one shots → bts

By taetheist

257K 10.1K 5.3K

bts one shots - yoonmin, taeseok, namjin, taekook etc More

tampons → yoonmin
je t'aime → yoonseok
not suitable for work → yoonmin smut
mirrors → yoonmin
pet shop → taeseok
suga(r) daddy → yoonmin
ethereal → taeseok
the odditorium → yoonseok
jesus fucking christ goddamn- → namjin
little space → yoonmin
kitten → yoonmin smut
the trolley → yoonminseok
double dip → yoonseok
still - yoonmin
i will always love you short ver. - yoonmin
from ten - namjin
bed time - yoonmin
reckless abandon - taekook
helter skelter - taekook
changes - namjoon
to the metal - yoonmin
#teamdawwwwg - taeseok
30 day writing challenge !!
Dear Gods
a poem, unfinished

three's company - yoonminseok

7.1K 318 263
By taetheist

note: im just getting back into the swing of writing so if this is a lil rusty please don't mind

also, slight tw // panic attacks

Really, what was he thinking? Okay, wait, he can tell you what he was thinking. He was thinking that he could have two sexy boyfriends instead of one, have two bodies to cuddle against when he inevitably got cold in the middle of the night, would have two sets of arms and hands to trail across his body and make fires ignite in his stomach. He was thinking a lot of things, but none of them quite related to this; 'this' being the absolute crushing feeling in his chest every time he saw Jimin and Hoseok together – without him.

At first, it was just the big things that caught Yoongi off guard. He would skulk back home after a long day at the studio, already fantasizing about taking a hot shower with his two favorite men; only to get home and find both of them already dripping wet, trying to whip each other's asses with towels. Yoongi had stood in the doorway, so many emotions churning in his gut that he couldn't quite put a finger on exactly what he was feeling. As soon as Jimin had caught sight of him the rough housing stopped, and Jimin threw himself into Yoongi's tired arms with a loud squeal of, "hyung! Save me!" followed by a string of giggles Yoongi suddenly couldn't relate to.

He'd carefully sat Jimin back on the ground and patted his head mechanically, looking off somewhere between their bed and the dresser instead of at his boyfriend. "Hyung's had a long day at work, Jiminie. I'm just going to shower and go to bed." He hadn't paid any mind to Hoseok, who reached a hand out for him as he crossed the room to their closet.

When Yoongi walked back into the room, both Hoseok and Jimin were gone, towels discarded on the floor. Yoongi had sighed and picked them up, tossing them in the laundry basket as he listened to his boyfriends laugh in the next room over.

That was the first Major Offense that took place in inserting doubt in Yoongi's mind. Next came the time they were all supposed to eat dinner together, and when Yoongi came home from work the dinner was made and Jimin and Hoseok were already sitting at the table, laughing quietly to themselves as Hoseok rearranged the order of the plates and pots, so everything went from biggest to smallest. The only area this rule didn't apply was to their seating order, which left Yoongi on a lonely island at the head of the table, while Hoseok and Jimin were smushed close together in their chairs on the right side of the table.

It had been two weeks since the Yoongi's Tragic Island Incident (as he'd taken to calling it) and now, even little things that he used to find cute – like Jimin and Hoseok going to the store together (without Yoongi) and making their hyung food because they knew he'd had a long day – were starting to affect him. He'd wake up to an empty bed, only to find his boyfriends cuddled up on the couch (without him) watching morning cartoons. Yoongi brushed it off; he knew he was a late sleeper, but it still stung that they hadn't woken him up.

One day, Hoseok came to pick him up from work, and Yoongi breathed a sigh of relief upon realizing he was alone. Not that he didn't love Park Jimin, really, he did, but having one on one time with Hoseok made Yoongi feel that he was a part of the relationship, not just an odd pawn stored off to the side, only brought out and dusted off to make sex more exciting.

"Hey, hyung," Hoseok said, reaching over the center consul to smack a kiss against Yoongi's cheek.

