BillDip Stories

By Otaku_Geek101

9K 246 83

Billdip one-shots!! Some may contain smut and may not be viewable to others! I take requests!! More

Missing you
Family of three
The Pine Demon
Photo time
No matter when
Can we dance again?
help guys!!
Over protective
4 year wait
Old or New love?


400 12 4
By Otaku_Geek101

Hello dear Billdip shipper! I have a new story yay! So this one might be sad. Ive been having a tough time lately and i thought this up because i was thinking what would happen if they just realized to late? But ya You'll see. Enjoy~


Dipper and Bill had been dating for 2 years now. Dipper was of age to do whatever he wanted, he was free. He did break rules with wendy and Mabel from time to time but his favorite 'rule breaking' activity was being with bill. 

Bill was happy of course. For once life wasnt beating him up. he was genuinely happy, he had a beautiful boyfriend, his brother was away with his boyfriend, and he was an immortal godlike demon. 

As the day went on in the shack the two lay on the couch, dipper in bills arms, watching tv. Bill could feel this uneasiness in his head. He knew exactly why. going back to when life wasnt killing him, this is usually when it starts. "Hey Dip? i think i should tell you something." Dipper didnt look up at him but continued to look at the tv. "mmhm. whats up?" Bill sighed and pulled dippers face to his. 

"Whats wrong?" Dipper looked into Bills eye and held his other hand. Bill sighed again and looked at dipper. He placed his lips on his forhead, nose,cheek, and then lips. They stayed like that for awhile until Bill pulled away. 

"I have to leave." Dipper stared dumbfounded at his boyfriend. 


"Theres a demon association in the mindscape and we discuss stupid crap. They make us take training, and if they need to, reassign us to other dimensions."

dipper looked at bill in utter shock. His boyfriend for 2 years was gonna leave? He might even be taken away?! "What! No! They cant-You cant- I dont want you too!" Bill sighed once more rubbed his eye. "Look i dont want to either but if i dont then thats just gonna make them reassign me more." 

"W-well you wont be gone for long,R-right?" Dipper smiled at him worried.

"I dont know. Depending on the mindscape, it could be an hour there but a year here."

Dipper let go of bill and sat back into the couch. How could this be happening. Bill took Dippers hand in his and they sat in silence. Dipper finally broke the silence. " I wont stop you, but how will i see you?" He looked at Bill once more. Bill  thought for a moment. "Well you wont be able to see me but i'll see you. I wont be visible but in between the breaks i'll pop in and out and send you signals that im here. Ok?"

Dipper smiled, "ok."


The night before bills departure there was numerous screams and moans. Beds creaking and thumping sounds could be heard from downstairs. The last scream was heard at 3 A.M then it settled down.


As bill readied himslef for a long time of pain, Dipper was hugging him, refusing to let go. 

"Just take me with you!" 

"I cant hun. They'll kill you. If i could i would." Dipper had tears in his eyes as he looked at Bill.

"I dont know when i'll see you again though!" Bill stroked his hair and smiled. 

"I know but remember just look at your surroundings. i'll be there." He kissed Dippers forehead.

"Promise you wont fall for any demon girls?"

"I promise besides, all the female demons in the mindscape are ugly AF!" Dipper laughed and kissed Bill once more and let go. 

"I love you."

"I love you too Pine tree." Bill winked and blew one last kiss to his beloved. 


A few days,months,and years, passed. Dipper continued to 'interact' with he invisible bill. He did find it hard a couple of times but slowly he adjusted. Just like bill said, he kept his promise and tried to interact with Dipper as much as possible.

Bill loved being able to see him but, lately Dipper hadnt been looking for him. He was already 27. Time in the mindscape was different. 2 days in mindscape was 1 year in the real world. That meant Dipper probably only talked with bill 4 or 5 times a year.  Maybe 6 if he as lucky to get a break. Dipper seemed to not see Bill's signals as much anymore, he was beginning to stray. 

