Daibolik Lovers Boyfriend Sce...

By Animefan446

282K 3.6K 769

Like what it says in the title but I won't put Kino in this because he's a new character but I will put in th... More

How You Met Him
The Two Of You Are Friends
When He Asks You To Be His Girlfriend
First Date And First Kiss
He Watches You Do Your Favourite Hobby
You're On You're Period
He Meets Your Parents
You Learn About His Past
You're Sick
When He 'Accidentally' Touches Your Butt
When He Sees Your Sleeping Face
When They Randomly Kiss You
When It's Your Birthday
When He Hears You Singing
When You Go To The Beach With Him
When He Sees You Sad
When Someone Catches You Making Out
When He Has A Sleepover At Your Place
Sakamaki (Lemon)
Mukami (Lemon)
Tsukinami (Lemons)
When They Read Your Diary
When You have A Bath With Him
When You Wear His Clothes
Halloween Special
Author's note HELP!!
When He Cheats On You/You Break Up
After The Break Up/ They See You With Someone Else
When He Sees You Hurt And The Two Of You Get Back Together
After You Got Back Together
When You Two Are Watching A Film On The Kodi Stick
Christmas Special
New Year Special

You Find Out He's A Vampire And He First Bites You

11.7K 165 25
By Animefan446


Shu had been acting strange for the last few weeks now. He started going to the music room a bit less now and you hardy see him and he sometimes would cancel your date. You were starting to get worried about this and wondered if Shu was getting tired after dating with you for the last few months. You went over to the Sakamaki Manor and you headed into his room and you found him asleep on his bed. You took a breath and you said,"Shu, can I talk to you?"

Shu sat up and he saw you. Shu looked away from you sadly and he said,"What do you want (Y/n)?" You walked towards him and you sat on the edge of the bed and said,"Shu, you've been ignoring me for a while now and I've been wondering if you're getting sick and tired of me, do you want to break up with me?" You said as you looked at Shu with tears in the corner of your eyes.

Shu saw this and he hugged you and he said,"No way, I would never break up with you." You gripped on his sleeve and said,"Then tell me, why are you ignoring me?" Shu hugged you tighter and he said,"I'll tell you if you promise me that you won't scream or runaway." You nodded your head and Shu then said,"I'm a vampire a creature of the night who craves for blood and because of this, I've been trying my best to avoid you because I'm afraid that I might end up hurting you or scaring you if you found out what I was."

You were shocked and a bit scared that your boyfriend is a vampire but a part of you told you not to runaway. You loved Shu and you knew that he would never hurt you. You looked up at him and Shu's ocean eyes turned red to prove that he wasn't lying. You gripped on his jumper and said,"So you're telling the truth." Shu stroked your cheek and said,"You're not afraid of me?" You placed your hand on his cheek and said,"A part of me is afraid of you but my heart is telling me that I should stay with you, I don't care if you're a human or a vampire as long as you're my Shu."

Shu's eyes widen at this and he hugs you tightly and he buries his face in your shoulder and he said,"Thank you, thank you so much (Y/n), I love you so much." You smiled and you wrapped your arms around him and said,"I love you too." Just then something hit you and you said,"Shu, since you're a vampire and we've been dating, do you still want to bite me even now?" Shu raised his head a little and he said,"Yes." You then said,"Then, if you still want to bite me then go ahead." Shu's body froze at this and he looked at you and said,"Are you sure?"

You nodded your head and said,"Yes, bite me Shu." Shu placed you on his lap and he leaned towards your neck and he kisses your neck and he kissed the spot where he's going to bite you. You then felt a sharp pain on your neck and you then heard Shu gulp some of your blood and you gritted your teeth and pain. However, Shu rubbed circles on your back and with his other hand he massaged your thighs to make you forget the pain which only caused you to moan. Shu groaned as he heard you moan like that and he released his fangs from you and he said,"You liked that?"

You blushed and said,"Feeling the pain? No but....." You couldn't say anything else after that which only made Shu chuckle at your reaction. Shu then laid down on the bed and you rested your head on his chest and he said,"Get some rest for now, I'll be looking forward to tasting you again." You smiled and Shu then placed one of his ear buds in your ear and the soft sound of classical music played as you and Shu drift off into dreamworld in each other's arms.


You were sketching away some more china tea set designs and stopped a few times because Reiji had been ignoring you for a while. He hasn't been showing up at the library to help you study or tutor you for a while and you were starting to get worried. You got up from your desk and you were on your way to see Reiji. You were on you way to see Reiji and decided to take a shortcut through an ally until you saw a drunk guy coming towards you. The drunk guy came closer to you and he said,"Hey baby *hic* are here alone?" You shivered in fear as the drunken man came towards you.