"Hey, Hobi." Yoongi replied, grabbing Hoseok's right hand and lacing their fingers together. Aside from Mandatory Bedtime Cuddling, – that's what Jimin called it; every night he'd slither up into bed, yell something about how he couldn't sleep without 'mandatory bedtime cuddling,' and then he'd unceremoniously drape himself over the two older men – this was the first time they'd touched just because they wanted to. Before, all three of them would just hold hands because they could, drop not strictly necessary kisses because they wanted to, would pull each other gracelessly onto the couch for midday cuddles without it being part of a 'mandatory' practice.

Hoseok squeezed his hand, and Yoongi looked over at him. Hoseok had that wrinkle he got in his forehead when he was worried, and Yoongi had a spark of hope that maybe, just maybe, he was going to ask if he was happy in the relationship. Maybe he'd ask if he felt left out, because he was being kind of distant. Maybe he'd say that he and Jimin were happier without him, and could he please move in with Namjoon for a while.

Yoongi, instead of mulling over that last one, squeezed Hoseok's hand back twice as hard and asked what was wrong. Hoseok sighed as he flicked on the turn signal. He looked at Yoongi briefly before switching his eyes back to the road.

"I'm worried about Jimin."



"Oh." Yoongi squeaked out, "well. Why... why is that?" Yoongi asked, dread quickly pooling in his stomach. Somewhat because he was upset that Hoseok wasn't worried about him, but also somewhat because he'd been so blind to his own emotions that he hadn't even noticed anything wrong with Jimin. Yoongi was normally the more perceptive of the three of them, and having something like Jimin's happiness slip through his fingers made his heart drop.

"I think he's having an allergic reaction to my mom's cat. That's why he's not with me." Hoseok said, chewing his bottom lip in earnest. Yoongi looked at him, stunned silent, and Hoseok drove, worry painting his face.

"I– what?" Yoongi asked, shaking his head. He just kept shaking his head, like he was trying to shake out all the bad thoughts and all the self-doubt and all the 'fuck Jimin! Can't you see I'm suffering, here?''s. "Your mom's cat? When were your with your mom?"

"Jimin and I went to her house the other day, we both had the day off work and he didn't want to stay home." Hoseok said, as if he wasn't twisting the knife in Yoongi's gut a little more with each word. They'd gone to see Hoseok's mom. They'd gone to see Hoseok's mom without him. He felt Hoseok squeeze his hand again, but Yoongi felt numb. They'd surpassed the stage of just being without him at home, but now Jimin and Hoseok were doing big big things without him, and Yoongi felt like he was going to throw up.

"Yoongi hyung? Are you okay? You look a little green." Hoseok asked, taking his hand out of Yoongi's to press it to his forehead. Yoongi's chest felt tight, tighter than usual, and he needed to get out of the car. He needed to get away from Hoseok.

"Hoseok," Yoongi choked out, air getting stuck in his lungs. He grabbed the handle on the door and started pulling at it, even though the car was still moving quickly down the road. "Hoseok stop the car."

Hoseok looked at him, worry wrinkle deepening, and Yoongi couldn't even find solace in the fact that now the worry crease was for him. He just needed to get out of the car. "Hyung? Are you–?"

"Hoseok please," Yoongi whispered, and Hoseok pulled off to the side of the road, Yoongi tumbling out of the passenger door before the car had fully made a stop. Hoseok quickly rounded the car and had his hands up to pet Yoongi's hair, something he often did when Yoongi had panic attacks, but Yoongi quickly shirked away from his touch.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Hoseok asked, hurt dancing across his every feature as Yoongi curled in on himself instead of letting Hoseok hold him. Yoongi shook his head and looked around, realizing they were about a block from Seokjin's apartment. "Hyung?"

"Hoseok, go home." Yoongi said, looking back at the younger. He had to force his words out, air dragging in and out of his lungs like they were covered in wet cement, slowly drying and getting stuck as they made their way up Yoongi's throat and out of his mouth. "Go take care of Jimin, I-I'll be home later."

"What? Hyung, what are you saying? I'm not going to just leave you on the side of the road." Hoseok said, and Yoongi looked pointedly at the building complex behind him.

