Daughter of the Warlord [Disc...

By InkRayne

233K 6.1K 4.7K

Sabrina is a 16 year old girl who lives in Jasper, Nevada she has had an almost perfect life (outside of her... More

Act 1: Beginning
Autobot Base
Trash and Dash
Storming the Warship
Darkness Rising
Hidden Warrior
Protection for the Princess
Bad Feeling
A New Friend
Deus Ex Machina
Speed Metal
Sick Mind
Out of His Head
Top Priority
Operation: Breakdown
Strike Three
Memories: Meeting
Memories: Fates
Rock Bottom
Bonus: Aspect of Death
Stronger, Faster
One Shall Fall
One Shall Rise
Defqon One
Act Two: Princess of the Decepticons
Moving into the Warship
Hyper... again.
Laser Madness
Daughter of Optimus Prime
Skyquake's Twin
They WHAT!?
She's Mine!
Plans of MECH
Flying Mind
Let Me GO!
I Would Do Anything!
Prom Night!
New Recruit.
Decepticon Guardians
Getting to Know You
The 'Rescue'
New Story!
The Human Factor.
Take a Hint
Stupid Siblings
Alpha, Omega
I'm Sorry
Chaos on the Nexus
Unleash Aurora
Lockdown's Interrogation (OPTIONAL)
Act Three: Shadows of the Dark
Hard Knocks
Author Notes: Discord Server
Inside One's Mind
Star Trouble
The Darkest Hour
Dragons Ho
NO WAY!!!!
A Game Changer
Prehistoric Life
The Truth
Family Traits
Fated Path
Destiny Knocking
Key to Future's Past

Memories: Warfare

3K 87 39
By InkRayne

Megatron was walking through the halls of the Warship thinking to himself of how he was going to get her on the ship but then he started to walk by the officer's lounge before he suddenly heard.


He stopped and looked at the door that was Starfire's voice he heard. "No Sabrina stop I need to kill- NO!" Echo cried, Skyquake and Spitfire were laughing their helms off.

Megatron then went to open the door and look inside. "I'm sorry I am a Demon Hunter. Must. Kill. DEMONS!!!!!!!!!" Sabrina said

Megatron moved inside to see Echo on one of the laptop-like devices with something he did not recognize on the screen he looked to see Skyquake and Spitfire on them as well though Skyquake was not doing whatever Spitfire and Echo were doing. "I'm a Demon Hunter too and I'M the Tank you the DPS Let me kill things!" Echo cried

"Mmmmmm Nope!" Sabrina said

Spitfire and Skyquake were still laughing and Skyquake fell onto the floor from laughing too hard, Megatron just looked around. "What is going on here?" he asked

Skyquake then stopped and looked at the warlord Echo and Spitfire glanced over to him while Sabrina though a call was still laughing and killing things, Echo then quickly muted her side before she looked at Megatron. "Lord Megatron... we didn't know you were here..." she said

Megatron just looked at her. "I heard Starfire and wanted to know what was going on... why was she yelling die over and over?" he asked

"Oh just a game she got Spitfire and I into..." Echo replied looking over to her sister

"World of Warcraft, my lord..." Spitfire continued

Megatron looked a little amused. "I see... if you don't mind I would like to see this myself..." he replied

Spitfire and Echo just looked at him before they nodded Megatron then moved closer before he sat down, Echo unmuted the call and continued to play the game. "Sorry Sabrina we're back and STOP killings things!" she stated

All she got in response was more laughter from Sabrina as she was killing a lot of things without them. "Well what am I supposed to do when they respawn on top of us?" Sabrina asked

Echo growled in frustration before she found a mob now being attacked she moved her Character towards it to attack but then Spitfire grinned ran to it and killed it before she got there, Echo stopped and looked over to Spitfire. "Spitfire not you too!!!!!" she cried

Both Sabrina and Spitfire lost it while Megatron had no idea what to think he just watched. "Come on Tali we're just messing with you." Sabrina stated

Echo looked at the screen before she looked unamused. "You two planned this out didn't you?" she asked

Sabrina laughed again. "Yes..." Spitfire replied laughing

Skyquake chuckled to that he was still on the floor Echo got up from her seat moved to Spitfire and smacked her upside the helm, Spitfire looked at her sister before she grinned. "Love you too." she said

Echo just rolled her optics before she glared at Skyquake. "Are you done laughing over there Sky? You've still got that paper to do for history. Its due tomorrow you know. I had it done last week."

