Daibolik Lovers Boyfriend Sce...

By Animefan446

282K 3.6K 769

Like what it says in the title but I won't put Kino in this because he's a new character but I will put in th... More

How You Met Him
The Two Of You Are Friends
When He Asks You To Be His Girlfriend
First Date And First Kiss
He Watches You Do Your Favourite Hobby
You're On You're Period
You Find Out He's A Vampire And He First Bites You
He Meets Your Parents
You're Sick
When He 'Accidentally' Touches Your Butt
When He Sees Your Sleeping Face
When They Randomly Kiss You
When It's Your Birthday
When He Hears You Singing
When You Go To The Beach With Him
When He Sees You Sad
When Someone Catches You Making Out
When He Has A Sleepover At Your Place
Sakamaki (Lemon)
Mukami (Lemon)
Tsukinami (Lemons)
When They Read Your Diary
When You have A Bath With Him
When You Wear His Clothes
Halloween Special
Author's note HELP!!
When He Cheats On You/You Break Up
After The Break Up/ They See You With Someone Else
When He Sees You Hurt And The Two Of You Get Back Together
After You Got Back Together
When You Two Are Watching A Film On The Kodi Stick
Christmas Special
New Year Special

You Learn About His Past

5.9K 97 13
By Animefan446


After meeting your parents, you showed Shu your childhood album and he thought you looked adorable in some of them. You then pointed at a photo of you as a 8 year old playing on a piano and you said,"That one there was when I was still in elementary school it was first ever performance, unfortunately I was still a little shy to sing back then even though my teachers and my old class mates thought my singing voice was beautiful but I still got a little stage fright ever now and then."

Shu smiled at this and he rests his head on top of yours and said,"You're not so shy anymore since you fell in love with me." You giggled and you then asked him,"What was your childhood like?" Shu's eyes widen slightly but he then looked away from you sadly and he then said,"My childhood wasn't a very good one." You were a bit confused at this and he then said,"If I tell you do you promise to keep quiet?" You nodded your head and Shu then said,"When I was little, my mother used to pressure me to be the best better than my all of my brothers since I'm the eldest but when I ran away one day I met a human named Edgar he was my one and only best friend but.."

Shu stopped in mid sentence as you saw his hands tremble slightly. You held his hand he then said,"Edgar was supposed to be killed in that village fire but for some reason he was able to survive, he's known as Yuma now." Your eyes widen at this and Shu then said,"However, he no longer remembers me, anyway, because of my laziness and all I failed some exams and my father sent me to the north pole as punishment. You were so shocked when you heard Shu explain every detail about his past.

Tears formed in the corner of your eyes and Shu noticed this and he said,"Sorry, I shouldn't have told you it's too depressing for you." You shook your head for a 'no' and you wiped your tears away and said,"It's fine Shu, You won't have to go through those difficulties again as long as you have me at your side, I promise I will always be there for you and I promise I won't leave you alone like what happened to Edgar." Shu smiled at this and he hugs you tightly and he said,"Thank you, I'm glad I got to fall in love with you, (Y/n)." You smiled and said,"I love you too." You said as you held him tighter.


You and Reiji were studying together until Zoey interrupted and she blabbed about how cool America was for her until eventually she had to leave because your mother called for her. You shook your head while Reiji chuckled and he said,"Is she always like this?" You sighed and said,"Zoey grew up in america for her whole until she learned that I was born she's been coming and going to Japan and get this, she talks and acts like an american even if she doesn't want to admit it, considering that she is half Japanese as well."

Reiji chuckled at this and you got off your bed and you got the old photo album from your shelf. You opened the photo album and you showed Reiji some old photos of you and Zoey as kids. As you were showing Reiji some old photos you were talking about what you and Zoey did as kids. Reiji thought the two of you were adorable as kids. You then said,"This one here, this was when Zoey and I did a painting together but we got into a little paint fight." Reiji chuckles and says,"I can tell from how much pain you're covered in."

You looked at Reiji and said,"What about you? I'll bet you were adorable when you were a kid." Reiji's eyes widen and he then looked away from you. You were a bit confused and you said,"What's wrong? Did I say something I shouldn't have?" Reiji then said,"If I tell you about my past do you promise not to breathe a word?" You nodded your head and then Reiji said,"When I was kid, my mother never paid any attention to me she used to paid more attention to Shu, no matter what I said or did she never looked at me or praise me for anything."

