WANTED: Dead or Alive (Stoppe...

By YouGotThatWrite

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Five men wanted all around the world. Not because people love them. Because they're wanted. Wanted for steali... More

WANTED: Dead or Alive
Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.

Chapter Eight.

171 15 10
By YouGotThatWrite

A/N: Sorry for the wait! Ya'll so patient and I love you for that. So I wrote like most of this a while ago but then I lost the inspiration for the chapter and I couldn't get it back and it just got all ratchet so I'm sorry for some of the suckiness in this chapter. And don't hate me for what happens in it ok. All I'm gonna say is that it makes me sad so you might be sad near the end so be prepared. Okay, that's it. Till next time loves!

Chase gave a long stare, then lowered his gun to his side. Chandler sniffled as she watched her brother walk towards Max. Chase grabbed his good arm, and pulled him up to stand, then turned him around to loosen the ties. Before Chase let Max go, he gritted his teeth together, “Do anything I don’t like, and you’re dead.” As the last word was said, Max pushed away from Chase and took a few steps to Chandler. Chandler sat on the floor, mouth agape, looking from her brother and to Max - who apparently loved her.

The big question that was running through her head was: did she love him? She smiled softly as Max sat next to her on the floor and pulled her onto his lap and into his strong arms. She sniffled a few more times as she settled against his chest. Max had a small smile on his lips as she finally settled and had her head on his chest, his heartbeat ringing through her skull.

Chase grunted, keeping a close eye on Max as he went out to the kitchen to talk to Kane. Jay watched as Max and Chandler held each other. He didn’t like it - he was mad at Max for growing feelings for her, which would make this whole thing harder, he was mad because he and the others would die as Chandler would refuse to have Max killed and he was a little bit ... jealous? Yup, Jay’s head was filling with jealousy. He wanted someone to hold, someone to kiss, someone to love. Hell, he was sure all the boys wanted that. It was practically written all over Nathan’s face as he watched the pair on the floor.


“How she doing?”

Chase sighed, as he took a seat next to his father at the breakfast bar. “She’s ... okay.” Kane’s head dropped as his hope of her loving him as her father was starting to crumble. “Max is comforting her right now.” Kane’s head snapped up and looked at Chase.


“Max, he’s comforting her. I’m not fond of it either but-”

“But what?! He’s a criminal, he probably did it so he can kill us-”

Chase shook his head, mumbling an ‘I don’t know’. Kane let out a growl, “They seemed like they had feelings for each other.”

“He’s playing you,”

“Go look at them then, tell me that’s not what love looks like. Tell me that’s not how you looked at Mum.” Chase snapped, putting his head down and running his hands through his hair in slight frustration. Kane was quiet. He didn’t say anything to Chase as he got up and walked to the living room. Peeking around the wall, he saw them, Max and Chandler holding each other, he assumed Max was whispering sweet things into her ear for his lips were moving. Chandler had her head on his chest, and she would smile as Max gave a kiss on the top of her head.

Kane walked back to his seat in the kitchen. Chase looked over at him and Kane nodded slightly; that’s how he felt when he was with Chandler and Chase’s mother - in love. Chase’s stomach clenched nervously, for he had to do something that Chandler wouldn’t like. He had to finish this whole thing.

He sighed, stood up and walked to the living room, gun in his hand.


Max’s lips lingered on Chandler’s head, the smell of her hair, (which was an apple scent) crawling into his nose. “Just give it some time, maybe talk to him.”



“I- I don’t know,”

“Just talk it out,” Max pulled away to look at her face. Tear streaks were down her soft cheeks, her eyes red and a bit puffy. She kept sniffling every so often, and seeing her like this made Max sad too. He didn’t want to see her cry.

All these emotions were running through Max’s body. He knew he should hate her and try to get away from all these people who broke into their house, but he couldn’t. He didn’t know if it was real love or something that was happening because he hasn’t been this close to the opposite sex since this whole criminal facade started, but he loved it and he didn’t want it to go away.

