Of A King's Knight and Tears

Od AssassinNumber9

910 34 2

Diarmuid, an Irish lancer, has his fate decided upon when he chooses to walk the same path as his fallen fath... Více

A Path Chosen
Two of the Silvecore
A Trusted General
The French Maiden
Training Begins
Begins A Guardian
Of A King's Knight
Bond Between King and Knight

A Hope for a Warrior's Fate

272 9 1
Od AssassinNumber9

Listen here, Son,

I will tell you this for future reference.

Do not falter,

Do not cry,

Do not shed one single tear,

You must stay strong.

For your country and all your loved ones,

Keep your head held high with your blade in your hand.

The unpleasant sound of a kick to the side sounded within the room and with it came the clatter of a weapon and the armor of a soldier. The man who had fallen down looked up at his elder brother, who had his head held high and held his demonic spear, Gae Bolg, which was given to him by his own master in his left hand. He had both a distressed and determined look. "I won't lose you yet, so don't you dare die in that arena. Make both me and our old man proud. Prove to him that his faith in you was not wasted."

"You did not stand sturdy, Diarmuid. You let your guard down. Have some confidence, but don't have so much that it lowers your guard. Remember, I'll be watching you as well as a full coliseum of people from all over coming here to see this event take place. Don't make this trip become a waste of time", the blue-haired male told his younger sibling. The raven-haired male, Diarmuid, stood up and got back into his unique battle stance, breathing hard from exhaustion. This did not go unnoticed by his older brother. "Take a break, Dia. I don't want you being too tired for the fight."

Diarmuid basically fell onto the bench that leaned against the wall. He reached down for the water-filled canteen and nearly chugged the entire thing. Pulling it away from his mouth to make sure to save some for later, he looked at his brother, who he knew was nervous for the man was not sitting beside him on the bench but pacing back and forth. "Take a seat, and calm yourself, Brother. It is not as if you are the one going into that arena and putting on a good show for this land's king", the lancer said to sooth his brother's nerves. The ruby-eyed man stopped pacing and looked towards his kin.

"Diarmuid", he sighed, as he did as Diarmuid had said and sat down beside him. "At this moment in time, there will never be a time where I don't stop worrying about you. You are all that I have left. I have no wife, no children. The only things I possess that are truly dear to me are my lance, my comrades, and you - and with that, you are the most important out of all of those things. And here you are now, waiting to go into an arena where both fate and death await. And at this moment in time, your life will be decided. Your route of living will be unlocked, and all we can do is wait for the moment to arrive at a heart-shattering rate."

Diarmuid aimed his amber eyes towards the man. "And you think that I do not worry about you when I hear that you will enter a dangerous battle? Because, I do. You have no idea how tormenting it is to wait for you to come back from a battle. And not only that, but I have to prove myself that I am worthy of being your brother. I mean, you're the great Cu Chulainn Ua Duibhne, the renowned warrior who won in a fight with a dog who had the strength of one hundred men. I cannot allow myself to simply be your shadow. I have to create my own fate and give myself a name that will be remembered throughout history just as you did."

Cu looked towards Diarmuid, his face in his hands. He stood up, frustration and anger present in his action. "But, I didn't want you to follow my fate, Dia! The life of a true warrior is only for the ones who are ready! You will see things that you will never even want to see, not even think to see. You will see your comrades, your friends, have their lives sucked out of them right in front of you! Is that what you truly want?" he yelled at his brother.

"That's why I'll protect them!" Diarmuid retorted. He spoke lightly, "I mean, that's what you've always taught me - to protect everyone who is on your side, your comrades, your friends, your family. And please, Brother." The handsome male stood up and gave Cu a reassuring look that told him not to worry. "Don't worry about me dying. I'm ready. You have to trust me on this. I'm ready to become a real warrior."

