It All Started With Women's R...

By gerardsjuarez

4.3K 246 201

Mr. Way, age 27, is a creative writing teacher. Frank Iero, age 18, is his favorite student. Frank is bullied... More

Rules and Regulations
Fag Classification
Friend Conscious
Wet Friends and Dry Ideas
Nervous Smoke
A Little Paris, Women's Rights, Arcades, and 50s Horror Movies
Even Light Switches Won't Turn Us Off
Taunting Birds, Haunting Words
Neck Things and Vampy Types
I'm Your Canvas
Makeup and Get Up
Frank The Bird
Old Men ≅ City Boys
Brave Woah
Linda, Frank, and Gerard.
Life Is What You Make It

My New Date and Twisted Phone Calls

250 15 19
By gerardsjuarez

"Chandler, if I hear you talking again, I will throw this marker at you."

Mr. Way was writing the agenda on the board, back turned. I saw Chandler stop talking right away and look shamefully down at his desk. His friends snickered. Mr. Way turned his head slightly, lifting an eyebrow, obviously looking at me. He had sat me close to the front because, as he put it, he loved to see his favorite student up close. He was a strange man. I had been chuckling at his marker throwing threat and he had heard me.

"Do I have to remind you not to laugh at my threats, Mr. Iero?"

For some reason, my 'formal name' had become his pet name or name he used when he was teasing me. It was funny in a way. I stopped chuckling, hearing voices around me start to murmur. He had never really addressed me in class like that before, and that made all the kids turn their heads at the sound of him say my name. I could've sworn I heard a girl ask if we were having an affair...

"Well, Mr. Way," A hint of suggestiveness was in my voice as I said his name. I had no idea where all of this was coming from, "You never really act on them anymore, do you?"

I heard the same girl say that we probably were. I felt a strange feeling in my stomach but focused on the task at hand. Mr. Way turned around, hand on hip, scolding me with the marker. He rested his elbow on my desk, leaning in close, "Talking back, now are we? Stay after class, Mr. Iero."

I heard some kids behind me go 'ooooh' or say something like 'he's in for it now'. I simply smirked at him and whispered, "Gladly."

He stood up straight and glanced around at the class. He saw some girls chattering about the current situation and he glared at them, "Maribeth and Anna, shut it, will you?"

They stopped midsentence and nodded one of them uttered a small yes.

The agenda for the day was pretty simple, but not very exciting. We had to read an article that he was starting to pass out and then write what we thought would happen if the genders were reversed and such.

"Not really in the curriculum," he had said, "But the women's rights fair is in town this weekend and I'm just curious as to how you think this would be if the roles were reversed."

It was really simple and I had it done with more than enough time to spare. Everyone else was staring at their page blankly while I was reading a few of my older works and journal entries. I had progressed a lot with my writing skills, but if I were to rewrite these short stories, they would be very good. Then I came across a journal entry from 8th-grade.


It's hell. Everywhere I turn its 'fag' this and 'fag' that. A teacher even slipped up and called me Fag Iero instead of Frank Iero. It's gotten to a point where I'm almost tempted to come out to my parents because it's getting unbearable. But that would just make matters worse. I know it's bad to keep things bottled up inside you, but it's good for right now. I'll be able to tell them soon. I just hope that things will get better.


Fag Iero

Bad news, kid. You don't tell them anything for about 5 years. I sighed, seeing people get up and leave the classroom. I looked at the clock on the wall, and sure enough, I was invested in my things so much that I had missed the bell. I heard a sad noise come from someone behind me. I turned around to see Mr. Way.

"I'm sorry, Frank." He gestured to the entry. I shrugged, saying that most of the issues with my parents had been solved and his face lit up, "Oh! That's good! Oh, and ,uh, sorry for what I did in class. Don't know what got ahold of me..."

"It's chill, really. I thought it was funny. I was going to stay after class, anyway. That's what I usually do." I shoved my notebook in my bag and he sat next to me.



He smiled, "You know how I mentioned the Women's Rights fair in class today?"

I nodded.