Skyquake stopped and looked at her before he got up. "He's not done yet? Holy frag Sky is the lord of procrastination..." Sabrina called through the call.

Echo and Spitfire looked at Echo's screen before they started to laugh while Megatron looked at at Skyquake, he got up from the floor and and returned to his working area to continue his work Megatron grinned to himself before he looked at Echo as she sat down.

"Alright let's do this the right way please?" Echo asked

Sabrina laughed again. "Alright... get's these world quests done and over with..." she replied

The girls nodded before they started to talk one how to do this, Megatron himself looked at them interested that they were talking like this and thought of when the war first began.


Megatron was not the same after Wildfire's death keeping himself away from Orion and many other Cybertronians though he had never let his Daughter be away from her cousins and friend he vowed that he was going to change the laws of Cybertron the Caste System needed to be shut down and the way he wanted to do it many including Ratchet and Orion were not in agreement with him and so he started a war upon the planet and whoever stood in his way was going to perish.

Megatron was in his throne room of Darkmount thinking to himself his daughter Starfire was having issues that he couldn't help her get over, the fact that she and not seen her friends since the war started he had been keeping her within Kaon to protect her and he knew she didn't like it. There has to be something I can do to calm her down. He thought

Megatron was protective of his little girl he made a promise to his Sparkmate to protect her, Starfire was now the Princess of the Decepticons and more then ever needed to be looked after, some Autobots had tried to do things to get Starfire but Megatron was always there to stop it there was no way they were going to use her against him or his army.

Megatron sighed he was waiting for his trusted warriors to return from their mission in Altihex, having one of his arms supporting his helm as he was thinking before he heard someone coming towards him he looked to see Skyquake and Dreadwing coming to him. "Dreadwing, Skyquake..." he said

The two seekers looked at their leader, Megatron looked to see to his surprise was a little dark blue and gray femme and he recognized her right away. Echo? He asked himself

Megatron then looked at the two Mechs. "Just where have you two been?" he asked

"Forgive us, Lord Megatron, we got a little..." Skyquake started

"Distracted." Dreadwing finished.

Megatron just looked at them before he got up from his throne. "Is that so?" he asked before he started to move towards them. "And would any of it have involved Echo?"

Both mechs froze and Echo smiled sheepishly. "Sorry Megatron... I kind of distracted my sparkmates for a little bit..."

Megatron froze and just looked at her in shock he was not expecting this. "Sparkmates..." looking at Dreadwing and Skyquake then at her again. "Both of them?"

Dreadwing and Skyquake were freaking out. She didn't call him 'lord' but he wasn't angry? What was going on?!

"Yes. They're split spark twins you know.... Can't have one without the other..." She replied.

Megatron continued to look at her. "You know your sire is going to kill you for that... and does your sister know?" he asked

"first. Don't care. And no. No she does not. And I plan on keeping it that way for as long as possible." She replied. Her sparkmates looked at her horrified.

Megatron just looked down at her. "Understandable..." he replied

Echo smiled a bit. "It's good to see you again though."

Megatron looked into her optics. "Same to you..." he replied

Dreadwing and Skyquake blinked. Okay? The two definitely knew each other from before the war apparently...

"Though I am in need of your Help Echo..." Megatron continued

"Okay?" she seemed a little worried "with what?"

Megatron just looked at her. "Starfire..." was his only response

"Okay. Yep, lets go." Echo sighed.

Megatron nodded before he was going to see just where his daughter was before suddenly. "TAAAALIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!"

Everyone looked but all they saw was a silver blur and Echo was now down on the ground Megatron just looked at this seeing his daughter now over the little femme hugging and squeezing her.

"Star!" Echo gasped.

Starfire just held onto her not wanting to let her go. "I missed you sooooooooooo much!" she said

"Star... air." Echo wheezed.

