A Ranger's Legacy

By coolbeanskid789

581 11 6

Lance is a regular 17 year old on his own. His absent father Tommy Oliver left him with a gift, a morpher. H... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Chapter 3

105 3 6
By coolbeanskid789

The next morning came, Saturday. I love Saturdays, that's when I get to do whatever I want. Unless there's an alien attack which for some reason rarely happens on Saturdays. But it doesn't bother me, just means I can have more fun. What I'll do today I have no clue, might drive around, maybe go see a movie.

I get outta bed and get ready, doing my morning routine and getting dressed. Jeans, shoes, and a black button down shirt. Yes I have clothes with other colors than green surprisingly enough.

Anyway, gotta get a start on the day. I walk out of my front door grabbing a bagel on my way out. I wall a little ways down the sidewalk until I see my bike. And that's when I see it, well her. Kimberly's walking towards me on he phone. Trying to hide a smile I  walk over. "Hey there, fancy seeing you here."

She looked up at me, "Isn't it just?"

"Stranger things have happened." I looked down awkwardly, "So what're you doing around here?"

"Just out for a walk, taking a break. Perusing the town."

"That means reading."

"Not important."

I laughed.

"Since I'm here and, so are you, you maybe wanna do something?"

Wow, "Uh, yeah."

She smiled, "Cool, anything you want do?"

"I was actually gonna-" the morpher in my pocket started to go off. Really, out of all the times this could've happened why now?

"Looks like this'll have to wait."

I handed her the helmet to my bike as I sat down, "Hop on."

"This is yours?"

"Yeah, why do you look so surprised?"

"I, it's just cool."


She put the helmet on and sat down grabbing my waist. It felt weird but whatever. I started riding almost getting hit by a car.

"Hey," she yelled, "Do you know where to go?"

"One, don't scream I can hear you. And two, I have no clue I just end up there by chance. Works out."

"Uh, OK? Doesn't seem like a good plan though."

"Plans are for people who have everything together, I never need a plan. Just gets in the way and leads to disappointment."

"Makes sense."

I turned a couple of corners and ended up in the courtyard of some park. Me and Kimberly got off the bike and walked around until we saw something.

"There." she said pulling me behind a tree, "They're starting to do something."

"Well duh, if they weren't then we wouldn't be here."

She hit my arm with an annoyed smile, kinda cute.

"Wanna just wait here or wanna actually do something before things get bad... er?"

"You kinda have a point, but I think we should wait for the others."


"What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing," I said getting quieter, "It's just, they don't seem...  I don't know how to say it."

"What are you trying to say?"

"They just don't seem cut out for  this?"

"And you are?"

Really? She just asked that, really. Yeah she barely knows anything about me but still, I hate to say it but, look at my father. Anyway I don't think she knows what I mean by this. But there's no time to explain. "Look, there's no time to explain. If you wanna wait then wait, meanwhile I'll be kicking some alien ass."

I stood and walked further into the park. "God I hate saying this. It's morphin' time." I took out my morpher and, well, ranger'd up.

"Hey uglies!" I screamed, "Come on and do something."

Be careful what you wish for. A giant wave of aliens came straight for me, more than I thought. Turns out they were on a hill messing with some people and more were down below. "Shit."

As they ran I ran, we collided somewhere in the middle. Only I stayed up knocking some of them down. We fought, fists to... Aliens. Hits and kicks being thrown from everywhere. I was hit occasionally, mostly in the chest, but doubled what they gave me in return. I got kicked in the back of the leg and thrown against a tree.

It sent a jolting pain through my spine up to my shoulders. I got up and saw Kimberly's jump in, about time. I ran back pulling my dagger out, slashing away. Me and Kimberly stood side by side knocking heads and dodging attacks. I grabbed the arm of an alien that swung for her head and threw it back knocking three more down.

"Thanks." she said.

I nodded and attacked more. Out of the corner of my eye I saw flashes of color, turning I saw the other rangers coming to help. They jumped through the air and landed next to us, fighting off the hordes. Great, and I mean that in both ways. Great they came to help, and great, they're here... yay.

They seem to be working better than they did yesterday, they must've trained. Or they're trying to impress me... or both. Whatever, these things need to get taken care of and it is. We're all fighting together, knocking these things down.

"How'd you get here so fast?" the black ranger yelled. I think his name is Zack.

"Reasons." I replied, "Doesn't matter, just fight."

"This is kinda weird." the yellow ranger said. Trini right?

"Yeah. Why the park?" Billy asked.

"Who cares, just knock 'em all down." I yelled.

