Undestined Love (An American...

By thatonewriterperson

41.4K 836 350

The Walker family is now the new victims of the Muder House. Now that the Harmons are out of the way, they ca... More

Undestined Love (An American Horror Story FF)
Janet Moore

'Horror Story'

6.6K 289 107
By thatonewriterperson

"Ben, she isn't safe here. We need to drive them away."

"I know Vivien. But we tried many times, and they can't seem to see us at all!"

"He is after her. Just like he did to Violet. She might not be my daughter, but I don't want an anarchist psycho to talk to her Ben."

"He is just lonely Vivien." He turned to look at her. "Everyone needs someone to talk to."

She scoffed and look at him outrages. "Ben! He hurt Violet. We can't find her anymore because of him! We cannot let another person die because of him."

Ben sighed and turned to Vivien. "I know."

Tate came into view and Ben and Vivien went away.

"I love you Stacy." He said as he took my hand. I looked into his eyes; they went from brown, to red. I let out a gasp and I pulled away. He wasn't wearing his normal stripped shirt and baggy pants, but he was wearing a black rubber suit. He was smiling at me, and he put on a mask. I ran towards the door, but he was already there. He has a knife in his hands, and he was laughing.

"I won't hurt you Stacy. Not a lot anyways."

I woke up with sweat all over my body. I was hypervenalating and I touched my face. I felt tears running down my face. I wiped them away and I shook my head. It was just a dream Stacy. Get a grip! I turned to my clock and groaned. It was 6:55; I have to start getting ready.

I was walking down the hall, and I saw Janet. She spotted me, and a smirk grew on her lips. She walked over to me and motioned me to walk with her. We quickly fell into synch and went outside.

"Walking home Stacy?" she asked.

"Yup, like I said, I don't live far from here." I said

She smiled and looked away.

"Can I come over?" she asked and turned back to me.

"Uhh sure. Why not?" I said.

We started to walk to my house.

"Wow, I finally get to go to the Murder House." She laughed and turned to me.

"Yeah, that just creeps me out. But nothing bad has happened to us, so I guess it is just legend." Janet shrugged her shoulder and looked away again.

"Wait for it." She whispered.

"Excuse me?" I asked, looking at her questioningly.

She turned back around and looked me in the eyes.

"Nothing." She said.

I shrugged it off and walked to my porch. I opened the doors and lead Janet inside.

"Welcome, to the Murder House."I said. Janet let out a laugh and looked around.

"Mhm, quiet like I remember it." She said.

"What?" I asked.

"Ohh uh, I seen pictures online." She said.

"Uhh cool. Wanna snack?" I asked as I go to the kitchen. Janet followed close behind me.

"No thanks. Not really hungry."

"Ok." I grabbed a granola bar and headed to my dad's office. I peered through the door and saw Tate in his seat and my dad's back faced me. Tate looked over my dad's shoulder and smiled at me. Dad quickly turned around, and smiled.

"Home Dad. And I brought a friend. Is it ok that I did?" I asked in my oh-so-innocent voice. He chuckled and nodded.

"Sure, bring her here so I can meet her." He said. I nodded and turned around. Janet was right behind me and she walked to the door so she can see inside.

"Hi Mr. Walker, my name is Janet Moore." She said smiling. My dad got up and shook her hand.

"Please, call me Declan." He said. He walked away. I'm guessing session was over.

I turned to Tate, who was looking pale as a ghost. He looked at him questiongly and his eyes were blank.

"Ohh, friend is kinda cute Stacy. Mind introducing me?" Janet asked. I nodded my head and pulled her to where Tate was. He still had that blank look in his face. I brought my hand up and shook him lightly. He snapped out of it and looked at me.

"Hey Tate, this is Janet. Janet, this is Tate."

Janet smirked and looked at Tate. She had her hand extended for a shake, but Tate looked at her.

"Do I know you from somewhere? You look a bit familiar." He asked Janet. She quickly turned away and cleared her throat.

"Um maybe around school." She said.

"No, I dropped out. A long time ago." He said.

"Oh, well, I don't know." She said, still turned away. Tate took one good look at her and looked back at me.

"Well, I will see you later." He said. I nodded and he gave me a quick hug. I turned to Janet and slapped her arm.

"What was that about? First your head over heels for him, then you are acting all ominous and strange." I asked. She just shrugged.

"Whatever. Hey I gotta go." And she ran away to the door. I stood there, dumb fouled. My mom came into the room and gave me a questioningly look.

"You ok Stac? You look like you saw a ghost or something." She said.

"Yeah, I am ok mom. I'll be in my room." I ran upstairs and plopped in my bed with the book 'The Amityville Horror' by Jay Anson.

"Nice friend you got there." Said a voice I quickly recognized. I looked up from my book and saw Tate standing over my bed.

"Uh, yeah, sorry about that. And what was that all about?" I asked.

Tate shrugged his shoulders. "I just feel like I seen her before. I just don't know where." He said as he sat next to me. He took the book from my hands and looked at it.

"You like horror stories?" he said.

"Yeah, I think they are awesome. It would be awesome to live one." I said and smiled.

"No you don't. I won't let you too." He said, as he looked up. Our eyes meet, and I slowly felt myself leaning in. He leaned in too, and I felt his hand around my waist. I felt myself getting closer to him, and I felt my whole body washed over with electricity I never felt with anyone else. As we were about to kiss, the door flew open, and I pulled away quickly.

"Well, what have we had here?"

A.N. / Thank you so much for reading this story! I am so sorry if I take forever to upload. I just have two other stories I have to write and I don't have enough time sometimes. So, why did Tate freak out over Janet? Any suggestions? Keep voting, liking, fanning, and commenting (: Thanks (:

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