There's Nora Way Around It

By FangedShadows

245 7 6

*RWBY belongs to Monty Oum and Roosterteeth. Give them your support and indulge in their works :D. ... More

There's Nora Way Around It

245 7 6
By FangedShadows

You were in the middle of Emerald Forest with your team. You were all assigned to a clearance mission. You and a number of teams surveyed different areas of Remnant.

 The sun was beaming down on the wandering team of yours. Pieces of the suns rays would seep through the gaps of the branches and trees. 

There was you, of course. Then there was Elizabeth: the up close combat type with the short dark brown hair. She wore spiked purple metallic gauntlets. She was more than an average girl. Like an older sister. 

The last female of the group was Polly. The pink pig tailed girl. She possessed a large set of knives and daggers. She might've been armed to the teeth but she was a sweetheart. No matter how gloom/mundane things got, she always had her talent on making things better.  

Then there was Mordecai. He was a pinpoint accurate shot...when he wanted to be. His special goggles were what gave him the best shots. He owned a steel gray coloured sniper that was also a cutting edge battle axe. 

The four of you were conversing of small things about the Academy as you continue your mission stroll. Tests, skills, weaponry and teamwork. All the essentials of being apart of an Academy. 

"How much further?" Elizabeth asks impatiently as she crosses her arms that were covered by her gauntlets that were up to her elbows. "This is getting boring!" she complained while inserting her hands in her long violet sleeveless overcoat.     

Elizabeth hated things to drag on. No matter what it was, she always hated the wait: especially at team meet ups. For her ten minutes was her limit of patience. One time Mordecai was late due to...sleep, she was practically at his neck for most of the day. 

"It shouldn't be too long," suggests Mordecai as he rolls up his white shirt sleeves to his elbows. "There's not much I can see anyway" he said with his goggle on his face. He then proceeds to tuck his shirt into his grey trousers. "Polly, you know how far we got left?" he asked the girl in front of him who wore a light magenta shaded combat skirt. 

Polly was the main navigator of the group. She always had a keen eye when it came navigation. "Hmm, not too long. I'm sure we'll notice something pretty soon," she informs in her high pitched vocals. "Besides, it's so nice out. We should take the scenery in," she emphasizes while spinning in circles and gazing at the oak surroundings.    

You all continue your walk through the forest. Each step you all took, left a small crunching sound from crushing the leaves beneath you. 

You turned your head to your group, as you were the one in front. "I mean, it isn't hard to notice a horde of Grimm roaming around," you jokingly say while wearing a playful expression. A small batch of giggles came out of Polly. After that a groan could be heard next from the other girl who wore the dark jeans that went down to the top of her caffs. 

While they continue the small talk, Mordecai was observing the area for any sign of trouble. "Still nothing, maybe they scattered off? Maybe someone else got a whack at them," he guesses as he turns his left and right. He holds his rifle in it's position with his right hand on the long barrel neck. His left one was around the handle and his index finger was away from the trigger. 

"Well I ain't heading back till I get a good warm up!" demands the tomboy girl as she raises her arms like boxer and gives quick jabs to the air. She then calls on your name and offers you a one on one session if the targets aren't there.

"Sure, just don't get all huffy if I beat you again," you reply playfully with a cheeky grin creeping on your face. 

Small giggles and chuckles could be heard from the others.

"That was a flook and you so know it!" she argues while slightly blushing. The last time the two fought: Elizabeth seemed to of had an upper hand on you. Until you used your quick wits and skills to apprehend her. She really hated it when that happened. 

The hot headed girl behind you walked closer to you. Already her presence could be felt immediately. She jumped on your back, with her legs wrapped round your stomach. Her metallic right knuckle fired to the top of your head and proceeded to give you a noogie. 

"Lizzy! He was only joking!" she alarmed her companion tenderly. "Oh becareful not to mess up his hair! I helped make it look nice!" she confesses with her hands clasped together.  

You've been with these individuals for a good long time. At first you all had a rough start. By all, it was mostly Elizabeth: who had the most trouble due to her grumpy nature. Polly had trouble as well: but only because she's more sensitive and lacked the confidence.    

Time has went by. The skies are now darkened. Many things have happened since that mission trip.  

You've just entered your dorm. You close the door gently. Your body feels cold, pain and tingly. All that was going through your head was.


You were guided to your dorm by a two students, Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie. They were kind enough to walk you. The orange haired girl and the pony tailed male stayed next to you. She would a few times ask how you're feeling, meanwhile the the student with jet black hair and pink stream would place a hand on your closest shoulder. But you kept silent.

You're the only body in the room now. The energy that filled the place you called home, was no longer there anymore. Your hands go to your weapon that you waved around like it were a prize.  You unhook them from their placings and proceed to make your way to the closet. 

'There's no point in me needing them anymore,' you thought mournfully.

Your hand opens the door slowly. As you do, you take a good look at your dual wielding tools. You then rest them against the wall and begin to close the door. As the door closes, your eyes kept focus on the bodies of your tools. 

'It was all because of...'

When the door shuts, your body turns to your bed. Your once optimistic mind is now going blank in darkness and sound. 

Your legs begin to move you to your bunk. You sit on your bed and stare at the floor in despair.  

After a moment, you raise your head to stare at the empty and untouched beds of your teammates. Elizabeths covers were still untidy and were almost on the floor. Pollys was all neat and tidy, just as she would always do it. Mordecais was average at best, same as yours. 

"I'm...I'm...I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry!" you pleaded as your fingers ran through your hair aggressively. Your hands shook in sadness. From this point on and onward, your life has now changed and feels less brighter.  

Tears began to escape your eyes and seep down your cheeks. Your fingers grab hold of chunks of your hair and slightly yank on them. 

"It should've been me! It should've been ME!" you cry out in misery as you pressed your teeth together in anger. 

Throughout that night, all you did was freeze in position for awhile and then let out your frustrations out in a blind rage. 

To the people next door or practically around you. They could only hear screams of what seemed to come from a madman. Loud thumping could be hinted at as well. It went on throughout the whole night.

A few days have passed since that very day. You try to continue your studies within Beacon Academy. Although it isn't easy: you kept having nightmares of your incident with your team replaying almost every night and waking you up. 

As of now, you're heading to the cafeteria. You just went through Professor Ooblecks lessons. The man who's all about Remnants history. His speeches had either always put you to sleep or leave you confused as to say 'What is he even saying?' due to his fast paced delivery on his words.

You make your way inside the lunch hall. It was packed with students: sitting aside with their teammates. Team RWBY could be seen easily. Your eyes caught attention to Yang Xiao Longs golden hair, that was what made you notice them. 

Then there was Team JNPR, who was sitting across them. You could see the familiar pony tailed boy, reading a book. Meanwhile the other familiar person was poking at his cheek with a large open smile on her face. 

You couldn't help but chuckle to yourself. It reminded you of how Elizabeth would always mess around with you. She would poke your sides, give you soft punches that weren't too hard. That was her way of being friendly play. 

You then snap out of your mental train of the past and continue with your stroll. You weren't really all that hungry anyways. You've grown less of an appetite since the incident. 

A few eyes would look at you with pity. Some people heard about the incident but choose not to intervene: just out of respect of your privacy. But there were some people who're not so civilized about your losses. 

A certain group looked at it as an opportunity to grind you to dust, sort of speak. Team CRDL, Cardin Winchester to be exact. He was giving you a overly confident and mischievous smirk from across the room. His possy was loitering against one of the walls of the room. As for their leader, he's sitting at a table closest to his team: who were behind him.      

'I think I'll head outside,' you think neutrally as you make your way to the opposite side of the room. You squeeze past the standing bodies in the lunch hall, trying not to disturb or interrupt the other students.

You are welcomed by the suns rays on your body and right at your eyes. Your pupils widen to adjust themselves upon the brighter environment.

As the highly brightened area blinds you, a bundle of footsteps could be heard not that far behind you. Just as your eyes shut, you could feel a new force latch on to both of your arms.

'Hey! Who's holding me?!' you thought cautiously. You quickly open your eyes to see who's sneaking a fast one on you.

It was Dove Bronzewing and Sky Lark who have you restrained. You turn your head slightly to find Russel Thrush behind you. 

"Eyes over here. Loner," commands the final member/leader of the team known as CRDL. Cardin Winchester.  

The burnt orange haired student stares at you with his indigo eyes and sickening grin of his. He was in front of you in a pose that involves his fists pressed on his hips. 

"What do you want..." you say quietly without care. 

Cardin and his goons have been picking on you for past few days. It seems they were looking for a reason before attacking. Back then whenever they would to start anything, Elizabeth and Mordecai would be telling them off. Meanwhile you and Polly would hang back. But as of now, your an open target.

"Where's your team at?" Cardin asks sarcastically while comedically turning his head side to side. 

You remain silent.  

"I just don't get why Ozpin let you stay in Beacon: when your team is pretty much dead. You're just wasting everyones time, including ours...and your own too I guess," Cardin scolds condescendingly while jabbing his right index finger at your chest. 