Your back was against the wall when he got close to your face the drunk man said,"You're too cute for words." You were so scared right now and you shut your eyes tightly until you heard the man shout in pain until he dropped dead at your feet. You looked at your saviour and it was Reiji but his eyes was glowing red and he had blood running down his mouth. The horror got too much for you and you then fainted. You were expecting to hit the ground until you fell into someone's arms. After a few minutes passed, you opened your eyes and you stared at the ceiling and you knew where you were.

You sat up slowly and you shook your head and said,"What happened? How did I get here?" Just then you heard a familiar voice say,"So you're awake at last my dear." You looked at the source of the voice and there he was, Reiji was sitting there on the couch and for some reason he looked a bit disgusted with himself. You sat on the edge of his bed and you said,"Reiji, so it wasn't a dream, you're a...a vampire." Reiji looked at you and he said,"Are you afraid of me now? you should be myself and my brothers are creatures of the night, if you value your life you would leave right now."

It broke your heart just hearing Reiji say those things in front of you and yet, you weren't afraid of him nor what he is. You got off the bed and you walked over towards him and you wrapped your arms around his head and you pulled him towards your chest which shocked Reiji the most. He tried to struggle out of your grip but you held him tightly and said,"I'm not afraid of you, after dating you for a few months I always knew that deep down that you were somehow different to everyone else." Reiji stopped struggling and he started to relax in your arms and he then said,"But (Y/n), you should be afraid of me, I'm a vampire and as a vampire I've been craving for your blood for the last few months since we've been dating I try my best not to bite you but-"

You cupped his face and said,"Reiji enough!!" Reiji was shocked at the tone of your voice. You then said,"Listen to me, I don't care if you're a vampire or a human all I care about is that you're the Reiji that I know and love." Reiji look soften and he said,"Do you mean it? I still don't believe you." You sighed and you then mumbled,"Fine, maybe this will make you believe me." Reiji looked at you and you exposed your neck and said,"If you still hunger for my blood then go ahead and bite me."

Reiji couldn't hold back anymore so he grabs you and he pinned you down on the couch and he leaned towards your neck and he said,"There will be some pain, this is your last chance to back down." You looked at him and said,"I don't care, if you love me then bite me if it'll make you believe that I still love you so much no matter what you are." Reiji leaned to your neck and he licked your neck making a moan escape your lips and Reiji then bit down on your soft skin on your neck.

You gritted your teeth in pain and you held back a moan as Reiji fed from you. Reiji held your hand as he fed from you and he did his best to make you comfortable as possible so that the pain didn't bothered you too much as you felt Reiji rubbed your side with his other hand. Reiji pulled away from your neck and he licked up the rest of the blood that bled out of your neck. You looked at Reiji and you said,"Do you believe me now Reiji?" Reiji looked at you and he stroked your cheek and he said,"I do now, thank you for accepting me for who I am."

Reiji said as he presses his forehead against yours and he kisses you on the lips. Reiji pulled away and he said,"I love you, I'll be looking forward to tasting you again my dear." You smiled at him and he got off you and you tried to get up but felt a little weak from having your blood sucked so Reiji let you rest your head on his lap for a while.


Ayato had been acting strange for the last few days now. Ayato stopped coming to basketball practise and he had been ignoring your calls as well. You were sitting at the basketball bench until you saw Ayato coming into the basketball hall. You looked up and when he saw you he looked away from you. You sighed and you said,"Why have you been ignoring me?" Ayato didn't answer you and you threw the basketball at his head and you got his attention. Ayato looked at you and you said,"Don't ignore me! What's going on with you?! Why have you been ignoring me?!"

Ayato sighed and he came over towards you and he sat next to you and said,"I'm sorry I've been ignoring you, but I had a reason for doing so." You scooted closer to him and you waited for him to answer. Ayato's eyes glowed red and he said,"My brothers and I are vampires, I've been avoiding you because I didn't want to scare you if you were to find out who I really am." As you looked at Ayato's eyes you were so shocked right now you got up and you took a few steps back and said,"You're a vampire? I'm out of here!" Ayato grabs your wrist and he pulls you into a hug and he said,"(Y/n)! You have to believe me! I would never hurt you, you're the only girl that I'll ever love for the last few weeks when we were dating I would never lay a finger on you, you have to believe me."

