Legend of Zelda A Hero Reawak...

By Cutegirlmayra

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Link returns from his adventures to find all of Hyrule celebrating the princess's 16th birthday, until she's... More

Happy Birthday,A Hero Reawakens
Jungle of Doubts,Link to a Fogotten Past
Mirrored Fountain ,The Mask of Majora
Goodnight, Sword of Four
Healed&Trapped,Cap of the Minish People
Light and Darkness, Waker of the Wind
You Smell that?, Princess of Twilight
A Soulful Song, Time's Ocarina
Envious much?, Age's Oracle
Deceitful Lies!, Season's Oracle
Anger Management, Phantom glass of hours
Greedy People, Tracks of the Spirit
Zelda's Awakening, Courage's Seeds
Demise, Zelda's Legend
Oath and Bonds, Zelda's Adventure

Monkey dance!, Sword that Points Skyward

85 3 0
By Cutegirlmayra

Ch. 6

The Sword Pointed Skyward

By: Cutegirlmayra (ugh, why is it that in both my stories the girls are prisoners of some Dark guy of the guy they like? It's becoming so awkward now x)

Zelda moved quickly away from his, his eyes glowed red again like they did when he shot the arrow at her. She was pinning herself against the wall, but no matter how she looked at it, she really was just prey.

"You once said that you have all the memories of Link, right?" she had to ask questions, had to keep delaying and stalling him from what seemed like the inevitable. Dark Link looked up at her, then looked away with a scowl and wagged his bitten hand a bit.

"Yes, that is true. Why?" he looked back to her with uninterested curiosity.

"And your... your all of Link's bad qualities amplified by darkness... correct?"

"What are you leading into, Princess?" his patience was thinning, she couldn't stall him for long now...

".... Did Link... love me... before?" he knew what she was talking about, she knew how he would take it. But Dark Link took the bait and didn't move, she had postponed the beast's raging appetite.

"....You really want to know..?" he looked back at her, his eyes faded from anger and there red glow. He was much more reserved now, and chuckled lightly. "Yes, in the alternative 7 years ago... he cared very much about your safety." he scooted up and more toward her. "However, it was a very innocent and... not so, lovey dovey." he said the last words in exaggeration, sticking his tongue out to slur the words. "Yuck. Petty love if you ask me."

"...Well, if he had such kind feelings for me.. Then why is it you don't hate me? Being his shadow and all..." Zelda moved to the side a little, not liking how close he was getting. Being cautious and stalling him with talk was all she was focused on at the moment, but she was interested in how Link viewed her. So, though she tried not to get to sucked into her own rouse, she listened silently.

"Heh, haven't you ever heard of dark love?" he was looking back at her again, and she realized she had messed up. His attention went back to his earlier thoughts...

"We-well, if Link cares so much about me.. Wouldn't you do anything to crush that?"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAAHAHAHAAHA !" Dark Link broke out into hysterical laughter that made Zelda shudder. His laugh could even scare a witch. "Hoho..haha.. You think I'm that stupid!? Link would never stop loving you! That's why I had to trick him with a dummy! Yep, she should be killing him with her dark love right about now..." he leaned back, away from Zelda and on the wall to the right, kicking his leg up over the other one. He put one hand behind his head to cradle it, and the other one he looked at in smug victory.

"Wh...what do you mean, Dummy?" Zelda lost her strong voice, it was now replaced with worry and sheer horror of what he could mean by his last sentence...

"Why, a fake you of course. A little fairy with a jealousy problem. Not to worry though, she was dunked in the same dark energy that created your one and only." he pointed to himself. "And because of that- no more loyalty." he kissed his fingers and looked up dramatically. "The perfect plan, no?"

"You... what have you done to Navi!?" Zelda blurted out, her furry couldn't be contained any longer. She moved over to him and tried to hit him, he stopped her though, looking at her with shock and a bit of fear. "You can't just mess with people's emotions like that! It's wrong! It's to cruel!"

Once he regained himself, he pulled the wrist he had grabbed to block Zelda's attempt to hurt him toward himself. "That's life, Babe." he smiled. "And no matter how cruel it gets, you still have to live through it... trust me.. I know.." he twisted her arm, making her spin over so she wouldn't dislocate it and tossed her aside.

"How would you know how it feels?! You don't feel at all!" she began to cry, she couldn't hold back her feelings anymore. She felt so bad for Navi, for Link who was being fooled by his pure love for her, and most importantly, herself for not seeing this coming.

"Don't know how it feels? Don't know how it FEELS!?" his eyes grew red again and he jumped on top of her, grabbing her arms and thrusting them down so she couldn't fight him. "Being the shadow of a man who you could never win against!? Knowing that your life is only to make others suffer while one man excels?! You think I don't know pain and suffering!? My life IS PAIN AND SUFFERING. Knowing you can't live your life like a normal human being, but being subjected to a Demon King and being compared to saintly hero. No, Zelda, YOU DON'T KNOW HOW IT FEELS TO LIVE IN THE SHADOW OF THE HERO OF TIME! TO BE NOTHING MORE THAN SHADE UNDER HIS FEET! You think your life is cruel, don't make me laugh!" Dark Link threw her hands away from him after his out burst. In his rage he moved quickly off her, still blowing steam it seemed he hit the wall with a loud, "HYEAH!". it warped like a rain drop hitting a pound, with rings that grew and grew. That's when Zelda, in her fearful and sorrowful crying, knew she was being held in the dark world. The domain of shadows...