You were shocked at this and you couldn't believe that Reiji's own mother would ignore her own son. Reiji then said,"Because of my jealously towards Shu I killed my mother by hiring a vampire hunter and was also the one who burnt down Edgar's village." You were so shocked to hear Reiji say such things and you couldn't believe that he was the one who tried to kill Edgar/Yuma. Reiji looked at you and he said,"Are you afraid of me now? Like I told you before I'm a monster." You held Reiji's hand and said,"I'm not afraid of you and I do not think of you as a monster either but Reiji, does Shu know about this?"

Reiji shook his head for a no and said,"Will you tell Shu?" You shook your head for a no and you then said,"I might tell him someday but for now he has his girlfriend to think about and I think he deserves some happiness and you also deserve some happiness as well." You held his hand in both of your hands and said,"Reiji, I promise you I won't ignore you like how your mother did you will always have my attention and I promise I won't tell anybody about this." Reiji smirked at this and he presses his forehead against yours and said,"Thank you, (Y/n), I love you." You smiled and you hugged Reiji and you buried your face in his chest.


You and Ayato played against a basketball team from a different school and your team won. You and Ayato headed back to your place and you said,"Mum dad! We're back!" Your father came in and said,"Your mother isn't here she's working a late shift any way how did the game go?" You and Ayato looked at each other and said,"We won!" You father high fived the pair of you and he said,"Well done you two." Ayato then said,"You and Mrs (L/n) should have been there, (Y/n) was on fire tonight." You smirked at Ayato's comment and your father said,"Hahaha!! Well then in that case I'll my wife about what happened and then we can have a celebration you're invited as well Ayato."

Ayato smiled and this and you said,"Come Ayato, let's head into my room while dad is making dinner." Your father watched the two of you head upstairs and he had a smile on his face. He mumbled,"She looks so happy right now." You gave Ayato a towel and he wiped the sweat off himself and he looked at the trophies on your shelf. He said,"Boy, you've won a lot of trophies for different sports." You giggled and said,"Thank you, I took an interest in sports ever since I was a kid." Ayato then said,"You almost got a trophy for every sport but, now that I think about it, I haven't seen you during those swimming classes." You sighed sadly and said,"There's a reason for that, I can't swim."

Ayato was surprised to hear you say that and he said,"Why?" You then said,"I had an accident when I was little, out of all of the stupid things I've done in my life, I got a fake note from my locker and I was supposed to meet up with my so called 'crush' at the swimming pool but I only learned at the last minute it was only those bully girls from my class, they shoved me in the swimming pool at the deep end, I was close to drowning at one point and since then I was too scared to go back in the water."

Ayato looked shocked to hear that and he said,"I'm sorry to hear that." You smiled and said,"It's fine Ayato, besides it doesn't matter I've been sticking to basketball and I've gotten a lot better." Ayato chuckled and he said,"You're right and you're way too good as well." You then said,"Which reminds me, I wanted to ask you for something a while now, what were you like as a kid?" Ayato's eyes widen and he looked away from you and he wasn't sure if he wanted to tell you. Ayato then said,"If I tell you, do you promise not to tell any one about this?" You nodded your head and said,"Ayato, I'm your girlfriend, you can trust me to keep quiet."

Ayato smiled a little and he then loses that smile and he said,"When I was little I never really did had a good childhood all I ever wanted was to play with my brothers but my mother wouldn't let me play with the other kids because she used to force me to go back to my room and study, she always used to say that I had to be the best better than my brothers, she was rivals with my step mother, Beatrix, however, if I wasn't doing my best or if I disobeyed her orders she used to throw me into the lake and leaves me to drown." Your eyes widen and you said,"That's horrible! Where is she?! I wanna beat the crap out of that witch for messing with my boyfriend."

Ayato chuckled slightly after hearing you say that but he then said,"That would be great but sadly, mother is no longer here, you wanna know why? Because Kanato, Laito and I killed her." You were shocked to hear that and you then said,"You did?" Ayato nodded his head and he said,"Now that you've learnt about about my past and what I did to my own mother, would you stay with me?" You smiled at him and you placed your hand on his cheek and said,"Of course I would stay with you, besides, I love you too much to even let you go, O-re-sa-ma." Ayato smirked at the use of his nickname and he hugs you tightly and said,"Thank you."