Starfire looked at her before she loosened her hold on her. "Sorry..." she replied

Megatron just stared before he facepalmed. "I should have known that would happen..." he said lowly

Now that she could breathe Echo hugged Starfire back. "Missed you too Starfire."

The other two mechs just stared at this completely stunned.

Megatron sighed before he looked down at the two femmes. "Starfire... let her get up now..." he said

Starfire looked at her sire before she got up. Echo got to her pedes. "Gee girl... how tall are you going to get?" she asked, seeing as how the young femme now came up to her chin.

"I have no idea... maybe close to my sire's..." Starfire replied and looked at him.

Megatron rolled his optics before he smiled at little at her.

Echo chuckled and rested an arm on her shoulder. "Well... you're still at arm rest height." She grinned, goofing off a little. "You'll definitely grow out of it though."

Starfire just looked at her before she grinned a little. "Then I can use YOU as an Armrest..." she replied

The two girls laughed and the twins chuckled a little, finally working out a little of their confusion.


Megatron came back to the present time and looked to see that his daughter and the other girls getting their. 'Questing' done while Skyquake groaned as he was doing his paperwork Echo looked over to him. "Don't complain Sky, we all had to do ours..." she said

Skyquake looked at her. "Yeah and if you HAD done it a week ago like Tali and I... you would be leveling your Paladin with us..." Sabrina replied

Echo giggled to that. "Nice one Sabrina..." she said

"I do my best..." Sabrina replied

"I was busy." Skyquake replied. "I do have a job you know."

"So... you still had time to do the paper last week." Sabrina said

He groaned again. "I hate this."

Sabrina laughed again before the game continued on. "Alright now it looks like we have to do this dungeon... oh no..." she said

"What is it?" Echo asked.

"We have to do the Violet Hold..." Sabrina replied

"nooooooo" Echo whined "I hate that one."

"ugh. Why that one?" Spitfire complained.

Skyquake started laughing again as he continued with his paper. He was almost finished.... Finally.

Megatron just watched now knowing why they were upset about this. "Let's go into it now..." Sabrina replied. "And Sky why are you laughing you have to do this one as well..."

"uuughhhh." he groaned his helm dropping onto the table.

Sabrina laughed again before the three girls entered the Violet hold and one the image of it was shown Megatron now understood way Spitfire didn't like this one as he remembered well why.


The War of Cybertron had been growing more and more as Megatron was conquering what he had control of taking cities and making its civilians serve him, he was heading down towards their new prisoners were being held to see if their was any worth in them and once he had walked in fear and horror was around him.

Megatron looked at his troops before looking around at the prisoners and his optics laid upon a spesific femme as she glared at him. Oh frag. Her carrier is going to destroy me... he thought

Megatron and the femme continued to look at one another before he looked at his troops. "Take this femme into the interrogation room." he said pointing at her. "I wish to speak with her myself."

Megatron's troops nodded before he moved into the room with they grabbed the femme, once the two of them were alone in the room Megatron had Soundwave mute everything in there. Megatron turned to her once the door was completely closed. "Spitfire... it's been a while." he said

"Are you happy now?" Spitfire snapped.

Megatron just looked at her he knew he was in deep slag with this femme he sighed. "I know what you're thinking Spitfire... but you as well and other must see that all I have wanted to do was make us all equal..." he said

"Because of you my friends are dying. Because of you i'm separated from my sparkmate! Because of you my home is in ruins!! Because of yOU MY SISTER IS MISSING!!!" as she spoke her voice grew in volume until she was screaming at him.

Megatron looked at her and sighed. "Spitfire... you need to understand that all of this... was because-." he tried to say

Spitfire jumped up and punched him in the face, hard. Megatron had the wind knocked right out of him and fell to the ground he was there for a few moments before he groaned. "Ohhh you hit just like your carrier..." he groaned grabbing his helm

"Wait. What?" she said looking at him confused.

Megatron shook his helm before he slowly got up. "But frankly... I did deserve that..." he replied

"I'm confused. So again... What?"