Cu gave him a sad look, as if he wanted to believe what his brother told him but couldn't trust in his words. "I know you're ready, Dia. Scathach taught me everything she knew, and I taught you everything I know. I just don't want to lose you, like I lost some of my other comrades. Just please, be careful out there. At this point, I don't care if you succeed or fail in the goal that they will give. I only care about you being able to come back home." His voice was a whisper, honest and true. Knowing that Diarmuid was ready, he also knew that Diarmuid had to go seek out his own future soon. Diarmuid pointed his vision to the ground; he could barely look Cu in the eyes.

He felt two hands grab his shoulders. "Look at me, Diarmuid." The younger one looked up at the elder one. "I want you to come back. If someone is being attacked and they seem like they won't be able to defeat the enemy they face alone, then help them, but make sure that it won't cause your death. And please if you want to make me proud, do this in the name of Ireland and do your best to get a position inside the castle. Yes, I don't care if you get one or not so long as you live, but if you are really set on becoming a warrior here in Britain then accomplish the goal." A stern voice escaped Cu's lips. A moment like this was rare. Cu was more of a fun, quirky person, but there were also times where he was the most serious person Diarmuid knew.

Diarmuid nodded in response, a serious expression on his face. "Thank you, Brother. Thank you for allowing me to come here and participate in this fight...and everything else that you've done for me", he stated, finally putting on a smile. Cu let go of his brother's shoulders and nodded with a smile.

"You're welcome, Dia. Now, go meet the comrades you will be fighting with in the arena, and stay true to what you believe in. Whenever the enemy comes out, make sure you help protect your allies. Even if you are not victorious at the end, you will be victorious to everyone who you protected."

Diarmuid nodded. Cu sighed, still not sure if he really wanted to let his younger brother to fight in a battle such as this one. But, he knew it was too late now. The two gave each other a hug, ready for anything that would happen. The blue-clad Irishman breathed unsteady breaths. Each minute felt like an hour. The two pulled away from each other, and the famed warrior of Ireland pat his brother on the shoulder. "Stay safe", he told Diarmuid before walking out of the room to make his way towards the standing area for all of the mentors, friends, and family members of the knights who were participating in the event.

The handsome Irishman watched, as his brother left. He could hear the metallic clacks of Gae Bolg hitting the floor, as Cu walked through the halls, now out of his sight. Diarmuid stood there for a moment, embracing himself for what was going to happen in a moment, and proceeded to turn the other way and grab his swords and lances. Finally leaving the room, he steadied his breaths to ease his nervousness and continued on to where he was assigned to go once ready, the direction opposite of Cu.

He tried to shake his brother out of his mind but with no success. Cu had always protected him after their father passed away in battle, but soon it would end. He would need no more protection. He would need no more aid in fighting and defending.

Suddenly, he bumped into someone, for he was not paying attention to what was ahead of him. It was hard to when that route could potentially hold his death. The sound of armor clattering against the floor sounded just as it had done when Diarmuid was kicked to the ground by his brother during his training only moments before.

He looked down to only be surprised by the slim figure on the ground. Blonde hair tied up into a bun, armor covering a dress, and a sheathed sword at her side – a small woman could be seen. Diarmuid was surprised to see a woman such as the one in front of him, who looked like she was only five feet tall, in such attire.

The young Irishman shook his head to escape his daze and offered the female a hand. She looked up at him with a serious look and after a moment's hesitation took it politely, standing up as he helped her. "I am very sorry. I was not paying attention. I am quite stressed right now", the woman apologized. Her voice was low and beautiful, very distinct.

"No, that was my fault, milady. I did not mean to make you fall. I was just making my way to the preparation room", Diarmuid explained calmly. The blonde looked up at him.

"So, you are one of the many knights who traveled here to Britain to become a warrior?" she questioned, a smile appearing on her face. The muscular twenty year old nodded his head and returned her kind gesture.

"I am. I am just rather nervous to get up in front of the king and everyone in the coliseum but mostly the king. I am afraid that I will not accomplish the goal he asks of the knights and not prove to him that I am worthy as a knight and not worthy to become a warrior."

