Forbidden Love *ON HOLD*

By That_1Derfulband

5.2K 121 12

Victoria Rose Bertolette lives the princess life, literally. She has everything she could have ever wanted. W... More

Forbidden Love
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 29

75 2 0
By That_1Derfulband

Victoria's POV

"I can."

I don't even know how to describe the scene around me. Liam crying, Niall crouched down by Harry, Harry in Mary's arms crying his eyes out, and Rahul watching everything looking as shocked as me. They all freeze and everyone's eyes go to me. Right away, Harry starts freaking out again.

"No!" He cries. "You can't be here! Leave! They're going to hurt you!"

"Harry..." I breathe. "W-what have they done to you?"

I walk up to the cell slowly, going in between Liam and Rahul and stopping where Niall is.

"I'm so sorry Niall." I say quietly, holding back tears. "I just can't-"

"I understand." He nods and stands up, letting me take his place.

"Harry look at me." I whisper crouching down. "Can you all just leave us for a bit?"

"Of course." Mary sighs, letting go of Harry. She gets up and turns to Niall and Liam. "Follow me you two. We need to get you hidden somewhere."

The two of them nod and with Rahul, follow Mary back down the hall. Harry keeps his head down, the only sounds coming from him being his crying. I don't dare try to push anything right now. I watch him intently, watching his body language. I can tell that his breathing is uneven. Something defiantly isn't right with him physically.

"W-why did you come here?" He finally chokes out.

"I followed Liam and Niall." I say quietly. "I heard them talking about coming here and I followed them. Now I'm here, with you."

"It really isn't safe here." He whispers. "Joseph is looking for you. They're all looking for you. They're not going to give up until this wedding happens..."

"I'm never going to marry him." I frown. "I hate him and you know that."

"It's not safe here for you." He mumbles.

"Me? Harry what about you? You look awful. What have they been doing to you?"

"Trying to find you."


"I got punched, glass broken on my hands, and left to go insane in a cell all because they want you."

"Harry!" I gasp. "Why would you do that?"

"Because I'm so in love with you I can't let them hurt you." He says finally looking in my eyes. They're dull and lifeless. He brings his arms up and cups my cheeks gently. "If anyone ever hurt you in any way, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. Thinking of you is the only thing that kept me going since I've been here. I didn't come here on purpose. Joseph took me and then he and your father tried to beat the truth out of me. I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth, but I didn't want you coming here and getting caught."


"And to be completely honest, I've been talking to an imaginary version of you for the last two days. I've gone boarder line insane."

"You're not insane." I sigh. "I'm the insane one for thinking I could get over you so quickly...or at all. You know I love you don't you?"

"I don't know." He shrugs. "I've questioned it."

"Well I do." I whisper looking down for a moment.

"That's good to know, but it's still not safe."

"We can go somewhere else." I whisper. "Get you out of here and then we can go somewhere safe and raise our baby and be a happy family."

"It's not that easy." He sniffs. "It can't be."

"But it is." I try to convince him. "It can be that easy."

"Vicky I can't-"

Ugh, this is going nowhere. I cut him off by pressing my lips against his to shut him up. He does absolutely nothing but I don't pull away. I will get this boy to cooperate.

"Harry I swear to god..." I mumble against his lips. "This is your last chance. Please."

I open my eyes to look at him but now his are closed shut and he's the one kissing me. I immediate kiss back and feel tears falling down my cheeks. I really did miss this so much.

"I missed you so much." He whispers shortly before crumbling again. His sobs echo through the hall and he holds me in a tight grip, crying into my jumper. In this moment all I can do is hold him.

"I'm never going to leave you." I whisper. "I'm so sorry. I never meat for anything like this to happen."

"I-it's not your fault. I was the one who messed up."

"I came here to save you. It's just like web you saved me. It's how we fell in love. Real love, not dog love." I chuckle lightly. "What we have is real and I can't let it go."

"Y-you know what the first thing I liked about you was?" He asks with a small smile playing at his lips.


"Your determination." He chuckles. "It's really nice to be talking to you again. I missed your voice."

"You're crazy." I laugh. "Come on, lets go."

I stand up, pulling him up with me. He winces the second his legs straighten out.

"I haven't stood up for a while." He mumbles holding onto me. "Plus I've been through a lot."

"I know." I frown. I push the bar door open with my foot and help Harry up the stairs carefully, trying my best not to get caught. "Mary?"

