The Last Mage

By ShawnnaLea

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The seers have prophesied since the downfall of the Guardians and the escape of the demons, of one born of ma... More

Chapter 1: A New Life
Chapter 2: A Secret
Chapter 3: A Touch
Chapter 4: A Dream
Chapter 5: Words
Chapter 6: Unwanted Answers
Chapter7: Decisions
Chapter 8: To Be Still
Chapter 9: A light at the Window
Chapter 10: Premonition
Chapter 11: Invisible
Chapter 12: A Letter
Chapter 13: Wishes
Chapter 14: Discovered
Chapter15: Old Friends
Chapter 16: An Argument
Chapter 17: Escape?
Chapter 18: A View
Chapter 19: The Trail
Chapter 20: That Bird
Chapter 21: On the Roof
Chapter 22: A New Land
Chapter 23: The Curling Horn
Chapter 24: Unseen Companions
Chapter 25: Dark
Chapter 26: Fate
Chapter 27: Visitors
Chapter 28: Meeting
Chapter 29: Parting
Chapter 30: Geniva Cliffs
a note from the author...
Chapter 31: Rats
Chapter 32: A Kick
Chapter 33: Decision
Chapter 34: A Mouthful of Rice
Chapter 35: Plans Laid
Chapter 36- A Cat Out of Place
Chapter 37- A Faraway Dream
Chapter 38- Zarlo's Frustration
Chapter 39- Catching a Demon
Chapter 40- Sacrifices
Another Note

Chapter 41- Another Enemy

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By ShawnnaLea

Eryn had climbed up into a cluster of rocks where she could see the surrounding countryside from a relatively hidden position. So she had seen what Derrel and the Guardians had missed being inside the fortress. She had seen the rift in the very air surrounding the Keep. In horror she had watched the hordes surge into the brightening light of dawn. Requel and Amber had joined her to see. There was no discussion between them. Requel leaped down and raced to the demon who lay still in the netting. She yanked the cord that started the unraveling process. She met his eyes for only a moment and was satisfied the message had been received, his face betraying his worry at being caught unable to defend himself. He immediately set to work loosening the unraveling strands as the girls raced from their shelter toward the city.

Amber stopped them finally, out of breath and snatched the horse from her pocket. It grew instantly and the others followed suit climbing into the saddles and urging the horses to run. They could hear the noise increase behind them and kicked the horses yelling at them to run faster. The city was alive with people getting ready to work. They stopped in whatever they were doing as the noise grew. When the girls burst into the streets on horseback shouting to run, it was too much for the people panic gripping them. The girls sobbed as they saw their people scrambling and fighting to get into any building they could. If Zarlo let his demons into the city they didn't think an of these people would survive.

The howling fell farther behind them then steadied until they figured the demons were traveling parallel to them. The horses had to be walked then at a resting pace. They nervously headed east wondering if their friends had made it out. The edge of the city was deserted and they saw with sinking hearts their way to the coast was blocked. The demons must have traveled very quickly to be so thick in the land round about. Requel looked at her friends faces. They were terrified just as she but she knew one thing beyond a doubt.

"There's no hiding in the city now. We ride to the Southern Edge and the canyons beyond." The other two nodded hope flickering in Eryn's eyes if not Amber's. They rode at a canter through deserted streets hoping no demons were near. It felt like hours they rode through the city seeing a face peek out a building now and again, disappearing just as quick. The moaning could still be heard. Obviously Zarlo didn't care what happened now just as long as he didn't let Brielle get away. Tears trickled down Requel's face. They'd failed most assuredly and now all was lost. Yet she had to do something, wouldn't just give up. She'd get Eryn and Amber out. She hoped they could survive in the wilderness by themselves. She knew a few snares and Eryn had played with knives alongside Russel. She was a good throw and Amber knew tons of medical stuff from Skyler. They could survive.