"Would you maybe like to come with me to it?"

I thought for a moment and shrugged, trying to hide my excitement, "Don't see why not."

"Yes! Ah, I have a cousin who works at the fair and she always gets me tickets for me and a date, but no one usually comes with me." He sighed.

"Can't wait to be your date, then," I smirked.

He blushed. Funny, I had never seen him blush before. Maybe he has and I just didn't notice. He crossed his legs and looked away, trying to find words to say. I simply laughed and hit him playfully, "I'm just teasing you."

"I didn't mean it like that..." He muttered.

I got up and threw my bag over my shoulder, "Nah, a date's a date. But remember, it's always the one who asks a person out to pay for food."

He laughed, "Pfft, okay."

"Where should I meet you and when?" I asked.

"How's tomorrow at my place at... let's see... 12:45?"

"AM or PM?" I teased.

"Haha, Mr. Iero. PM."

"Sounds like a date. Take me out to eat somewhere nice, 'kay? Later, babe."

You could literally see him internally face palm. I smirked and before I left he yelled after me sarcastically, "Call me!"

Boy, was he in for a surprise. I was definitely going to.


I changed out of my uniform and into the sweater my new date had given me. I scratched my nose with the sleeve and it was then I noticed how good it actually smelled. I didn't want to be creepy, but I took another sniff. It smelled like him mixed in with a hint of my closet. Now I was really starting to sound like his date. I laughed to myself and picked up my phone. It was after 7:00, so he was probably home and had eaten dinner. I didn't want to disturb him. After about 5 rings, he picked up.

"H-hello?" He said quietly into the phone.

"Uh, hey... are you okay?" I sat up, starting to get worried.

"Me? Y-yeah... I'm fine."

"Okay... I know you said 'call me' sarcastically, but I like the element of surprise torture." I chuckled.

I heard him sigh and it sounded remotely sexual, "Sounds like something you would"

"Did you just like run a marathon? It almost sounds like you're wheezing." I said, teasing a little.



"N-nothing... Can you hang up? Sorry... I'm busy, right now."

"Uh, yeah. Bye, Mr. Way."

I tried to hang up, but there was a gasp and then the line went dead. I got worried and shot him a text asking if he was okay. About five minutes later and he texted back saying sorry and that he was fine. I asked what he was doing and he replied that he had twisted his ankle when he had slipped on a wet spot in the kitchen. I told him that I was sorry and that I hoped he would get better soon. He said thanks.

I honestly didn't buy his story, but if he had a swollen ankle the next day, I wouldn't question him. I tried to ignore the call I had just had by going about my business. I wrote some weird song/poetry thing and decided to call it quits for the night. It was only 8:30, but I had been a little sleep deprived lately and I needed to make up for it.


I woke up in a cold sweat. I sat up and looked at the clock. It was noon. I muttered some curses and jumped into the shower. I quickly dried off, dried my hair, and got dressed in what I had been wearing last night. I left the house, a pop tart in hand, at 12:19. It was about a 20-minute walk to his house, so I came with music and earbuds.

It was a nice day compared to a few I've been caught in. It was still pretty cold, but the sun was out. It was a good day for our little date. When I made it to his house, he was waiting for me. He was wearing something that I would never expect to see him wear. Well, I had only ever seen him in the fancy stuff he wore for his job, so this was a casual surprise. He was wearing a gray jacket and fancy jeans. His hair was pushed back in a cool, almost cute, way.

"Are you wearing my sweater?" I heard him laugh as I approached.

I chuckled, "It felt appropriate to wear on our little date."

"I see," he chuckled, "I was right about one thing, though. It looks good on you."

I brushed my hair from my face and smiled, "Thanks."

I walked up to him and hugged him. He was surprised for a second then hugged me back, "So here's our plan for today," I pulled away, "Lunch and then the fair, and maybe if that goes well, there's a 50s horror movie playing tonight... Sound good?"

"Food, women's rights, and classic horror movies... My dream date."

He giggled, pushing his hair back, "Shall we be off then?"


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