Ayato said as he held you tighter. You wanted to try and escape from his grasp but Ayato only held you tighter to make sure you didn't run away from him. You gave up and you hugged Ayato back and you then said,"Ayato, why didn't you tell me in the first place?" Ayato cupped your face and he said,"Like I already said, I didn't want to scare you." Ayato pressed his forehead against your and you then said,"Ayato, you're a vampire and when we were dating do you crave for my blood even now?" Ayato nodded his head and leaned towards you neck and said,"I don't think I can hold back anymore, Ore-sama will taste your blood."

Ayato hugs your waist and he starts kiss and suck on your skin which made you moan a little at the feeling of his lips. You felt Ayato bite you and he left a love bite on your collarbone. He smirked at it and he then kissed at the spot on your neck where he was going to bite you. Ayato bit you on your neck and you then heard him groan as he sucked your blood. You gripped tightly on his jacket as you bit on your lip to hold back a moan. Ayato released his fangs from your neck and he said,"Ore-sama isn't finished with you yet (Y/n), we will continue this back at my place." You smiled at him and you hugged him and you let Ayato pick you up like a bride and he carried you out of the room.


You were making some of Kanato's favourite sweets like usual. When you had some icing on your fingers Kanato came over and he looked at your fingers. When he licked the icing off you noticed some fangs in his mouth. You pulled your hand away from him and said,"K-Kanato..are those fangs?"Kanato was shocked that you noticed. He hung his head low and said,"Yes, the truth is I am a vampire and my brothers are vampires as well."You were surprised at this but you weren't afraid of Kanato. You sighed and said,"Why didn't you tell me from the start?"

Kanato looked a bit surprised that you weren't scared by his confession. He said,"You mean you're not afraid of me or my brothers?" You closed eye smiled at him and said,"Hehe, Kanato Sakamaki, Why the heck should I be afraid of you? Even though you're a vampire, you would never lay a finger on me or try to bite me for that matter but other than that, I still love you whether you're a vampire or not."Kanato smiled brightly and then he pounced on you and you two fell to the ground. Kanato rubbed his cheek on yours and he said,"(Y/n)-chan! Thank you so much! I was so afraid that you wouldn't accept for who I am!"

You giggled and you stroked his hair and said,"You're welcome Kanato-kun, I love you so much, you know." Kanato then noticed that you had a little bit of icing on your neck and he then licked it off but you then felt his fangs scrape against your neck. You were a bit surprised at this and then Kanato pulled away and he said,"Sorry! I couldn't hold back." You smiled at him and said,"It's fine Kanato, if you to have a taste of my blood then go ahead." Kanato leaned towards your neck and said,"Are you sure?" You nodded your head and Kanato then kissed the spot where he was going to bite and he then bit down on your neck.

Kanato sucks your blood while you bit down on your lip to hold back a moan and Kanato rubs circles on your back to try and comfort you. Once Kanato pulled away from your neck and he said,"You're sweeter than any candy (Y/n)-chan." You smiled at him and said,"Thank you." You said as you ruffled his hair and Kanato gets off you and you went back to work on making some of Kanato's favourite sweets.


You were at another one of your photoshots but Laito didn't show up to watch you. You were wondering he had gone. One of the staff members said,"OK, that's us done for now time for lunch break, you go into your dressing room (Y/n) and we'll call you when we're ready." You nodded your head and you headed to your dressing room. On the way there you saw Laito and he was with another girl and he had his mouth latched onto her wrist. Your eyes widen at this and you said,"Laito?" Laito stopped and he looked over at you and he saw the scared expression on your face.

Laito releases the girl and he said,"(Y/n)..I can explain." You took a couple of steps back and you ran off to your dressing room. You slammed the door shut and you locked it. You were shivering in fear and you hoped that Laito doesn't come in. You heard someone trying to open the door and you said,"Laito! Get away from me!" You heard Laito say,"(Y/n), please let me in, I can explain everything to you." You frowned and said,"Explain what?! That you're a vampire?! When were you gonna tell me huh?!"

All of a sudden you heard Laito's voice in the room and he said,"I was going to tell you soon, I didn't care how you found out but because I love you I hoped to tell you myself instead of seeing all of that." You looked away from the door and Laito was standing there with a sad look on his face. You were about to unlock the door but Laito teleported over to you and he pinned your wrists on each side of your head. You looked at Laito and he said,"Please don't be a afraid of me Doll-chan, I would never ever hurt you."

Even though you were scared right now, you knew that Laito would never lay a finger on you and he didn't even try to bite you. Laito leaned in and he left trails of kisses on your neck. You gasped at the feeling of his lips and Laito released your wrists and you wrapped arms around his neck and he continued to leave soft kisses on your soft skin. Laito looked up at you and you glared at him and said,"Bite another woman again and I'll take those model photos off you." Laito sweat dropped at this and said,"OK I promise."