'In a weird way, he's right. I'm just a waste of space. I shouldn't be here after what happened," you think to yourself in doubt as you lower your head in shame. 

"Why don't you just go back home and tell their parents how it was all your fault," he proceeds to torment you with his words. 

The members of CRDL then release you from their grip. But once you were released, Cardin fires a knee to your stomach and makes you collapse to the ground. 

A short gasp and small portions of groans escape your mouth. Your stomach feels swollen and aches in pain. You wrap your arms round the tender spot of your stomach. 

"See ya round, loner," Cardin says as he walks off with his herd of human sheep. You however are left in pain, internally. Outside you did your best to lack any expression to not give him the satisfaction, but you most you let out was a wide eyed display. 

After laying awhile for your body to feel normal, you rise up on your feet to then continue with your little stroll. 

'This shouldn't be happening.'

You bury the hands that once held your weapon into your pockets and observe the life filled bodies that are other students amongst you. A few eyes lock on to you: people don't necessarily hate you, but are more cautious around you out of fear and anger. They would whisper things that have been spreading around the Academy. You ignore them and proceed to walk past them. 

'The worst thing is, I deserve this. No matter how bad I feel, it doesn't repent what I've done,' you contemplate to yourself while making your way to your empty dorm room. As it occurred to you that you have combat class coming up next after this break. 

'Damn it, I really don't want to go through this, I haven't used them ever since...' you shake the bad thoughts out. You shut your eyes for a few second to concentrate on erasing the past. But doing so causes you to collide with a living wall. 

Your behind meets with the stone grounds, you then open your eyes to see what has blocked your path. It was a known orange haired girl wearing a pink combat skirt.             

Nora Valkyrie was what made you fall. She bends down slightly and looks at you with her sky blue filled eyes. She wore a happy grin on her face, she was happy to see you. She then picks you up by your under arm with ease, like you were a common bag.  

"Hey! How've you been?" asks the chipper girl in her happy tone. 

'Just play it off, no point getting anyone involved,' you tilt your head up to face Nora. 

"I'm alright...just getting something from my room."

The girl eyes you up from your feet to your head and takes a small walk around you. She kept making a thinking sound such as 'hmm'. "You're going to get your weapon aren't you?" she guesses in confidence with a click to her fingers. 

'H-how did she...probably a lucky shot as always,' you wonder to yourself. You wore a face of shock and disbelief: your mouth slightly open. 

Whenever Nora saw you, she would try to make it fun by being her happy, energized random self. Whether it be bear hugs, surprize attacks pretty much anything she can think of. You would engage in small talk with her: She would always start it. 

"Y-yeah, I left it in my closet," you confess quietly and rather mournfully. 

The super strong girl gave you a casual smile and marches behind you and puts a hand on your shoulder. 

You turn your head with a quizzical look on your face. But she remains cheery and gleaming with life. 

"Well, lead the way!" she declares with upbeat confidence as she jumps on your back like you were her own noble steed. You instinctively grabbed her at the back of her knees. Her left arm sprouts to your left side in a pointing gesture. 

You couldn't really refuse her command as she has you in her literal binds. You still can't get over how strong she is in comparison to other students at Beacon. 

So after what seemed to be an eternity walking to your dorm while having a sugar filled huntress in training on your back, you make it to your room door. 

She lowers herself -thankfully giving your back relief- and she remains behind you. You take a deep breath and quickly open the snow coloured door. 

As you head towards the containment space that holds your weapons, the light coloured dressed girl looks around your room. She glances at the photo of you and your team together: It was the four of you in the courtyard, Elizabeth was on your back like usual giving you a taste of her vicious side, while Polly was trying her best and sweetest to stop the playful gesture and Mordecai was the one who took the photo and he himself had the expression that said 'I don't really care.' 

Nora continues to look around, meanwhile you haven't retrieved your weapon yet. It's as if something or someone was stopping you from doing so, from the inside. You had your head lowered to have your eyes meet with the floor. Your hands were balled into fists and slightly shaking. 

Nora notices you hesitating and walks up to you. "You alright there? Did you lock it and forget the key? Don't worry Jaune's done that a few times with the room door," she tells you reassuringly. "I mean I don't know how he does it. But at least you know were the key is right?" she asks while look at your face. 

'Hey! Look sharp she's looking at you! Keep it together!' you told yourself internally. You suddenly decided to black out and see only an empty void of no light what so ever. It's lacking of life and comfort. You felt alone, cold and empty. The only feelings you were radiating are negative feelings, so strong that if Grimm were around, you'd be dead under ten seconds flat. 

You could hear someone calling your name. The noise was echoing and distorted, it seems familiar. It sounds like...Polly with her subtle brushing voice that soothes the ear. But it also possesses traits of Elizabeths, who's voice had informality -once in awhile- and was down to earth: sometimes in a nice way but most times it wasn't.

A pat on the your back woke you from your daydream. It was Noras pink fingerless gloved hand waking you up with a light tap. "You alright? You know if somethings up you can talk to me, Ren, Pyrrha...maybe Jaune or even members of team RWBY right?" she assures you while wrapping her arm round your shoulder.

Your head slowly rises and turn to address her. "Yeah...I know..."

She sees your eyes lacking in light that they used to possess and could tell you aren't the same person ever since your last mission with your team. You then proceed to open the doors of your sheltered past steel companions. 

You retrieve your black and white themed weapon from its resting place. When you turn to face the empty beds, you could see Nora sitting on Polly's bed that had been tidied. 

"Get off that bed!...please," you told her, to then look away from her. 

She sat only for a second and looks down on the surface she has placed herself in. She could see the disgust upon your face when you spoke. Upon instinct she jumps off the soft sheets and flattens them out in her best attempt. "My bad..."

"No...that was my fault, I shouldn't of done that..." you apologize to the girl who was hanging her head in shame. "C'mon...Glynda will be fuming if we stay any longer," you softly alarm her as you make your way out of the dorm room. 

As you made your way to the middle of the hall you could hear the heavy boots of the girl who's been accompanying you. The rhythm of the steps were in the pacing of delicate skipping. 

The two of you make your way to class, along several other students: the remaining members of JNPR and of team RWBY included. Unfortunately a particular team that you've encountered earlier makes an appearance as well, team CRDL. Cardin was giving you the eyes of intimidation as to say 'Your life is gonna get a whole lot worse.' 

You place yourself in the colosseum seats along with the other students. The sound of heel boots sparks around the room. Professor Glynda Goodwitch enters inside the inner circle of the stadium.   

"Ok students, we will be going over sparring practice. It's important to be able to fend off against other hunters as much as the Creatures of Grimm. Grimm are more or less simple to defeat, but facing another hunter requires more tactic and skill," she informs the class with formality. 

She remains in the centre of the inner stadium. She carries a large scroll device in her left arm. 

She looks around the seats for volunteers in demonstrating a one on one dual. 

'Oh crap,' you think nervously.

At this point, you're already trying to avoid being picked: by either looking anywhere other than the Professor or hiding behind people like a shield from her powerful gaze. 

Her bright green eyes are aiming at your direction. She calls your full name. You had no choice but to address her with your eyes. 

"Would care to partake in this class? As you haven't willingly volunteered for quite some time now," she reminds you as she reads through your records of attempts. Which were almost the lowest in the class. 

"Um Professor, I don't think I can-" you were going to make an excuse as to why you shouldn't take part but Glynda wasn't having it this time. 

"I'm afraid there's no excuses this time. You will perform this demonstration," she tells you in her commanding tone. 

All you could do was listen and do what she says for the time being, "Yes, Professor..." you reply with a hint of fear, as you rise from your seat to proceed to enter the battle arena. 

The Professor scopes the room for the second volunteer: with her eyes squinted and arms crossed together. While inspecting, a body rose to the opportunity of fighting you...though it was some who you didn't want to fight. Ever. 

Cardin Winchester stood high with the cheesiest grin on his face, with his eyes looking right at me. "Why Professor, I'd love to participate," he says with his satisfied tone while he makes his way to the opposite side of the battle arena. 

 The two of you enter the battle arena, prepared for a dual. He's wearing his typical silver-grey armour. You're wearing white sleeveless cloak with black jumper under it, along with jet black jeans and your white and black boots. 

'I can't go through with this,' you think as you make your way through your challenger. You can feel your body shake with absolute regret and fear. This was still a touchy subject to you since...then. 

At the top of both sides of the walls -you and your opponent shared- displayed your health and an image of the two of you. 

You look around the room with just your eyes and people were looking cautiously at you: some people weren't bothered but it was fairly obvious who was. The longer you stared at them, the faster your heartbeat raced. You try your best not to react, as that's all you can really do at this point. 

"Ready to join your team? loner," says provocatively in a whisper, by the man with the burnt-orange hair. He was practically in your face at this point. 

"Mr Winchester, space yourself away from your opponent!" Glynda orders as she steps to the side lines of the arena. 

