By PiNK327

3.1K 146 61


P!NK Lies
P!NK Lies
P!NK.....{11 pt 2}
P!NK .......{14.1}


111 8 2
By PiNK327

Chapter 6: Love and war

(Amber's POV)

I could hear Jenny calling me to come back but I was determined to try and find that Justin boy. I stopped in front of sephora to check out the make up sales when that bitch walked in and pissed me off! "Hey amber how are you? Still cutting yourself?" "Kelsey i'm not in the mood today please get the fuck out of my face." I moved around her and started looking at lipstick. "Aww your no fun. So why are you in here by yourself anyway?" "Ugh, if you must know my girl is meeting with you skanks." "Meeting with us? Please! She couldnt wear pink to save her life." "She is wearing it right now and I bet you're jealous of her cuz Kathy will probably kick you out and I dont think you'd like that arent i right Kelsey!" "Look little Mz. Emo I dont have time to play around with you right now im in her for a gift for my boyfriend." "Oh snap! you got a boyfriend! I cant see why." She rolled her eyes and started to walk over to Victoria secret.

"Bitch!" I screamed as she walked out. "Wow I didnt know you hated her like that." I turned around to see Justin leaning on the glass door." "Oh...hi." "Hi." "So what are you doing in here?" "I was chillin with robbie but he started hangin out with Jen so I just walked around and then I saw you." "Really....right...ok." He laughed and smiled at me. "Coffee?" "Sounds good to me." He took my hand and we walked to starbucks....laughing.....talking....holding hands. he was so damn fine!

"What did you want?" "Um surprise me." "Really most girls wouldnt even dare me to." I smiled and slid 5 bucks in his hand. "Well surprise me." He went up to the counter and started to order. I tok out my phone and started to call Jen but it went straight to voicemail. Great. "Heeeey Its Jen leave a message and I'll call you back....maybe not." "Hey Jen! Oh my god i'm with Justin! Its like were made for eachother. He's so cute! We like alot of the same things and he's caring, strong, ugh did I mention his eyes! Call me back K!" I put my phone back in my purse when Justin sat across from me. "So..." "So...?" He passed me the coffee and I looked at it weird. Oh my god please....please by white chocolate turtle with snicker bits with caramel and whip cream on top! I slowly lifted the lid and took a sip. Hell yeah! He's perfect. I smiled and put the coffee cup down. "How'd you know I like this?" "I didn't. I got it because I liked it." I laughed and took my jacket off. "What are you doing saturday?" "Um going out with you?" "Your smart I like that." If i didnt blush before I knew I was blushing now. "This feels so weird." "How?" "It feels like I've known you all my life."

"I know right! You're absolutly perfect." "I wouldnt say perfect but I gues I'm an alright guy." "Alright...maybe." I got up and got a napkin and when I turned around he was grabbing a straw. We smiled and laughed. And before I knew it I was kissing him. I could feel my heart speed up every second. I never felt this way before.

(Jen's POV)

"I dont know why but i'm craving caramel right now." Robbie smiled and took me to starbucks and then I saw them kissing! WTF! "Um amber hi!" She pulled away fast and smiled at me. "Oh hi uh Jen yeah....I thought you were with um the girls." "I was then I had a craving for something sweet and Robbie took me here....and then I find you." "Ugh jen dont give me that. I'll talk to you later." Robbie handed me my coffee and we left. I cant believe her! She barely knows this guy and she's sucking face with him! Really! She could get hurt and I aint picking up the pieces. "Jen you ok?" "No..." "What is it?" "I just got this deep feeling in my gut that something aint right with that boy." "Who justin?" "Yeah there's something weird about him." "Jen...dont." "What if he's a criminal or something and it would be my fault!" "Jen get it together amber will be fine. Justin is a good guy." "How can you be so sure?" "I'm never wrong." I dont care if he's never been wrong I know that there is something wrong with that boy! My head started to hurt and I had to sit down. "Hey you alright?" "Yeah i'm fine...I just need to sit down." I couldnt even look at that coffee right now. "Jen you're pale white are you sure youre okay?" I couldnt breathe....and my head was pounding. All I can hear is my heart beating wildly until everything went black.

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