You smiled and leaned in and kissed his lips. Just when the two of you were about to go into a make out session your father said,"(Y/n)! Ayato! Dinner is ready!" Ayato frowned and you laughed at his reaction and you said,"Come on." You said as you held his hand and the two of you headed down stairs.


You and Kanato were in your room and you were fixing Sapphire's arm. While you were sewing Sapphire's arm Kanato was having a look around in your room and he was impressed at your designs and some of your stuffed animals. Kanato then noticed a photograph of you as a child holding onto Sapphire close to your chest. Kanato picks up the photo and he said,"I take it this is you as a child?" You looked up and said,"Yeah, I got Sapphire for my Christmas when I was five years old, I could never throw her away." You said as you finished Sapphire's arm and you picked her up and you said,"There we go, good as new."

Kanato smiled and said,"Sapphire does look good as new, have you always kept her clean like that?" You nodded your head and said,"Yeah, Sapphire has always been my favorite toy and best friend and like I said, I could never throw her away even if that meant my big brother makes fun of me." Kanato chuckles at this and he placed the photograph on your night table. Kanato sits next to you and you then asked him,"What about you Kanato?" Kanato then said,"What about me?" You then asked him,"What were you like as a child?"

Kana turned away and he had a crazy like smile on his face. He said,"When I was little and even now I've turned the previous sacrificial brides into wax dolls, my mother always called me her little song bird since I had a beautiful singing voice and after Laito pushed mother over the balcony I went over to her and her heart was missing from her chest and I burnt her corpse with no regrets. You were shocked at this and he said,"Every time I remember how I saw her body weak and lifeless it always makes me so happy."

Kanato was smiling like a maniac/psycho and you were both shocked a bit scared at this. You hugged Kanato's head and you pulled his head to your chest and you said,"Kanato I love you but I don't care about why you burnt your mother's body I still love you but you have to stop making those human dolls." You said as you kissed his head. Kanato smiled and he looked up at you and said,"Don't worry, Teddy and I have stopped making the human dolls since we've met you, to us you're like a cute doll." You smiled and you ruffled his hair and said,"Thank you Kanato, I love you too."


You got back from work and your parents said that Laito was in your room waiting for you. You got there and Laito had your childhood photo album in his hands. You smiled and said,"Liek what you see?" Laito looked at you with a smirk on his face and he said,"I sure do, you look adorable in these photos I knew you were cute while wearing those cute dresses but..." Laito looked at one of the photos and you looked at them as and you said,"Hehe, I know what you're thinking, I do look cute in those dresses especially with the Halloween costumes as well." Laito smirked and he said,"Nfu~ You're right."

You then asked him,"I'll bet you were cute as a child as well." Laito sighed and he looked away from you as he looses his usual smirk. He then said,"To be honest, I never had a very good childhood, you see, my mother was fixated on Ayato to make him the best better than me and the rest of my brothers and as I got older my mother abused me." You were confused at this and you said,"What do you mean?" Laito whispered in your ear about his mother did and your eyes widen in anger and you said,"That little Bitch!! How dare she?! Laito what your mother did wasn't love! Where is she?! I wanna kick her ass for doing that to you."

Laito chuckled at this and he said,"You're a bit late for that now." You glared at him and said,"Why?" Laito smirked and he said,"I pushed her off our balcony and I now have her for the rest of life and I might see her in hell one of these days." You were shocked and sad at this and you said,"Good, that bitch deserved it." You said with a smirk. Laiot chuckled and he wrapped his arms around you and he said,"Aw~ You're so cute when you get mad." You laughed at this and Laito rests his head on your shoulder.


You were happy that your father has got a new girlfriend and he was back to his old self. You liked Ayame a lot as well she knew how to make your father happy and how to make sure that he doesn't go for the booze again. While your father and Ayame were outisde in the garden tending to the withered flowers that your mother planted before she died, you and Subaru were looking at some of your old photos as a child.

Subaru noticed how happy you looked in the photos and he then said,"You seem to be very attached to your mother back then." You giggled and said,"I know, I loved her a lot  she always showered me with her attention that my grandmother didn't, anyway, this one here, this was when my mother taught me how to make those charm bracelets and the necklaces she used to say that I get that hobby from her and she was right." You said as you rested your head on Subaru's shoulder.