The southern flatlands seemed clear but she knew there were dips and who knew what was hiding in the barley and wheat. They had no choice though and left the cities protection. Once they reached the wheat they put the horses back in their pockets for later and kept a scheduled pace of jogging through the plants and walking it off then jogging again. The fields stretched before them but the upright rocks that marked the edge of civilization grew closer and the maze of canyons there would loose their followers. It beckoned to them. They didn't know if there even would be pursuit but there was nowhere else to go.

It was getting dark by the time they reached the edge of the barley field. The border of the valley humans inhabited was closed off on all sides in one way or another. Supposedly there were guards patrolling but no one ever tried to leave. Stone overhead at night had been their only safety from the demons that roamed the dark so no one had wanted to leave their safe homes even to escape the harsh conditions of their lives. Now they had been shown it wasn't as dangerous as it was made out seem. Now they took the chance this night to see just what lay beyond the border rocks. Climbing them was an entirely different matter.

It was not a natural formation. The rocks jutted straight up from the earth and were smooth as windblown sand. Scaling them would be next to impossible and they continued that way for miles in either direction. The moon shed enough light on the land they took to horse again and rode along the wall. Two kept watch on the fields while the other scanned the wall for a possible escape route. Soon Requel found herself dozing instead of watching the fields and called a halt.

"We're too tired to continue like this. I say we stop and rest a while." Eryn nodded.

"I suppose you're right. We'll never find anything with our eyes half closed."

Amber made no comment but dismounted, loosening her horse's girth leading it into the barley field. They shrugged to eachother and followed. Crickets chirped all around them, a comforting sound since everyone knew crickets stopped chirping at any foreign approach. So they made their small, cold, uncomfortable camp which seemed heaven to them after the days events. The horses browsed through the crop taking mouthfuls of green and gold their ears constantly swiveling to listen. They would sense any approach long before their tired human companions. Amber volunteered for first watch seeming less tired than Eryn or Requel. They were asleep in minutes and Amber stared around her finally letting her tears fall. Their friends were no doubt dead in Zarlo's Keep, Gideon wouldn't know that they were alive, there were demons everywhere, and no hope to get past this wall any more than Brielle had had a chance to escape the dungeon. Even Tremors had disappeared. She assumed he'd gone with the Guardians being used to Derrel's company and not having it. Which meant the cat was probably dead too. She silently mourned them all for the rest of her shift before waking Eryn and curling up on a horse blanket.

It wasn't long into Eryn's shift when the horses raised their heads not toward the city where they thought danger might come but west along the wall. She peered in that direction trying to find the disturbance. The horses weren't spooked so she knew it wasn't demons. She considered waking the others but they were so tired and she didn't know yet what it was. As quietly as she could she moved away from camp to the wall. Following along it she soon heard voices. She crept into the field. The voices were hushed and she heard the unmistable sounds of harvesting. Whoever they were they were stealing the ripened barley and wheat. But where had they come from? She scanned the wall then, hoping she was right. And there they were. Five ropes hung down the rockface and no guards were in sight. She hurried back to camp keeping low and shook Requel awake. Then she woke Amber.

She had to assure them a hundred times and they hurredly stowed the horses away and snuck back to the thieves ropes. They could hear the talking and the thrashing of stalks as they bagged their booty. It was the ropes they wanted. This was their chance and as long as they weren't seen by the other group no one would be the wiser. They found however that rope climbing was not their best skill. It was much harder than they had thought it would be, with the constant fear they might let go and fall to their deaths. It took ages to reach the top, sweating and panting with sore hands, arms, and knees. Eryn had wisely not looked down before but now waiting for her friends she looked out over the fields. She could easily see the group of harvesters and the trails they made through the field. She could also see their own tracks and was dreadfully glad there didn't seem to be a lookout up here for those below.

