Love Complicates Everything

By bebechinadoll

686K 8.9K 537

***Please Note: This is the sequel to Love Makes the Heart Beat...If you haven't read that story yet, I sugge... More

Chapter 2: So The Drama Begins (Picture of Zac)
Chapter 3: Mind Blowing (Picture of Hunter)
Chapter 4: Awkward Much? (Picture of Ethan)
Chapter 5: The Truth (Picture of AJ)
Chapter 6: Drowning My Sorrows (Picture of Maid of Honor Dress)
Chapter 7: Pleasantly Surprised (Picture of Loft)
Chapter 8: Full of Surprises (Picture of Engagement Ring)
Chapter 9: Rehearsal Dinner Disaster (Picture of Reese)
Chapter 10: Locked Up (Picture of Chad)
Chapter 11: Bachelor/Bachelorette Party (Pic of of Reese's Stripper!)
Chapter 12: Love It's Complicated (Pic of Mikaila's Hair)
Chapter 13: Fairytale Wedding (Picture of Gemma)
Chapter 14: WTH? (Picture of Taylor)
Chapter 15: Time Away
Chapter 16: Indecisive
Chapter 17: Frat Party...Pity Party
Chapter 18: Do You Plead Guilty...Or Not Guilty
Chapter 19: Say It Ain't So!
Chapter 20: Atlantic City
Chapter 21: Laughable Lie!
Chapter 22: Business Discussion
Chapter 23: Don't Wanna (Picture of Aunt Elisha)
Chapter 24: Drama in Paris (Picture of Elisha's Hunter)
Chapter 25: Not So Happy New Year
Chapter 26: All Grown Up (Picture of Alena)
Chapter 27: Fashion Show (Picture of Lillianna)
Chapter 28: Only The Beginning

Chapter 1: College Life (Picture of Mikaila)

92.3K 669 31
By bebechinadoll

~Four Years Later~

The music was pounding through the bass loudly as people swarmed around the bar calling out their orders. Patience my people...patience! I but only have two hands!!

For a Sunday night, Finnerty's was filled from wall to wall with people watching the Giants VS 49'ers game. The crowds were going wild, as the game went into overtime. Of course we're all hoping for the Giants to make it to the superbowl...we are in NY for god sakes.

I just finished unloading all the boxes of beer that Aiden carried up from downstairs into the fridges. As I swiped my hands on my jeans I looked down and noticed a wet spot on my Giants jersey....damn it! I hope it was just that...a wet spot and not a stain!

Aiden looked over at me giving me his crooked grin as I leaned in to my next customer to take his order. "Welcome to Finnerty's what can I get you?"  I asked with my flirtiest smirk, looking into his bright blue eyes.

I was used to looking at all the different types of man candy NYU had to offer. There were all types of hotness here at the campus, but none of it fazed me at all. I had all the hotness I would ever need in Zac.

Not that I became a skank or anything, but harmlessly flirting with these guys meant great tips for me at the end of the night. No harm done if I wasn't playing into the games.

"You can start by getting me your number." The guy with the masculine jaw and blue eyes grinned playfully.

"Sorry, can do. Her number belongs to me." Zac growled lowly as he came up with Chad and stood next to the guy.

The guy put his hands up in surrender. "Sorry my man, I didn't know she was taken." He smiled putting a hand out to Zac to shake. "I'm Luke by the way, I've seen the damage you guys do on the guys are having one hell of a season."

Zac shook his hand and sat down on the stool in front of me, throwing a wink my way. Chad took his place on the stool next to Zac. 

Zac, Chad, and Aiden played for NYU's basketball team. Ironically, it all started out as a bet they made with one another to try out and see who could make the team since NYU doesn't have a football team. All three of them made it on the squad.

"Thanks man. I'm Zac, this is Chad, and that there is my Kaila." Zac smirked nodding off in my direction. He never introduced me as Kai, he wanted to be the only one who called me that.

"I'll take a Heineken on tap." Luke said smiling as he threw a ten dollar bill on the counter. "Keep the change."

"Thanks." I called out to him as I handed him his beer and watched as he walked off to his group of friends seated at one of the tables.

"Looks to me like you're having a good night Kaila, your tip jar's overflowing." Chad grinned quickly turning his attention to the tv screen as he started screaming when the Giants fumbled the ball.

I filled up two glasses with Guinness and set it down in front of Zac and Chad. "Maybe you should call it an early look exhausted beautiful." Zac said concerned.

"I am exhausted, but I'll be ok. I just have a couple hours to go." I gave him a small smile as I leaned over and kissed him gently on the lips, getting that instant tingling sensation. "Don't worry you should go home and get some guys have an early morning. Aid will get me home safe."

"You know I can't sleep without you next to me Kai." Zac looked at me with his puppy dog eyes. Even though he shared his apartment with Chad and Aiden...we never spent the night apart.

Either I was over at his place, or he was at mines. Yes...we lived right next door to one what? We were inseparable!

We were now four years into our relationship and things still seemed as if it were the first time we got together. We still had the same effect on one another and the love between us still burned fiercely.