"I can go to Seokjin hyung's or something, I just–" Yoongi stopped to close his eyes and take a big breath in through his nose. "I just don't want to be in the way."

"In the way?" Hoseok questioned, and while Yoongi still had his eyes shut he took the initiative to pull the older man to his chest. Yoongi shoved his face into Hoseok's neck and tried to make himself calm down. He was shaking like a leaf in Hoseok's arms, batting from side to side like a ball in a pin machine. "Hyung I don't know what you mean, I don't know what caused this, but let's just go home, okay?"

Yoongi didn't really have a say in the matter, as Hoseok was dragging him towards the car before Yoongi could say yes or no. The rest of the way home, Hoseok's hand gripped onto Yoongi's tightly, his thumb running over the older man's knuckles repetitively.

Jimin was waiting for them when they got home, tissues in one hand and an unopened bottle of cold medicine in the other. He immediately shoved it towards Hoseok and muttered,

"I can't get it open and I feel like my whole head is about to explode with mucus. Please help." Hoseok took the bottle and dropped Yoongi's hand, and Yoongi took it as a sign to just go, because if Jimin and Hoseok had gone alone to see the cat, they can face the consequences of seeing the cat alone, too.

"Hyung?" Jimin called after him, the pitter patter of his socked feet following after him. Yoongi turned around and Jimin ran into his chest, giggling as he pushed himself upright again. "How was work? You look tired."

"I am, Jimin. I'm going to go to bed early. Let Hoseok take care of you, okay?" Yoongi said. He patted Jimin's cheek and kissed his forehead before disappearing into their room. He pulled pajama pants out of his drawer in the dresser, and as he slid them up his legs he heard a noise of disapproval from the doorway.

"What are you doing?" Hoseok asked, arms crossed over his chest. Yoongi looked at him, confused. "You always wear my clothes to bed. You and Jimin both do."

"Well," Yoongi said, clapping his hands together, "we spent money on these. Might as well wear them." Yoongi moved to crawl into bed, pointedly ignoring the look of hurt on Hoseok's face.

"What is with you today, hyung? First the panic attack in the car, then the not letting me hold you, then the not wanting to come home to your sick boyfriend, and now you're not wearing my clothes to bed? What happened?" Hoseok asked. He laid in the bed next to Yoongi and dragged his fingers through the older man's hair.

"Nothing, Hoseok. I'm stressed." Yoongi said, rolling away from his boyfriend. Hoseok sighed and Yoongi felt him roll out of bed.

"Well. I hope you feel better soon, hyung. Jiminie and I miss you." Hoseok left the room and Yoongi shoved his face in a pillow to muffle his screams of anguish.

Miss me?! Yoongi wanted to yell, punching a fist into the mattress. How can you miss me when you're so busy with each other?

Yoongi rolled onto his back, fingers clawing at the bedside table for his phone. Upon finding it, he brought it close to his face, and Yoongi squinted at his screen to find Seokjin's contact. He shakily hit the call button, nerves and emotions finally overtaking him. Once again, Yoongi felt like he was going to throw up for more reasons than he can count.

"Hello?" Through the line came Seokjin's voice, soft and reassuring and Yoongi wanted to crawl through the phone and wrap himself in the warmth of Seokjin's entire disposition. "Hello? Yoongi?"

"Hyung," Yoongi whispered, not trusting himself to talk much louder. If he did he would either cry or start yelling, both of which would garner the attention of his boyfriends, something he both wanted and resented at that moment in time.

"Are you okay, Yoongi?" Seokjin asked, and Yoongi shoved his face into a pillow and tried to control his breathing. The ever present knot in his chest was tightening again, curling and twisting and making him choke.

"No." Yoongi finally answered, and his voice caught within his throat. Yoongi choked out a weird drowning sound, something between a gurgle and the beginnings of the sound one makes when they vomit.

"What's wrong?"