As soon as Requel and Amber caught their breath they started looking for a way down the other side-and were surprised to find a permanent ramplike rope structure extending to the ground only a little way from the ropes. Obviously these thieves had been at this a while. They didn't see any guards here either and began to look more closely around them. It was foolish to climb into demon infested territory without some lookout, someone to watch their backs. Yet perhaps it had been learned there was nothing to fear from people on the other side and perhaps the harvesters had excellent weaponry in case of an attack. This made them hurry climbing down faster with the thought of armed, nervous strangers behind them. Yet they had to be escapees from the city and in that case they might be friendly to a few more who escaped. Amber was adamant about not finding out and they finally agreed with her.

There was only one visible path away from the rock wall and so they took it hoping it led to some friendly territory. They were all nervous to enter the dark thick woods but they had no other choice. Seeing anything was a strain on the eyes and they hadn't gotten enough rest. Eryn had a feeling they were being watched, followed even. Amber looked dead on her feet and Requel was focused on keeping them on the path in the dark so that left Eryn the only one feeling it. There was no proof though. Nightbirds still called, bugs were still going about their business, there were no unidentifiable noises. Yet she knew something was there. Finally she could handle it no longer and called a stop. Pulling the others close she whispered so no one else could hear.

"But I don't see anyone. Who would want to follow us in the dark?" Eryn looked at each of her companions. Amber was tired and willing to believe anything but Requel needed convincing.

"I know there doesn't seem anything but, Requel, I know something is there!"

"Alright. We are being followed. What do we do about it?" Requel was tired and simply agreeing.

"We could get off this trail." Amber was quiet and reasonable as usual. "Then if they are simply coming behind us, the harvesters perhaps, they'd pass by and we'd know at least who it is."

"And if it's something else? I don't feel like waiting for it to catch up. It may be a good idea to get off the main track though."

Eryn sighed. It was something at least. There really wasn't much else they could do. She wished Russel were with them. Or Nathan. Or Skyler. Or Derrel or even Thomas. They continued along the road until they found smaller path branching off. The trees were closer and thicker around them here and the feeling of being watched grew. She had an enormous itch between her shoulders and knew they were in trouble. Finally Requel looked worried and Amber practicly trod of Eryn's feet. The trees opened up a little wider and Requel stopped before they quite made it back to the brush on the far side.

Eryn looked around annoyedly wondering what was in their way. Her stomach dropped to her feet when she saw the man who blocked their way. He was enormous, arms as thick as tree branches, legs like stumps, his chest sculpted and painted with odd designs white against suntanned flesh. His face was hard and flat and he wore a necklace of bones. Aside from that the only other clothing he had was a loincloth and leather wraps on his feet. Requel backed into her as the man lowered a wicked looking spear and advanced a step. Eryn in turn backed into an unyielding Amber, turning to tell her to go back. Her heart almost stopped as she found two more blocking the path behind. They were dressed identicly each thickly muscled. The branches on either side of them parted to reveal more men with spears ready.

The men motioned with the spears back the way they had come. The two blocking the path turned and started away. When the girls didn't move the men didn't stop with their spears level and the girls had to scramble to obey or be run through. Requel tried to get their captors attention, any answer of who they were.

"Where are you taking us?" Not even a blink. "Who are you?" Still nothing. "I don't think they understand us." Eryn rolled her eyes at her friend then watched the spear toters.

"I think that's a safe guess. I think they followed us from the wall. I bet it's their people who are stealing the grain." They got back on the main road continued down it. "Perhaps they just didn't want us to get lost?" Amber and Requel both shook their heads as a lattice work of sharp sticks made into a wall appeared through the trees. Bones adorned the fence and not just animal bones. Eryn swallowed hard. "I think we're in trouble." Their captors gave a shout and two more warriors appeared from the trees pulling a section of the fence up creating a gap. They were led through and surrounded again on the other side, shepherded through the quiet huts. The little village was a mess of ramshackle huts thrown together with grass and sticks and ropes, some few with animal hides as parts of the walls as well. A few tiny plots held vegetable plants along side the huts. They continued to the middle of the village where they were stopped as the biggest one who had first confronted them rang a bell hung from the post of the most promanent hut. While they waited they were able to look around.

