Decagon Love

By KatojikutaMikimoto

58.9K 1.5K 938

Reverse Harem that Ayano DIDN'T ask for! In which the rivals are guys and all Ayano wants is to be left alone... More

Osamu Najimi
Kazuhiko Sunobu
Oboro Ruto
Akito Rito
Masayoshi Kina
Miusagi Rana
This is very important.

Anju Odayaka

7.8K 200 107
By KatojikutaMikimoto

A black haired girl whose hair is in a ponytail is sitting alone on a bench far from the fountain in which where the social butterflies are hanging around in a circle gossiping whatever comes up. As they chattered senselessly, she just sit there alone and sinking herself in her thoughts.

Ayano didn't how it happened, it just did. She now found herself being "friends" with Osamu, the jerk who kept yelling Senpai over a week ago. She endured his scolding and dragging her anywhere he wants to go just because she wants information from him about Senpai. If you want to know why she isn't asking Info-chan for info about Senpai its because Info-chan said this is her future husband and that she should find out herself. She also said it was precautionary measure in case Ayano gets jealous. Also because Info-chan wants to torture Ayano in the most indirect way as possible.

Today, he is absent for getting punched on the face *cough*hestartedit*cough* only because a guy complimented her to being fact, last week was very eventful, apart from doing the things he wants, he always gets into fights at guys whoever nears her, and he kept saying he never likes her ulbut he continues to cling to her...Their relationship begins to feel weird. Sigh. Oh well.

She was so deep in her thoughts, she didn't notice about the squealing of girls and the sound of footsteps approaching her way.


Ayano snapped out of her thoughts and turns her head to see a kind face with an even kinder green eyes looking down her. He wears the usual school uniform but he wears a pastel green stripped handkerchief tied over his milk chocolate brown hair and pastel green stripped apron tied around his waist with the top of the apron which covers his chest is undone and hung limply over his waist. His arms are behind him but he is clearly holding a basket and in it are...cookies?


"Hi! I'm Anju Odayaka! I hope you don't mind me sitting here, would you?" He, Anju asked hopefully. She wanted to say no but Ayano has an image to keep up, so she slightly nodded and slid across the bench to give space for Anju to sit on.

"Thank you" Anju beamed as hsets the basket at the corner on the bench and sat down, he smiles happily and have his hands on his knees. Ayano didn't mind him too much but she wished it was Senpai and not this guy. She is slightly turned away from him but she can see from her peripheral vision he is looking at her.

After a few moments of awkward silence he finally open his mouth and said:

"Are you okay? I see you here all alone and you seem to stay out of everything and I thought...You're sad so...I thought you would like some company" He chirped earning a "Huh?" From Ayano as she turns her face with confusion plastered on his face.

"I hope you're not creep out or something, I just want to help" He said.

"..." Ayano remained silent. Due to that, Anju faltered a bit before grabbing his basket that was sitting beside him.

"I made cookies!" He grinned as he held up the basket he was holding earlier and its filled with a fresh batch of cookies. Ayano, not caring she would upset him but due to her to keep up as a normal school girl, she forces an almost real smile and took a chocolate chip cookie from his basket and bit on it. She'll admit it, it taste incredible, she wish she have this ability to cook for her Senpai. She let's out a dreamy look.

"Is it good?" Anju asked hopefully.

"Hm? Oh! Yes! Its more than good! It's incredible" Ayano said, what she said is true but the emotion of her voice is forced. Anju blushed and grinned.

"Aw shucks! Its nothing!" Anju said as he rubbed his hand behind his neck. This didn't got unnoticed to Ayano and she felt like that the same look she have when she have met Senpai.

"So, uh, if need someone to talk to, I'm always there for you and if need to find me, I'm at the Cooking Club" Anju said, the blush never leaving his face. Ayano narrowed her eyes at him. Until it hits her.

"Oh! You're the Cooking Club President!" Ayano said.

"So you heard about me?" Anju asked, his blushed darkening.

"Yes, You were absent last week because you just got home from a show called...Food Fight was it?" Ayano said.

"Yes! You watched it?" Anju asked.

"Not really, I'm not a television kind of person but I do know you won" Ayano said. Anju smiled, finally! A person who will treat normally and his blush grew even more.

"Really? Uh, y-you know I wouldn't mind making the same food I cooked on the show for you" Anju stuttered.

"Where did that came from?" Ayano asked herself.

"Ah, no please, its embarrassing" Ayano said.

"No, no, I don't mind at all" Anju persist.

"No, just no, okay?" Ayano said.