Link hopped on Epona, his strength renewed he felt like running himself. He knew that all he had to do now was find Zelda, after what Navi had said, she must of been taken to the Dark Castle. "Looks like were back to the beginning." Navi teased, flying up beside him. He nodded, he had lost one friend, and gained her back, but now he lost another again. He wasn't about to let that happen again.

"Can you remember the way, Navi? To the castle?" he asked. "I'd rather not have to climb that vine cliff wall again..."

Epona moved restlessly, apparently she wanted to run right now and wasn't about to wait. "I think I remember how Dark you got in... he used some underground tunnel thing.. Follow me!" Navi dashed off toward a direction. With a quick spinning of Epona, Link, "Hyah!" and kicked her sides to get her running in the same direction. However, unbeknownst to our heroes, a group of monkey's with creepy faces slowly watched them with never blinking stares.

As Link was enjoying his ride, all of a sudden a vine stuck out of the ground, Navi called out, "Watch out!" to late and he and Epona was tripped and came smashing to the ground. Thankfully, he had leaped off Epona before the crash, and had been tumbling on the ground to a halt, at least he didn't break a leg under Epona's weight. He looked up and swiftly moved to his feet, Epona's head jerked up, her ears searching the area as she grumpily got up with a grunt.

"Whoa, girl." Link comforted her. "Navi, is she hurt?" Navi circled Epona, when Epona got up, she cradled her right side, keeping her leg up and off the ground.

"Seems like she might of hurt her right leg. Best not to ride her." Navi flew back to Link's side. Link took off his hat and wiped his head, this was gonna be a long, damp, and humid day. Not to mention the heat was unbearable, he had slept in frigid cold only to wake up to this kind of reward for hanging in there.

A monkey looked down form his vine, his brothers and sisters poked there heads out too. "StRaNgE ThEsE TrAvElErS aRe." he spoke in weird ups and downs, making his voice sound musically creepy. Link looked up, a hord has shown itself before them in the jungle tree's canopies. Hiding behind the trunks or large leafs of the trees, they looked with half faces to Link and his companions. "MiGhT YoU bE LoOkInG FoR SoMeThInG?"

"Yes, a dear friend." Link responded.

"Link! What are you doing!? Don't talk to them, there scare me.." Navi said, flying up close to his face to speak privately with him.

"Navi, you forget I've seen worse then this on my first try searching for you." Link whispered, reminding her of his old adventures.

"I know but.. But.." she shook in fear.

"LiTtLe FaIrY wAsN't So LiTtLe, LiTtLe WhIlE aGo WaS bIg LaDy WiTh PrEtTy VoIcE." one elderly monkey said, he almost sounded Jamaican mixed with a native tribal chief.

"Wait.. You know what happened to Navi?" asked Link, gesturing to Navi. Navi yipped in fright and flew behind Link, sticking herself out just slightly to see.

"YeS, wE sEe MaN wItH fAcE lIkE yOu TaKe LiTtLe FaIrY." the monkey began to walk in a wobbly way across a branch near him. He wiggled his head side to side, and looked like he was dancing.

"Could you show us where he entered the Castle from?" asked Link, trying to sound polite and kind.

"WhY...yEs...We CoUlD ShOw MaN. iF MaN dAnCe LiKe UwAh'S." the monkey spoke back. When he mentioned his species, they all chanted rhythmically, "Uwah, Uwah, Uw-Uw Uwah!"

"Very well.. I suppose I could give it a go." Link set his sword and Shield down, Navi saw the error in this and deicide to stay close to it, just incase these monkey's wanted to steal there stuff.

"Good luck, Link! I'll watch everything so don't worry!" Navi said, doing a side swing as she flew. It looked liked she was waving him her okay.

Link nodded to her and looked to the monkey. "Alright, what first?"

"UwAh! Uwah ha!" the monkey moved his head forward, then back, then side to side. Link mimicked. "No! MaN mUsT cHaNt SiNgInG uWaH's WoRdS tOo!" the monkey's did a monkey sound and jumped up and down, mimicking there leader. The monkey's all looked alike, except the leader had a tail that was longer and had three large hair spikes to the side. He was a cream white with brownish red markings on his tail, belly, face, hands and legs. The marking on his face looked like a tiger with a raccoon's mask on. Link had no choice, he mimicked again with the same tune and words the monkey spoke. "YeS. nOw, MoRe!" the leader threw his arms up. "U-Uwrah sing U-Uwah! Sing!" the monkey's copied perfectly. He lifted his left foot twice and then skipped a jump to his right foot and stomped on it twice. "NoW mAn Go!"