"Ah, I understand, but there is no need for being nervous in front of the king. I promise you. If you just do what's right and what you believe in, then you should be fine. And if your skill proves to be impressive, then there is no doubt in my mind that you will be able to become a warrior for the king. So please, do not distress yourself. There is absolutely nothing to be worried about. Yes, the enemies will be tough ones, but if you are strong enough to become a warrior for the king then there is no reason to worry", the short one informed him. Diarmuid smiled and gave her a small bow.

"Thank you, milady. That really helped in calming me", he thanked her. Her smile widened a bit. He then realized something. "Oh, my apologies, milady. I never introduced myself. My name is Diarmuid Ua Duibhne. I am a knight of Ireland."

"It is lovely meeting you, Diarmuid. I am Arturia", the blue and silver-clad woman introduced. Arturia then gave him an odd look. "I'm sorry, but do you happen to be related to Cu Chulainn Ua Duibhne?"

"Yes, I am. He is my elder brother in fact. He was the one who taught me everything I know", the knight answered her. Arturia gave him a satisfied smile, as she was happy to hear his statement.

"I see. Well if he was the one to teach you, then I am more than positive that you will be alright in your upcoming battle", she told him, confidence in her tone. Diarmuid smiled down at her and bowed once more.

"My thanks, Lady Arturia", he said. Arturia nodded in response.

Suddenly, footsteps could be heard sounding behind the woman. The man dressed in dark green looked towards the sound and saw a tall woman with demonic red eyes and strawberry-blonde hair. She was an odd woman, very beautiful, but odd all the same. A deadly curse roamed in her left arm, but she did not seem possessed. She seemed familiar, but Diarmuid could not place his finger on such a woman. "Arturia, it's time." It was all she said to the blonde she was looking towards.

"Ah, so you will be the one escorting me?" Arturia asked her in a friendly voice. The strange woman simply nodded in reply, no smile upon her lips or happiness radiated from her whatsoever.

"Alright", the short woman stated before turning her attention back to Diarmuid. "It seems that I must excuse myself now, Diarmuid. I wish you all the best in the arena."

"Of course, I will see you again if fate approves of it", he smiled, as he bowed to her once again.

"Of course", Arturia agreed before turning and walking towards the other woman. Suddenly, she looked towards the Irish lancer once more. "Do not disappoint me, knight of Ireland." The man's eyes widened, as he saw her turn back to where she was heading. Did that statement mean something?

Arturia and her escort disappeared once they turned and started through a different hall. All Diarmuid could do was be confused. She sounded as if she was the one judging the knights who were scheduled to fight in the coliseum, but that was impossible. She was a woman after all, and the one who was judging the knights was none other than the King of Britain himself. So, why did she speak to him the way she did? Most people would simply say good luck, as she had done before she turned around for the first time, but then the woman turned back around and told him to not disappoint her as if she was commanding him to not let her down.

The knight shook his head, trying to regain his composure and trying to exit his daze. Do not think about it until after your battle. You need to think about that first. You need to survive. You need to survive for Cu, your father, and your future. You need to become a warrior, not stay a simple knight for hire like a mercenary. You need to become a part of an actual army and receive an actual title. Yes, just continue to follow this hallway, and you will reach fate soon.

And with that, Diarmuid did as he told himself to do. He continued to follow the hallway in front of him, until he finally reached the door that led to the preparation room, where all of his temporary allies were located. He took a deep breath in to calm his once-again-rising nerves. The words of his new acquaintance had calmed him a little bit, but now that he was entering the room and seeing the other knights his nerves were once again escalating.

He walked through the doorway to only see about thirty other knights in front of him. "Ah finally, here's the last one. Welcome, friend", an orange-haired man welcomed, as he walked up to the handsome male. He was a few inches shorter than Diarmuid and was clad in yellow and black armor, the colors of the nation of Liken, the country northeast of Katanta. "The names Ottoman Erikin, knight of Liken", he introduced.

"Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, knight of Ireland", replied the other male. "I never thought that a warrior from Liken would come here to seek out a position in the British army. I thought they were at a time of peace and complete neutrality."