The entire bar went wild when the Giants ended up kicking the winning field goal in overtime...looks like the Giants are going to the superbowl!

Even an hour after the game was over, people still lingered and continued drinking. Geez, don't these people need to get up early for classes? Or was getting drunk and watching the game more important?!?

I just wanted to go home, change into my pajamas, and curl up in my comfy bed next to Zac. He and Chad ended up leaving about a half hour ago.  

They both stopped by the bar after work for a couple drinks and to see the end of the game. Chad and Zac were doing their pre-law internships guessed it...our parent's law firm.

I was just as surprised to find out that Chad who was an undecided major, allowed Zac to talk him into studying law and becoming a lawyer.

Finally, the night was over. We finished cleaning and mopping the floors and counted out our tips. Mine totalled a whopping $280 bucks...not too shabby for a few hours of service plus my pay on top of that.

"Ready to go sweetness?" Aiden asked as he threw his arm around my shoulder.

"Am I'd you do with tips and numbers?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. Aiden's tip jar was constantly filled to the brim with not only money, but all the phone numbers of girls that wanted to get to know him better.

"Ehh, $200 bucks in tips and I scored ten numbers tonight." He smirked. "Only three of them had's ashame I don't remember which three though. Guess I'll have to go on dates with all of them till I figure out which three they were."

"Aid, your such a man whore." I joked playfully punching him on the chest. "C'mon let's go home." I said as we locked up and headed back to our place...I was looking forward to cuddling up to my Zachy poo.

Ever jump up out of a deep sleep because your mind is telling you there's something important you need to get up and do?

Well that was currently me, as I frantically searched for my portfolio underneath my mess of sketches while trying to get dressed so I could get to class on time. I dug around aimlessly into my pocketbook feeling for my ringing cell phone.

"Hello." I answered hoarsely while shuffling through the clutter on my desk. Crap! I had fifteen minutes to haul ass over to class...this would be the third time this week I'd be late!

"Kaila!" Reese's excited squeal came through the receiver of the phone. "You'll never guess what?!?"

Rolling my eyes, I shook my head in disbelief. This girl always got so worked up over the littlest things...but that's one of the reasons why I love her so much and she was one of my best friends.

"What Reese?" I asked sitting down on the sofa to put on my strappy sandals. "Where are you anyways, you were supposed to come home this morning and be my personal alarm thanks to you I'm late again!"

She spent the weekend at AJ's in Manhattan, but promised to be home early this morning to make sure I got up since we both had the same much for her promise, huh?

I couldn't depend on Zac or Chad to wake me up, their class started at 8 AM and I didn't need to get up until 10 AM. Zac slept over with me in my bed last night but snuck out early this morning for his class. Bless him for letting me get a few extra hours of sleep.

Aiden's first class didn't start until 1PM, he refused to schedule early classes and wake up early on a Monday morning...seeing how he closed with me last night. Very wise decision on his part, I should have followed in his footsteps.

I was already exhausted from trying to keep up with all my college courses and bartending at the lounge at nights wasn't helping my situation any further. I got my bartender's license online in my not so spare time.

I decided when I started college it was time to stop depending on the parents to support me, so I got a job at the local cafe for a few years. Then about a year ago Aiden started working at Finnerty's Bar and Lounge near campus and he asked if I wanted to work with him, that the tips were here I am.

"I know, I know...and I'm sorry about that. It's just that AJ suprised me for our five year anniversary! I'm not coming home till later I'm missing classes today." Reese's voice was dripping with excitement so I knew something good happened this weekend.

"Hmm so what'd he surprise you with? Jewelry? Tickets for a getaway somewhere romantic?" I asked trying to guess what the cause of her happiness was.

"No, Kaila...something even better than that. I need to ask you something...will you be my Maid of Honor?" Reese screeched so loudly I had to pull the phone away from my ear.

"No friggin way!" I screamed excitedly. "He proposed?!? Oh my god Reese, Congratulations!" I screamed excitedly jumping up and down like an idiot alone in my apartment.

She burst into tears over the phone, "Yes, he proposed and it was the most romantic thing I've ever experienced in my entire life. I want best friend, my sister to be my Maid of Honor."

"I'd be honored to Reese." I answered as a few of my own tears escaped from my eyes. "Listen, tell me all about it when you get home, ok? I gotta get to class. Love ya babes."

"Love ya too Kaila, see you tonight." Reese reassured me before she hung up.

I grabbed all my things and rushed out the apartment as I quickly drove over to campus. On a normal day I would just walk to class, but this was not any normal day. This was my life now, somewhat hectic but I wouldn't change a thing about it.

Running to my class, I knew I was going to get some evil daggers thrown my way from Professer Johnson for being late yet again.

As I ran to the double doors that led to the lecture hall for my Master of Arts Class I noticed a white piece of paper posted to the front of the door.

**Please Note: Master or Arts Class headed by Professor Johnson have been cancelled for today and tomorrow due to an unexpected emergency. Classes will resume on Wednesday.***

"You've got to be kidding me! Great...just fricking great! All that rushing for what?!? Damn it to hell!" I mumbled angrily under my breath as I kicked the door with my sandal.

