By PiNK327

3K 146 61


P!NK Lies
P!NK Lies
P!NK.....{11 pt 2}
P!NK .......{14.1}


92 7 4
By PiNK327

Chapter 8: White lies

I yawn and slowly get out of bed when my alram clock goes off playing Ambers favortie song. I start to sing along and make up the bed. I hum with the harmony for a bit. "I'm not the type to get my heart broken......I'm not the type to get upset and cry....Cuz i never leave my heart open......It never hurts me to say goodbye." I didnt realize I was crying until I realized the song applied to me. As I slowed everything down in my ind I pictured what happened that night in Texas and the song still played in my mind. I was hurting inside...acheing. My heart was slowly breaking. The phone brought me back to reality when it started ringing. "Ugh!" I snatched the phone off the reciever. "Hello?" "Hey Jen its Kathy we're going out today we would love if you could join us." "Sure...um where are we going?" "Were going to hang out at the beach. If you wanna bring robbie he can come. Amber can too." "Oh me and amber aren't friends anymore." "Aw i'm sorry but we leave at 2 ok?" "Ok i'll meet you there." "Ok byez." "Bye." I hung up the phone and tried to calm down. I put in Rihanna's new CD and played stupid in love. "This is stupid....I'm not stupid...." I am stupid. I've done all the wrong things just to please her....and for what I lost everything for this stupid clique 6.

The phone was ringing again and it was interupting my relax time. "Ugh what now!" "Hello!" "Jen....you gotta help me...its dark and I cant see anything!" "Am-amber? What the hell where are you?" "I dont know! I went to the hotel across the street and somebody said I ordered something and I complained but I took the drink anyway and then I wake up here." "Amber....who sent you the drink?" "I dont know! Just help me before its too-" "Amber?" I heard her screaming and yelling. Until the phone clicked off. I breathed out softly letting the tears fall from my face. I grabbed my purse and my car keys and ran out. I jumped in the car and started to drive down the street. My cell was blaring now. "What! damn" "You got 10 minutes to find her." "Who is this?" He laughed into the phone and hung up. I parked on the sidde of the street and ran inside the hotel.

"Ma'm can I help you?" I ignored them and I ran up the stairs. "Hey!" I pushed past alll the people running until a cart knocked me down. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry! Here let me help." "No! You've done enough! I turned around and gasped. "Robbie?" "Oh- Jen?? What the hell?" "I could ask you the same question." "What is going on are you ok?" "I'm fine. Where is amber?" "Jen breathe and tell me whats wrong." "Amber and I got into a fight last night and she came here and she called me and something happened and I dont know where she is." I could feel my heart slowling down as he helped me up. "Jen let the police handle it." "No she's my best friend and she obviously still wants to be my friend cuz she owuld have never called me."

"I'll check the basemene and you be careful." "Arent I always." "No." I turned the other way nd slwoly listened to the sounds when I heard her scream. "Amber?" I opened the door and it was pitch black. I stepped in when it shut behind me. The lights cut on and amber was hanging upside down. "Amber!" I ran to her. "Oh my god! You came." "Of course I would." I pulled a pocket knife out of my purse and cut her down. She hugged me tight and cried. "Come on we gotta get out of here." "You're not goin anywhere." His voice. no. no...

"I knew you couldnt resist saving her and it was the perfect plan. "David?" "In the flesh." "what the hell do you want from me!" "I want my girlfriend back. I wanna go back to texas and pretend none of this stuff happened." "No I'm not goin anywhere with you. You've killed people...drinking....whats next sex?" He sighed and pulled out a syringe." Amber took my hand and squeezed it tight. "Amber we're gonna be fine when I tell you to run you run okay." She shuddered and nodded her head. I moved toward david and let go of ambers hand. "If you come queitly i'll let her go." I kept moving toward david. Breathe Jen....breathe. you will be ok. He was in front of me now and I was on the verge of crying.

"See how easy that was." I nodded my head slowly cluthching the pocket knife in my hand. I turned to amber and mouthed "Run" SHe burst through the door not stopping until the door slammed shut again. "Its not gonna be easy when I kill you jen. I thought you wanted us to be together." "I do david...I just wanted sometime away and some space. My mom died." "I know and maybe we could slow things down." "Maybe," I sighed. I was crying now. Just kill him jen...just kill him. He plunged the sryinge in my shoulder and I screamed as loud as I could. I was trying to crawl away when he grabbed me by my hair. "s-stop!" The door burst open and gunfire went off. It wouldnt stop until david dropped me and the blood pooled around him. Robbie rushed toward me and craddled me in his arms. "Robbie I'm sorry...for everything." "Dont be...its my fault. I shouldve killed him the first chance I got." "No...dont be like that. I want you to be just the way you are. Dont change for anyone. Dont change for me." I was cold and my heart was slowling. He carressed my face until I could see the tears falling from his eyes. I never seen him like this.

Amber ran in tears. "Jen...I'm so sorry for everything." "I know. I know." "Is he...dead?" "Yes. He cant hurt you or me anymore." I slowly pulled the syringe out of my shoulder and groaned. The pain numbed my body. Robbied picked me up and carried me out of the room. The crowd surrounded by the door gasped. As they slowly carried me off I saw the familiar face. "Mom!" She ran through the crowd and touched my face. Robbie stopped when we got to the door. "Mom is that really you?" "Yeah baby I'm sorry I even thought of bringin you here. We're flying home as soon as you get better." "Mom no...I'm really liking it here can we stay please?" "We'll talk ok?" "Ok." She smiled as the tears fell from her green eyes. Is it possible that this reality wasnt real? was it possible I was dreaming or is it possible texas has a secret? when I woke up I saw robbie in the corner asleep and my mother holding my hand waiting for me to wake up. "Mom....I thought you were dead?" "No who said I was dead?" "The officer." "Babe we have alot to talk about."

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