You smiled at him and just when Laito was about to kiss you on the lips until someone knocked on the door and you pushed Laito away from and said,"Yes." One of the staff members said,"(Y/n) we're ready for you, get changed into the Kimono/yukata we've laid out for you." You then said,"OK, I'll be out in a minute." You heard them walk away from the door and you said,"Sorry Laito, you'll just have to wait." Laito pouted and you then got the Kimono/Yukata that was hanging on one of your hangers.

You got it and you looked over at Laito and you said,"Laito do you mind?" Laito turned around so that his back faced you and he looked at the wall. As you were getting changed you said,"No peeking." Laito said,"OK." After you got changed into your Kimono/Yukata you got back to work and Laito watched in the background. After you were finished you took off your Kimono/Yukata and you were wearing an under shirt. You then felt arms wrapped around you from behind and Laito then starts to kiss on your neck.

You looked over your shoulder and Laito smirked and said,"You looked absolutely beautiful today Doll-chan and you look delicious right now wearing that under shirt, it makes me want you more." Laito then starts to trail kisses on the side of your neck. You giggled and you squirmed as Laito's lips trailed kisses on your neck. Laito spun you around and he picks you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist and he placed you on your dressing table and Laito kisses and sucks on your neck and collarbone.

You bit on your lip to hold back a moan and your hands were tangled in Laito's hair and you knocked his fedora off his head. You then felt Laito's fangs scrape your skin and you noticed what he tried to do and you then said,"Go ahead, if you want to bite me then do it, I can handle the pain." You said in between your moans. Laito chuckled and he smirked against your skin and he sunk his fangs into your skin. You ignored the pain because Laito drove you crazy with his kisses and he showered you with his attention.

A few seconds passed and then Laito pulled away from your neck and said,"Fufufu~ Who knew that my little (Y/n)-chan has a sadistic side." You giggled and you stroked his cheek and said,"Are you complaining?" Laito pulled you close to him as he wrapped your legs around his waist and he picks you up again and he said,"No at all, I'm looking forward to see your sadistic side again and I'm also looking forward to tasting your blood again you smelled and tasted so good." You giggled and you pressed your forehead against Laito's forehead and he then laid you down on the floor and he then said,"I hope you're not planning on going anywhere Doll-chan, I'm not finished with you yet."

You smiled as Laito kissed you on the lips deeply.


For the last few months your father is doing really well, he finally stopped drinking and he's been going to counselling sessions and meetings he was finally starting to turn back into the father you knew and loved before your mother died. You were so happy that your father was returning back to his old self but Subaru was still worried about you. You were on your way to see him but as you on your way to his room you heard smashing and bashing noises coming from his room. You saw Ayato and (Ayato's Girlfriend's Name) were standing there staring at Subaru's room.

You walked over to them and you said,"What's going on? What's with all the noise in Subaru's room?" Ayato and his girlfriend looked at each other and she said,"I think it's best that you looked for yourself." Ayato then said,"Yeah and a bit of warning when Subaru gets like this his temeper sky rockets I mean that literally." (A/GF/N) elbows Ayato and you were a bit confused at his comment and his girlfriend said,"Go and see for yourself." You nodded your head and you could still hear smashing noises from Subaru's room and you knew that there was something wrong with Subaru.

You placed your hand on the door handle and you opened the door slowly and cautiously. You peeked your head in and you saw the state of the room, there were large dents on the walls and there was broken objects on the floor as well. You looked around and you called out Subaru's name until you saw him a knife in his hands and he looked as if he was ready to stab himself. Your eyes widen at this and you smacked the knife away from his hands making the knife land on the floor. Subaru glared at you and he said,"What are you doing here?!" You looked at Subaru and said,"Subaru..did you destroyed this room? Did actually tried to kill yourself just now?! Why would you do that?!"

You asked him and when you placed your hand on his shoulder Subaru smacked your hand away from him and he shouted,"GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" His outburst scared you a little and you looked at the knife that he dropped and you picked up the knife and you looked at it. You then heard Subaru mumbled,"Aren't you afraid of me? I'm a monster, a vampire." You were surprised at this and you knelt down next to him and you said,"Is that why you lashed out like this? because you think of yourself as filthy?" Subaru looked at you and he nodded his head and said,"You should be afraid me, I'm a monster."

You sighed and you dropped the knife and wrapped your arms around Subaru's head and you pulled his head to your chest and said,"There's no way I can be afraid of you, I love you so much to be afraid of you, you saved me from one of my father's drunken stages and he was the monster not you, I don't care what you are as long as you're the Subaru I love and care about." Subaru's eyes widen at this and he buries his face in your chest and he wrapped his arms around your back. Subaru looked at you and he kisses you on the lips deeply.