"Well, Hoseok and Jimin–" Yoongi stopped when he heard a deep, 'who're you on the phone with, hyung?' come from somewhere down the line. Yoongi made a sound of surprise. "Oh. Is that Taehyung? Is Taehyung over?"

"Yeah... we were just about to watch a movie." Seokjin said, and Yoongi's heart dropped from it's place in his stomach all the way down to his toes. "But he can wait, tell me what's wrong."

"No, no." Yoongi said, already moving his finger over the end call button. "I'm glad everyone is happy, you know? Go watch your movie, wouldn't want to be a bother." Yoongi hung up before Seokjin could protest, throwing his phone across the room like a petulant child.

"Yoongi hyung?" Yoongi looked over to see Jimin staring at him, hesitantly standing in the doorway. His eyes and cheeks were a little puffy, probably from the allergic reaction. "Can I come in?"

"What? Yeah– yeah, come in, it's your room, what the fuck." Yoongi said, rolling over to one side of the bed. Jimin joined him, quickly diving under the covers and snuggling into the pillow under his head. "Are you okay? How are you feeling?"

"Doesn't matter." Jimin dismissed him quietly, scooting closer to Yoongi. He pushed his feet between Yoongi's legs and cuddled up into the older man's side. "Are you okay, hyung? Hoseokie said you were acting weird."

"I'm fine, Jimin. You should know not to listen to Seok-Seok, he's always dramatic." Yoongi said, twirling Jimin's hair around his fingers. Jimin frowned at him, but dropped the question in favor for pushing his face into Yoongi's neck. Yoongi closed his eyes, intent to fall asleep, when Hoseok walked into the room and slid under the covers, jostling Yoongi from his in betweenness of state.

"Jin hyung called me." Hoseok whispered, throwing an arm over Jimin's sleeping frame so he could hold Yoongi's waist. "Said you were really cut up about something, but ended the call before he could do anything."

"Hoseok, please." Yoongi said, squeezing his eyes shut in hopes to block Hoseok out.

"Yoongi hyung, you have to tell us what's wrong, or else we'll... we'll–"

"You'll what, Hoseok?" Yoongi asked, eyes snapping open. Hoseok looked taken aback, mouth opening and closing in an effort to make sound. "What? You'll break up with me? The both of you?"

"I never said–"

"You didn't have to!" Yoongi whisper-yelled, trying to keep relatively quiet so Jimin could sleep. He gently extracted himself from the younger man's hold and moved towards the door. "I already know you two don't need me, it doesn't take a genius to realize that both of you prefer each other's company over mine."

Yoongi was shaking, panic and nerves flooding him for the third time that night. Hoseok looked at him, horrified, his mouth hanging open and his eyes wide as saucers. Jimin was stirring next to him, hands grappling at the bed where Yoongi was laid down just before. Hoseok's mouth opened and closed a few more times, and Yoongi laughed dryly.

"Don't worry, Hoseok. You don't have to say anything. I won't get in your way anymore; all my stuff will be gone by tomorrow night." Yoongi said. He walked to the living room, limbs shaking dangerously. The ball of anxiety in his chest knotted tighter, worming its way around his lungs and pulling tight, traveling down his legs and arms and sucking up all their strength. Yoongi collapsed onto the couch and hugged a pillow tight to his chest, willing himself to calm down. It was okay if Hoseok and Jimin didn't want him anymore, as long as they were happy. It was okay that he leave there relationship, as long as neither one of them had to be alone.

Yoongi was busy staring at the clock and listing all the reasons that life sucked when he heard someone coming down the hall, until Jimin was standing in front of him, eyes half closed and hair askew. He was going to miss him.

"Yoongi hyung, come back to bed." Jimin whispered, crouching down to touch Yoongi's face. Evidently he'd slept through Hoseok and Yoongi's conversation, so Yoongi just gently shook his head and moved Jimin's hands from his cheek.

"Go back to sleep, Jiminie." Yoongi said, petting Jimin's hair down. Jimin's head drooped onto Yoongi's chest, exhaustion heavy in his features. "You're tired, sweetheart. Go back to bed."