“Not right now,” Chandler muttered, “I mean, he wants to do a few things right now..” Chandler’s voice lowered to a whisper as the thought of Max dead flashed into her mind. Max knew she was thinking about it as her body tensed and she gripped his shirt tighter.

“It’s fine, don’t think about that.”

“He’s going to kill you or you’ll go to jail for the rest of your life, and I have a nasty feeling that you might have a death penalty. So either way, you’re dead.” Max’s stomach twisted. “And I don’t want you dead - not yet.”

Max made a funny face, pulling away to look at Chandler’s face. “Not yet?!” Chandler’s lips curved up into a small smile. Max mirrored it and laughed, “When the hell do you want me dead?”

“I might do it now if you don’t shut up.”

Max put a hand to his chest as he said dramatically, “You wouldn’t,”

“Don’t test me George,” Chandler’s eyes twinkled with mischief.


Chase entered the living room again. He stood over Chandler and Max. “Break it up. We have business to do.” Chandler scowled.


“Yes, business.” Chandler got up and grabbed her brother’s arm, pulling him out of the room. She stopped when she saw Kane in the kitchen. They made slight eye contact and Chandler dragged her brother up the stairs, near the boys’ rooms.

“You’re not killing him. I won’t let you.” Chandler folded her arms across her chest.

“I’m not.”

“Then what business is to be done?”

“The others,” Chase muttered, “Unless you’re fucking them too.” Chandler’s mouth dropped.

“Excuse you?”


“That wasn’t fucking nothing Chase!”

“I’m sorry,” Chase sighed, turning away from her. Chandler grabbed his arm again.

“Like hell you are!” Chandler looked at her brother in disbelief. “You honestly think I wanted this to happen?”

Chase was losing his cool. And patience. “No, but since it did, it fucked this whole thing up Chandler! They’re wanted men. Criminals, hell he’s probably playing you!” Damn, using words your father uses isn’t the coolest thing ever.


“No Chan, I’m not the one who fucked up the mission this time, it was you. You fucked this up and now I have to figure out what to do because you’re too busy crying over Dad.”

“I’m sorry that I have ‘daddy issues’ Chase!”

“I told you to leave it till we got home!”

“I didn’t want to work with some guy I barely knew shit about, okay.” Chandler gritted her teeth. “Why the fuck did you bring him here anyway?! It’s your fault I’m like this you dick. So guess what, you did fuck up this mission! Just like all the other ones!”

Chase’s jaw clenched, “Sorry I’m such a fuck up Chan.” And with that, he went down the stairs. He was done talking to Chandler for right now. His blood was pumping and he needed to calm down.


Trent, Troy and Brad kept their eyes on Max and the others. Max sat against the couch, playing with his fingers. He looked over at Jay when he made a psst noise. “What?” Max snapped.

“Untie us,”


“Traitor,” Tom coughed into his shoulder.

“Just do it,” Jay hissed. “Or I’ll find another way out and kill you myself.”

“Because when you say that James makes me want to untie you even more.” Max rolled his eyes, as Jay gave a growl.

“Just fucking do it.” Max sighed, this bad feeling filling his blood stream. He scooted on the floor bit by bit that their babysitters wouldn’t notice immediately. Max quickly untied Jay’s hands and scooted back, but not before Tom whined about wanting his undone too. As Max untied Tom, Jay did Siva, then Siva did Nath. They all sat with their hands behind their back, like they were still tied as Trent looked over at them suspiciously.

“Staring’s not nice mate,” Tom said. Trent scowled then continued talking with Brad and Troy.

Jay’s eyes darted around the room, and they landed on the coffee table near Trent, Troy and Brad. A gun. Jay nodded over to the other boys and they nodded back. Jay looked over at Nathan and Nathan cleared his throat.

Trent, Troy and Brad looked over at Nathan. “I need to use the loo.”

“No.” They all said.

“I’m not pissing my pants.”

They all looked at each other. “No.” They repeated.

Nathan’s jaw clenched, “Please.”

“Trent, you do it.”

Trent looked over at Brad. “You do it.”