"O-okay" Anju said shakily said and he looked down. Ayano felt guilty knowing this guy came to her sweet and friendly and she just upset him on the day they met.

"Hey" Ayano said "I don't mind, its just its embarrassing and people would get ideas"

"Okay" Anju said understandingly "But that won't stop me from cooking for you!" He beamed.

Man, this guy's persistent"

"Okay, I look forward to it" Ayano smiled. Anju grinned and held basket towards her.

"Here, these are for you" Anju said and Ayano reluctantly took it. She hugged it on her chest and looked down, this is filled not only with cookies of different types but also have muffins, cupcakes, other pastries and some candy like lollipop shaped into a flower with a blue note saying "Cheer up". Ayano stood up and bowed. She maybe emotionless but she still grew up respecting people when necessary.

"Thank you" Ayano bowed and Anju stood up.

"No need for formalities" Anju said waving his hands in the air. She stood up straight and smiled.

Then the bell ringed.

"Dummy where are you?!" Osamu yelled.

"Doesn't this guy have respect or something?"

"There you are! Let's go before you get us late, again" Osamu scolded but then he saw the basket of goods in Ayano's arms and saw Anju. He glared at him as well.

"Say you're that Anju the girls kept squealing about" Osamu sneered.

"Yes but-" Anju is cut off.

"Don't you have anything better to do other than being with Yan-chan" Osamu said.

"Yan-chan? Oh you see" Osamu tilted his head until he realized Yan-chan is the girl he was talking to just now.

"Shut up! Let's go Yan-chan!" Osamu said before gripping her upper arm and dragged her towards the entrance leading to the hallway. Anju stood there in shock ad before sharing his head and snapped out of it.

"Wait! I didn't catch your name!" Anju called out hands on his mouth like a microphone.

"Ayano Aishi!" Ayano said as she leans her head at the entrance to see him.

"Let's go!" Osamu barked as he pushed her in until their silhouettes vanished.

"Remember Aya-chan, Onee-chan is here!" Anju called out again. His face burning red before realizing he's the only one left in the plaza...which means he's late for class and exclaimed "Where did everybody go?!" and ran to his classroom.

At the hallway...

"Onee-chan?!" Osamu asked, stopping mid-way at the almost empty hallway.

"I can explain" Ayano said, voice emotionless and dead.

"And this?" Osamu swiped the basket out of her hands, Ayano didn't protest.

"That too" Ayano said.

Osamu rolled his eyes and dropped the basket of goods on a nearby trashcan. Ayano's eye twitched. She doesn't understand why he is so possessive of her. As he walked along, she took out the basket out, goods still in tact, and then Ryuto walked by and slammed the basket on his chest.

"Here! Give me the basket later" Ayano demanded before jogging up to Osamu before he could scold her.

"Sweet!" Ryuto exclaimed and munch down on the muffin. Pippi looking upset and jealous until Ryutp approached her and offered her some making Pippi blush.

At Anju's classroom...

Anju, for some reason,couldn't pay attention to his class. His mind is clouded with Ayano, he can't stop thinking about her. Until he was scolded by the teacher and snapped out of it. After class, he was at his girlish pink club, sitting alone on the table with his elbow propped up on the table hand on his cheek and tinking what food should he whip up for Ayano.

He daydreamed about her that he didn't notice a presence lingering in his club.

"Hey" An emotionless voice said. He jumped and let out a short yelp and fell to the ground. He looked up to see Ayano and he blushed before panicking to get up.

"Hello Aya-chan! You have something to talk about" Anju said, body in perfect posture and grinning.

"No" Ayano said. Anju faltered a bit.

"I came to return this" Ayano said and hands out his basket.

"Oh, thank you" Anju blinked, the basket is clean.

"You're welcome" Ayano said.

"I'll be going now" She said before turning away.

"Wait don't you want to stay?" Anju panicked.

"I can't, Osamu-kun will yell at me" Ayano said, facing him slightly.

"That's not right" Anju shook his head, a boy yelling at a pretty girl like Ayano, that's not right at all "If you like, you can join the club". Ayano blinked and remains silent for bit before opening her mouth:

"I'll think about it"

"Okay! Sure! I'll be waiting" Anju said and Ayano gave him a short nod and left.

Anju faltered his perfect posture and slumped on a chair and groaned loudly.

"Please join!" Anju muffled in his arm.

"Uh, Anju-kun?" Yuma Hina, the yellows haired social butterfly, asked. Anju lift his head up.

"Hm? Oh, right" Anju got up and gets ready for the today's club activities.

He sighs dreamily in hopes he will she Ayano in his club.


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