He shoots an angry gaze at you before backing away from you. That gave you some what relief, but the real trouble was just around the corner. You grip your duo weapons tight: like a a hunter with two pistol getting ready to draw at the enemy. 

The crowd still bothers you. All of them watching you, judging you: wondering what's going on in your head and what you might do. But past all of that you see the familiar ginger haired companion. Nora Valkyrie. 

She was watching you with a supportive smile. Her eyes peering with hope. She was even giving you a thumbs up to top it off. Funny enough it was kinda working. You were actually smiling with confidence.

'Well at least Noras...being Nora I guess,' you think as you unsheathe your pair that you carry. 

The mechanics activate. The stick shaped twins then bloom into their sharper form of dual miniature scythes. They were practically the length of swords. The one in your left hand has a white body with hints of the shade black and baring the jet black tooth of the weapon. The one on your right simply had the colour scheme reversed from its twin.      

The crowd gasps as to seeing your weapons emerge once again. Even you got a slight fright from activating them. It has been awhile for you. 

Cardin prepared his weapon as well.

Now the two of you were staring into each others eyes. Waiting for the right moment to strike. You decide to walk along your side: which involved your right leg crossing over your left one a few times. The opponent was walking away from you in his own fashion. 

'Just try your best and d-' before you could finish your thought on not screwing up, a mace jumps into your vision. You quickly push yourself backwards -giving yourself a decent amount of space between you and Cardin. 

You squint your eyes and prepare for a lunge. With your left leg forward, you push forward and swing your left arm like a back hand slap. Your opponent barely dodges the dark fang of yours. But as soon as the left arm was fully extended out, you swung down your right arm for a second strike. 

Cardin sees the white fang descend to his head but quickly raises his weapon as a shield. It works. The blade has ceased its descent and is almost hung on the body of the mace. Cardin somehow managed to curve his weapons position away from the blade itself and aim for the bridge between the body to the teeth of it. 

"H-how di-" you were about call out how much bull that save was, but you were pulled in closer to the indigo eyed foe to then be kicked in the chest. Sending you a good distance away. When you were pushed away: you lost the grip of your left white claw and Cardin had threw it behind him, keeping you away from it.

He was sprinting at you, with his hands clutched together around his mace. Ready to smash your head in like a pumpkin. You rise from your left knee and charge at him again. Your remaining scythe was held like a hockey stick -the blade pointing away from the target. 

When you were getting closer, you'd slightly lean to the right and grip your scythe tighter. 

'Just a bit closer,' you thought. 

You could see Cardin raise his weapon high above his head. Which was exactly what you wanted. 

Your left hand clasps round your scythe and pointed the blade forward. You swing your weapon. The blade hooks the torso of the enemy and use your bodies strength to send him flying to your right side. 

You then ran after your sibling piece of weaponry, while you have the time.   

Just as you picked it up, a loud thud and burning sound blisters in your ears. Cardin had activated the red crystal inside the center of his mace: which produced a fiery trail seeping out of the weapon. 

The heat quickly grows closer to you. You dodge roll to the right and sprint in piercing speed and prepare your arms to lay waste to this thorn in your side. To show him what you can do. 

You could feel your veins pumping with life, the blood flowing all over your body. It was the rush you needed to excite the dull days you've been enduring. 

Cardin saw you coming at his left. He had planned to use the same technique from earlier to deal a critical hit on you. But you were steps ahead of him. To add more difficulty for him, you use the serpentine maneuver to throw off his aim. 

'He can't hit a swaying target, this'll end quickly soon.'  

You were in the perfect distance to strike now. You jump into the air, swing your sharp limbed black tooth to deal a first heavy blow. The opponent blocks it. Upon reaction you swing your white fang into his right side: releasing your right arm from the block. 

With the left arm, you quickly shift the scythes position so the blade was pointing to Cardin and strike again to the armour -also dragging his weapon arm away, a bonus. Immediately after that your right sided weapon connects to his left shoulder, causing the fool to almost bow to you.

You then swing with your left arm again to then swing the other arm again in a vast deadly combination, to which Cardin could not escape. The sound of Cardins pained grunts was satisfying to hear. The clanging of your weapon entered familiar ears as they had missed the tuning sound.

Life was brought back into you once more. But the clanging only flooded your head with visions of the past...the last time your team had formed together. 

'Wait...what's going on?'

Echoes of your teams voices calling your name in dire panic were playing at the center. Snarls of terror filled the atmosphere. Visions of these memories were red as blood itself. With each strike you drew onto the one with silver-grey armour, a memory was triggered inside your head. This causes you to stop your thrashing. 

'No...please...not this, I don't need this right now!...'

It was as though time had frozen you in place, meanwhile others continue on their own pace. You're eyes widen with fear...optical windows to a person who has just lost everything. Something deep inside was rejecting your brains command to move.  

Cardin rises from his assault to see you, frozen still. He takes this as a good sign and proceeds to walk towards you.

The sound of bodies being torn and crushed were now invading your head. Your teams faces were all apparent in your mind as it displays the very moment they were taking from this world. 

'No...No...Nooooo! I can't do this! I can't go through this again!' You scream internally to yourself.

Meanwhile in the real world, your opponent was taking a closer inspection of you. 

"What's the matter? Can't handle this on your own?" he mocks to you. He tries to make you flinch with a fake out punch, but you weren't phased in the slightest. "I'll make this quick." 

He holds his mace like a baseball bat and reels it back. As he prepares his attack, the other students who're watching were concerned for your well being: some of them turn their heads away -feeling guilty if they watched. 

Nora Valkyrie was sitting with her hands harshly gripped to the banister out of anger. Her expression radiated with concern. 

"Batter up! Reject!" Cardin yells with the biggest grin on his face. He gives it his all to this one swing and lays impact to your stomach. You flew like a rag doll across the arena, landing heavily to the ground. Your hands maintain their grasp to the tools you've been using with ease. Your eyes met with the ceiling and your arms were spread apart, lacking in motion. 

'Why am I here? ...I can't! Not after what happened!

 Your vision becomes clear ever so slightly as you could see Cardin Winchester was about to beat you like some simple plaything of his. You were trying your best to move, but again something was telling you to just lay there and accept what's been thrown to you. 

He places his right foot onto your chest hard. Pressing more and more weight onto your lungs. He wanted to humiliate you for what had happened to your team mates. He would enjoy watching you breakdown into dust. "C'mon, give me something," he demanded with anger.  

The impatient fighter lifts his foot off your chest to the pull you up by your collar. "If you don't? I'm gonna make this a whole lot worse for you," he threatens with his sadistic sneer with his eyes slightly squinted.

Silence was all that played after that phrase. You couldn't speak. Unfortunately the one in control was not done with you yet. He raises his right hand that was formed as a fist. 

'Face it, this is what I get...' you thought as the incoming knuckle was heading to your stomach.

That last hit woke you from your nightmarish flashbacks.   

He then proceeds to throw quick jabs at your stomach and face.

After awhile people were shocked to see you weren't blocking/fighting back. They were starting to pick up something was wrong. So did Glynda. 

"What, you think you're a tough guy, taking a few hits? You aren't even close!" he demeans to you. He raises his fist to deliver another onslaught of punches.

But before he could continue his punishment, the Professor sounded an alarm. Making him turn in disappointment. 

"Mr Winchester. Cease your actions at once!" she commands the out of line student. By her word, he drops you to the floor. 

You didn't care how you landed at this point. Emotions were starting to make their way out to the real world. Your eyes were feeling like their were about to leek any minute: you remained neutral as best as you could. You sit up and turn off your weapons and shove them in their holsters.  

Your eyes scope the seats of the colosseum, faces of worry and fear were all you could see. Then your eyes went to a familiar girl in a pink combat skirt. Nora was looking right at you, worrying for your well being. That's when you could feel the clear liquid pain seep. That's when you got up and left the room at lightning speed.

The room started to flood with small voices question, wondering what had happened. 

"What was that about?" 

"What was with that guy?"

"Maybe he's crazy?" said many voices across the colosseum.

"Professor Goodwitch, may I be excused to check up on-" before Nora could finish her request, Glynda immediately obliged to the request.  

Nora quickly got up from her seat and instantly went to the entrance.

You were running in the halls. Your heart was racing like engine of an atlas ship. Swerving and avoiding shadowy figures. The thing was, the halls are empty. You couldn't think all you could do was run. Run, run and run until you were outside, past the courtyard and stopped by a specific large tree. 

You stopped to catch your breath for a moment. 

'I can't go back to that life, it's impossible.'

After awhile you decided to decline to the grassy grounds. Leaning your back to the large oak body. The shading was the perfect length to cover the top half of your body. Your legs were flowing with the warmth from the sun. Your eyes were closed as you were taking deep breaths. 

"This isn't right...why did it have to happen?" you were wondering to yourself in misery. You raise your right arm to cover your eyes with your forearm. 

The feeling of grief was aching in your heart again. It grew to such an extent that you could sense your eyes grow more irritated. 

More memories began to flood your head. It was you and your team, fighting like a team: the lot of you had your moments of triumph and glory, some slips ups but nothing severe. 