"He's right." Jason said, "Focus on these guys now, questions later."

Yup, stereotype red ranger. Always the leader, that's gonna get annoying for these guys, already is for me. Anyway, I knock the last of the aliens down slashing it across the chest. Finally, that was getting repetitive.

"Nice job guys." Jason said.

"Now can I ask a question?" Zack asked.

"Go ahead." Kimberly replied, "What do you wanna know?"

"How'd you guys end up here so fast?"


"Look!" I said pointing up.

In the sky there was a giant growing... thing. No doubt it was an alien, but what the hell kind does that?

"Guys," Jason called, "Zords!"

Right, these new guys know how to... do that. Looks like they do seeing as though they just made a huge megazord. Alright, now's my time to leave. I demorph and walk to my bike making my way home.

I'm sleeping on my bed when I hear a knocking on the door. "No one's home!" I yell turning on my stomach.

The knocking continues.

"Go away! No girl scout cookies."

The knocking stayed quiet but started up again.

"Oh my God!" I got up and walked over to my door and opened it, "What do you wa- oh."

And there stood the rangers, well the normal versions of course.

Jason stood in front of them, "Hi there."

I closed the door in his face.

He knocked again.

"What? I'm busy."

"Can we talk?"

"Nope." I closed the door again.

"Dude! Come on and open up."


"Why not?"

"My house, my rules, and I don't wanna."

"Lance." It was Kimberly. Dammit, "Please open up."

I have to, or do I? I mean... damn. I open the door a small crack and peer my eye out. "What?"

"We need to ask some questions." Billy said, "Can we come in?"

"I'm naked." I'm not, "Not a good idea." I saw Trini and Kimberly laugh and turn away. "What do you want?"

"Uh, why'd you leave so early?"

"Reasons. Why's it matter?"

"We could've used you back there." Zack said, "Wasn't cool you ditched."

"I'm sure it wasn't, we done here?"

"Why didn't you use your zord?" Jason asked.

"Good question, when I find an answer I'll make sure to tell you first. Now can this be over?"

"Dude, seriously why?"

"Another good question, an added part to the previous question but good all the same. Now please leave, this is incredibly awkward."

"I can see you're wearing pants." Trini said, "Your hip is poking out of the door."

I looked down confused then back at her, "Why are your eyes that low?"

Her and Kimberly laughed again. I opened the door and leaned on the doorway, "Fully dressed, happy?"

"I will be when you answer the question." Zack said.

"I left because you guys had it under control, I've seen other ranger fights and you guys had that. So I left, and I didn't use my zord because hmfmm."


I held in a laugh looking at how confused they were, "I gave my answer, now if you could leave that'd be great."

"Come on."

"You're annoyed, cool. Get outta here yeah? 'Cause when I'm annoyed then things start to get bad. So just as a warning get out."

"Not until you answer the question."

I nodded and wiped my mouth, I'm annoyed, super annoyed. And for them to leave then I need to answer the question, so I'll answer it just to get them outta here. "I didn't use it because I don't know how. I don't know how and I don't know where. Happy now? Leave me alone."

"What do you mean?"

"My God, I answered the question. Now go and stop looking clueless in front of my door."


"Son of a bitch. I never had the zord, it didn't come with the morpher, and I have no clue how to use it or find it. I didn't even know what the morpher was until I actually used it. And that I found one day. So unless someone has it and they're not telling me then my guess is that it's either lost or destroyed. So there are your answers, now get outta here." I closed the door and wiped my forehead. Taking a couple of deep breaths I calmed myself down, I heard footsteps which hopefully meant that they left.

"Thank God." I muttered.

There was a knocking at the door again.

"Are you kidding me?" I opened the door and saw Kimberly standing there, "What's this about, they leave you here to try and get to me?"

"Uh, no." she replied, "I'm here because I want to be."

"I don't see why."

"Because I wanted to make sure that you were ok. No doubt that got you angry."

"I'm completely fine, thanks."

"Ok then."

"Question, why were you here earlier? Was it really for a walk or for something else? 'Cause I'm not buying the whole walking act."

She nodded, "Yeah, I was just walking around and happened to be in the area. So I said hey why not see if I can annoy Lance."

I still don't believe her, but I'll play along. "Well it worked. And it was a team effort at that, nice job."

"Yeah, sorry about them. This is all so new and uh, we just wanna be safe. So I guess it was in good gesture."

"I'm not sure that's proper English but, hey whatever works right."

"Right, so uh," she cleared her throat, "I'd better go."

"Alright then, I'll see ya around."

"Yeah." she said and walked away.

That was interesting.

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