Megatron got onto his pedes and looked at her. "Yes... I did do all those things but one is not true..." he replied

"I'm still not forgiving you."

"And I don't expect you to." Megatron replied

"What do you want with me anyway." She crossed her arms.

Megatron just looked into her optics and sighed. "I want you to join me and my Decepticons..." he replied

Her optics narrowed at him. "Now why would I do that?"

"Because of Starfire.... And Echo." Megatron replied

"Beg pardon? I swear. If you had anything to do with her disappearance I'll-"

"Echo did not go missing... she arrived here months befores your city was taken she is with my daughter safe and unharmed." Megatron interrupted

She thought for a moment "why in the pit would she be here anyway? Why did she come to you?"

Megatron looked at her. "I would let her explain that to you..." he replied. "And I would take you to her myself."

"If I were to join you, what would you have me do?" She asked.

"You would do what you do best Spitfire..." Megatron replied

"Inventing things for you? Most of my research was destroyed and stolen by your goon squad when I was dragged from my home."

"Then I would get them to give it to you... to continue your work." Megatron replied

She thought for a moment longer. "Then I have one condition for joining you." Spitfire stated.

Megatron lifted his helm a little waiting for what she was going to say.

"My Sparkmate is an Autobot Wrecker. Breakdown. He will come looking for me when he finds out I was taken. He is not to be harmed." She told him firmly.

Megatron looked at her before he sighed. "I will not harm him... I will offer him a place here for the you both to be together..." he replied

"... Very well then... I'll join you."

Megatron nodded before he moved to the doorway of the room opening the door and looked at her. Spitfire sighed but followed him.

Megatron then escorted Spitfire out of the prison area heading towards where his daughter and Echo was. Spitfire wasn't thrilled at all and many Decepticons were glancing at her because she was an Autobot for all they knew.

Megatron continued to move till they had reached where they were going and he opened the door to find his Daughter arm wrestling with Dreadwing. The blue and gold mech was being overly dramatic as the young princess slowly pushed his arm toward the table with much effort.

"Oh no. You're beating me princess! You're so strong." Dreadwing told her.

Echo was sitting on Skyquake's lap and the two of them were laughing.

Spitfire spotted her sister with a mech she didn't know and immediately started glaring.

"What's this?" Spitfire snipped.

Echo and the twins jumped and Echo fell off Skyquake's lap.

Oh my primus! Sister alert! SISTER ALERT! Echo thought to herself in a panic. The twins looked toward the door seeing Megatron, to Dreadwing's absolute horror.

Starfire took advantage  of the distraction and slammed the mech's servo down on the table.

"YES!!!" She cheered hopping up "I WIN!!"

Megatron just looked at them not sure what to think of this at all before she just shook his helm. Only my child could make Dreadwing do something like that... he thought

"L-lord Megatron..." Dreadwing stammered.

Spitfire's glare made Echo uncomfortable and she quickly tried to disappear behind Skyquake who was now sitting up more. The red femme strode into the room and pulled Echo out from her hiding spot.

"This is where you've been? Do you know how worried I was?!"

"Fire please you don't understand..." Echo said nervously.

Megatron just watched at this unraveled. Well this looks all too familiar... he thought

The two argued for a bit before Echo had enough of it. "It's complicated." She told Spitfire.

"Then go ahead Echo. Tell me. Tell me why it's so complicated that you had to leave without telling me."

"Because you're smothering me!" Echo snapped back. "You're protecting me when I don't need it!"

Spitfire looked like she'd been slapped. "What?"

Echo wrenched her arm out of her sister's grasp. "I never tried keeping you away from Breakdown. But for some Primus forsaken reason you hate seekers so much that you were trying to keep me away from Wing and Sky. Do you know how painful that was for me?" She asked backing away from her.

Megatron just remained silent while Starfire cowered a little to the sudden yelling and she moved to her sire, Megatron looked down at her before he sighed and wrapped his arm around her.

"I was trying to keep you safe." Spitfire retorted

"I don't want you to keep me safe."

Spitfire backed up a bit. "Are you saying.... You don't need me anymore?"

