Fate Of The Twelve (Completed)

By thebadgirl05

9.1K 1.7K 95

Completed 'Big sister... I'm scared.' A little one whispered as we hid in a cramped alley, trying to escap... More

Chapter 1: Blacker than the night
Chapter 2: Portal
Chapter 3: Trouble
Chapter 4: the council
Chapter 5: first day
Chapter 6: Dumb
Chapter 7: the fallen
Chapter 8: Collapse
Chapter 9: Battle Start
Chapter 10: Battle for the throne
Chapter 11: Demon
Chapter 12: Oh no
Chapter 13: Earth
Chapter 14: Fall
Chapter 15: Generals
Chapter 16: encounter
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18: Unravel
Chapter 19: Nightmare
Chapter 20: white
Chapter 21: Visit
Chapter 22: please let me
Chapter 23: amidst the palm
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25: Zephyr's Best friend
Chapter 26: Trapped
Chapter 27: Waking up
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29: A dip in the 'pool'
Chapter 30: not again!
Chapter 31: scary kid
Chapter 32: Agony
Chapter 33: Painful goodbye
Chapter 34: fly
Chapter 35: Idris
Chapter 36: Snowmen
Chapter 37: Shall we?
Chapter 39:
Chapter 40:
Chapter 41:
Chapter 42: cave?
Chapter 43:
Chapter 44: the demon queen
Chapter 45: heart beat
Chapter 46: not over yet
Chapter 48: Reflection
Chapter 49: the void
Chapter 50: Carving
Chapter 51: depart
Chapter 52: Captain Sparrow
Chapter 53: Three pairs
Chapter 54: Unicorn blood and Phoenix tears
Chapter 55: Sleep
Chapter 56: forgiveness
Chapter 57: yet another revelation
Chapter 58: merpeople
Chapter 59: visitor
Chapter 60: attacked

Chapter 38: Imperial King

134 27 1
By thebadgirl05

       "Oh my gosh! This place is so amazing!" My sister practically squealed in awe and amazement and well, I couldn't agree more.

       Before we teleported to Zamonia, Violet was thoughtful enough to ask a favor from Lord Asher to teleport us above the central continent and the guy accepted the request with utmost courteousy.

        "It's still as amazing as ever. Even when I probably had seen it a hundred times, it still is just as breathtaking as the first time." Lord Azrael commented and we all looked down below us at the breath taking view.

         From here, the people looked like little moving dots of different colors but we could clearly make out the clean roads trailing all over the place. And met up at one certain point, houses and buildings built on the sides of the road.

          A tall proud wall was built up all around the kingdom for defense and the inner part began from flat and slowly rose upwards to a slope.

          The land occupied was vast and great, everything seeming to have been planned; from where the houses stood, the places of the roads and such. At the very center of the city, stood a  beautiful palace in all it's grandeur, considerably thrice as big as the palace in Idris under the blue sky, the sun shining down on it.
        "I wouldn't want to get lost in that." I heard my sister comment and Prince Narsus gave a chuckle as we glanced at them curiously. Has something happened in Idris concerning the two? But putting that aside, I smirked and crossed my arms.

          "Wish you luck when you have no sense of direction at all." I said but she just glared at me and returned her attention to the mesmerizing view below us, standing in all it's beauty. I wonder how something can be so beautiful and amazing.

      I can see alleys, pubs, what seemed to be a market with all those traders and such. Weirdly, I can almost perceive one part as a playground with little specks gathered and---ohhh, playing with their abilities. I wonder how that had happened.

        A river had also snaked it's way from the north of the palace and down near the palace all the way to the south.

        Outside the city walls, a vast forest of trees extanded on on all directions to how far my eyes can reach, high moutains at the distance and I could see the trees becoming denser at the foots of the mountains, akin to the Amazon Jungle. Okay, I hope snakes doesn't exist here since I hate them. They creep me out.

       Anyway, the temperature here was way different from the temperature in Idris. The cool breeze was fine, not too cold, not too warm, it was in between and I was starting to love it.

        "Seems like someone decided to pay a visit." We all turned around when we heard someone spoke and wow, just wow.