One day Bill finally got the day off. He was anxious to go see dipper and tell him the news. He would spend all day with him, even if dipper coudnt see him. He just wanted to see that smiling face. As he entered the dimension, he entered right outside the shack. He made his way through the house but dipper wasnt there. Bill thought for a moment and headed to town. As he floated down the street he looked through windows for any sign of Dipper. 

Night fall had come and he spent the entire day looking for Dipper. His plan Failed. His last chance to see him again. As he walked up the tril back to the shack a car drove by. It was an old blue one. Bill recognized the car as Dippers. The one he had almost crashed at the shack. Bill flew toward it, eager to catch up. It didnt matter that his day was wasted. He just wanted to see him.

As bill got closer to the car it stopped. Bill was confused. Had dipper noticed him? That was impossible though, He was invisible still. He looked around at where they where. Lookout Point. 

"why would Pine tree be at the make out spot?"  Bill Flew closer to the car and looked through the window. There he saw Dipper and...a girl? They where laughing and talking. Dipper put his arm around her and pulled her in. At this point Bill couldnt watch anymore. Tears started to well in his eyes as he momentarily glanced to see them kissing. His heart dropped. He was angry and sad. 

"hoW COULD HE DO THIS TO ME!! I HATE HIM! I-I I love him..." Bill stopped floating and fell the ground. he sat on his knees. why. why did this happen? what had one wrong. He began to sob harder. Anger began to grow in his heart. His eye filled with tears turned red and he got up. He faced his body to the car with laughing adults and he unleashed his anger on the ground.  He punched the ground as hard as he could and it cracked. It began to shake as the town rumbled. He watched as buildings caved in, and people ran in the streets of the humongous earth quake.

Bill looked behind him as Dippers car began to back up and drive down the road. Before he could get far bill used his powers to cause a redwood tree fall in the path. He had never been so hurt. He hated this feeling. a powerful demon getting his feelings hurt by a meat sack. Unforgivable.  He watched as dipper and the girl got out of the car and made their way around the tree. Bill pushed once more and cased the ground beneath the car to crumble, leaving it in a hole.

Dipper turned around once more to look at his car. He then looked up directly at the crying demon. Bill knew he couldnt see him, but he also knew that Dipper could feel something there.

Bill took this last image of him and saved it with the rest of his fucked up hell. 

He never forgave, and he never forgot.


Even after the demon meeting was over he stayed in the mindscape. He was unlucky enough to stay assigned to the same stupid dimension. Bill hated everything. Because of his grande work of destroying the town with his earthquake, bill became the head of the Demon association. He made the rules. One of them being no demon was allowed to date any meatsack of any sort. o one had a problem because they killed meatsacks for a living. Bill continued to hate the Pines family. He hated Ford, he hated Stan, and Mabel, and especially the small, weak, meatsack, Dipper.

Finally that time of the year came when all demons where forced to go to their dimensions and wreak havoc. Bill took his time traveling there. It wasnt like anyone would be waiting for him. when he entered the dimension he looked down at the shack. Right he would have to move the portal somewhere else. He floated down onto the dry grass. He stood beneath the tall trunks around him and breathed in the pine smell. 

"Oh gravity falls, its good to be back." 

"Um excuse me? can i help you?" Bill turned around to look at a smaller version of Dipper, but he had green eyes.

"no i uh," Bill cleared his throat," Um where are your parents?"  The child looked at the stranger. 

"I only have a dad. My mom left when i was a baby." Bill didnt feel bad at all. 

"What about your dad?" The child looked at the Bill strangely and sighed. "Sure i'll get him."

He ran iside leaving Bill to collect his thoughts. What was he going to do when he saw him? Should he punch him? Yell? Cause him insufferable pain?or...cry?

The little boy returned hand in hand with...Dipper. Dipper looked up to see who he was meeting and his eyes widened. "Bill?" Dipper looked amazed at his ex.