Pollys accuracy was lacking a peptide here and there but it done the job. She didn't exactly have the full instinct on killing Grimm, she always hesitated. Even when the Grimm don't have a soul, she feels there...something to them, something we as people can't see.  

Mordecai had the precision when it came to sniping but his axe swings could of been smoother. He prefered the easiest way without having to do much -a.k.a sniping from a good distance. He can be good up close in combat but he rarely used it. 

Elizabeths punches were strong but lacked in speed...her temper could've been better but that was her being her. If anyone took her kill or got in the way, she would always complain. It never helped that when she would miss one, she would make that her objective: kill the one that got away...even though there were a handful more, but no she had to clear it up. 

As for knew what you lacked: fluency with your weapon, endurance and strength. You want whats best for yourself and your team, but there would always be an mental or physical obstacle in your way. There was a piece of you that was holding back. If not that, you just felt you weren't strong enough yet. 

Your team has carried each other through thick and thin and if it weren't for each other, you'd all would've been in a worse situation. But at the same time you were feeling as if it wasn't for you...they'd be alive.

"I should probably leave..." you mutter to yourself in doubt. 

Right after you spoke those words, rustling in the branches could be heard above. You unveil your eyes to see, Nora hanging upside down a low branch. 

You jump from the surprize visit of all times, from her of all people. The back of your head touches the large body of bark. 

"Found you!" she shouts like a little kid playing hide and seek. Even though she was upside down, you knew she wore her typical over happy expression. Her eyes were shining like lights. You were literally seeing her eye to eye. "Boop!" she bubbles out of her mouth while gently poking the tip of your nose with her left index finger. 

'How did she even- Nevermind that, how long was she there fo- No seriously how did she get up there that fast?' you wonder with a befuddled expression on your face. 

"Where were you planning to go?" she asks curiously as she lightly swings back and forth, getting a little too close to your face.

"W-what?" you utter out. 

"You said you wanted to leave right? Where would you go?" she asks nonchalantly while shrugging her arms to then folding them. 

"Well...I...I don't know..." you say quietly in a mutter while looking away from her. 

"Hmm?" she squeaks while remaining still her cheery mood. 

"I don't know," you repeat louder to her. You look into her sky blue eyes, like you were in a small canoe and looking into a lake that reflected the sky above. 

The girl quickly grabs you by the side of your head with her pink fingerless gloves. "Then staying here is more important! If you don't have a clear path, go for the path you do know!" she tells you happily while rubbing her hands into your cheeks. 

Surprizingly this was somewhat cheering you up, but you can't help but feel the dark thoughts eat away at your mind.

"Nora, not in a bad way but...why are you here?" you ask her while tilting your head to the side. 

"Because, you ran off and I came to make sure you're alright," she answers blatantly while keeping her charm. 

'Just do what you usually do,'       

"I'm was just a flook day for me," you fib to her. You didn't want anyone involved with you for their well being so you just tell them you're fine. 

But unfortunately that tactic doesn't bite with this sledgehammer wielding student. 

She looks into your eyes while swaying back and forth ever so slightly. "I don't buy that for one minute buster," she says while pointing a finger in your face. "You might wanna stand up for this part, don't wanna break your legs!" she warns you in her special pleasant way before pulling herself back up the branches she was hanging from. 

"W-wait what?" you blurt out as you get up from your resting place. "Nora what're you up t-" before you could fully ask wild shaking rose from the branches above and down came the girl like an apple, falling from a tree. "HEY!" you shout while firing your arms out to catch her. 

You held your stance from the sudden change in weight in the stature. The left hand supported her back, meanwhile the right one was on the back of her knees. The bones of your knees handled themselves pretty well. 

'What's with her?' you wonder. You're surprized on how light she really was. When you went to look at her, she was already looking at you. 

"My hero!" she jokingly claims while resting her head on your collarbone. You can't help but shake your head from that. But when you saw her resting on you, you couldn't help but blush from her peaceful looking expression. She opens her eyes to spot you looking at her. "You mind sitting me down?" she asks innocently. You oblige her request. She was placed near your spot on the large tree. You retain your previous place. 

The two of you sit back and look up at the clouds above. 

"It's really nice here, how'd you find this place?" she asks while gazing up. 

"Um, Polly took me here. She said "If you ever feel a little gloomy, just sit by this tree - or any tree- and let your mind wander." Which kinda helps," you answer her as happily as you could pretend. 

She then turns to you. "...What happened back there? You were winning the fight up till..."

You look away from her. "I was just...over thinking, that's all."

She leans next to you and stares at your eyes with a squint to her own. "I told you I'm not falling for that!" she declares. "You know if you're ever in trouble or anything you can tell me right?" she reassures you while leaning her head much more softly on your shoulder. "Even if the problem might be small to you, it could mean much more to others around you," she enlightens you. 

"There's nothing to talk about," you tell her, remaining to look away from her. "It was nothing, everybody has one of those days..." you add. 

Nora then looks up to you to think what to say. 

"Have you ever had pancakes?" she asks. 

You zone in to the conversation and turn your head. "Sorry?" you ask as you were unsure you heard that correctly. 

"Well? Have you ever had pancakes before?" she asks again while looking into your eyes. 

You give her a confused expression before replying. "No...why? Seems a bit random," you tell her as you wore your curious face. 

"Well then!" she starts as she rises from her position, planting herself tall on the soles of her shoes. "It's your lucky day! Cause I know where we can get some!" she declares as she squats to your height. 

"Well you can get some if you want, I'm gonna stay here for awhile," you tell her as you close your eyes and fold your arms.

"That wasn't a request!" she informs you in her chipper tone. 

She then grabs your ankles and measly drags you away from your comfort zone. "HEY! NORA, STOP!" 

The feeling of the ground rubbing against your clothing was more than a slight discomfort.

She listens to your command and stops her motion, while keeping her grip on your ankles. "You gonna help me get'em?" she asks gingerly while looking down at your face.

'What is with this girl?' you think to yourself before answering. "Fine..." you sadly comply. You rose to your feet and followed the girl who was in front of you. 

The two of you walked all the way to the door of Team JNPRs dorm. Along the way, the two of you ignored the ocean of faces of classmates that saw your personal freak out -round this time class had finished awhile ago- luckily Team RWBY managed to shoo them away from staring at you. 

The two of you were outside the door now. At the left side of the door frame: with Nora being closest to the door and you behind her.

Nora was being different at this point, stealthy one would say. She had the door opened slightly: looking around for anyone, like she was about to do something bad. Meanwhile you leaned against the wall next to her. 

You would try to ask her what she was doing but all you would get is her shushing you and got told to '"stay here for look out."' So you just tried to admire the texture of the floor you were standing on to pass the time. A creak was made from the door, Nora had entered the room and closed it...well almost there was a tiny gap between it and the frame. Leaving you alone in the hall. 

"I'll never understand her, seriously. How does anyone deal with her?" you wonder to yourself. 

"Who?" asks a male voice. 

You wound up slipping off the wall and falling to the floor. You look up to find Lie Ren: one of Team JNPR standing in front of you. 

He moves forward to the space between you and the door frame and offers you a hand up. "Are you alright?" asks the male in green. 

You accept Rens assistance up. "Yeah, you just gave me a scare. You should make more noise or Nora should put a bell on you," you nervously joke to him. 

The both of you give off a small chuckle. You soon notice a small container filled with what appeared to be syrup. 

"Is that syrup?"

The man with the pink stream, holds out the arm holding the jar. "Um, yes. I was out getting some, for a meal I made for the group," he reveals. "For some reason, syrup keeps disappearing from me." 

As he had explained why, the door silently opened and out came your friend with a plate of pancakes. She stopped when she noticed that Ren is standing their, not even noticing. She almost dropped them in fright. She couldn't scream as half of a pancake was in her mouth. 

All you could do was look in confusing and think. 'What am I looking at right now?'

"...No kidding," you say confusingly as your eyes were focusing on Nora. 

He leans in close to whisper something. "I think Noras been stealing it, she's always trying something to get this and a plate of pancakes," he tells you like it was some top secret information.

You could feel your heart beat like mad at the scenario right now. Ren could see that. He could see you're slightly sweating from something. 

"Are you sure you're alright?" he asks with suspicion. As he looks at you, Nora had her scroll out to show you what she had typed. 

'STALL HIM! MEET AT YOUR DORM!' said her scroll. 

Ren picks off the impression you were reading something and slowly tries to turn around. 

'Oh no!'  

"So Ren, I heard you know some martial arts?" you quickly fire at him with a fake smile.

He brings his head back to you. "Yes, why do you ask?" he wore a face of curiosity when look at you. 

"I was wondering.." you begin, seeing Nora tip toe away from you two. "If you could teach me sometime? I mean you never know when I might get disarmed..." you finish your question with a scratch to your head of awkwardness. 