"Whoa easy there...I'm sure whatever it is the door did to such a pretty lady like you, it's truly sorry." A husky voice said from behind me.

My cheeks immediately flushed a deep embarrassing! Turning around slowly to face the witness of my door abuse, I looked up into the warmest brown eyes I've ever seen.

Did I mention he was totally hot? He was over six feet tall, had a muscular build, and a nicely chiseled face. His golden brown hair was short and a little spiked up. This guy could pass for a freaking movie star!

"How humiliating. Err, guess you saw all that huh?" I asked sheepishly.

"I did, but don't worry I promise I won't tell anyone what I saw." He whispered leaning in closely. "As long as you let me buy you a cup of coffee."

"No thanks, I'll think I'll take my chances besides you're the only witness. Who's to say anyone will believe you over me." I asked raising my eyebrows in question to him.

"Hmm, good argument." He smirked nodding his head. "What would you say if I said I caught you on video on my cell phone...with said abuse to the door?"

"I'd say your lying." I couldn't help but crack up laughing at his sneaky ways.

"I'd say you're one smart girl." He grinned holding out his hand to introduce himself. "The name's Hunter Colson by the way, how about that cup of coffee?"

"Mikaila Debevoise." I shook his hand with a smile. He seemed like a nice enough guy. "Coffee sounds good right about now." I agreed, rushing out this morning I didn't get to have my daily cup of pick me up.

We walked over to the campus cafe where I ordered myself a large latte macchiato...yum! Hunter ended up just getting a regular cup of boring.

I wasn't complaining though, free is always great! We sat down at a nearby table and enjoyed our cups of yummy goodness.

"So Mikaila, care to disclose why you were beating on that poor door?" Hunter asked seriously as he took a sip of his coffee.

I almost choked on my latte nearly spitting it out in his face as I stifled my laughter. "Rough morning." I simply answered.

He nodded appreciatively. "I can relate to that...I have a few of them now and again. So what's your major?"

"Fashion and design. How about you?" I asked curiously wondering why I've never noticed him around campus.

"Pre-Med." He smiled as he looked around the cafe. "I just moved here at the beginning of this semester, transferred from University of SoCal."

"Ahh so that explains why I've never seen you around campus." I nodded my head in understanding. "How do you like it so far?"

"So far so good...even better now that I've made myself a new friend." He grinned cheesily.

" cup of coffee and you consider me a friend?" I teased while putting a shocked expression on my face. "Doesn't take much to win you over huh?"

"I'll admit I'm somewhat of a pushover when it comes to beautiful ladies." His winked with a smile. "One of my weaknesses...shhhh." He whispered putting his index finger to his lips.

"Don't worry, your secret's safe with me." I winked back. "Now we're even."

"So what does one do for fun around here?" Hunter questioned with an over dramatic sigh.

"Fun? What's that?" I asked pretending to be baffled. "I wouldn't know I'm all about classes and work."

"Well what do you do for work?" Hunter asked curiously.

"I bartend at Finnerty's Bar and Lounge." I simply stated.

"Ahh beautiful and you can serve up a mean drink." He joked. "Maybe I'll stop by sometime."

All of a sudden I felt two strong arms wrap around my shoulders across my front as I instantly smelled Zac's Burberry Cologne. He placed a gentle kiss on my cheek and whispered in my ear. "Hey beautiful, why aren't you in class?"

"Hey Zachy, class was cancelled today and tomorrow." I answered tilting my head backwards to look up at him with a grin. "Hunter this is Zac, Zac...Hunter." I waved my hands between the two of them to introduce them.

They both shook hands and I couldn't help but notice the look of disappointment in Hunter's eyes with Zac's arrival.

"We're supposed to be having lunch today with the parents...remember?" Zac reminded me...yes, he's still the responsible one. "Since your class is cancelled maybe we can go up there early and walk a little." He suggested.

"Oooh you had me at shopping." I answered quickly pushing my seat back and getting up. "Thanks for the coffee Hunter. It was really nice meeting you, but the stores are calling my name."

"Your welcome...anytime. Nice meeting the both of you too. Hope to see you around." He answered holding his coffee up to salute us. "Have fun shopping." He smiled.

I took Zac's hand and led him off campus towards the car. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow...probably wondering why he caught me having coffee with a stranger.

"He's new here, just transferred from SoCal. He caught me beating up the door when I found out classes were cancelled after rushing over here." I admitted somewhat embarrassed. "Offered to buy me a cup of coffee for my bad morning."

Zac stopped walking and tugged gently on my wrist causing me to fall backwards a few steps. He spun me around to face him and enveloped me into a hug. "I'm sorry you had a bad morning beautiful." He whispered against my neck as he placed a gentle kiss there. "Hopefully I can turn things around and make it better."

There was no doubt in my mind that Zac couldn't make things better with his kisses. He always managed to make everything better.  


****** Hi my loves!!! Hope you guys like this first chapter of Love Complicates Everything. Please vote and let me know whether you like it or not...Thanks!! xoxoxo

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