Subaru pulled away and he rests his head on your shoulder and he said,"Thank you so much (Y/n), I love you." You smiled and you stroked his white hair. Your scent caught Subaru's attention and he didn't realise how nice you smelt. Subaru's hot breath tickled your skin on your neck and he picked you up like a bride. Subaru sat down on the edge of his bed and he placed you on his waist. Subaru leaned in and he kisses and sucks on your skin. You hugged Subaru around his neck and you then felt Subaru's fangs scrape against your skin.

Subaru realised what he was trying to do and you said,"What's wrong Subaru?" Subaru looked away from you and he said,"I'm sorry, I can't bite you and I won't do it." You stroked his cheek and said,"Subaru, it's OK, I can take it, besides I owe you a lot for what you've done for me for the last few months since we've been dating." Subaru look softened and he leaned in and said,"Are you sure? I might not be able to control myself when I suck your blood." You nodded your head and he leaned towards your head and he kisses and sucks on your neck.

You moaned a little and he bit down on your neck and he starts to suck your blood. The pain hurt you at first however, you were used to it since your father beat you up like a punching bag. Subaru massaged your thighs as he fed from you and you were playing with his hair. Subaru pulled away from your neck and you looked at Subaru and he said,"Did I hurt you?" You shook your head and said,"You didn't hurt me at all." Subaru smiled a little and he placed his hand on your head and he pulled you to his chest and the two of you hugged each other for a while.


You were in the library studying for your history test but Ruki didn't show up. You looked at your watch and you knew that he was never late. You couldn't concentrate on your studies so you decided to head over to the Mukami Manor. However, when you got there Ruki's brothers had some worried looks in their eyes. You couldn't figured out what was going on so you continued to head to Ruki's room. You knocked on his door and said,"Ruki, can I come in?"

You heard Ruki say,"Go away, (Y/n), I don't want to see you right now." You sighed and said,"Ruki why have you been avoiding me? Are getting sick and tired of me or something?" Ruki just stayed silent and you knew that he wasn't going to tell you. You slid your back down on his door and you sat on the floor and said,"Fine then, if you won't tell me then I'm just gonna stay out here until you let me in." Ruki then said,"I told you to leave me alone." You then said,"I'm not leaving until you start explaining to me about why you've been ignoring me."

You then heard Ruki sighed and you then heard his footsteps. You got up and then Ruki opens the door and he then said,"Fine, come in." Once you got inside his room Ruki closes it and he walks over to his window and he still had his back facing you. You knew that there's something wrong with him. You walked towards him and you wrapped your arms around him from behind and you placed your hands on his chest. You rested your head on his back and you said,"Ruki, we've been dating for a while now and I've never seen you behave like this unless there's a reason, please tell me what's wrong."

You heard Ruki sigh. Ruki then said,"I'll just get to the point, I'm a vampire and the person who turned me and my brothers into the creatures of the night asked us to complete the Adam and Eve project, Eve has the ability to pick one of us to become Adam and when one of us do become Adam we'll have completed his wishes." You tightened your grip around him and you said,"I see and now you're afraid you'll end up hurting me, right?" Ruki looked over his shoulder and he said,"Yeah." You then asked him,"And this Eve, who is she?" Ruki then said,"Yui Komori."

You released Ruki and you got in front of him and said,"Well, I don't who this person that you're talking about but I'm not gonna let you go that easily, I could care less about this Adam and Eve project you're my boyfriend and no one else's,you are every bit as mine as I am yours." Ruki was surprised at this and he smiled at this. He wrapped his arms around you and he kisses you on the lips and this time his kisses weren't as gentle, they werefilled with passion this is when things started to heat up between the two of you.

Ruki picks you up and you had your arms wrapped around his neck and your legs wrapped around his waist as he continued to kiss you with passion. Ruki laid you down on the bed and he crawled on top of you and he he starts to kiss and suck on your neck leaving love bites on your neck and chest. As Ruki was kissing on your neck you felt his fangs scrape your neck and Ruki then said,"I've been holding back until now (Y/n), I'm going to taste you now." Ruki said as he opened his mouth and he bit down on your neck.

You hissed in pain at the feeling of his fangs piercing your skin but you soon smiled a little when you heard a muffle moan from Ruki. As Ruki fed from you he held you like a lover and once he pulled away from your neck he said,"Now that you bare my marks you now belong to me." You smiled at him and you then said,"I'm yours alone, Ruki." Ruki smiled at you and he rests his head on your chest and you wrapped your arms around his head and the both of you fell asleep in each others arms.