"Tori?" She appears from around the corner. "Just tell me what you need to do. Niall and Liam are outside waiting."

"Come on." I motion for her to follow me as I walk out the door, still helping Harry."

"Let me take him." Liam says when he sees me. "We need to move fast and I can carry him."

"Thank you for everything Mary." Niall smiles.

"Thank you." I whisper and pull him into a tight hug. "Thank you so much."

"Love is love." He chuckles patting my back. "And what I just saw is nothing short of true love."

"So you're okay?" I ask letting go of him.

"Yeah." He smiles. "I'll survive."

I give him a small smile and a peck on the cheek before saying brief goodbyes to Mary and Rahul. After that Niall and I catch up to Liam who's carrying Harry bridal styles and walking at a fast pace.

"I have no idea what we're going to do once we get back." Liam sighs. "Nothing is secret anymore."

"I'm sure we can figure something out." I say, trying more to convince myself than the others. I stayed quiet the rest of the walk as I thought about it more. I can think I absolutely nothing and it's bugging me. I'm supposed to be a good problem solver. I hop into the boat and take Harry from Liam so he can get the boat started. Niall comes a bit after that.

"Is there any food on this boat?" Harry croaks.

"Uh, no." Niall shakes his head. "But Liam's going to get us back as fast as he can. When we get there, lets just all not say a word to any pap that comes our way and keep our heads down. We can take care of Harry back at the house."

"Just hang in for a bit longer." I whisper stroking Harry's cheek as the boat speeds off. He's breathing slowly, and every time he does, he shakes a bit. "Harry, are you having trouble breathing?"

"I just need food and water and I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." He mumbles laying his head only lap. I sigh and play with his hair quietly. It's not the most comfortable thing with him being bigger than me, but I'm not in the mood to protest with him and I'm sure he isn't in the mood to hear me complain. To be honest, this is the only time he's every been really quiet and cuddly like this. Then again, he's completely exhausted. At one point, he turned himself so he was looking up at me and smiled a bit.

"Have you gained weight?" He asks.

"You suck." I chuckle. "And for the record....five pounds."

"Lovely." He chuckles. I groan and cross my arms. "Aw come on, you know I love you."

"I think you really have gone insane...or bipolar maybe."

"You make me happier." He shrugs. "I'm just happy to be away from that place again as well. It's hell there, we both know that."

"I'm just happy to have you back." I smile. "It's weird without you."

"It's good to hear that. I really thought I lost you forever."

"Harry..." I trail off. "I'm not going to lie to you. Once you left, I just shut you out. I pushed you out of my head and focused on Niall. It made me happier and I felt some things with him. I did all of it so I wouldn't get depressed over missing you. But then I heard Niall saying that I didn't like him as much as I thought I did. Then I followed them here and saw you...and how broken you were...and everything came back."

"That's good." He smiles, closing his eyes. I smile and push some hair out of his face, only to find little scabs on his forehead and around his hairline. Now that I look closer, he has them everywhere, especially his hands. They've also got dried blood on them. Then again, he did mention glass getting broken on them. Ugh, this is all my fault. If I wouldn't have been so stupid this never would have happened.

"Are you over thinking things over there?" I hear Niall ask from across the boat. I roll my eyes and stick my tongue out at him.

"As always." I chuckle. "Liam how much longer is it?'

"I don't know." Liam shrugs. "If you haven't noticed, it's foggy and hard too see."

"No it isn't-" I stop when i look in front of us. Just fog. Nothing else. I can't even see the water. "Um..this is bad right?"

"Yeah." he nods. "if we can't see, we can't get back."

"Isn't there any way we'll be able to see?" Niall asks.

"Do you have a spotlight?" Niall shakes his head. "Then no."

"Well then what do we do?" I ask.

"Uh...I don't know." Liam sighs. "This doesn't usually happen."

"Well we can't just sit out here in the water all night."

"Really?" Liam remarks sarcastically. "I thought that was the plan here."

"Negative Nancy." Harry mumbles.

"I can't see shit." Niall groans, looking ahead.

"Can we all stop speaking the obvious." I ask rolling my eyes. "There's an actual problem here."

"Because that isn't an obvious statement." Liam scoffs.

"Oh shut it."

"Everyone shut it." Harry groans. "You're not solving anything by arguing."

"And you're not helping at all." Niall frowns. "So you shouldn't be talking."

"Shit!" Liam yells, making all of us jump.


"We're uh...out of gas...."

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