You looked at him and you noticed that Subaru had the look of sadness in his eyes. You then asked him,"Subaru, is there something wrong?" Subaru then said,"Nothing, it's just that *Sigh* I wished my mother was kind like yours." You placed your hand on Subaru's hand that was on your shoulder and said,"What was she like?" Subaru held your hand tightly and you knew that it was a touchy subject but Subaru then said,"My mother wasn't as kind as yours, before she had me, she was known as the white flower and she was the beautiful woman out of all of the families."

You rested your head on his chest and you listened to Subaru as he then said,"After my mother had me, she became crazy and she saw herself as filthy, when she did she would smash things and Cordelia used to make fun of her saying that my father didn't love her like how Father loves Cordelia." You looked at Subaru and said,"I see, now I understand why you get so angry sometimes it's because your mother saw you as filthy as well didn't she?" Subaru nodded his head and cups your face and he said,"But, now that I have you, you don't see me as filthy." You smiled and said,"No way, I could never see you that way, I love you."

Subaru smiled and he leaned in and he was about to kiss you until someone said,"Hold it right there!!" Subaru backed away and you frowned and you looked over your shoulder and your father said,"I saw that you two, do that kind of stuff in private." You frowned and Subaru did the same thing until Ayame smacked him upside of the head and she said,"Leave them be you idiot! Come on, we're going back outside!" She said as she dragged your father by the collar and left. You giggled and Subaru said,"Boy Ayame knows how to deal with your father." You then said,"I know and that's what I like about her, hehe."

Subaru looked at you and he said,"Did anyone ever tell you that you have an evil side?" You giggled and said,"I get that a lot sometimes."


You and Ruki were studying together and while you were reading your grandfather's old journal while Ruki was looking around your bedroom and he noticed some of the photographs of you and your grandfather. Ruki then said,"Hey (Y/n), this old man that's sitting next to you in this photo, is he a relative?" You looked over at Ruki and you looked at the photo and said,"Yeah, he's my grandfather, but he lives in a different town, we moved here when I was 9 years old and it was also around the time when my dad got a new job as well."

Ruki smiled slightly at this and he said,"Do you miss him?" You nodded your head and said,"But all is not lost, I have his old Archaeology journal as a reminder of him and my old town." Ruki pets your hair and you then said,"What about you? Did you have any parents before you were put in the orphanage?" Ruki frowned a little and he then said,"I did once, before I met Kou, Yuma and Azusa, I was born into a aristocrat family I had everything I used to punish my servants whenever I wanted to but then one day, my family was bankrupt, I found the servants going through some of the family possessions and I tried to stop them but they told me my mother left with another man and they couldn't find my father anywhere and that was when they beat me up senselessly, I went into the garden and I found my father only that he hung himself and that was when those soldiers found me and they put me in that orphanage and that was when I met my adoptive brothers and during our time there I came up with a plan to escape from the orphanage it went smoothly at first but eventually the staff caught us and they tried to kill us but they kept me alive in doing so they did this to me."

Ruki said as he took of his grey blazer and he took off black layer top and you blushed at the sight of his chest at first but as he turned his back to you, you saw the wing like scars on his back which shocked you the most. You took a closer look at them and Ruki then said,"The staff branded me like a livestock as punishment for running and causing my brothers deaths but if it wasn't for HIM my brothers and I wouldn't be here right now." You listened to ever word he said and you continued to look at his scars.

You raised your hand timidly and you were about to touch them until you noticed Ruki looking at you. You looked at him and said,"Do you mind if I?" Ruki wasn't sure at first but he nodded his head. You placed your hand on his scars and you ran your fingers over them. Thinking about what he went through broke your heart. You leaned to his scars and kissed them and you said,"I still can't believe what they did to you back then was horrible but forgive me for saying this, your scars look like wings." 

Ruki looked a bit disgusted and he said,"They kinda do but they're horrible." You wrapped your arms around him and you placed your hands on his chest and said,"Your scars are not horrible, the way how I see it, your scars are not horrible they are proof that you're still alive at least that's what my grandfather used to me, weird as that sounds." Ruki chuckles and he placed his hand on top of yours. You then released Ruki and he turned around so that he's facing you. Ruki leaned in and kissed you on the lips. Ruki pulled away and said,"I'm so glad to have fallen in love with you."

You blushed at his comment and you adverted your eyes from him. Ruki then said,"What's wrong? too embarrassed to admit that you like what you see?" You blushed a brighter shade of red and said,"It's not like that! Stop making fun of me!" Ruki chuckles and he then kissed you again and he gentle pushes you onto the bed and as Ruki was on top of you he said,"Promise that you'll keep this as a secret between the two of us?" You smiled and said,"Of course." Ruki smiled and he leaned down and kissed you on the lips again and the two of you got into a steamy make session.