Something was troubling Kou, after the two of you started dating he had no interest on becoming Adam. However, when you were in (Subject name) class, you looked at Kou and he looked as if he was worried about something. You needed to know what was wrong with him so you were going to speak to him after class. After class was over you got your things and just when you were about to look for Kou but Kou stood next to you and he said,"Neko-chan, can I talk to you alone?" You nodded your head and then Kou takes your hand he led the way while holding your hand.

As the two of you were walking in town Kou remained silent and you were quiet as well. The two of you got to the park and the both of you were sitting on the swings. You were about to say something until Kou said,"Neko-chan, there's something I have to tell you." You watched Kou get off the swing and he got behind you and he wrapped his arms around you from behind. You relaxed in his embrace and he rests his head on top of your head and he said,"You must know that I will never ever hurt you're far too important to me." You placed your hand on his arm and Kou then said,"My brothers and I are vampires, I wanted to tell you this because not only I wanted to let you know that I won't hurt you but to let you know that I want you to stay by my side and accept for who I am."

Kou said as his grip around you tightens. Your head was telling you to be scared but you listened to your heart and it was telling you to stay with Kou and be with him no matter what he was. You smiled and you pulled your head back a little so you can look up to him. When Kou saw this he said,"Are you not afraid of me?" You continued to smile at him softly and you said,"For moment I was but you're the only person that has ever cared for me I could never love anyone else but you Kou, I don't care if you're some creature of the night I can't stop loving you because of this, I care too much for you."

Kou's right eye glowed red and his eyes widen at this and he said,"I believe you neko-chan!!" He said happily as he hugged you tightly like a teddy bear. You struggled to breathe as he squeezed you and you said,"K-Kou! You're-you're squeeze the life out of me!!" Kou realised what he was doing so he released you and said,"Sorry." You giggled at his childish behaviour and you then said,"Kou since you're a vampire does that mean you've been getting blood from other girls?" Kou nods his head and you glared at him and he raised his hands and he said,"Wait! I bite them on the wrists don't get angry!"

You smiled at him and you then said,"Well, YOU won't be doing that anymore." Kou smirked at this and he gripped your shoulders from behind and he said,"You mean you want me to suck your blood instead?" You looked at him and said,"Yeah, you're not allowed to- huh?" Kou pulled down your blazer and your shirt so that it revealed your bare shoulder. Kou looked at you and said,"Last chance to back out." You shook your head for a no and said,"Not a chance, you'll be sucking my blood from now on."

Kou smirked and he starts to kiss on the spot where he was going to bite you. You then felt a sharp pain on your shoulder blade and you heard a muffle moan from Kou as he fed from you. You gripped tightly on the chain as Kou fed from you and you tried biting down on your lip to hold back a moan but you accidentally let it out. Kou released his fangs from you and he said,"You taste so nice neko-chan, I look forward to tasting you again." You smiled at him and you fixed up your uniform.

Kou then said,"Let's stay like this a bit longer, kay?" You nodded your head and then Kou starts to push you as you were on the swing.


You and Yuma were sitting on the grass in his garden while you were sketching away. Yuma was resting his head on your shoulder as he watched you sketch one of his vegetable bushes. You kept glancing at Yuma and he looked a bit worried for some reason. You sighed and you closed your sketching book and you looked at Yuma and said,"Yuma, is there something wrong?" Yuma looked at you and he said,"Nothing at all." Yuma said as he was about to stand up but you wrapped your arms around him making him stop in his tracks. You rested your head on his back and said,"Yuma I know there's something troubling you, I know that expression it's the same expression I gave to my parents when I was still being bullied at the time."

Yuma looked over his shoulder and he smiled slightly and said,"You've got me, there is something troubling me but I'm afraid how you're going to react when I tell you." You removed your arms away from him and he got you to sit in between his legs. You rested your head on Yuma's shoulder and he said,"(Y/n), I love you and what I'm about to tell you is serious please don't freak out." Yuma held you tighter and you listened carefully to what he has to say to you. Yuma said,"I'll get to the point, the truth is I'm a vampire and so are Ruki, Kou and Azusa. I'm telling you this because I don't want to lose someone who is precious to me again."

Yuma said as he buried his face in shoulder. You weren't even fazed at all by his confession and you petted his head and said,"Yuma, why didn't you tell me a few months ago?" Yuma looked at you with a surprised look and said,"You mean...you're not afraid of me?" You said,"Of course not, I think you being a vampire is cool but do me one favour, don't try and bite me without my permission." Yuma chuckled and he raised his head from your shoulder and he looked into your (E/c) eyes and said,"Understood, thank you (Y/n)... *Kiss*."