One side of the large empty space had a cage erected made of bones. Inside a few small deer cowered as far from the human presence as they could get, their black eyes staring through the bars. A large pit of ashes was centermost, remnants of a carcass still hanging on the tripod. There were benches around the pit and beyond they were being watched. People had come from the surrounding huts, perhaps woken by the bell or maybe simply waking to the creeping dawn. All wore next to nothing, hides hanging from their bodies barely covering what was necessary. Most were women and children. Eryn tried to ignore their stares as Amber clung to her arm. Requel was staring at the far side of the clearing and Eryn followed her gaze.

Strung between poles were skins, stretched out and stripped. Eryn almost lost what little remained in her stomach at the last skin which was unmistakably human. Human bones were layed out by other bones to dry in a pile off to the side. She also saw they were not the only prisoners. There were two men standing tied to posts. Both men were badly beaten obviously having put up a good fight. One had a large gash in his stomach and they could see his insides even from this distance. Eryn met the others eyes for only a moment before he hung his head back down. They had to be from some place else as they both wore pants and leather footwear, a better covering than their captors.

The door of the hut swung open finally as a tall, musclebound man also in a loincloth stepped out. Her wore bones around his neck but also a headpiece that looked like the ribcage of some beast hanging over his face. Furs hung down around this and his presence commanded attention from all. Their captor spoke clearly to him, nodding and making a small bow then gesturing to them. The leader of the village brushed past the others to stand in front of them. They pressed against eachother for support under the scrutinizing gaze. The man's dark eyes swept over them consideringly almost as though her were inspecting a load of fish before purchasing. He gestured to the warriors around them who sprung to obey, pulling the girls apart and holding them still.

Eryn struggled against them until the leader grew impatient, backhanding her across the face. Eryn was thrown to the ground by the blow and did not move when he kicked her. He shook his head and stopped in front of Amber. She shrank under his scrutiny her fear obvious and tears threatening at the corner of her eyes. He left without a word and stood before Requel. She stood straight and gathered as much courage as she could to look him in the eye. They stared at eachother and she wanted to look away but forced herself to keep eyecontact. He turned from her his attention back on the warrior who'd brought them in. He spoke quickly and then waved them away, walking down another path away from the clearing.

The other man motioned to them and spoke a few words. He then took Amber's arm and started leading her away toward the mass of huts while the other warriors dragged Eryn and her to the posts where the two men were tied. Amber resisted little, only looking back once. Requel was beside herself with anger unable to get loose and help her. Eryn was unconscious and her handlers abandoned her to help secure the struggling Requel who bit and kicked and twisted around. But in the end she was secured to the post nearest the other two prisoners, Eryn secured on her other side. The warriors left them then with no visible gaurds. She struggled to loosen the ropes but it was no use. They'd placed ropes all around her and the post so she could not sit but was held upright. She could tell this would become painful before too long. If nothing else very tiring.

"Stop struggling. You are only tightening the knots." She looked beside her at the man who'd spoken seeing him much better now. He was a young man perhaps a year or two older than her, not quite as muscular as her captors with brown eyes that were flecked with gold. There was a sad look to him and she thought he must have been a prisoner for a while now.

"How long have you been here?" He looked across the clearing away from the skins.

"Around three days. There were others but... no prisoner lasts long with the Maringo Tribe." Only three days. They were in definite trouble.

"Where are they taking Amber? Do you know? Please, I have to know!" He looked at her, his eyes offering apology to what he was about to say. She almost stopped him.

"She'll survive. They keep some they take. She'll be a slave. For whatever purposes they find for her." He closed his eyes before continueing. "I think you can guess your own fate." She shivered looking at the mound of bones and the skins stretched out on the stakes.

"These people..." She sighed. "I'm Requel and that's Eryn. Where do you come from?" He looked at her a long time before shaking his head.

"I'm called Jaxon. From the Zano Tribe, south of the Darkon Crevice. It doesn't matter." He looked away his eyes becoming distant and unfocused. "We're going to die."

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