The Lone Wolf

By BlackThornedRose717

336K 10.2K 826

I was a Rogue. I was an Outsider. I was running from my mistake, and my thoughts haunted me, the words oozed... More

×The Lone Wolf×
The Journey to Hell
Is this how I die?
The Great Revival
Never again
Here On Again
Meeting the Rogues
A Old Horror Story
The Cold Truth
Pain Review
The Plan
Sweet Revenge
Jealous much?
Respect for you
How could you?
Attack my lungs
What the hell happened?
Friends are nice
Is He Crazy?
Kill me!!!
The Night is Young
Im in trouble
The Tenth Reason
Running is Wrong
Regret being alone
The Demon inside me
The Epic Battle!!
Heats here
Dreams alive
The sky is blue
Love in the air

Alls Well Ends Bad

9.5K 301 6
By BlackThornedRose717

 I Woke up the next morning with an ache in my head, like I'm not kidding ,it really hurt. I was able to notice Eric was not next to me,very predictable. He hasn't been spending time with me lately, and its affecting my wolf.

She doesn't really talk anymore, the only time I hear her is when she is silently crying at night, because she misses her mate Luke. We talk to Eric sometimes,but She doesn't have enough time with Luke.

Eric isn't even spending time with me, so I'm irrated .We haven't talked in two days. I have not been eating or sleeping because of isabel.I need Eric.

Eric has made her and me go soft, but what can i do about it? Nothing because this mate bond has taken over my life!! Its weird how we just fall apart around him,telling him everything.Eric doesn't deserve to know what I think or how I feel about him, he doesn't deserve my feelings or my love because he takes it for granted.

' Come on, Isabel , I can hear you cry at 4 in the morning as if I'm asleep, we haven't lost Eric we just don't spend time with him, I know the feeling, I Miss Eric!! My mate doesnt even care enough to spend time with me. This is ryan all over again" and then the tears started flowing.

I Cried so much for no apparent a son, if Eric didnt care then why should I? My heart ached as I screamed into the pillows and tried to ignore the dull pain. I felt Isabel sob quietly with me as my heart pounded harder and faster.

'Im going to fix this Ashlyn, im sorry for this' Isabel said.

'Sorry for wh-' I said cut off by myself screaming.

All I felt was pain, A sharp pain in my head. I felt like I was dying. Isabel was rising by force. She can take control for however long she wants, And I just watch. It wasn't like I was the only one feeling pain, she shouldn't be having a little tantrum,but she is so damn stubborn.

I tried blocking her out, but she was already in control. I felt myself get locked away. I felt her rise as she scratched and clawed her way to the surface.

Isabel was in FULL control, and let me tell you, She has serious anger issues,she gets what she wants when she wants it.

She ran out the room slamming the door behind her, and jumped down the side of the staircase. With a full twist she ran to the front door slamming it open. Then she ran outside, smelling for Eric.

For those of you who don't know, Luke is Eric's wolf. Come to think of it, I never saw Eric's wolf, The best part is he never saw My Wolf.

Isabel is brown and dirty blonde mixed together. She has Light Green eyes that Glow at night . She is eye catching,majestic,but still stubborn as hell. Sorry, off topic.

Anyways, She ran through the field, sniffing the air for any sign of Luke. Finally catching his scent, she sprinted.

She ran like the speed of light , I've never seen her run this fast . She could have ran like this when we were Running away from other rogues!! Jeez isable is not only stubborn but lazy. Whateve- I was caught off guard when she stopped abruptly. She nearly broke her paw sliding against the grass like that.

I heard her growl. Then I smelled it too. It was a female wolf and Eric's scent mixed together. We walked down a path in the forest until We saw Eric in the clearing. His disheveled dirty blonde hair and cute Blue eyes made me wanna throw a party. Sad thing was, I wasn't in control. It was Isabel.