Ren slightly reels back his head. "Well if you'd like, we could schedule a time to do some sessions? Though I must warn you, it won't be easy," he persuades. But as he mentions the cautions of training in the arts, you were watching the sneaky girl in pink go by the hall corner with ease. 

"Em yeah. Maybe some point this week? Just not now, I kinda forgot to do something," you tell him and then decide to run around him to meet with Nora. 

Leaving Ren wondering what had just happened.

After you made your way to your dorm, the two of you sit on the floor with a nice plate of pancakes in between. 

"I can't believe I helped you...steal a plate of pancakes!" you sum up to yourself before laughing softly. 

She pulls out a small bottle of syrup and rightfully pours it onto the food between them. 

"I know wasn't it fun? Besides this was important! Now are you prepared to taste these delicious pancakes?" she hypes you with the face of an energy filled child. 

"Sure, want me to use my scythes to cut up a few slices?" you sarcastically ask her with a small smile on your face. 

Nora laughs at your statement and lays on her back. "When did you do jokes? I should say that to Ruby at least once!" she notes to herself in her giggly tone. 

You were shocked to find out you made her laugh, it had been awhile since you made someone laugh. The thing is, that was by complete accident. Her reactions brews a small feeling of joy in your heart: it slowly makes it way to the muscles in your cheeks to make a gentle smile appear on your face. 

"Glad to know I can make people laugh," you say as you reach out for silver utensils. 

But before you could, Nora grabs you hand. "Wait! Let me do it!" she volunteers in a happy tone. 

"Um, Nora I think I don't need your help with this," you assure her. Your eyes then look at her hand that was holding yours. It's funny seeing her hold you hand with such care: even though you've seen her wield her mighty Magnhild with such force and strength. It just shows she can be gentle when she wants to be.      

"C'mon! It'd be fun!" she states while looking into your eyes with glee. She then takes hold of the utensils and cuts slices of the pancakes. 

You sigh in compliance. "Just don't give me a big piece," you tell her as you sit facing her, waiting for your food to be delivered right to your mouth. 

 "Open wide!" she lightly tells you with her delivering arm in motion. 

The treat has now entered your mouth. At first you were a little skeptical about the taste but as it dances in your mouth, you begin to appreciate the texture of the food. 

"Not bad, that's actually pretty nice. The syrup really helps," you tell her positively.  

 "YES!" she shouts, pleased with her job she hugs you tightly in her special bear hugging way. 

You weren't expecting a hug like this...especially over pancakes. This was surprizingly not as bad as you thought it'd be. It was actually kind of nice. It was nice little reminder that you can still enjoy light hearted moments such as these.

Truth be told, there always was something about Nora you liked. Her overall expression, her bubbly personality. She would always be smiling whenever you saw her. She always had some wittiness to her. One could say you're growing much more attached to her. 

"You wanna tell me what happened?" she asks you softly. 

You were too busy enjoying this rather tender feeling of love and tranquility. "Hmm?"

She pulls back to address you face to face. "Back in class, you -" you stop her from asking the dreaded question. 

You know that this question will be biting at you for a long time unless you answer it. 

"Nora, I just...I can't. There are some things you can't ever answer: this is one of them," you politely tell her while looking at the floor. 

"Don't you trust me?" she asks. 

You quickly look into her eyes that pleaded an answer. "It's got nothing to do with that...It's not that I don't trust you. I'm... just afraid on how you'd look at me!" you tell her as honestly as you could.        

"W-what do you mean?"

'I need to tell her now,' you thought as you sigh.

"During combat, I had flashbacks of my teams last mission. Lately I've been having these...visions, nightmares, reminders of how I screwed everything up. Including the death...of my team," you start. Your eyes were closed and one hand clutching tightly. 

Nora could see you having a hard time telling her what happened. She places a hand on your relaxed hand. 

"It wasn't your fault. No one blames you," she tells you sincerely. 

"But it was ALL my fault. You may think Cardin was just trying to hurt me, but funny enough he's right. I got them killed," you admit mournfully while keeping your vision to the floor. "No one knows what happened: But word got out that I was the only survivor. Well except Professor Ozpin and Goodwitch."

Nora moves closer to you. "What happened exactly?" she asks curiously. 

"We were clearing out Grimm, simply: find and slay kind of job, you know? We were walking in Emerald Forest, chatting away like usual. Then we found the pack and thought nothing of it," you begin. 

As you explained, the scenery was set in mind. The weather grew gloomy and rain began to spit down. You and your team were at a hill top and saw numerous Beowolves that were easy to take on. You stood furthest out with Mordecai at your left, Elizabeth at your right and Polly was behind you. 

"We took them out no problem, but more showed up. No doubt the sound of the battle drew them in. Which we thought was a slight change in the mission but we kept going. But the thing about them though: they kept coming," you continue. "They were almost endless, simple to kill but seemed odd for that many to be together."

"How many were there?" Nora asks gently. 

"Probably about, three or four large packs full: there were at least more than five in each group. During the second wave they were swarming us. They were waiting the right moment to strike." 

Your group were smashing and slashing through the black furred bodies of Grimm, then you all heard something coming your way. More Grimm heading right for you. You all decided to spread yourselves apart to gain some space. 

"Everyone spread out!" you shouted to your team. 

You all split yourselves, in a birds eye view: you were all forming a large diamond shape with the four of you being the points. Mordecai was the top point, Polly was the right point, Elizabeth was the left and leaving you at the bottom. 

Loud thuds and booms could be heard from Elizabeths side. Mordecai had his sector under control with the mix of his axe wielding and sniper shots from good distances: even taking a few shots at the Grimm attacking the rest of you. Polly kept them occupied with always moving in a pattern and performing quick take downs with her signature weapons. Meanwhile the growls and snarls of the Grimm were playing all the way through.

You were doing your best: hacking and slashing apart the threat till nothing was left. But when you thought it was nearly over, IT came. out of the forest bursts a large and aggro Alpha Beowolf. 

A loud blood thirsty howl broke through the sound of weapons claiming victory.

Your teammates turned to see the monstrosity before them. It set it's eyes on you and charged forward. 

You've never dealt with an Alpha before, so you were struck with cold feet. You crossed your scythes together as a shield to fend of the furious might of the beast. Even that barely saved you as you were sent flying to the center of your teams diamond formation. 

Fear was beginning to rise within you and your team as this thing was making its way closer to you all. That fear was all the Grimm needed to enter the fray, as more would arrive. 

You barely had enough time to get up and dodge the sharp claws of death that were the Alpha. Elizabeth saw you in trouble and pummeled her way through the Beowolf wall to have a crack at taking the pack leader down. 

"HEY! YOU WALKING FUR BALL! OVER HERE!" she shouted at the beast to get its attention. She then ran toward it. 

"ELIZABETH, WATCH! THIS THINGS SMARTER THAN IT LOOKS!" you warm her with dire caution. 

You could see the creatures right paw wave up, to then swat down to your comrade. 


Luckily Elizabeth blocked the swing with her left gauntlet while it was being supported with the other arm. It was that strong, she needed both arms to stop its one strike. She then grabbed hold of the creatures paw to prevent it moving again. Elizabeth was strong but she needed to know her limits as this was beyond hers. 

You then saw the beasts left arm getting ready to fire into your friend, but stop with your twin weapons: it was now a tug of war with the creature now. 

"LIZZY! GET AWAY! NOW!" you order her for her own safety. 

"N-No! I can handle this!" she tells you with her typical stubborn attitude. 

Polly looked over to her left and saw you two struggling and decided to join in for an assist. 

Mordecai kept his distance from the Grimm but noticed Polly moving to the center. He looks into his crosshair and commenced firing any Grimm that were in her way. Both him and Polly had a good rythme and chemistry when it came down to fighting together. 

She leapt into the air and threw her snow white knives at the creatures body. But had no affect...but only made it more angry. It then swatted its restrained arm: causing you to be disarmed and your weapons were too far away to reclaim. 

Your dual scythes JUST missed your pig tailed friend but made her lose focus on landing properly. She lands on the ground with a thud.

The creature headbutts Elizabeth away to then swipe his left claw into Polly. That was when you saw Pollys aura fade, she was on her last line of defence. She was sent flying to the right. The girl who was headbutted saw Polly laying on the ground and decided to fend off the Grimm that were near her body. 

You had been struck again with fear. This thing in front of you could smell it off you. It turned to you with a grizzly expression like it was about to chomp your head off. 

A stroke of luck hit the skull part of the Beowolf, a familiar knife. Pollys knife. She was weakened but had the strength to get the creature away from you. Elizabeth was taking care of the the surrounding Grimm with the best she could: with slight depth perception and disorientation in her mind. 

Mordecais shots were fired at the crowd surrounding his team mates. Elizabeth couldn't handle much more as she knelt down with Polly. 

You then heard her shout your name. 

"USE IT! USE YOUR SEMBLANCE!" she shouted at you. 

"B-but I can't it hasn't been perfected yet!" you stress to her. 

More shots were fired at the enclosing horde that surrounded the two members. "USE IT!" she ordered you with urgency. 