       A man, just as old as Asher, with orange eyes that matched his hair and wearing a full body armour sat atop a beatiful white horse? Stallion? Wait that's not right, it had a beautiful rainbow colored horn at the middle of its forehead and had a pair of beautiful white wings with a ten foot span.

        The creature looked so magnificent and so glorious and it was something to behold.

        So basically, it was a unicorn and pegasus at the same time. But one thing is cleared, it is a breed of some kind of horse that I have never seen nor heard of in my entire ten years of existence.

       The creature whinnied, throwing back it's head and his mane a cascading white falls as it's brown eyes appeared to be scrutinizing us. Just what is this creature?

         "What is it?" My sister gushed out in awe before I could even ask but at the same time, she just spared me the trouble of doing so.

           "It's a unisus. Yeah, a combination of a unicorn and a pegasus, that much is obvious. Only the imperial kingdom has it though. I'm surprised humans even know about pegasi and unicorns, though, they don't know that much." Said no other than the imperial prince who is my best friend. A unisus huh. Reminds me of the name Dionysus. The name of a wine god from the books on Percy Jackson if I'm not mistaken.

       "Lord Ishtar, a pleasure to see an old friend." Asher greeted after we had given our bows of curtsy and greetings while he in return bowed to the king of Idris and the two princes.

         "And who might this be? What happened to Lady Harumi?" Of all questions that he had to ask and of all names he had to mention why did it have to be her?. We sighed as a few face palmed, probably thinking,

      'How in the world does a mere subject not know his next king?'

        But we couldn't blame him though, Shingu as he himself explained was hidden from the knowledge of everyone until a week ago and adding the fact that he was only eight.

         Shingu who looked tired of the same question being asked from him whenever he meets other people gave an eye roll as he crossed his arms over his chest and chose to scan his eyes over his land.

         "Your next king." He shortly replied and thankfully, Lord Ishtar had easily understood and begged for his pardon while my best friend just waved his hand carelessly and uninterestedly while saying. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

         For someone who is a royalty, he sure doesn't care about appearances, proper manners and such, I can't believe someone like him is to be king for the unity of all kingdoms.

         "We have eight hours left to spare. You can have the six hours for yourselves if you choose to rest or to look around, at the remaining two hours, you shall go to the palace for the ball's preparations." Lord Azrael stated and we all shared a look.

        "I'll take my rest thank you." Leirum stated and flew next to Prince Janus and Prince Narsus who looked at each other before nodding to the first ranker.

         "Then I guess we'll be sight seeing then." Alfreed said with a sigh when Muriel pleaded her.

         "And by all means, I'll be going off with them. I'd like to delay my meeting with Lord Father, thank you very much." Shingu said and flew down after Muriel and Alfreed who were already descending towards the city. Why does he want to delay his meeting with his father?

        "Couldn't blame him." The king of Idris said with a shake of his head before Ishtar escorted him, the two prince's of Idris, Asher, Lord Azrael and the first ranker towards the palace while the rest of us followed after the three, Ryouta excitedly talking about the food he can get and Mikael shaking his head.

       I would be lying if I said that I wasn't excited for our little tour.



       Alfreed sighed and shook her head with a smile as she watched Muriel running about the place and telling them how beautiful everything was. At this time, the fourth ranker looked like a little kid, but well, she looked cute though.

          As expected though, nobody in this place still doesn't know that along with the circle of twelve, they had no idea that they were looking at their next king though they were curious as to which kingdom Shingu belongs in with that golden hair of his. The imperial prince seem not to mind as he walked perfectly calm along with Rex and Kevin at either of his sides as we wove in crowds and looked at anything that would be worth buying for as a commemoration of our visit and...

        For the possibility that this would be our last free walk only as part of the circle of twelve and not some people who carry the burden of a prophecy---curse would fit that especially I think?

         I sighed and forced the thought at the back of my head. That could wait for later and it's best for now to enjoy ourselves.

      "Hey, where are the three kids and Muriel?" I asked out loud as I looked around, scanning my eyes around the area but they could be anywhere among this large crowd.