Kou was working late and eventually the two of you were heading over to the Mukmai Manor until it started to rain. You guys managed to make it but the both of you ended up looking like drowned rats. The two of you headed to Kou's room and the two of you got some towels and you rubbed the towel on your (H/l) hair. You looked at Kou and he was having trouble with his buttons on his shirt. You giggled and said,"Need some help Kou?" Kou looked at you with his puppy eyes and he said,"Yes please, Neko-chan~"

You giggled at his childish behaviour and you walked over to him and you start to unbutton his shirt. You were smiling as you were unbuttoning his shirt and when Kou saw this he said,"Like what you see Neko-chan?" You looked at him and said,"Hehe, I'm not smiling because of your chest, I'm smiling because I'm with you." Kou smiled at your comment and after you finished unbuttoning his shirt Kou stood up and he said,"Thank you."

Kou turned his back towards you and he takes his shirt off and you then saw scars on his back. Your eyes widen and you said,"Kou, those scars on your back..." Kou looked over his shoulder and he said,"Oh these? Are you curious? Then let me tell you a fairy tale.It's about a boy who was alone since birth." He said as he sat down on his bed and said,"Once upon a time, there was a boy who'd live in the filthy sewers, for as long as he could remember. Having never seen the outside world, there was one thing the boy longed for, it was the small, round sky visible from the manhole. He longed to obtained that bright beautiful sky. He thought his dream would come true if he could just get outside." Kou said as he pressed both his thumb, index and middle fingers to make a circle.

Kou looked back at you and said,"Then suddenly, one day, the boy was able to get out, his heart overflowed with hope for this new world, however, he was taken to a certain institution." You were surprised at this and Kou then said,"The place was full of children with no place to go, just like the boy. There a world more terrifying than the sewers was waiting for the boy. The boy was beautiful than the other children, so he was given nice clothes and fed good food. But, in return, he became the prey of aristocrats who used money as power, and he suffered subhuman treatment."

Your eyes widen at this and you knew right then what that meant. Kou sat back and he stared at the ceiling and he said,"In this world..." Kou's right eye glowed and he said,"There are some who think imperfection makes a thing all the more beautiful." You felt the tears in the corner of your eyes and then they ran down your cheeks. Kou saw this and he said,"Why are you making that sad face?" You wiped the tears away and said,"How can you speak so cheerfully about something so painful?"

Kou sighed and smiled at you. He got up from the bed and he walked towards you and hugs you. Kou strokes your hair and he said,"Don't worry about it, somethings have a happy end." You managed to stop crying and Kou then said,"I've got brothers now, that's how I met Ruki and the others, Ruki was also the one who came up with the idea to help us escape from our hell but I got shot in the process, if it wasn't for HIM that day I might not be here now and we wouldn't have met, Neko-chan." You pulled back a little and you placed your hand on Kou's right eye and you then said,"And this person, he was the one who gave you this fake eye?"

Kou held your hand that was touching his right eye lid and he moved it away and he said,"It's a magical eye, he gave me this eye to look into a person's heart and it tells me whether someone is lying or not." You understood this and you buried your face in Kou's bare chest and you said,"You're right though, some things do have a happy ending, because you were saved by that person you wouldn't have been able to meet me and we wouldn't have fallen in love." Kou smiled at this and he hugged you tightly. Kou then picks you up and he placed you on the bed and he said,"Neko-chan, stay with me for the night I can't let you go home while it's raining out there in the middle of the night."

You smiled at this and you wrapped your arms around Kou and he leaned in and kisses you passionately.


You were tending to your garden by getting rid of the withered lilies and you planted some new ones. You smiled at your hard work and said,"Well, sis, that's the new lilies planted, I hope you like them." There was a gentle breeze and the lilies danced against the wind making that as sign like if your sister was replying to you. You smiled and then your mother said,"(Y/n), Yuma is here." You smiled and said,"OK."

You got up and you headed into your room and Yuma was standing near your desk looking at some of the photographs of you and your sister. You saw him staring at them and you walked over to him and he said,"You seem to be very attached to your sister in all of these photos." You smiled and you looked at them and said,"Yeah, back then my sister and I were like best friends instead of sisters, she was my idol." You said as you ran your fingers over the photo of you and your sister in Halloween costumes.