"uh, hey Cecil go on inside ok?" The little boy obediently nodded and walked inside, Though bill could feel him pressing his ear against the door to hear.

Bill stayed where he stood as Dipper looked at him. He took one step foreword and bill stopped him. "Take an inch foreword and i'll kill you and your son." Bills eye glew red. 

Dipper stepped back. "Bill i know your mad bu-" 


Dippers face hardened. "Bill listen i know that your hurt, and im sorry but its past it now. Im already 39. What do you want? Another relationship?" 

Bills anger grew with each word "You wouldnt say that if i had been the one to cheat on you. I would kill you right here if i could." 

"Bill please, i know that this is hard bu-" 

"And what about the promises huh? All those promises i made to stay truthful to you. Did it just not matter when u met that bitch?"

"Do NOT call Sarah a Bitch!" 

"ANSWER ME YOU STUPID MEAT SACK! I COULD BURN YOU HERE. TEST ME PINETREE. I DARE YOU!" Bill was engulfed in red flames as he looked at the man, who stood his ground.

Dipper looked down." no it wasnt fair, i admit. i was stupid. i hadnt seen you in forever, and then sarah came. If i had known-"

"What? IF YOU HAD KNOWN I WAS THERE AT THE TIME WATCHING, YOU WOULDNT HAVE KISSED HER? HUH? dont lie to yourself Dipper. No matter what you say, it will not make u for what you did. I should have made the earthquake bigger. i should have crushed both of you." Bills flames began to die out and turn blue as he began to sob.

Dipper would have been angered by the statement but his heart shattered as he watched the demon become weak and tired. "I'm sorry."

"Its too late, where you lying also when you told me you loved me. before i left."

"No. i did and still do. and im sorry. Im so so sorry."

Bill couldnt stand it anymore. He looked up at the older man through watery eyes. "Its to late." There he used his powers to transport out of the dimension. His Visit was over. He was done.


From then that was the last time he entered gravity falls. He refused to go back unti his colleagues forced him.

He entered the small town on a rainy day. He sat under on a tree branch, leaning against the trunk. When he ha awoken he hadnt realized he fell asleep. underneath him was a funeral. 

"oops" He floated down to look at who the deceased was. Dipper Pines. Bill looked in shock. The people around him where faces he knew, including his own son who didnt seem to shed a single tear.

Once the crowd cleared it left only his son and Bill. "You know after the day you left he was never the same."

Bill was taken aback. He could see him. "Relax i cant see you but i know your there. He taught me how to sense you i guess. " Bill stared at the look alike of Dipper. " He wasnt lying, he still loved you. i remember him telling me stories about you guys, and i was jealous. i thought at the time, why did he get to have fun. This person that dad talks about is amazing." He turned around and looked at where bill was standing and staring at him in awe. " When i heard you yelling about what he had done i knew you where the person in the story. I loved dad but i liked hearing about you more."

He took a step closer and bill took a step back. "I thought at the time, How can he do this to him, i heard ho he cheated on you with my mom. i that instant i knew why mom left. She found out dad was 'gay'. I didnt care cause i just wanted to meet you. It made me mad that you left but it pissed me off that dad took the opportunity to marry someone." He started to walk toward bill, with a device. when he got to him, he touched the machine against bill and he as visible. Bill stared dumbfounded at the now grown up kid. "Do you mean it?" "Every word." 

Cecil hugged Bill," Please accept me. I wont hurt you like my dad. And i dont want to be a replacement for him either. I fell in love with you through his stories." He pulled back and held the demons face in his hand. "I'll love you more than he ever did, i promise.

Bill didnt know if it was just another promise to be broken. He fell off a pine tree and got tangled in the branches.


Sooo~ how was it? lol while i was writing it i got pretty angry at dipper so i had to write a good ending for Bill. anyway hope you like it! Dont hate me lol. Send requests in!


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