With that, you ran towards the tall creatures unarmed with the only other weapon you had. 

You jump on its back with closed eyes. The creatures felt irritated by your touch and added weight and tried to remove you. But before it could try, you were absorbed inside the creature. That is when you gained control of the situation.

This semblance was a particular one. It was discovered by accident. But overall gave you a handy tool for a possible way of understanding the Creatures of Grimm. One trip by a lake and a incoming Grimm colliding into you, helped you discover you talent, but the only questions were how? And why? 

You open your eyes to find your vision more...crimson. No blood was spilled. It looked all red and the people were coated in a yellow light with hints of orange. With the rain still going, you could tiny sprinkles of white dancing in your vision for every drop that fell. You had very little time to get used to this temporary form. 

You slaughter the lower Grimm around your comrades and commence on clearing the area. You seemed to have steady movement of the beast.

Elizabeth stared at the Alpha that was under your control. "Still can't get used to that!" she tells you happily.

Mordecai  stepped in to help clear the remaining Grimm with his battle axe. 

The gauntlet wielding friend looks at you with a cocky smile. "Go help goggle over there, we'll be fine," she tells you. 

You walk on your new two hind legs to help out your teammate. It was weird. Seeing through the eyes of one of those things gave you some insight on the them. How they see the human race. 

As the two of you were dual executing the remaining Grimm, something was ticking at your wolf ears. The sound of whooshes and cutting of Grimm was triggering the beast that layed dormant. 

'What's going on?' you wondered as it seems your body was moving on its own, without your command. 

"We got this, keep it up!" said your friend wearing the goggles.

Your animal eyes were locked on the axe wielder. Your body slowly made its way towards him without your control. 

'No! I'm not doing this!...No you're not taking control!' you internally say to the creature who was gaining control of its body. 

The duo who were weakened during the fight look to see you with the look of killing in your eyes. They could see something was off.

The feeling of rage was engulfing you, causing you to loose grip of control. The animal was overwhelming you. 

Your right paw was preparing its claws and wanted you to watch first hand, the murder of your friend.

Muffled sounds of your comrades, screaming your name to stop were bouncing inside the new domain you roamed. 

'No! Please don't! I'm begging you don't! Mordecai get out of there...RUN!' you screamed internally, trying to communicate with your endangered friend. 

In your blood like vision you saw the paw strike the spinal chord of  the one who was your friend, before he could even turn around. 

Nora covers her mouth upon hearing the first execution. She didn't know how to respond. How does one respond to a story like that?

"What...what happened when you were inside...the Grimms head?" she asks with concern. 

"I felt angry, afraid and the eliminate anything. It was like having multiple personalities in one mind. But inside I could feel something...that was afraid: like deep down something was scared of us, humans," you tell her in the best way you could. "But the worst part was...that thing knew I was inside. It wanted me to watch the scene from its point of view. I tried to get out of there. but the more I struggled, the tighter its gripped on me. "

"W-what happened next?" she asks hesitantly. 

 It clicked on the horrors that transpired. You place your hands on both sides of your face. 

"What happened?" Nora urgently asks. 

You stood in the perspective of the creature. Your right claw had pierced through Mordecais spine and out his chest. 

'MORDECAI!' you roared in despair but no one else could hear. 

A sensation vibrates all over you. The Grimm was feeling vibrant and entranced. It seemed when you're feeling the sadness inside, the Grimm can feel it too. But it also could sense the negative feelings of both Polly and Elizabeth. Its next targets. 

'DON'T YOU TOUCH THEM!' you yelled at the sickening creature. But it only done the opposite of what you instructed. You tried to escape but it was like it wanted you to stay and watch.

You could see your friends in horror. The fear was apparent in their eyes. You don't need to be a Grimm to see that. 

Polly struggled to get up. When she could stand tall, she slowly limps over to you with her arms open. 

'Polly what are you doing?! Stay back!'

Her body was wounded but had strength to call your name. 

"I know somethings wrong...but I know you can do it! I believe you're in there still! Please let me know its you still!" she beseeched to you while revealing her warm smile. 

The body of the creature inches closer to the human wall and stares at her for a good few seconds. 

 Its right paw slowly moves towards the girl with pink hair. She seemed to be happy that it was a sign of humanity. When it actually a false sense of security. The beast waves hard the same paw across her head. A quick snapping crack out of her neck. Her body is sent rolling on the ground. 

Noras eyes widened with fear.

"...I could see the light leave her eyes. She didn't deserve one did. It took advantage of our emotions somehow!" you continue in sorrow. "Her face said: '"Why?"' How can someone forget that...she was the kindest, sweetest person I knew. She was there for me and..." you stop as your mind went to what happened next. You were shaking and your eyes were beginning to liquefy. "No... Lizzy!" you whisper to yourself. 

Nora was distraught. She grew more worried for your well being. She gently held your hand with both of her. "You don't have t-" 

"No I can't leave anyone behind, as that would only insult their deaths, who they were and what they meant!" you tell her. "As much as I hate to retell this story, I have to give everything that happened. In order for people to understand." 

"I'm here for you..." she assures you. 

What stood left was a traumatized young woman who was stricken with fear. Across her was the creature that you were trapped in. 

You have no words to express the tragedy that played before your very eyes. You grow weak, hopeless and defeated.

 Elizabeth stood with shaken gauntlets. Her eyes were watery from losing two friends from the claws of the Grimm and possibly another close friend inside the beast. 

"I...I know... that your still in their! You just that thing who's boss. Y-you're stronger than this... I know you think I hated you... with the way I treated you. I was only testing you and..." she stated to you or rather the beowolf, but she did so in case you were still in there.

'Lizzy?' you question. 

"You're actually a nice guy. I know you wouldn't do this and I know for a fact you won't let this beat you! So get up and kick this things ass!" she shouts with her fists raised in front of her. "When we make it out of this: We're gonna beat our past mistakes to the ground! Make new legends, stories and we'll do it for Remnant, the people back home, Mordecai and Polly! So don't you give up on me!" she shouts to you while reforming her cocky grin. "Cause I'm not giving up on you! If someone believes in you, you can't let them down!"  

After hearing those words from the last person you'd expect to hear them from, your personal rage kicks in

You yell from the inside -trying to escape- and the creature itself roars for a challenge. 

She's seen sprinting at the creature that was your cage. She uses all of her might to grab both front paws to immobilize the creature in a power struggle. She was on her left knee, as she was on her last hind legs. 

You were loosened from the tight grips of the dark abyss. You could feel yourself float out of the embodiment of the Alpha. 

You could feel the air touch your skin as you sprout from the back of the ferocious killer. You slither out of the body. 

You turned to see your dear friend pinned on her back fending the Beowolfs might as it tried to chomp her face. 

She looked at you with tired eyes. "...Get your twins!..." she instructed you. "I got him busy!" she fires her legs like pistons at the beasts belly.

You nodded and ran to your tools which were a good distance away. 

You hurried to obtain them, as you ran to get them: a pain filled scream could be heard from behind you.

 The creature had bitten down on her left collar bone. It then rose its left paw to pierce threw her stomach, but she stopped the claws from touching her. She did her best to restrain the other paw from attacking. 

You equip the weapons to then hurry back. But another but blood curling scream broke out. The demonic animal pierced her stomach. 

The hearing and sighting had now boiled your blood. Your teeth grind together and your eyes were burning for war. 

You complete lose it as you dove into the air, aim your scythes for a downward strike on dismember the creature. It only annoyed it but get its attention. The creature whacked you with his elbow joint.

You were merely pushed a few inches. You swing both scythes like a baseball bat and whack the ribs of the Grimm and push forward to distance it from the wounded comrade. 

The creature was shoved to the ground and on all fours. You sprint after it, wave slash after slash continuously at the creature: getting every ounce of aggression and justice that was needed. You then back up from the creature to then go back right at it. 

Before the creature could even think of swinging, you use your left scythe to stick the inner blade in the wolf to then jump on it's back to then quick hook the white fanged weapon to the Alphas throat. You bend your knees -while on the creatures back- and with all your might push forward and pull your blades towards you. The creature was slowly being torn apart: it was being ripped by the neck and stomach. An outrageous roar escapes your mouth as the creature was no more as he was split into three pieces: The head, the torso with arms intact and then the bottom half with it's legs still attached. 

You drop your weapons to return to your dying comrade. 

"Elizabeth!" you lift her head gently and cup it into your left hand. "Everything's gonna be okay! We can get you patched, I'll call someone -" you urgently tell her. But she already made the call with her scroll laying next to her left hand. They said they were due shortly. 

"Did you...give it a good one for us?" she asks painfully as she could barely speak, due to the severe damage. 

You soon began to shake. "Yes...I gave it what it deserved...for all of you!" you tell her, while trying to sound tough. 

She lifted her right hand up opened, waiting for you to grasp it. You do so quickly.

She softly giggles. "You could never play the tough guy...but that there, that was pretty badass..." she breaths out while coughing. Her eyes were slowly loosing life.