Yuma kisses you on your lips passionately and he then gently pushes you onto the grass as you two got into a make out session.Yuma then started to leave a trail of kisses on your neck and chest as he unbuttons your blouse. You moaned as his lips found your sweet spot and then you felt his fangs scrape above your collarbone. Yuma stopped and when you looked at him and he said,"Do you want me to bite you? If you want me to it might be sore but if you don't want me to then I'll wait until you're ready." You looked at your brown haired boyfriend and you stroked his cheek and said,"Yes."

Yuma smirked and said,"Yes what?" You blushed and said,"Yes I want you to bite me." Yuma had a satisfied grin on his face and then he leaned down and bit above your collarbone. You gritted your teeth as you felt Yuma's fangs on your skin. As Yuma fed from you, you played with his brownish hair and Yuma then pulled his fangs off your collarbone. He touched the spot where he bit you and he said,"You're mine now Sow." You smiled and said,"I'm all yours." Yuma kisses you on the lips again and the two of you go into a make out session again.


You and Azusa were at the Mukami Manor and the two of you were sitting on the rooftop looking at the stars. The both of you were drinking some hot chocolate and the two of you were curled up together with a blanket wrapped around the two of you. Azusa rests his head on your shoulders and he said,"(Y/n)-san...there's...something...I have...to tell...you." You looked at him and you said,"What is it?"

Azusa took a deep breath and he said,"I'm a vampire..my brothers...and...so are my...brothers..you must...know that...I would...never...hurt you." You weren't so sure how to react to his secret but you just looked at him with a soft look in your eyes. You kissed his forehead and said,"I believe you Azusa, I know that you would never hurt me." Azusa was surprised at this and he smiled softly. He kisses you on the lips and he pulled away and said,"I was right...you really...are an...angel.."

Azusa kisses you on the lips again and you kissed him back. Once he pulled away you then asked him,"Azusa, what's it like to be bitten?" Azusa then said,"It's...painful...but...bearable at times..." You understood that statement and you then asked him,"Have you ever wanted to bite me especially when we started going out?" Azusa nodded his head and said,"Yeah." You scooted closer to him and you exposed your neck by moving bits of your hair out of the way and you said,"If you still want to bite me, then go ahead."

Azusa wrapped his arm around and you said,"Are you...sure?" You nodded your head and Azusa then moved bits of your hair out of the way and he held some of it in his hand to keep it out of the way. He then leaned down to your exposed neck and he opened his mouth and he bit down on your skin gently. It was painful at first but as Azusa fed from you he rubbed circles on your back to make you forget about the pain. When he finally pulled away, you asked him,"How is my blood? Is it good?"

Azusa smiled and said,"Yeah...your blood...is so good." Azusa rests his head on your shoulder and he closed his eyes. You looked up at the stars and then a shooting star flew by. You smiled and you closed your eyes and wished that you could stay with Azusa forever.


Carla was acting weird for the last few weeks. He cancelled his date with you a few times and when you were doing some prefect duties you noticed that Carla was coughing badly and he would refused your help whenever you tried to help him. You were sitting on the bench on the school roof and you were wondering what the problem was with Carla. You sighed and then you heard someone coughing and you recognised it. You found Carla coughing badly and he was a lot weaker than he was before.

You knelt down to him and said,"Carla what's wrong?!" Carla tried to shove you out of the way but he was too weak. Carla collapsed and you held him in your arms as his head was resting on your chest. You then said,"Carla, what's the matter with you? Why are you so weak?" Carla looked at as he was panting heavily and he said,"I..didn't want you...to see me like this...(Y/n)..the truth is...I am a...vampire...a founder...my brother and I...are the last of...our kind...the reason..why I'm like...this is...because...I have...endzeit.."

You were shocked at Carla's secret and you then said,"Why didn't you tell me?" Carla then said weakly,"Because..I didn't...want to...scare you off...if you...found out...what I really was.." You petted Carla's head and said,"And Endzeit? What is it?" Carla then said,"Endzeit...is a virus that targets...only our race...it is slowly killing me...I've been trying to...hold on until..now." Your eyes widen at this and you said,"Carla is there a cure for this?! Please tell me! I don't want to lose you!!"