Megatron didn't want this to get worse than it was he grabbed Spitfire's shoulder before he lightly pulled her away from her sister. She looked up at him questioningly while Echo went to go and hide herself under Dreadwing's arm. "I think it would be wise to let this go..." Megatron said

Spitfire looked away and huffed before glancing at Starfire and resting a servo on her helm and rubbing a bit. "Sorry for scaring you kiddo." She said lowly.

Starfire just looked at her before she smiled and hugged Spitfire, Megatron smiled to see this. Well looks like she will have someone to be entertained with... he thought

"Yeah... I missed you too." Spitfire said hugging Starfire back.


Megatron sighed thinking of those memories of the past good and bad memories. "Done Finally..." Skyquake stated

Megatron looked over to him. "Then get. on. wow. NOW!! we need your Heals!" Sabrina stated

Megatron razed an optic ridge to that.

"Alright, alright I'm getting on..." Skyquake replied

Megatron didn't know what they were doing but he just watched and before long Skyquake was online with a Blood Elf Paladin all in Skyquake's colors Megatron didn't know what to think before the girls and Skyquake started to fight things again in the game. Interesting... Megatron thought.

Megatron continued to watch before he thought he should leave them alone he got up and left the room heading for the bridge thinking to himself again before another thing came to him from the past.


The war of Cybertron was growing darker every day cities taken, lives lost and most of it caused by Megatron and his Decepticons upon the planet, Megatron was in his throne room seeing where his next plan of attack was when someone had yelled from down at the gates of Kaon.

Megatron became curious before he got up transformed and went to investigate this, and as he got closer the more the sounds got louder and once he was able to see a femme was surrounded by his army and he went to question what was going on.

Once he had landed all of the Decepticons had gotten out of his way as he moved towards the source of the noise and once he got a better look he recognized this little femme he grinned to himself wondering why she was here.

The little purple femme laid her optics upon him it was clear she was here to talk to him. "Megatron..." she said

"Well this is unexpected... especially from you." Megatron stated

The little femme just looked at him as he approtched her. "Tell me, Lyra.... Why have to come to Kaon?" he asked

Lyra looked up into his optics she was a lot smaller then he was but she didn't even care at that moment. "All I am here for... is to just talk." she replied

Megatron looked down at her amused for a moment. "Is that so?" he asked

Lyra nodded glaring at ever Mech that was staring at her. "Then I will not deny you..." Megatron continued

Lyra looked at him again as many Mech/femmes had no idea what Lyra had wanted from Megatron or if she ever did. "Perhaps it would be better to not speak around so many..." Megatron said

Lyra just looked at him not saying a word to him, Megatron then moved out of her way before they both headed towards his citadel. And once they were alone in his throne room Lyra had walked to towards the throne and just touched the arm of it.

Megatron looked at her before crossing his arms over his chest. "So... Lyra just what is it you wanted to speak to me about?" he asked

Lyra didn't answer him for a moment before she looked at him. "Knockout..." was the only thing she said

Megatron looked at her funny. "What about one of my medics?" he asked

"You took Knockout from his home and those he loved..." Lyra replied

Megatron just raised an optic ridge to that. "So what if I did..." he stated

Lyra glared before she moved closer to him. "You do not understand..." she said. "He is in pain though he does not show it..." she replied

"And why would that be exactly?" he asked

"Because I am as well..." Lyra replied

Megatron didn't know what she was meaning to that. "I am Knockout's sparkmate... and you took us apart before the bond was properly sealed." Lyra continued

Megatron just stared at her. "And what do you intend to do? Try and take him back?" he asked

Lyra just looked at him. "No... I am not saying that." she replied

Megatron just looked into her green optics not sure what she was getting at.

"I am here... to join you..." Lyra stated

Megatron just stared at her before he grinned. "You wish to join my army... well now never thought i would hear that from you.... Considering who your sire is."

"He dosen't know I am on Cybertron... and I intend to keep it that way." Lyra replied

Megatron's grin widened to the thought of her joining him the way that she did she was going to make a useful warrior to him.


Megatron got to the bridge thinking of the little femme he took her into his army but he had not seen her since Cybertron fell but he knew she would rejoin him on Earth.

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