“No, you.”

“Yeah, do it Trent.” Troy pushed Trent towards Nathan. Trent walked over to him and sighed.

“Come on, get up -” Trent was cut off by Nathan kicking him in the gut. Nathan stood up and punched Trent in the stomach, then the nose, then again in the stomach. Trent fell to the ground, as Brad and Troy’s brain finally processed what was happening. Brad, who was first, went up to go and grab Nathan, but Tom’s foot stepped in front of Brad’s and Brad tumbled to the floor. Tom straddled Brad to the floor and started to punch. Jay jumped over the two, towards the gun. Siva ran and slammed into Troy, making the both of them trip backwards and make Troy hit the wall hard. Siva held his arm at his throat and started to give blows to his stomach and jaw.

Max stood up and watched the mess, watching the door to see when someone would come in. In a matter of seconds, Trent, Troy and Brad were bruised, bloody and unconscious. Jay had the gun in his hand, looked to see it was fully loaded and walked around the room, jaw clenched and eyes dark.

He walked over Troy - a loud bang ringing through the room and a bullet in his head. Max jumped when that happened. Jay made his way over to Brad - a bullet through his head. Max’s head hung down, not wanting to see anymore of anything. Jay walked over to Trent - a bullet through his head. Nathan, Tom and Siva, dragged the bodies over to the wall and out of the way.

Tom patted their bodies down for weapons. A gun on each of them. Tom looked over at Max, then Jay.  “He doesn’t have a gun, mate.”

Jay looked at Max, “He doesn’t get one.” Jay stood in the middle of the living room, with the others standing next to him. The rush of footsteps reached all their ears. Jay’s hand clenched, “This ends now.”


Chandler grabbed the railing in shock. Her brain rattled with thoughts. Those were gunshots. Chandler’s legs shook a bit as she took a step to the stairs. “Chase,” She whispered. She went down the stairs slowly, pausing a few times when a stair creaked. She pulled out her gun. Raised and loaded, she stepped into the kitchen. Against the wall, she saw Kane and Chase, guns out and listening for anything.

Chandler went over to her brother, “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” He nodded.

Kane cleared his throat, “I’ll go first.” Kane peeked around the corner and into the living room.

“Come on out,” Jay snapped. “I don’t have all day.” Kane held his gun up still as he stood in the entryway of the living room. His eyes darted all over the room looking for Trent, Brad and Troy. His sucked in a breathe and his stomach grew sick as he saw them on the floor, against the wall, dead.

“You bastards.”

Chase tensed. “What happened?” He whispered. Chandler’s heart rate sped up. Kane looked over at the two and just nodded at them to come out. Chase came out slowly, followed by Chandler. Chandler saw the dead bodies first and put a hand up to her mouth, eyes watery.

“Trent, no.” She choked on a sob. She took a step and Chase grabbed her wrist tightly. “Don’t touch me!” Chandler made her way over to her friend, crouching down and bringing a hand to his cheek. “I’m so sorry Trent.” A tear rolled down her cheek. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

Chase’s throat started to burn, and his eyes started to water as he watched his sister and friend. Then made his gaze over to Brad, “I’m sorry bro.”  Kane didn’t even want to look at his friend, Troy. Not now, not yet.

Max couldn’t watch Chandler. It broke his heart too much. A hatred and worry grew inside of him for Jay. Jay was getting out of control, and Max had to stop him before he did something he didn’t need to do.

Chandler’s gaze went from Trent to the criminals. Her eyes darkened and her fists clenched. “I hope you rot in hell.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if you went there with us love,” Tom muttered. Chandler stood up slowly, her eyes going to each of the boys. When Max made eye contact with her, she had a sad but disgusted look on her face. Max opened his mouth to say something, anything, but nothing came out. 

“I’m going to kill you.” And with that, her gun was raised and bullets started to fly out. Everyone dispersed to take cover behind furniture. Chandler ran to where her brother and father were standing. Chandler took cover with Kane on one side of wall and across them, Chase was tucked behind the wall. The three of them started to shoot.