"They are, which is why I came here with my brother to seek a future as a warrior", Ottoman explained.

"Ah, I understand. So, you came here with your brother as well?"

"That's correct. Zeon's his name. Your brother?"

"Cu Chulainn", the taller of the two answered. Ottoman gave Diarmuid a surprised look. His jaw dropped, as he realized that his new friend was being serious.

"Your brother...is Cu Chulainn? As in, the man who defeated Culainn's hound, the dog with the strength of one hundred men? He's here, and he came with you to watch our battle?" The Irishman nodded in response.

"Haha yep, that's my brother."

"Oh my god! After this is all over, can I meet him? I've always heard stories from my kin and comrades about his strength and power in battle! He's the reason why I'm doing this!" Ottoman exclaimed excitedly.

"Haha yeah, you can meet him after this is over", Diarmuid told Ottoman.

"Oh my god, man! You're the absolute best!" the orange-haired knight said. Diarmuid chuckled at him for a moment before their conversation was cut short when two British knights barged into the room, followed by roughly the same amount of men as the number of simple knights in the room. They were most certainly warriors from the army, and both of them reminded Diarmuid of Arturia whom he had met in the hall earlier. One had blonde hair and blue eyes, while the other possessed the same traits as Arturia – blonde hair and green eyes. "These must be the men that will bring us to the entrances", commented Ottoman.

Just as the Likenian knight had guessed, the men who had arrived in the room were sent to escort the fighters to the entrances that they would use when entering the arena. The knights were arranged in alphabetical order which meant that Diarmuid and Ottoman were going to be placed conveniently right next to each other. Diarmuid's name was called before Ottoman's, and the man that called his name was the man with the blue eyes that had barged in and ordered everyone quiet.

The amber-eyed male gave Ottoman, who had bright green eyes, a small wave good-bye, before he left. Ottoman then gave Diarmuid a thumbs up, which the Irishman politely returned, as a gesture of good luck. Diarmuid then followed the man down the hallways toward his entrance, which was quite a bit away from the preparation room.

"My apologies, but what's your name again?" the crystal-eyed male asked to break the silence between the two.

"Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, and yours?"

"Gawain", he answered simply. "Hmm, you sound familiar. Are you related to any renowned warriors?" Diarmuid nodded.

"My father was Lugh Ua Duibhne, and my brother is Cu Chulainn Ua Duibhne", he answered. Gawain gave a small smile and nodded.

"I thought your last name sounded familiar. Well, here we are. You'll know when to enter", the blonde explained. "Good luck out there."

"Thank you", Diarmuid bowed. He then heard a rather familiar sounding voice coming from the arena. Thinking that it was most likely his imagination, he walked up to the entrance. There was no door. It was just an opening. So, it allowed the Irish knight to see just how many people were in the coliseum. His eyes widened in shock. The whole coliseum was full.

His heart started beating faster and faster, adrenaline levels rising. And then he heard it, the introduction to the knights fighting in the battle. And he kept telling himself that the voice that spoke out was a trick of the mind, even though he continued on hearing it. It was low and beautiful, very distinct, but it could be anybody's voice. Diarmuid quickly stepped back into reality and walked into the arena that was brightly-lit and heated by the afternoon sun. Here it is, Diarmuid. The battle that will decide your fate is here, he thought to himself. Your fate will finally be decided. And finally, the light of the arena engulfed him, making him present to all who sat watching in the seats.

A/N: Hey again! :D So, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I also have something to explain. All of the people fighting in the battle (which will be explained next chapter) are what's known as simple knights. Warriors such as Cu and Gawain are called official or real knights. So if you're confused with that, I'm sorry :/ Also whenever they introduce themselves as a knight, they will either only say 'knight of a country' if they are a simple fighter and 'knight of a king' if they are an actual warrior. Hopefully, that clears some things up :p So please, tell me what you think so far of this new story. And please don't be afraid to review and say what you thought about it (or if you have any questions then ask them)! :D I enjoy the feedback! :D So as always, have a WONDERFUL Day! :D

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