I'll work with in the future. It was a good opportunity."
Mom rose one eyebrow. She knew I thought it was boring and nothing more than that. "Alright. You'll get used to these things. Go to sleep so you can get on the flight tomorrow morning."

She sighed, disappointed in the discrepancy between my excitement for the party and for returning to Tokyo.

Whatever. I still have at least four years before I really have to start taking over the family company. Things like this serious and boring stuff can wait!

It was six in the morning. And no, I do not like waking up at six in the morning. But it was six in the morning, and there was bad news.

"I'm sorry Rika, but in this weather, the plane really won't be able to lift off. It's too dangerous."

Of all things. I should have seen this coming. When does nature not ruin things for couples? I guess nature does some good stuff, like making it rain and getting two people under one umbrella but this?!

I sighed, lying down on the couch in the living room. "Wake me when I can leave. And that better be soon."

"It's a storm, Rika. It's not going to end soon. Just go back to sleep."

I sat up. "But Mitsukuni and I-"

"I know," Mom said. "But there is nothing we can do here. Now go back to your room and sleep. I'll wake you when things clear up and it's safe for a plane-"

"Let me take the train then!"
"The trains aren't moving right now. Nothing's going to be moving in this weather." She shook her head.

Damn this stupid weather! Why did we just have to be up north? Of course there'd be a blizzard at this time of the year! Stupid damn snow!

So I trudged up the stairs, to the bedroom, and collapsed on the bed. Mitsukuni. I better email him. Or should I call him? I haven't called him at all during this trip. But it's early in the morning. I'll call him later. For now I'll just send him an email.

"It's snowing a lot here so the plane can't take off in this crappy weather. I might not be able to meet up. At the very least, I'll be late. I'll call you later."

Damn it.

It sucked a lot. I really wanted to be with Mitsukuni right now. Feeling the warmth of his presence. Seeing his bright smile. I didn't want to be curled up under blankets in some foreign house under attack by a blizzard. I wanted to be home, where Mitsukuni was.

I woke up at about ten. And when I shoved the curtains aside, I was greeted with white. White on the ground, white in the sky, and white flurrying through the air.

"Mom!" I stormed down the stairs. "Can't you do something? It's still snowing!"
Mom sighed, running a hand through her hair. It was a rare sight to see her long, black hair down. "There is

nothing I can do here, Rika."

"But-" I paused and bit my lip. "But I promised Mitsukuni-"

"I know, I know. You two are a great and perfect and cute couple. A promise won't stop the blizzard, Rika. There is nothing that can be done. We can only wait it out. I'll send you off once it's safe."

Damn it.
I nodded and went back up to the bedroom, picking my phone up. Mitsukuni should be awake by now. "Hello?" It'd hardly been a few days but I already missed his voice.
"Hey Mitsukuni."
"Hey Rika! I got your email!"
"Oh good, but it's still snowing."
"Seriously? So you won't be able to come back in time?"
I frowned. "Probably not. Sorry."
"It's okay," he said. "It's not like you can do anything about it right?"
I stared out into the white landscape outside. "Yeah. Hey, I'll send you a picture. It's snowing like crazy." "Sure!"

"Is it snowing over there?"

"Yeah, just a little bit. It keeps melting though." He laughed. "At least this means it's a white Christmas!"

"Mm-hm." I lied down on the bed with a sigh. "Let's visit the shrine together for the New Year's."


"Are you going anywhere after Christmas?"

"I dunno. We might go visit our grandparents."

"When's that?"

"In a few days."

Man, this sucks. I won't be able to spend much of winter break with him. "But you'll be back before the New Year?"

"Definitely." "Okay."

We talked on the phone for a long time. Then I had some breakfast, helped my dad with a bit of work - mainly going through reports from each district's manager - and watched TV. It was a lame and pathetic Christmas.

The weather began to clear up later in the evening.
"Let me go!" I yelled when the snow finally stopped falling.

"Calm down, Rika," Kimiko said. "You're not the only one. Mom!" She whipped around to face Mom. "Let me go too!"

Mom rolled her eyes. "It's not like you're in prison or anything. I'll have the plane prepared. Go get ready." "Yes!" we said in unison.

It was about a two hour flight, and Kimiko and I were excited the whole way through. Mom and Dad would be returning later. Dad had some more business here, and Mom was going to stay with him.

The plane landed at ten-thirty.
I turned to my sister as we got off the plane. "Are you going to-"

"See Masahiko-kun? Of course!" she replied instantly. "I have to give him his present!" A car was already waiting for us, and since Masahiko's house was closer, Kimiko was dropped off first.

As the car made its way back towards our neighborhood, I started getting nervous and I wasn't even sure why. I'd picked out a gift, and I thought it was a good one. There wasn't any reason to be nervous. Right?

Well, it wasn't like I was completely calm when I was with Mitsukuni. My heart always sped up just a bit, and sometimes the whole world would just melt away. And of course there was a bit of anxiousness, cause I didn't want to look like an idiot or some shallow person in front of him. But it wasn't like this either. I was fidgeting and twitching and twirling my hair during the entire ride and practically jumped out of the car when we arrived.

Present. Present. I dug the bag out of my suitcase. "Take these to my room," I instructed the driver, pointing at my luggage and purse. "I'll be back later."

He nodded and bent down to pick my suitcase up. I took a deep breath and began walking towards the Haninozuka residence.

Ah! Maybe I should tell Mitsukuni that I'm coming! I did send him one email before the plane took off, but he only replied with an, "Okay!" Does that mean he'll be awake and waiting? He should be waiting right? This might be my last chance to see him before he goes and visits his grandparents. I have to-

The door opened and the butler bowed. "Mitsukuni-sama is waiting in his bedroom." I guess he was waiting? Or at least expecting?