You could see the blood dripping from the corner of her mouth. So you wiped it off for her. "You're going to be alright! When you get better, we're gonna do all those things you said: improve ourselves, make legends for everyone! It'll be great!" you tell her. "What you said back there: I never thought you hated me, I always knew you were just being you. I never hated it: it's what made you, you."  you told her with your deepest affection. 

"I'm...glad to of been on a team with you...all of you...especially you," Her eyes were beginning to close. "Remember, this wasn't your fault and don't let anyone tell you otherwise; don't let anyone push you around...we'll always be with you," she ends as her life come to an end. Her breath stops. 

You then hold her into your arms. "Elizabeth! No please! Stay with me!"

"ELIZABETH!" you screamed at the top your lungs.

"I sat there waiting for over thirty minutes, hoping she'd wake up. Nothing came through," you explain to Nora while she looks at you. "Then Headmaster Ozpin arrived with Professor Goodwitch. They cleared up the scene." 

"I'm sorry for what happened. It isn't fair, no one deserves something like that," she says while making her way to hug you again. 

You merely sat there, feeling the warm touch of the girl in pink. 

"I know what it's like to lose people close to you, it hurts but you need to be able to move on," she tells while holding you dearly. "I'm sure your friends would want you to be happy: not moping over there losses and giving up."

"I don't think I can though. I feel like I'll only get more people killed, I'm just a liability." 

As you said this you were then moved to face the huntress in training in front of you. 

"You should never think like that! Not after what you've been through! If Cardin hadn't..." she stops in her pace to an idea she. An idea that made her creak a sneaky smirk on her face. "I GOT IT!" 

You jump from the sight of her sudden out burst. "W-what?" 

She pulls you in close to listen closely. "How bout we teach the bully a lesson?" she persuades you. 

At first you were hesitant, but you remembered how bad he actually treated you and combined with Lizzys words of wisdom. So you agreed. 

Nora rises to her feet and clutches her hands and wore a bit of an unnerving grin. "We could break his legs!" she says in delight. 

You look up to her. "Um maybe nothing too drastic?" you recommend her.    

She deflates herself. "Fine," Nora lowers herself to your level. "So you got a plan then?" she asks with hyped up cheer.

"Don't worry I do. And Nora, thank you. I really appreciate everything you've done for me." 

"No sweat! Now how're we gonna get back at them?" she asks like a little kid wanting to open her wrapped up presents. 

"Alright, I lure them to the Forever Fall Forest. And you, Nora? You'll be hiding near by and when I give the signal, that's when we show them what we got! And heres how we lure them," you tell her. 

As the day progressed. Night soon covers the sky. Nora was still in your dorm. You explained everything to her, but still remained. You weren't complaining, you only wondered why? After confronting her of the time, you walk her back to her teams dorm. 

"Nora, I'm sorry you had to hear...what happened. I thought that hearing that story would make you...think differently of me," you say to her nervously. 

She pats your shoulders and ruffles your hair. "No way! I know you'd never do anything to hurt anyone close. I understand it was the Beowolf. I can see that a mile away," she says reassuringly while trying to boost your self esteem. "Now get in bed and rest up, cause we got work ahead of us," she tells you as she lightly touches the tip of your nose with her index finger again. Like she did back at the tree. "Boop!"

Just like that she enters her room with a gentle shut at the door. 

'What does that mean? '"Boop,"' you wonder as you head back to your dorm. 

You look at the sheets on the empty beds and decide things need to happen. Move on and not let the past weaken you. Improve yourself. You quickly and respectfully fix the covers tidily. You crashed onto your bed and had a good nights sleep.

Morning was set in motion: The birds were flying over Beacons Courtyard. Students were conversing with one another. The weather was fairly sunny, not too hot or too cold. 

In the Courtyard, there was the familiar burnt-orange haired buffoon, Cardin Whinchester. He and his flunkies were causing mischief again. They were pushing around a young man by the name of Jaune Arc. He was walking along by himself to be ambushed by team CRDL. Thankfully it was simply pushing him around but who knows how long that'll last. 

Then you arrive on the scene. Your confidence was high this time, for the most part. But you made your way up to them. 

"Hey! Cardin!" you shout at his direction. 

The bullying stops. "What do you want? Loner."

"Not much. I just want to say you guys remind me of rotten food. Like rotten tomatoes," you tell the four to then look at Jaune. "Jaune, you might wanna move next to me. Trust me," you tell him politely while gesturing the space next to him. 

Once Jaune made his way to you, your eyes glance up the lower roofing: to see your orange haired accomplice. She held a large try of rotten tomatoes and with the snap of your fingers, she dumps it onto the confused team. 

Loud splatters could be heard as the plump foods land on the team and no doubt leaving them covered in the juices. 

"Only you all smell much worse!" you tease them. You could see Cardins face turn red with rage as the juices dribble down his face. 

"YOU. ARE. DEAD!" he shouts in your direction as he and his team take motion after you. 

Before you take your leave, you lean next to Jaune to tell him it was nice seeing him. You fire back away and lure the four through Forever Fall forest. 

You were now surrounded by the gorgeous red coloured leaved oak bodies. The red grass was like one large carpet. 

But no time to admire the scenery as you had something to prove. You stop and see them corner you in a man formed box. 

"Huh...didn't know this was a dead end..." you say to fool the unsuspecting members. 

They were slowly getting closer. 

"Ready to meet your team? Cause this is gonna get ugly quick!" Cardin warns you while he cracks his knuckles. 

"You know Cardin, you need a better joke...cause this one's running dry. How bout something actually clever and actually funny," you criticize him with a smirk on your face. 

They continue there motion to scare you. 

"You had this coming to you! So shut up and take what you deserve!" he scolds you while pointing at you furiously. 

"My thoughts exactly Cardin, you had this coming. I was giving you too many chances to stop...but looks like, there's Nora way around it." you alarm him in a punny matter and he wasn't the only one he was alarming.

"What're you talking abo-" just as he was about to question. Up in the sky down came a force to be reckoned with. The girl who's been helping you push through. Nora Valkyrie was descending like a meteorite, with her mighty Magnhild reeled back to smash to the ground. 

You jump back away to avoid the collateral damage and feedback. 

Boom goes the ground. The piece that was plastered with Magnhilds face creates creates across the land. The force shook the very land itself: causing two of CRDL to fall back one side away to your left. The remaining two, Cardin and Dove Bronzewing at your right. 

Nora takes the ones at the left. You wanted to take Cardin yourself. 

'Alright lets get this over with,' you think while activating your twin scythes teeth. 

You reel back your left arm to swing forward -aiming for Cardins torso- but was blocked by Doves blade. 

The boy with with the tan-coloured armour kicks you away. You were backed up to then be blasted with shots fired by Doves fire power. 

The fire power wasn't enough to stop you. You swing your scythes in a vast combination to subdue the temporary target. Meanwhile Cardin watches and gets ready to unleash his weapons fiery breath. 

'Wait...his teammates in mid fire...he wouldn't really...' just as you were doubting his actions. Cardin fires at you and his own comrade. 

So you kick Dove to the side: protecting him but leaving you wide open for impact. You block with your dual weaponry, but doesn't stop the rest of the force overwhelming you. 

Your knocked off your feet and rolling on the ground. As you quickly rise, you turn to see Noras handling things quite well. You knew that but you wanted to make sure she was alright.

"You're mine!" declares the incoming leader with brute force. 

You dodge roll his heavy mace down swing and place your left foot on the weapon so he couldn't pluck it out. You deliver a sucker punch with your right fist and and push away kick; making the opponent unarmed as his weapon was buried into the ground. Once he was at a distance away, you give him a jump kick to the face with your right leg. Disorientating Cardin for a moment as you make claim your weapons.

'I should probably work on my gripping,' you criticize yourself. As you did, Cardin reclaimed his weapon as well. 

Now Cardin was getting angry. He unleashes a wave after wave of flame strikes, which you serpentine out of the way. 

You go for the downward strike with both scythes, but were blocked by the maces body.

You're both at a power struggle now.

"I am getting sick of you!" your opponent blurts out. 

"Then. We're. Even!" you grunt out while gaining power. You were about to overlap Cardin in power, but you could hear something coming at you two.

Nora knocked one of the three at your direction by accident. Sending you two down a grassy slope. You'd knock into some standing trees and laying over logs. You both soon reached the bottom and quickly get up. 

The two of you look at one another and notice your weapons are gone. The impact knocked the weapons out of your hands. At least it was even now. Fists to fists. 

You both raise your fist and charge at each other. As you were practically inches from each other, a loud growl flooded the area. Thumps could be heard. The two of you look around, then to each other, then around again. 

What emerges from the the woods, was an Ursa Major. The large grizzly creature makes its way to the scene to find you and Cardin. 

"...Cardin...Dont. Move. A Muscle," you whisper instructively to you temporary foe. 

"I wasn't really planning on it. But thanks," he says sarcastically but not at the same lowered volume. Which drew its attention to him

Within seconds Cardin was smacked by the large paws of the Major. He was knocked across the area. It avoided you and went for Cardin. 