"Ashlyn? What are you doing here? When did you wake up-" He paused once he knew who was in control. Noticing my dark green eyes, he let Luke take control. I watched as his light blue eyes swirled into dark blue.

"Luke?", Isabel said slowly.

"What is wrong mate? Are you hurt?Do you need help?" Luke said with concern on his face.

"I smell another female here .Who is that? And why is her sent all over you" Isabel asked angry ,growling the last sentence . Luke became a little set back but smiled and tried to calm Isabel down. Isabel was shaking, breathing deeply, trying to calm herself.

"Isabel, please calm down, my human just brought some girl over here to talk . Nothing serious I promise" Luke said in a very convincing way. But his eyes held anxiety and he tapped his fingers to his sides. He was nervous. I could tell he was lying.

Wait, what? Why was Eric up so Early, waiting for me to be asleep, so he could talk to..A girl? I felt the pain seep in again, but I shoved it into the deepest part of my mind.

Eric was probably cheating behind my back. He smelled of that female. Her sent was all over him.

Instead of my wolf boiling up. I did. I could tell Isabel sensed it cause she shifted uncomfortably ,switching from one foot to foot. She knew what I had thought and that it could actually be true. I spoke out loud and forgot to block my mind.

" Luke you better calm your human. He may be good to us but my Human is on the merge of a mental breakdown "  Isabel said with anger, yelling and threatening Luke. She actually threatened her mate for me.

" Why is your Human on a mental breakdown anyway, You cant blame everything on Him, He just met his mate and its really hard on him, So if anything you should calm your Human down!! " Luke hissed, his eyes tinging with red.

I felt Isabel twitch and I could see the look in her eyes. Luke pushed her on the edge. I cant hold her back now. Did he say its hard on him cause he met his mate. I thought he loved me? How is it hard on him!? im the one who is recovering from being abused and rejected!!

"how dare you blame this on my human!! How the hell is it hard on yours!?how about this Luke, you said you loved me, so grow a pair and prove it. Right now you're being a irresponsible asshole, I regret meeting you!! The only reason I'm still here is because I believed in you!! I trusted you to prove to me that someone still cared!!and when I wake up I'm alone, when I sleep I'm alone. All my life I have been alone, god dammit why did I fall in love with you!! You are the biggest mistake I have ever made, and I caused my human pain thinking of my selfish needs. Go to hell Luke, I honestly don't care." Isabel yelled.

Luke's eyes turned red and he looked as if he wanted to kill us. Luke began to growl as we all went silent. Isabel and Luke had a stare down for about twenty seconds before we heard a twig snap.

"Eric,baby. What are we gonna have for lunch I'm star-" A girl my age walked up catching me and Usable off guard.

She had blonde hair and hazel eyes.

'I want her blood on my hands' Isabel told me through the link.

This girl, she called Eric baby,and her scent is all over him. That's it, I'm done, I've had enough.

My muscles tensed and I screamed out in pain. I'm sad to tell you,I haven't been shifting for a week and I'm already dying on the inside. Isabel has tried to hold back all her emotions. But being away from her mate, Not eating, Not shifting. It hurt her so much to the point she cant hold it back.

I screamed in pain, my fur growing and my bones snapping. It hurt like hell, and at that moemt I knew that I should have run away when I had the chance. Luke's look of hate quickly changed when he saw me fall to the floor.

He came running to my side,my screams echoing. I saw his light blue eyes come back, Eric. Isabel gave me back control, making me feel the pain myself. I screamed as a wave of pain overcame me.

All I saw was blood all over my shirt, and when i looked up the girl looked at me with disgust. I snarled at her but It was faint. My vision got full of black spots and I groaned knowing I might lose conscience.

My back kept cracking, Isabel kept trying to shift. Eric grabbed me and shook me.

"Don't shift!!stop!! Stop it!! Cindy get the pack doctor!!",Eric yelled.

That was the last thing I heard before darkness overcame me, and I was out cold.

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