        "The three asked to walk along on their own but wasn't allowed without an adult to be with them and of all people, they chose Muriel." Cyan said with a sigh, he's shoulders drooped and among the group, he was the only one who looked disappointed, the others looked happy.

        "Oh." Was all I replied before Violet pulled us away, telling us to just enjoy ourselves, if anything, we all looked relieved of the fact that the troublesome trio had left us exempting Cyan. Okay, that was a nickname of their group given by the first ranker himself. Even he finds the three annoying at times.

        Well, it wouldn't hurt if we do just that right? The trouble some trio can take care of themselves, other than that, they have Muriel with them and well, she can be fierce and scary at times so they will do just fine.

      Time flew by fast without us noticing because of the fun that we had enjoyed. When was the last time we even enjoyed a walk on the outside world? Eight months? Well, we had spent our free time polishing our skills and such to bother going out.

         Later on, the three kids and Muriel met up with us, same us as, they looked like they had a good time and annoyingly, it looked like Muriel didn't have any trouble with them.

        I'm not saying that I'm not happy because they didn't do anything to Muriel, I'm saying that it's annoying how the three leaves her alone while they were all so mean to us and play there pranks to us instead while they choose to be all goodie good shoes to Muriel. It's just so unfair!

         We only noticed then that the sky was already beginning to darken, the sun already going down beyond the mountains for it's rest and for Jumnir, our moon to rise.

         "We should all get going." Shingu said with a sigh, almost looking displeased at the very idea as he turned on his heels and led the way as we all followed after him. Ohhh, now I'm excited for our ball gowns. I wonder how they would look like even though the imperial prince would have likely ordered someome to prepare ones for us after someone came to take our measurements before our departure from Wingardium Academy.

        We all went back to the palace and stopped in front of the large golden gates that were guided by royal knights, there were some knights I even recognized. Those were powerful knights whose names were known all over the eight lands and recognized for being strong warriors.

        They immediately admitted us inside and Shingu scowl appeared as soon as he set foot on his father's land which is technically also his. Okay now I'm really curious as to why he reacts that way, I have never met the imperial king myself either.

        Shingu continued walking ahead of us, every pair of eyes inside the castle walls trained on him, maybe trying to affirm if he was indeed their prince, at least they know right?

        We passed by the imperial garden, simply astounded by it's beauty. We badly wanted to explore the place but there wasn't any time left so it had to wait for later at best. And we heard Kevin swearing about seeing little flying lights in the shadows of the denser part of the garden which led to a small forest.

         Alfreed winced and warned him that all costs, he should dare not to enter that part of the forest but wouldn't explain why. We couldn't tell him either or it will just fertilize his curiosity before Rex dragged his best friend to walk side by side with their other bestfriend which was Shingu.

        We maneuvered our way through the mansion with Shingu leading and we were all led towards the library of the mansion as was said by a helper in the house.

       As soon as we entered the large oak wood door, we saw high book shelves from down the floor up to the ceiling, full of books from top to bottom. They were ones filled with ancient books, some out the histories of the past era's and others full of everything about knowledge.

        Shingu kept on walking as if he had memorized everything like how he was familiar with the back of his hand. A week may have gone by that we had spent our time with an imperial prince and yet, I still can not believe he was merely an eight year old kid or even how the second ranker attained the stand of being the circle's strategist. Maybe our generation was just unusual to be filled with such kids of superior capabilities.

        "On second thought, I'm backing out." Shingu suddenly said and turned around to leave with us confusedly intercepting what he was going on about... That was until....

        "My son!" We were taken aback with a flash of gold in front of our eyes from something or someone that suddenly appeared from around a bookshelf. Next thing we knew was that Shingu was encaged in a tight death grip which was offered by no other than the imperial king, the symbolization of the unity in all kingdoms.

         We were surprised with the unexpected surprise that we even forgot to pay our respect and bow to our king. All we did was just stand there, our feet rooted down to the ground as we stared wide eyed of King Decameron hugging his son tightly and weeping like a kid, almost that it seemed that he had forgotten our presence or... He simply didn't care.