Yuma then said,"The little sister looking up to the big sister huh? lucky you." You looked at him and said,"I was lucky back then, can I ask you something?" Yuma looked at you and you said,"What were your parents like?" Yuma looked away and he said,"Sadly I don't remember them, all I can recall was waking up in the middle of nowhere and the  having those burn marks on my back and that was when I met the boss he took me in his gang and I was named bear at the time." You giggled and said,"Sorry, I didn't mean to laugh but the nickname bear? It definitely suits you from your temper and your height." You said as Yuma glared at you.

He then said,"Anyway, like I was saying, around that time when I was with the gang I became close friends with them and I used to grow my own vegetables when I was kid at least that was the only thing I could remember anyway." You held Yuma's hand and he looked at you and he smiled at you. He then loses the smile and he said,"When I was with boss's gang, he would scavenge and steal food and then he would give the food to some of us as well however, boss used to work as a livestock in order to get money to pay for food, boss had a big dream as well that I inherited from him his dream was to have a world where everyone is free and equal, no social classes or gaps. He wanted to strip the corrupt politicians and aristocrats of their status in order to purify this world of its filth."

Your eyes widen at how Yuma described his boss's dream. Yuma looked down sadly and he said,"But, the boss's dream didn't come true, there was a was a war going on at the time, the military came into town with tanks and troops, our gang ran into some of the rebellion gangs but I was the only one who made it out alive the boss and my closet friends were all killed." Yuma said as you felt Yuma gripping on your hand tighter. You knew that this was a touchy subject for him.

You hugged Yuma and he then said,"Trying to console me?" You then said,"I knew it was a touchy subject for you, you don't have to continue if you don't want to." Yuma wrapped his arms around you and he then said,"It's fine, anyway, I woke up and I remembered staring at the ceiling of the grey ceiling of the orphanage, hmpf, I still remembered being locked up in there for beating the crap out of another gang for insulting the boss and his gang, when I was still in the orphanage I met Ruki and the others and Ruki was the one who came up with the idea to help us escape our hell hole, however, I was shot and when I was close to dying, HE came that day and he saved me and my brothers after we survived I had a new name that you and my brothers know now."

You smiled at this and you looked up at him and you then said,"I don't know who HE is, but I'm glad he was able to give you a second chance otherwise if he hadn't." You wrapped your arms around his neck and you stood up on your tip toes and said,"We wouldn't have met and we wouldn't have fallen in love." Yuma smirked and he wrapped his arms around you and he said,"You're right, come here you." Yuma leaned in and he kisses you on the lips deeply.


You were heading to Azusa's room and when you got there you heard Azusa's voice and you heard him mumble,"Justin...Melissa...Christina...(Y/n)-san...made me...a scarf..." You opened his door slightly and you said,"Azusa who are you talking to?" Azusa looked up and he saw you. He smiled and said,"I was...talking to...these.." He said as he showed you his scars on his arm (A/N Sorry don't know which arm he has his named scars on).

You looked at them and you were a bit confused and you said,"You talk to your scars? Why?" You asked as you sat next to him and he then said,"Because...I consider...some of my..scars as..friends." You ran your fingers over his scars and you asked him,"Why would you consider them to be your friends? Why the names Justin, Melissa and Christina?" Azusa then started to explain about why he likes pain so much, why he considers his scars to be friends and how he met Ruki and the others.

You rested your head on his shoulder and you said,"Azusa, now I understand why you love pain so much but, there's more to life than enjoying pain you know, being love and feeling loved won't that be enough to make you happy?" Azusa looked into your (E/c) eyes and he said,"You're right..now that...I have you...I've stopped...cutting myself.." You smiled at him and you let Azusa rest his head on your lap and he fell asleep after wards.


You and Carla sat on the bench at the school roof and you sighed in relief. Carla noticed this and he said,"Long day?" You looked at him and said,"Yeah, I had two meetings with the teachers and I had about a lot of paper work to get out of the road as well honestly sometimes I regret being a prefect but if I wanted to get into a good college and get a degree in business I have to grin and bare it won't I?" Carla chuckles and you then said,"You seem to be feeling a bit better as well, how is your health?" Carla wrapped his arm around your shoulder and he said,"I've been feeling a bit better recently thanks to you, my eve."