Link thought this was silly, but he needed there knowledge. He did what he was told, "U-Uwrah sing, U-Uwah! Sing!" Navi giggled silently, trying to not have Link hear her. But Link's Hyrulian ears picked up her laughter and he had an awkward tear drop fall from the side of his face.

"U-Urah! The tunnel behind the sun! U-wah ha! The path with red wings! U-rahhaha! Uwah!" the monkey flipped in the air, then rolled back and forth along the branch, then did something that made Link gulp. He wrapped his tail around the branch, and hang upside down, banging his chest. "Cave that no man see! U-uwah! Sing!" "U-uwah sing!" the monkey's mimed him. The chief folded his arms and closed his creepy, Chester cat smile. "HmM....mAn No Do? MaN nO fInD cAsTlE tUnNeL." the monkey glared cunningly down at Link.

Link stuck out his chest and took a deep breath, "Man will do." he stated. He climbed a tree, as he did so, monkey's swung off it, or dashed away from him. But they all watched as he balanced himself on a branch, and tried not to look down. "Whooah..." he tried to regain his form.

"Link! Be carefull!" Navi called. The monkey's copied, "Be-Be Careful!"

"No FaLl, Man. FaLl, AnD uWaH's LaUgH aNd LeAvE." the monkey leader spoke. He grabbed a feather from a nest and handed it to another monkey. The monkey carefully made his way to Link, silently and stealthily. Shaking his head back and forth with his creepy smile.

"..The mask salesmen's face was worst then yours... I can handle this." Link spoke out loud, trying to calm himself and not lose his cool. He did the gestures, raising his hands up. U-Urah! The tunnel behind the sun! U-wah ha!" the monkey made it's way carefully over the tree's multiple branches, holding the feather he slowly placed it in his hand and looked over the branch, looking scarily at Link. Look was focused so much on words and the moves, he didn't notice anything but the branch. "The path with red wings! U-rahhaha! Uwah!" the monkey's cheered, he flipped and landed a little wobbly. The monkey's watched as he flailed his arms in the air, trying to keep his balance. He retained it, and sighed in relief. Navi was sitting on Epona's rump and put her two top wings over her eyes, she lifted one and heaved a sigh of relief to relax herself.

"That fool's gonna get himself killed..." Navi muttered to herself, being awfully worried.

Epona neighed, as if cheering, but she was momentarily distracted by some yumming looking greenery.

Link rolled back and forth, expertly. He had done that on the ground so much he was a pro at summersaults. He got ready for the last move though, the monkey's stopped cheering and all when silent to see his next move. "MaN nO tAiL! mAn No TaIl! MaN nO wInnnn~ Ha Ha!" "HaHa!" the monkey's repeated.

Link sat on the branch now, hooked his legs together and spun himself upside down. The monkey's gasped and hollered in surprise. Link banged on his chest, "Cave no man see! U-uwah! Sing!" the monkey's cheered in Link's accomplishment and Link felt pretty good too. "Whoo!" he shouted out in joy, looking down and letting his arms fall. But the monkey with the feather tickled it under his legs. Link was shocked but couldn't help laughing, then he lost his grip on the tree branch with his locked legs and fell. The monkey's laughed and pointed as Link crashed into other branches and was flung to the ground.

"Hey! No fair! That's cheating!" Navi zoomed up toward Link and then to the monkey chief.

"Ha Ha! MaN dId FaLl! UwAh'S dId LaUgH! mAn LoSe!" the monkey's repeated there chief's words, "Man, lose!" the monkey's started to swing away.

"HEY! Get back here! Cheaters! Jerks! Ohh... your moves were elementary anyway! U-U-you stink!" Navi angrily yelled at them.

"Navi, Navi, it's okay." Link said, getting up and scratching his head. "itai.."(ow in Japanese XD)

"But Link! It's not okay! You won! I saw you! You were great.." Navi started to get depressed.

Link patted Navi on the head and smiled, "They did acknowledge my victory. Even before I won."

"huh?" Navi sounded dumbfounded. "What do you mean? there jerks!"

"No, Navi." Link cutely said, bringing her close to him and nuzzling her fondly. "They gave me the riddle. The tunnel behind the sun, so there's a tunnel somewhere behind the mountain." he pointed behind them. "then they said, path with no wings. I'm not sure what that means, but we're sure to find out if we head to that tunnel around the mountain." he showed the that the sun was in front of them, and the mountain's back side didn't get it's rays. "See Navi? We're gonna be just fine."

"...well.. That was still mean what they did.." Navi said, pouting a bit. If she could fold her wings she would of to show how upset she still was.

"Let it go, Navi." Link chuckled and called to Epona. They all walked toward the mountain side.. Where Link hoped to see Zelda soon.

(Oh my gosh, the monkeys! The uwah's were so fun to do! But the chief's words were hard to type XP whatever. This was fun! But Dark Link's outburst scared me..0-0; how about you? Poor Zelda...)

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