Lost Soul, Now Found

By WWESpongefan

810 36 1

So much going on here. First there's Bray's Sister Abigail coming back to life and finding love with Luke Har... More

Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 1)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 2)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 3)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 4)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 5)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 6)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 7)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 8)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 9)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 10)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 11)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 12)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 13)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 14)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 15)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 16)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 17)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 18)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 20)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 21)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 22)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 23)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 24)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 25)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 26)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 27)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 28)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 29)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 30)

Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 19)

17 1 0
By WWESpongefan

Lost Soul, Now Found

Chapter Nineteen

Abigail woke up in her bed, she didn't remember how she got there. The last thing she remembered was riding in a car with Luke. She must have fallen asleep and Luke must have carried her up to her room. She felt pain in her knee, she wished she could bend it, but the cast she had prevented her from doing that. She hated laying around, what could she really do with a broken knee? She could hardly walk. She almost wished she would of had those crutches that the doctor offered her, but Luke said it wouldn't be a problem. She still needed to go to the bathroom and stay clean. Luckily, the bathroom wasn't too far away from her room. She had to figure out how she was going to get anywhere, she got up and had to balance herself on her left leg as she started hopping around trying to get to her door. She tried her best to be quiet, but the floor in her room creaked due to age. She didn't quite get to her door, she had to stop at her dresser to catch her breath and to regain her balance since she almost fell. She grew frustrated, there had to be an easier way to get around. She heard a knock on her door and then Luke's voice.

"Is everything ok in there? Is it ok for me to come in?"

"I'm ok, and yes you can come in."

Luke looked at her as she was balancing at her dresser.

"What's going on?"

"Sorry if I woke you Luke, I was just trying to get up so I could go to the bathroom and take a shower."

"You could have yelled for me, I'm more than happy to help you get around."

"I just don't like feeling so helpless, I don't want to have to rely on everyone."

"You can't help what happened, Ambrose did this."

"He only pushed me, I was the clumsy one that fell and felt my knee pop. It still hurts."

"Probably because you're up trying to walk on it. Let me help."

"I was hopping on my other foot, but I was having a hard time staying balanced. Let me get my clothes out first, since I made it to my dresser, I can at least get my clothes out first. All I need is help getting to the bathroom, I can handle the rest."

Abigail had gathered her clothes and Luke had her in his arms as he carried her to the bathroom. For the first time in a long time he felt truly happy with Abigail. They were alone and now they were together. Luke had waited for years to be with Abigail, now they were finally together. He also smiled at the memory of the night before, they shared a kiss and once she fell asleep in the car, he held her in his arms like she was the most precious thing in the world as he carried her to her room. Abigail noticed how happy Luke was.

"Wow... I haven't seen you that happy in a long time."

"I finally have a reason to be."

Abigail smiled back at him and kissed his cheek as he set her down.

"You're so sweet Luke."

"I'm going to go fix us some breakfast. Call for me when you need me."


Luke left the bathroom, closed the door so she could have privacy, and went down the stairs to start breakfast. Abigail couldn't really stand in the tub, and she couldn't get her cast wet so she couldn't get in the tub. She had to sit on the toilet and balance herself, it was much easier said than done. She had to lean over under the faucet as she washed her hair. She had a wash cloth with her, she used the body wash she had and cleaned herself the best way that she could. It was tricky drying off and getting dressed, it took much longer than it usually would have, but she was finally clean and dressed and called for Luke. He came up and knocked on the door first.

"You can come in."

He opened the door and kind of blushed.

"Just wanted to make sure you clothed before I came in."

"Yeah... I made sure that I had my clothes on before I called for you. I'll worry about my hair later. I'll just keep it in a towel for now. It took me longer than I wanted it too. I bet breakfast is cold now."

"Actually I just finished up a few minutes before you called me up here, so it should still be hot."

Luke picked her up and carefully went down the stairs and sat her at the table. He then grabbed her a plate and put a little bit of everything on it.

"Wow... This is a huge breakfast, delicious too. You've really outdone yourself."

"Well... I knew you liked bacon and eggs more than pancakes and sausage, so I made you bacon and eggs."

They sat and enjoyed their breakfast and enjoyed each other's company. Once They were done, Luke washed the dishes. Abigail felt bad, surely there was something she could do. She didn't like just sitting around.

"So, what are we going to do now?"

"Well... I need to get outside and mow, I guess I'll take you to your room, or somewhere comfy so you can let your leg rest."

"But it's supposed to be really hot today. Don't go out in the heat while I'm in here in the cool air. I hate sitting around, I wish there was something I could do."