        "You are a shame of a king." We all looked up and saw the king of Idris, King Lushne along with Lord Azrael, Prince Janus and the first ranker at his sides. King Lushne was shaking his head while Lord Azrael on the other hand face palmed at the sight.

       They were all simply ignored by the imperial king as he proceeded to crush his son in his embrace. Okay, this was seriously the polar opposite of what I expected from the king. I imagined him to be similar to Shingu, dominant and always had an air of authority and regality. Right now, he was simply acting like a... Child.

         "Lord Father, act like a king and do not shame the imperial crown any further!" The prince scolded, pushing his father away, the tip of his ears a bright red color.

         "We'll be going now." Shingu nodded before he motioned all of us to follow after him and with great reluctance and confusion, we did.

        When we were fully outside the doors of the library, Ryouta spoke aloud...

       "What just happened?"


          Third person's pov

        "Oh my god! You look so pretty Antoinette!" A purple headed girl squealed as she rushed barged in Antoinette's room. On the other hand, the ninth ranker smiled at Violet as the latter walked over to her.

        "And so do you Violet." Antoinette marveled, checking out the beautiful ballroom gown that her friend wore.

        It was a beautiful gown, a little like Victorian style as it softly kissed the floor. It was the color of purple, matching the purple headed eleventh ranker who wore her hair up in a bun and with little make up on just like Antoinette.

       However, the last statement didn't do anything to lessen the natural beauty of the two. Antoinette roamed her eyes around Violet's gown, and noticed the gold dust showered down on the gown which sparkled under the light.

        She also wore the jewelries that the generous human on Earth gave to them on their mission to retrieve Prince Narsus, Antoinette wore her own set of jewelries that was given to her.

        "Ohhhhh, the royal dressmaker and tailor outdid herself this time. These dresses are simply marvelous!" Violet giggled as the other one nodded.

        Meanwhile, Antoinette wore a white ballroom gown, a pure white in color with gems adorned on it on certain parts. Since it was strapless, the fabric hugged the white haired girl around the chest and showed off her curves and smooth skin her long hair braided to the side, a small flower tucked behind her left ear.

        "Ohhhh, looking pretty as ever I see." The two turned around towards the door and saw the third ranker. Alfreed, entering as they gaped at what she wore. The red head rose up a brow and looked down at her outfit in confusion.

        "What? Does it look ugly-----"

        "This gown is gorgeous! How the hell did Andione create such a beauty?!" Violet squealed as she and Antoinette rushed towards their red headed friend.

         To fit the fierce personality of the third ranker, her gown was modified to fit it. Flames crackled inside the fabric like an illusion that snaked around the bodice of the third ranker as if the fabric was the flame itself.

         What more? She wore a smoky make up that emphasized the color of his eyes, her lips painted red as if to allure, her curves clear for everyone to see from a mile away. Seems like all of them were wearing the jewelries from Earth after all.

          "I agree to that. Andione really is the best and I love this dress." Alfreed murmured as she smiled, her hair tied up in a bun just like Violet's and she looked so sophisticated and intimidating.

         "I wonder how Muriel's went." Antoinette said in wonder as the third ranker grinned.

        "Speak of the devil and the devil shall come."

         Muriel peeked, only her face in view and the three smiled at her. Even if it was only her face they saw, she already looked beautiful with just light make-up and her hair falling down in curls.

        "Hi." The fifth ranker greeted shyly as Violet rushed towards her and forcefully pulled her fully inside the room.

        The three gasped as they ogled their eyes at her appearance. Awed by her beauty and gown at the same time.

        Her shoulders and neck were bare as she wore a sky blue gown, with cloud like soft fur at the edges and at the same time, a pair of long sky blue gloves that went past her elbows up to half the length of her upper arm. Her blonde hair which looked more brighter every single day cascading down on curves, framing her face.





      The feeling when the chapter you've worked so hard for hours...deleted within a few moments... Arrrrgggg!

     Anyway, I'm not that good on fashion and description of gowns and clothes so I hope you understand.

    Please vote, comment and follow.

     -thebadgirl05 at your service! ^_~

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