Jay, Siva and Nathan dove behind the couch, settled there and started to shoot back. Tom and Max hid behind the lazy boy chair. Tom poked his head out and started to shoot also. Max peeked out from behind the chair and brought it back in as Kane aimed at him. The bullet whizzed by and Max took in a breath.

Thoughts were banging against Max’s skull. Should he try to kill Chandler and them? Should he stop Jay? Should he sit there until the majority of them were dead? Should he shoot himself to get out of this mess? He didn’t have a fucking clue. Max rubbed his throbbing head. His gaze went to his right as a swear flew through the air repeatedly.

Max saw that Siva was nicked on his arm. A bullet grazed him pretty good and it was bleeding. Nathan looked down at Siva’s wound and ripped Siva’s shirt. He tied the fabric around Siva’s arm.

Tom dug through his pocket and pulled out another round of bullets. As he slid the tiny metal assassins in to the cylinder, he looked over at Max. “You got any ammo, mate?” Max shook his head. Tom snapped the cylinder back into place, “You’re not lying to me right?”

“Fuck off,” Tom smirked turning to peek out from behind the lazy boy to shoot. Tom’s aim went from Chandler, to Kane, then to Chase. Tom watched carefully as Chase and Chandler took turns shooting. He smiled to himself as he waited a minute or so, aiming carefully as one of them came into his line of fire.


“I don’t have many bullets left,” Chase muttered.

“Ditto,” Kane mumbled.

“Just go downstairs.” Chandler said, “They have weapons of all kinds down there. Along with the ammunition.” Kane and Chase exchanged looks. “Someone runs to the door as the other two cover, get weapons then come back up here, kill them, we go home.”

“Who’s the fastest?” Chase asked as he sat against the wall, unloading his gun and checking the bullets.

Chandler looked over at Kane. “I vote him,”


“He’s closest.”

Chase looked up at his father. Kane looked from Chandler then to Chase. He nodded, handing his gun to Chase. “Cover me. I’m going in.” Kane stayed against the wall until he had to run to the door and pull it open. Bullets were aimed at him and he dodged them carefully.

Making his way down the stairs, Kane saw the intensity of how stocked these criminals were. He saw the chemicals and poisons, the intelligent computer system, the wall of weapons. Kane walked up to the wall and grabbed all the guns he could: AK’s, USP Elites, Beretta's, machine guns, and the good old two barrel shotguns. As Kane turned with the gun stuffed into his pockets, back of his pants and hung around his torso, he saw a door slightly opened. He walked towards it and pulled it open slightly.

His eyes grew wide at the stolen goods that were shining in the dull light. “How the hell did they do it..” Kane muttered as he turned to jog up the stairs. He heard the bullets still being thrown at each other at the speed of light. Kane gripped the handle of the door, twisted and ran.


“Took you long enough.” Chase grumbled, grabbing a Beretta from his father who stood beside him. Chase stuffed the bullets in and took a few shots. He fired at Jay and Nathan. 

Kane slide an AK 47 over to Chandler. She picked it up with a grin. “Come to momma.” Chase laughed at his sister with a small smile on his face as he took a few more shots. Chandler slid the last bullet into her gun, looking up at her brother with a small smile, but that was gone in a flash.

It seemed to go in slow motion.

Chandler’s mouth dropped as she watched the pointed piece of death slide through her brother’s forehead. His body fell backward - gone of life. Chandler’s hands shook as they went to her mouth. Tears filled her line of vision as she watched him crash to the floor. Chandler let out a shriek that made the whole house go silent.

Kane stumbled back, dropping a box of bullets to the floor. Kane looked up at Chandler and her face was hot with tears, her body shaking. Kane looked back down at his son as a sob rocked through him.

Chase’s body laid there on the floor. Blood trailed out of his system from his forehead and the back of his head where the bullet existed. Chase’s face was calm and serene. His eyes were open and for some reason, Chandler was hoping they’d blink and he’d get back up. The blue in Chase’s eyes were dull - no more light shining in them.

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