I was tempted to run down the halls, but I figured that wouldn't be very polite of me. And were his parents around? Was his mom around?

"Ah, Rika-chan!"
Dang, speak of the... mother!
"He-Hello, Haninozuka-san," I said, almost tripping when I bowed.

She giggled. It sounded a lot like Mitsukuni's giggle. "No need to be so polite, Rika-chan." I straightened up and made sure my posture was correct. "I've already heard the story, about how you couldn't get here in time for your date. What a shame that you two couldn't meet up today."

"Yeah." I smiled. I wasn't sure what else to say.

"I won't hold you any longer, go on." She continued to beam as we passed each other down the hall. I think I know where Mitsukuni gets that never-dying grin now. Although his dad is a very cheery person too.

I knocked on his bedroom door and then rocked on my heels, swinging the bag back and forth. Oh man. What am I going to say? This is my first time giving him a gift, right? Can I just throw it at him? What if he doesn't like it? Am I going to get a present? What am I going to do? Do I even have to do anything? Wait does this even make sense anymore?

"Rika!" Mitsukuni's eyes widened at the sight of me and he beamed. Then he launched himself at me, hugging me tightly.

I stumbled, blushing from his enthusiasm, from seeing him again, and from touching him again. "Mitsukuni." "I missed you!" he said.

"I missed you too," I replied. I buried my face into his neck. How are we going to survive in the future when we both go on business trips? Ah, now I'm just getting ahead of myself.

"Um." We broke apart and I held the bag out to him. "Merry Christmas!"

He grinned. "Thanks, Rika! Let me get your gift." He darted back into the bedroom and I followed.
He came back with something behind his back. "Here!" Then he wrapped that something around my neck.

"Eh?" I stared down at the light pink and plush scarf and wondered whether I should be thinking crap or wow. "Oh, wow. Thanks. Okay. Actually, here." I shoved the bag at him. "Um." I blushed and ducked my face into the scarf. Oh wow. Wow wow wow! It's those super long and fluffy scarves in manga where the characters can bury their face into and look super cute with in the winter chapters and that's exactly what I'm doing right now but I doubt it looks the same!

"Can I open it right now?" he asked, glancing at me.

I blushed some more and took the bag back. "Actually." I reached in and pulled out a navy blue scarf, then quickly looped it around his neck. "I-I got a scarf too."

He grinned and I just blushed some more. "Thanks Rika!"
"Th-Thanks too," I mumbled, looking away even though what I'd said hadn't made much sense.

"Come on, look at me!" he said, swinging into my view. "Do you want to hug Usa-chan?" He pulled the bunny from behind him.

"No it's okay." I shook my head.
He pouted, complete with sad puppy eyes. "You don't want Usa-chan."

"Don't make that face!" I said. It really didn't help my heart's current state. "You know I can't say no to that face-"

"Then don't look so sad!" he replied with a bright grin. He pushed Usa-chan into my arms. "Did something happen?"

"No." I hugged the bunny tightly to my chest. Mitsukuni stared, then suddenly yanked Usa-chan out of my arms. "Hey! What the heck?"

He frowned. "Do-Don't hug Usa-chan!"
"What?" I said, super confused. He was blushing though. "Huh? What?"

He blushed some more. I wracked my brain for any possible reasons for this. When it hit me, I grinned and hugged him. "I-I was just nervous. Still nervous. I think. Ughh. Really nervous for some reason. And, uh, embarrassed cause I got a scarf too. Should I not have gotten a scarf?"

"No, a scarf's perfect!" He sounded happy.
"Okay." I let out a sigh in relief. "That's good. I'm glad to be back." "I'm glad you're back too!"

He left the next day for his grandparents. They'd come back on the thirty-first for the New Year. Meanwhile, I went out with some classmates and shadowed my dad while he worked.

Then it was the thirty-first of December.

I kept watch of the Haninozuka driveway, just waiting for a car to pull up. He wouldn't miss it right? It wasn't snowing today, and he'd gone south, not north. There was no way we wouldn't get together today. I wouldn't allow it!

I put my restless energy into baking, making cinnamon rolls and a tart lemon cake. I paced around the house, ran around on a treadmill for a while, before deciding to take a nap. It wouldn't be good if I got sleepy when we were at the shrine.

"So you're going to visit the shrine?" Mom asked, when I paced past her the second time in the living room where she was working.

"Yup! With Mitsukuni! He's coming over at eleven," I replied.

"Hm." Mom kept her gaze on the computer. "Since you seem bored, go get your sister down here. I want to talk to her."


At ten, after dinner and a brief nap, I started panicking about my outfit. "Onee-san!" I dashed into her bedroom, slamming the door open.

"Wh-What?!" she asked. She was standing in front of her closet with various dresses, skirts, and shirts on the ground and her bed.

"Help me pick something to wear!" I yelled.

"Help me!" she cried back.

We stared at each other and then smiled.

"What are you going to wear?" I asked, having calmed down. It wasn't like Mitsukuni would care what I wore. He'd probably say I looked cute in anything. But no! I have to dress nicely!

"I don't know," she replied, biting her lip and glancing around the mess she'd made. "I made a couple of outfits but I don't know which one to pick!"

Ah, another classic dilemma of a shoujo manga heroine. You know what, I don't care anymore! "Wait, you're going with Masa-san to the shrine too?" I asked.
"You are too?" she asked me.
We both nodded.

"Don't follow me okay?!" Kimiko said. It looked like she was blushing.
"Why would I follow you?"
Agh, better pick something before it's too late. And then, at eleven, off to the shrine we go! 

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