"I know, but Bray wants the house straightened up more. We've let things go for too long."

"It can wait a little longer. This is technically my house, I say you should sit back and relax with me. The work can be done another time."

Luke thought about it for a moment as he placed Abigail on the living room couch. She turned on the tv, and found a movie.

"Please Luke... Come sit with me."

Luke finally agreed and sat down with her. He was still new to this and sat at a distance to give her space. At one point she moved over closer to him. Even though the summer heat was outside, things were much cooler in the house. There was a blanket in the couch, she grabbed it and leaned against Luke, her head resting on his chest. Luke then realized it was ok and wrapped his arm around her as they sat together.

"See... Isn't this better Luke?"

He smiled as he had his arm around her.

"It is."

"We have the whole house to ourselves, we can sit here together all day if we wanted to. The best part is, if we fall asleep, we can just stay here."

They say together and mainly watched movies all day, she had her head rested on his chest, his heartbeat was soothing and she had almost fallen asleep a few times until he spoke to her again.

"You know, I could get used to this... It feels good having you here in my arms. I've wanted this for so long... To have you in my arms, and to be able to kiss you."

"How come you never did this in my past life?"

"I was afraid..."

"Afraid of what?"

"A number of things... I didn't know how Bray would take it if he found out. We were the same age back then, we were both older than Bray, but he had learned how to fight better through the years growing up. I was kind of afraid he would get back at me for bullying him back in elementary school. I thought maybe he would beat me up for wanting to be with his sister, and to get back at me. But I guess the main reason why I never made a move when we were younger was because of our friendship, I didn't want to risk our friendship if the relationship ended badly, but I also thought I wasn't good enough."

Abigail's heart broke a little at this.

"What do you mean not good enough?"

"I mean... I always thought you deserved better than me. That guy you dated... He was better looking, and smarter. I always thought, that guy could give you a better life than I ever could, he could have given you anything you wanted, but neither of us knew his true intentions."

"Luke... Don't go talking like that... Don't go putting yourself down like that. I only went out with the guy because I thought you would never feel for me they way I felt about you. So... Maybe your childhood crush only got stronger. It took me a little longer, but around middle school, I started having feelings for you. Other girls liked you and I thought maybe you liked one of them. So yeah... The guy went to college and got a good job. He probably made a lot of money and could have got me anything I wanted, but he never cared about me, he only cared about his selfish desires. I've never been the type of girl that ever wanted much of anything. As far as looks go... I always thought you were a good looking guy, how smart you are doesn't really matter to me. It breaks my heart that you think you're not good enough. You've always had a caring heart, and that's all a girl should really ever need. I don't need a ton of money or material possessions to be happy, as long as I know you care for me, that's all I'll ever need."

This is what Luke needed to hear. He pulled her even closer and pulled her in for a gentle and passionate kiss. They had liked each other for many years and were finally together after being separated for the last fifteen years. The kiss grew in intensity as their hands wrapped around each other and they almost lost control, they had to pull back for air. They were both quiet for a moment as they looked away from each other. Abigail was blushing and it seemed like both of them had finished running a marathon because their hearts were racing and they were out of breath. Neither of them had really experienced love before. Is this what it felt like? Having your heart and soul intertwined with someone else? The closeness of a kiss so strong that it left you breathless, and yet begging for more? A moment where you have to pull apart and stop yourself from thinking inappropriate thoughts as to what you want to do to the other person. Abigail finally broke the silence between them.

"So... That was different... Was that as intense for you as it was for me?"

"It was... Pretty intense... I lost myself for a moment there, like I lost control of what I was doing... I'm sorry if that was too much too soon."

"Don't apologize... I lost control too... That was crazy."

"How did that happen?"

"I guess we just wanted to be together for so long now that we got carried away and took things a little too far too fast... We should probably slow things down a bit before we get too carried away."

Luke only nodded in agreement. They didn't really do much of anything after that, they just sat together enjoying each other's company as they watched movies until Abigail fell asleep. She still fell asleep in his arms with her head on his chest. Luke kissed her head turned the tv off once he realized she was asleep, he didn't want to bother her so he let her sleep in his arms. He wouldn't mind if things got crazy the way they did before, but only if she was ready for it. For the moment, he would enjoy having her in his arms as she slept. It brought a smile to his face, he had her in his arms almost in a protective way as he too fell asleep. He made sure he kept his arms around her, he had lost her once, they had been separated for fifteen years, it was hard to lose someone you love, with her in his arms, he wasn't about to lose her again.

(To be continued. I hope that everyone enjoyed this chapter. Thanks for reading. Review.)

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