Par uncookedbowlofrice

53.6K 1.5K 276

YES! YES! YES! Don't worry. I got what you need. Right here. Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter four (I dont know)
Just some extra (some juicy stuff maybe 0w<)-maybe not-
Just a little bit
not so little anymore.
chapter 8
little bit
Chapter 10 -long chapter- (maybe some stuff)
Just an extra part

B3 we may be coming to a conclusion

3.5K 109 17
Par uncookedbowlofrice

McCree went inside mission control leaving to the bathroom to splash himself. "I shoulda kissed him. Fake or not..." He thought about what he should really be caring about. "My friends are tied up who knows where. All because I wanted to smoke..." A door stall opened before Winston stepped out. McCree looked away dipping his hands into the empty sink pretending to wash his hands. "Who you talkin' about?" "No one. Just a thought." Winston washed his hands silently. When he went to the drier he spoke, "Well I've studied a bit of psychology. I'd love to help you out with anything your going through Jesse?" McCree shook his head, "Fine then. Shoot." "Not here, my office."
The cowboy followed Winston to a small room with a desk and a couple of chairs filling any free space that the black board didnt. "So. Why did I agree to this?" "Idk. You tell me a bit first." McCree decided what to say and what not to say, "So. There's this person. Really nice. I shared a few cigars..." McCree thought over the rest. "And I had a thought of me kissing them. But it ended once I got a phone call." Winston smiled, "And what caused you to have this "thought", McCree?" McCree took out the cigar and handed it to Winston. "Causes a few mild hallucinations... I mean. I would wanna kiss them even if it wasn't for the cigar but- they're very distant..." The gorilla checked out the cigar then sniffed a bit. "This smells like your average cigar McCree... that kiss might've actually happened." "Wait, what? I must've put that in the wrong order, I." McCree's heart beat sped up a bit. That couldn't be true though. Hanzo's-... he couldn't be, he liked-... he talks to-...
Winston put the cigar on the table. "You should go, I bet you have a ton of questions he'd be glad to asnwer." McCree swiped the cigar and tried to get up as fast and cool as possible. As he walked out he could hear Winston chuckling. "Tell Hanzo I said sorry." McCree continued walking unbelieved. Once arriving to the back of the building he saw the cyborg ninja staring at him. "Come on Genji... what do you have against me? You know even if you hurt me I'll come back." Genji walked to McCree, "You've fought me. Your friend's almost froze me to a statue. And after that I tied em up... now you want me to just give my brother to you to date him?" McCree got on a knee. "I beg of you. In any way to let me do this. I, right here, am trying to get your blessing instead of Mercilessly dating him. We were good friends before this. Idk why you seem so mad about this. Even when we were younger, you're brother told me you joked about us being together... please, just give me a chance..."
Genji stared for a moment then took out his blade, lifting McCree's head. The cowboy swallowed hard, "Just gonna kill me?"
"I'll give you one chance. Just because I owe him... you hurt him in anyway and I will kill you." He pressed the blade against the cowboys Adams apple. McCree got up and nodded, "Thank you... um. Do you, know where he is by any chance...?" "He's currently going to free your friends." McCree nodded again then turned to run. Becore setting off, Genji grabbed his wrist. "Tip. He likes guys with no armor and one button undone." Then let go.
McCree panted as he reached the control center. He rushed his chest piece off and unbuttoned his top button ffom his plaid shirt. He walked inside, heart beating. He loomed inside and saw Hanzo talking with Lucio and Mei. "H-hanzo." The archer turned to McCree. McCree, step by step felt his heart beat louder, practically punding from his chest. There wasn't possibly a time he could've been more scared. "I, gotta tell ya something I've been feeling for a while." Hanzo stared, his eyes glowing, making McCree shake.
-in the background-
"Yo Lucio. Help him out." "What am I supposed to do?" "Put on your romance dubstep or something." Lucío glared. "You know you have more than two songs on your gun." The DJ sighed then swipped his healing music to a quiet violin solo with a quick beat;/the gun changed from yellow to a glowing red. "How about you drop some snow while we're just sitting." Mei pulled out her pet snowball and threw him high above the other two.
-back to the two-
McCree blushed watching snow drop off his face. "I-I like you." He whispered. Hanzos eyes widened as the word left McCree's lips. Both were silent. Lucio and Mei agreed it was best for them not to say anything. "I-i-. Winston said I may have just smoked a regular cigar... not that I think you would do anything I just-" "Jesse." McCree looked up brushing hair from head. He was then tugged by the shirt into a soft kiss. Lucio smiled and Mei squealed a bit at the sudden impact. McCree pulled back for a second, blush dark across his face. McCree looked at the light blush on the archers cheeks before kissing him again. Hanzo eyed McCrees shirt then pulled away laughing making the other stop smiling. McCree could feel himself more embarrassed as Hanzo laughed.  Hanzo laughing, even something Genji said he didnt hear a lot. "Did you really listen to Genji." "I-I thought you'd. He said..." Hanzo smiled looking at the red face. "It's not a bad thing... it's true." McCree rubbed his face a bit. Mei grabbed snow ball and pet him as he stopped shedding snow. "I guess we're done here." Lucio shrugged his shoulders and leaded Mei out.
(Idk how to end it so this is the end. I hope you enjoyed)
(There's so much I didn't explain. Huh, idk)

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