You said as you were on the brink of tears. Carla then said,"There is...the blood..of Eve...even though...you're mine now...it can start...the awakening...however, I have to...drink your blood." Your eyes widen at this and you knew right then what you had to do. You didn't care about your fear of being bitten as you unbutton your shirt and you exposed your neck and shoulder. Carla saw this and you then said,"Carla, if this is the only way for me to help you, then bite me, hurry!" Carla hated the idea about biting you but he didn't have a choice right now.

Carla sat up weakly with the little strength he had left within him. Carla sniffed at your shoulder and he said,"My eve..." Carla opened his mouth and he bit down onto your skin and he begins to suck your blood. You wrapped your arms around Carla's head as he fed from you. Now that you knew that he needed your blood, you learnt that there was no way that you were going to lose him to this disease. As Carla continues to drink your blood your vision started to get blurry meaning that you were going to faint from anaemia.

You gripped onto Carla's jacket and said,"I love you...Car...la..." Your eyes closed and eventually you fainted from blood loss. Carla pulled away from your skin and he looked at his now sleeping Eve and said,"Thank you my Eve, I'm sorry I drank too much from you, sweet dreams." Carla picked up his Eve's sleeping form like a bride and he took you to the nurse's office. He placed you on the bed and he stroked your hair and said,"My eve..I'm so sorry you had to find out about this but I'm glad you still accepted me for who I am and proved it by letting me suck your blood." Carla kisses you on the lips and he quietly rests his folded arms on the bed and he rests his head on top of them and he closes his eyes and he falls asleep.


You were at home designing some more dresses for (Laito's girlfriend's name) for her model shots and for the festival that was coming up and you made one for yourself and one for Shin. However, you were still wondering where he was though he said he was going to see you at your place while your parents were working over seas helping your big sister. You sighed and you looked at your clock on your night table and it was 16:30 (Half four). You shook your head and you put your stuff away and you headed to the Tsukinami Manor.

You were on the way there, something felt off to you. You looked around and you could hear wolves howling close by and in the distance. You were scared out of your mind until several wolves appeared and they had you surrounded. You looked around and there was no where left for you to run until one of them tried to attack you. You closed your eyes waiting for the impact until someone or something got in front of you and they protected you.

You opened your eyes and there was a reddish wolf with an eye patch on top of you and he was snarling and growling at the rest of the wolves. For some reason you didn't feel scared when this wolf was protecting you. The rest of the wolves whimpered in fear and they ran off. The wolf looked back at you and your eyes widen at this and you thought the wolf was going to hurt you but then the wolf transformed into your boyfriend. You were shocked at this and said,"Shin?! W-what are you?"

Shin's looked soften and he said,"I'm a vampire but I'm much more powerful than any pure blood, My brother and I are the last remaining founders, we're royalty and as you plainly saw I can transform into a wolf and back." You stared at Shin as he explained what he was but you didn't if you should fear him or believe him. Shin stroked your cheek and said,"I never meant for you to find out about this but I had hoped to tell you myself." You saw the sadness in his golden eye and you stroked his cheek and said,"I believe you, I love you Shin."

Shin smiled at this and he gets off you and he picked up like a bride and said,"Come on, let's get back to the Manor." You nodded your head and you wrapped your arms around his neck and said,"OK, hey Shin, do you know that you look cute with that wolf tail." Shin blushed and said,"Just you wait until I get you back to my room." Shin carries you back to his room once the two of you got to the Tsukinami Manor.

Once the two of you got back to his room you held onto Shin tightly not wanting to let go. Shin saw this and he said,"Geez, you drive me so damn crazy at times, I can't hold back anymore." You blushed at this and Shin laid you down on his bed and he gets on top of you. Shin smirked and he leaned down to your neck and he starts kiss and suck your soft skin. You moaned when Shin found your sweet spot and Shin smirked against your skin and he unbuttons your shirt until your chest was showing.

Shin then started to kiss and suck on your collarbone and on your chest and on top of your breasts. You were a moaning mess as Shin's lips kissed your chest, collarbone and neck. Shin leaned over you again and said,"I'm going to taste you now (Y/n), I've only been holding back because I didn't want to scare you if you were to find out what I was but now that you know, I can finally taste you." You knew what he meant and you then felt Shin's fangs scrape against your skin as his lips were on your above your collarbone.

Your eyes widen as you felt Shin's fangs on you skin. You moaned as you felt Shin suck your blood. You didn't care about the pain as Shin's kisses drove you crazy. You wrapped your arms around Shin's head and you played with his hair. Shin pulled away and he said,"You taste so good, (Y/n)." You looked at him and smiled and said,"I love you too, Shin." Shin leaned and he kisses you on the lips and he then rests his head on top of your chest and he fell asleep. You smiled at his sleeping form and you wrapped your arms around him head and you too fell asleep.

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