Peter Pan

By Lolyesilikecats

141K 3.3K 840

I was lost, and I continue to stay that way. Everything is my fault, I know it is. I am happy though. Yes, I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Hey! Please Read!
Hello, Very Important!

Chapter 11

5.7K 152 23
By Lolyesilikecats

I wake up to chirping birds from outside of the tree. Something told me today would be a good one.. I rub my eyes and let out a small yawn. I sit up and stare at my skinny jeans. I let out a small whine. No. I’m not putting them on. No. I’m just going to have to stay inside all day. Ughh. Sooner or later I would have to get out, I mean this was not my room.

I finally stand up and I keep my skinny jeans to the side. I look into the mirror. I was hoping after a nice sleep I would magically not look like a shit, but of course that didn’t work. What was I going to do? I can’t go out like this. No. I look at the table noticing there was a basket of something. It was a basket of clothes. They looked like Peter’s, no I mean exactly like Peter’s. I grab a full set and notice that there was a tiny dagger attached to the side. I guess he puts them on all of his clothes. I had an idea, what if I just wore his? I mean he wouldn’t mind, would he? I really didn’t care at this point. I just don’t want to wear these gross  clothes. I pull over the shirt and I put his trousers on. They were way too long. I mean yeah he was tall, but I didn’t think he was tall enough that I couldn’t fit in them. I take his dagger and start to cut off more than half of his trousers. I also cut off the sleeves of the shirt. I didn’t usually wear shorts, or shirts without sleeves but I knew it would be a lot easier to move around in. I throw the once attached material in the basket. It was pretty cute. Cute? I never thought that I would think something was cute. I look into the mirror. The green was fairly dark, but pretty, it wasn’t black but I could live.

I reach down to grab my pocket knife and flint-n-steel, but my knife wasn’t there, just my flint. I knew it was gone from all of the running the other day. I let out a sigh and I give a quick glance at the dagger. I mean a weapon is a weapon, no matter who it belonged to. I grab it and put it back where I first got it, on my side. I was ready to walk out the door until I noticed my hair. Ew. I was too lazy to get creative again so I just throw on my beanie hoping it would suffice. I slip on my boots, tie them and I was finally out the door.

It was quite. The boys must still be sleeping. Quietly, I tiptoe wanting to leave the tree. As soon as it opens I am literally an inch from someone’s face. Yes, it was Peter’s. My face turns bright red as I step back like, ten feet.

“Are you wearing my clothes?” He asks smiling, hands on his hips.

“I mean.. clothes.. were dirty..and..and.-

“No,” he says in a calm, clear voice, “they look good on you.”

Blushing I look away .

“But did you have to chop it all up?” Smirking he scans my body.

“Actually, I’m glad you did.” He says raising his eye brows, still smiling.

The boys behind him started whistling.

I didn’t quite understand him. He was this mysterious, threatening person, but at the same time, he was just a cheeky little bastard. He was different . He acted different. I’m just not sure.

Why was he looking at me like that? Why were they all looking at me like that? It was too late, but I finally notice that my arm holes were pretty wide, yes, they could see my fucking bra. I quickly cross my arms, and I give them an I’ll-beat-the-shit-out-of-all-of-you-look. I was embarrassed but I was also pissed. Why didn’t anyone show me respect? Just because I’m a girl doesn’t mean I have to be treated differently. I roll my eyes, while still giving them the glare. Where was Rennie? I couldn’t see him in the crowd of boys. I could see the boy that was staring at me from yesterday, though. He was staring at me again. He was whistling or making rude comments like the other boys, but he would just stare. Who was he, and what was his problem.

I look back at Peter, who was still smirking, and asked him a question.

“So are we just going to stand here while you guys try to look into my shirt, or are we actually going to do something.” I say giving them an annoyed tone.

No one answered me. All I could see where damn grins.

 || Yes, they have both given each other descriptions. So, that's good. lol. Still thank you for all the reads, votes, and comments! I know this isn't the best fanfiction, but hey, it's a fanfiction xdd. No but seriously I get pumped whenever I get a read, or a vote, but I especially love when you guys comment! It makes me feel like someone real is actually reading, you know? I LOVE YOU ALL. c:

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