You smiled and you then asked him,"Hey Carla, there's something I've wanted to ask you for a while." Carla then said,"What is it?" You asked him,"How did you get infected with this Endzeit?" Carla's eyes widen and he then said,"A while back, before Shin and I came here into the human world, we were both in jail in the demon world for a while however, when the lunar eclipse happened I took the opportunity to use my magic on Karlheinz's barrier and we both escaped to look for the girl who has Cordelia's heart, who also had founder's blood as well."

You glared at him but he then said,"Don't worry, Shin and I have got girlfriends now we've given up on that girl anyway." You smiled at this and Carla then said,"There's a reason why Shin and I are the last remaining founders, it's because this disease targets only the original first race in the demon world, our father had this disease and when I fought against my father and right after I stabbed him with a poisoned blade I became infected with this disease, I try my best not to show my weakness in front of Shin otherwise I might not hear the end of it."

You smiled and you rested your head on his shoulder and said,"That explains it, but I promise that I will always look after you and if you ever need my blood let me know I hate the feeling of losing you to this disease." Carla smiled and you rest your back against Carla's chest and he wrapped his arms around you from behind as you sat in between his legs. Carla rests his head on top of yours and he said,"(Y/n), are you not angry at me for killing my own parent?" You pulled your head back and you looked up him and you said,"Of course not, I know you must have had a reason for doing so but I love you too much to even be afraid or be angry at you."

Carla smiled at this and he hugs you tighter and he rests his head on your shoulder and eventually you noticed that he fell asleep. You smiled at this and you said,"I love you too, Carla." You said as you kiss his cheek.


You were helping Shin fixing his kimono belt and as you were tightening it he said,"Ugh!! T-tight! You're gonna squeeze lunch right out of me (Y/n)!" You giggled and said,"Shin if I don't make it tight it'll fall right off you, you don't want that happening to you now do you?" You said as you tighten his belt again. Shin struggled to breathe a little and then your sister came in and said,"Hey are you two ready to go yet?" You said,"Not yet, I'm still trying to fix Shin's belt you can go on ahead without us."

Your sister nods her head and then she left. Tonight was the festival and you and Shin and your family were getting ready to go out however, Shin was having trouble with his Kimono belt and you had to fix something. Eventually, you finished tightening his kimono and you then said,"There we go, you're ready go my little vampire prince." Shin smirked and he said,"And you looked pretty yourself." Shin said as he wrapped his arm around your waist and he stared at your (F/c) kimono/yukata and your hair was tied back into a bun with a (Hairpin type) in your hair.

You got out of Shin's grip and you took his hand and said,"Come on you, they're waiting for us." Shin rolled his eye and the two of you got outside. While the two of you were at the festival Shin carried some of the items that you bought but with his money which annoyed him the most. Shin grumbled and he said,"Why do I have to carry the bags?" You giggled and said,"Because you have the strong muscles." Shin frowned and you laughed a little. After a while the two of you headed to the grassy hill and the two of you sat down.

Shin sighed and he had a smile on his face. You smiled at this and you said,"You seem to be enjoying yourself." Shin looked at you and he said,"Yeah, I haven't had this much fun in a long time, where are your sister and parents?" You then said,"They're going to the shops to get some sparklers for us before the fireworks start." Shin smiled and he scooted closer to you and he said,"That means that we have some time to our selves." You then said,"I take it you didn't have this much fun when you were little."

Shin shook his head for a no and he said,"I pretty much grew up in my brother's shadow but I was nothing like my brother, I was more of a rebellious type and I almost caused trouble back in the demon world like that time when I trespassed on the vibora lands I killed some of the clan members and the Vibora king almost wanted me dead at one point but niisan was able get forgiveness from him but in doing so I lost my left eye as a sacrifice to prevent a war." You were shocked to hear that and you placed your hand on Shin's eye patch and you said,"So that's what happened to your left but I'd say you just got lucky back then if Carla hadn't stopped the Vibora king you wouldn't b here right now."

Shin smiled and he said,"I suppose you're right, besides it would be a disaster if you and I haven't met." Shin said as blew in your ear. You jumped away from him and said,"Eek!! Shin what was that for?!" Shin laughed and said,"What a cute reaction." You frowned at him and then your parents and sister came back with some sparklers. Once the sparklers were lit up the fireworks started to go off into the night sky. You and Shin watched the fireworks lit up the night sky and you were right, if Shin were killed by the Vibora king he wouldn't have met you and the two of you haven't fell in love.

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