'This seems fitting...but I can't let anything happen to him. Don't want things to go too far,' you hurry to your way to the bear like beast. 

Just as you were about to come contact, three bodies enter the field. The three punching bags got off of each other and spread themselves apart. But before they could even attempt to attack you, they noticed the grizzling problem and froze in shock. 

They turn to look at you, but they hesitate to attack. They see their leader trapped and in peril. But are unsure what to do. 

"C'mon, we gotta save him!" you tell them. 

"B-but how, that's a big Ursa!" says Russel with fear written on his face.

"Try ANYTHING!" you stress to them, "You're the only one with weapons here!"

They understood that very well, it was just approaching the situation that was the issue. But they swallow their fears and try to do some damage to the beast. 

Russels daggers merely bounced off the creature. Skys halberd was ineffective and it and along with him was tossed aside and colliding with Russel. Doves short-sword wasn't enough: not even its fire power did anything, only left him open to a paw strike. The trio were now laying in pain. 

The creature simply looked at them before returning to the main prey, Cardin. 

'What do I do? I don't people dying...what if I? No I can't I wont be able to control it...but if I don't they'll die!'


You weren't sure if he had heard you but you got a small nod, which you'll take. 

Nora had just made it on the scene: with her hands carrying your duo tools. To witness your semblance in action.  

You take a deep breath and run at the beast. Just like the Alpha Beowolf. Your hands grapple its bony spines and once again merge with a Grimm. 

Your vision was the same as before. Red. As you were growing a custom to the body, you made it back away from your Cardin. The body wasn't as resistant as the other one. 

You manage to maneuver your right paw to point back the way, to head back to Beacon. 

As you were keeping composure of the form. The student in gold bird on his chestplate, was getting away and consoling with his team to get up while they can. 

Something was happening, the Grimm inside was feeling angry again...angry that it prey was getting away. 

'No no no no! You're not doing this!' you pull back internally to gain control. It only worked for a few seconds as the beast chased after them and was ready to dive on them. 

Luck struck you like lightning, as Nora whacked you bear head to seas your motion. 

'Nora...Nora! Get away quick!' you knew she couldn't hear you, but you didn't care. You didn't want anything to happen to her. She's been helping you push through all of the pain and guilt and she were would be forever lost to the dark embodiment that was despair.

"Don't worry! I got your back Grimmy!" she tells you with strong determination. She turns to Cardin. "You! If you pick on him or anyone again? The next surprize attack won't be pretty, got it?!" she threatens him while pointing her Magnhild at him. 

He quickly nods and flees with his team. 

Now it was just you and her. Not particularly a good scene for two people but it was one now. 

"This is going to hurt a lot. But the heavier, the quicker you can get out!" she tells you before displaying her game face.

'Nora! Are you crazy?! This thing is...ferocious...It could kill you!' you think as you were tugging the mental war of keeping control. 

She unleashes her grenade explosives at you. Blinding you. Before you could think, she sprints in with a hammer strike to the knees and head of the creature you were possessing. 

'Hey! Careful I could die in here!

The attack has left you on all fours. But your Grimm body crawls out of the pink smoke to find the one who caused it. Your head looked left and right but nothing. After a moment, Nora rushes through the smoke and gives you another wallop to the top of your head. 

Growls could be heard escaping the mouth of the creature. 

It quickly rose its head and slashes at the girl in pink and knocking her down. She gets back up and tries to get a critical hit. But before she could get the swing, she was slammed by the Grimm wall that was your new bear skull head. Sending her flying and disarmed. 

'NO! I WONT LET YOU!' after you said that, you could hear a nasty growl as if answering you rudely. It proceeds to charge at her with its teeth ready to chomp. Loud thumping could be heard from the body you were borrowing. 

It stops. You somehow managed to grab a good hold to cease it's motion. But for how long was unsure. You take your chance and try to escape its dark clutches onto you. The grip was loosening and you could feel your self closer to the outside. The beast within was trying to keep hold but it grew tired and lacking in mental power. You soon emerge out. Landing roughly onto the ground.

The now brainless beast was staring at you and was now on you. 

Your mind was drawing a blank. Hoping, you head turns for anything to fend with. Your eyes were locked onto your weapons. Nora brought them with her. 

"Nora, you are seriously amazing!" you say as you made your way to them.

You grip on tightly to your weapons of destruction and stare into the creatures eyes. 

"BRING IT!" you roar as you serpentine your way to the Ursa. You perform a jump attack with the swing of your arms to form an X. Backing the creature up, but you weren't done. You gave it strategized slashes while watching for any swipes and minding your spacing.

It was working well. The creature was bound to end soon. With a high jump and prepared swing you soar like a bird in the air. You were reeling your scythes above you to unleash. But the Ursa Major dodges the swing.

You stick the landing, turn to face your enemy. As you were facing, Nora was behind it with her weapon at hand and ready. Her face was one of sheer victory and her headed tilted to your right. You could read her loud and clear. She was more to your left and you were on the right side, opposite to her as well.

You both prepare yourselves. The Grimm was at you now at full speed. Like that, you both run to the beast: swinging your weapons at the same target. Your scythes cut into the belly of the creature: lifting it slightly. Noras Magnhild was smashed into the creatures spine: smashing the spiked that were poking out, the Grimm was being pushed two way and with much power it tore in two. Rendering it dead.

But your landing wasn't too good: you met with the ground again and roll on to your side. Meanwhil Nora was still standing. 

'I don't know who was hurt most in that, me or the Ursa,' you thought tiredly as your eyes grew blurry. 

An echo of your name was heard again. This one was more pleasant but sounded troubled still. It was Noras and her footstep were soon catching up. She kneels down to you and rests you on her lap. 

"N-Nora...I'm alright, nothing...vital...only a lit-" before you could finish your breathed sentence, Nora wraps her arms around. 

"You did it! I'm glad you're alright! I knew you'd do it!" she tells you sincerely. 

You slowly return the favour by hugging her back: even if your body was aching. "...It'll take more than beat me."

She pulls back gently. You could see her eyes were almost leaking her own special raindrops. But she retained her loving smile that you've grown use to. "Exactly!"

"It's all thanks to you Nora. If it weren't for you...I'd still be a shell of who I used to be...I owe you everything. When I first met you, I didn't know what to think of you," you take a deep breath before continuing. "But as of now, I've well, fallen for you."

She was relived to hear those words. She lowers her head to the point where your noses could touch. Just as they did, she squeaks very familiar words. "Boop."

You were given a warm feeling in your chest. "Say...what does that mean?" you ask her humbly. 

You were given your answer in physical condition. She places her lips on yours. You were then stuck with new found life inside. Like a human defibrillator, bringing you back to life. Her gloved hands were on your face.

"That answer your question?" she asks playfully. 

"Yep. If I weren't so much in pain, I'd repay you back for that," you let her know softly. 

After a small giggling moment. You look into each others eyes with loving passion. 

"So, can you walk or do I need to carry you?"

"I can...walk..." you answer while getting yourself up slowly and surely. But you then almost toppled over if it weren't for you orange haired angel. "Ok...maybe not fully."

You're left arm was over Noras shoulders. You both make your way out of the forest to then head back to your dorm. 

She gently lowers you onto your bed. You were tucked in by the loving girl you've grown so close to. 

"You sure you don't have any wounds?" she asks carefully. 

"Don't worry, I'm all good. I just need some rest," you inform her tiredly. "I'll be good tomorrow. If you want, you can come by and see how I am tomorrow."

"Good to know. I can stay by if you'd like," she tells you lovingly. 

"No no, you don't have to really..." you let her know while dozing off to sleep. The last sound you heard were lovely giggles before going off to dreamland.

Your dream was peaceful this time. It was you in a sunny grassy field. In front of you were three tombstones of your close friends. You were mourning them. Your eyes soon close. Something takes hold of your hand. Nora was next to you, supporting you. Next came Ren, Jaune, Pyrrha, Team RWBY and majority of classmates behind you with smiling faces. You turn to face Nora with a smile of your own.

"Rise and shine lazy buns," says the girl by your side. 

You soon wake up to find Nora at your bedside. She had a plate of Pancakes laying on top of you. Also her teammates Lie Ren, Jaune Arc And Pyrrha Nikos are also around you. 

"How're you feeling buddy?" asks the blonde haired friend. 

"Well...I'm doing better," you answer him. 

"We're glad to hear your recovering well," says the girl with the red long pony tail. 

Ren then makes his way closer to the group. "We were thinking of doing some training, would you like to join?" he asks. 

"I mean if it's alright with you guys, sure."

"GREAT! Just finish these pancakes up and we'll be good to go!" she says while coming in for a loving hug. 

So it seems your life if going a new direction and a good one at that. You may have had a heavy start and tragic loss. But if you push on through and keep pursuing and dedicating, you will make it. All it took were some right pushes and a bonus, was the right person to bring the best out of you. It just seems there's Nora way around it. 

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