"I can't sleep without..." Jimin seemed to nod off for a second, head thumping against Yoongi's arm. The impact seemed to startle him, and Jimin snapped back to sleepy attention. "Hyung."

"Hoseok's in bed, you won't be alone." Yoongi tried to push Jimin off of him, knowing that if the boy fell asleep on him, he'd never leave in the morning.

"But Hoseokie hyung can't cuddle... he's too noodley."

"Too nood–? Jiminie, you sleep with Hobi every night, you've never had a problem before." Yoongi said, and Jimin's head lolled to the side, his tired eyes staring up at Yoongi through half closed lids.

"But I always sleep with you too, hyung! You and I cuddle together and Hoseok wraps us together with his big noodle limbs! We're like... like a Christmas present, hyung. Please don't ruin my Christmas." Jimin said, burying his face in Yoongi's chest. Yoongi's heart ached, knowing that Jimin was only saying these things because he was tired. In the morning he'd go back to only loving Hoseok, and Yoongi would have to leave quietly. "Please, hyung. Please please please please–"

"Okay, Jiminie, okay." Yoongi said, wrapping his forearms under Jimin's armpits and hauling him to his feet. Jimin leant sleepily against him, pressing gentle kisses to Yoongi's neck as they walked.

Yoongi laid Jimin down in bed and tucked the covers tight around him. Hoseok was asleep on Yoongi's side of the bed, worry wrinkle settled deep into his skin, even in sleep. Yoongi kissed Jimin's forehead and reached over him to press a kiss against Hoseok's cheek.

"I love you, hyung." Jimin whispered, hand sweeping against Yoongi's arm as he shoved a pillow between his boyfriends, something to simulate his laying there.

"Hyung loves you too, Jiminie. Hyung loves both of you so much." Yoongi said. He watched as Jimin fell asleep, kissing his forehead one last time before slipping out of the room, and eventually out of the house into the dead of night.

From: Seok-Seok [ 9:30 ]
Where are you?????

From: Seok-Seok [ 9:45 ]
We wake up and you're just gone????

From: Seok-Seok [ 10:15 ]
Jimin and I are worried, please reply hyung

From: Seok-Seok [ 23:22 ]
Jimin is a fucking mess. I hope you're happy.

From: Jiminie [ 10:05 ]
Hyung where are you

From: Jiminie [ 10:25 ]
Hyung please I love you so much we're so worried

From: Jiminie [ 10:32 ]
Just let us know you're okay

From: Jiminie [ 23:46 ]
Im sorty i love you im sowry we lvoe uou pelase come heom

Yoongi stared down at his phone, watching as the text bubble appeared and disappeared, appeared and disappeared; until it disappeared entirely. Yoongi was laying in Seokjin's bed, covered by every blanket in the house. Seokjin had been taken aback to see Yoongi on his doorstep last night, seeing as the younger usually never left his bed after eleven thirty, but quickly let him in when he saw the state Yoongi was in.

Yoongi's phone vibrated, and he cracked a tired, dry eye open to read the text.

From: Namjoon [ 01:35 ]
Why the hell is Jimin crying on my doorstep about Christmas gifts.

From: Namjoon [ 01:36 ]
It's February, Yoongi hyung.

From: Namjoon [ 01:40 ]
Hoseok looks like he's about to murder someone.

From: Namjoon [ 01:45 ]
What did you do?

Yoongi tossed his phone onto the ground unceremoniously and curled up tighter in Seokjin's blankets. Yoongi heard the door open and the bed dipped near Yoongi's feet.

"So... are you going to tell me what happened, or is Namjoon just going to bring two upset boys here without explanation?" Seokjin asked, and Yoongi shot up in bed, nearly choking himself with the blanket wrapped around his neck.

"Namjoon is bringing them here?" Yoongi asked, coughing slightly. Seokjin nodded and Yoongi quickly tried to do the math in his head – it took roughly ten minutes to get from Namjoon and Jungkook's apartment to Seokjin's and that was only if Namjoon drove like a grandpa, like usual, but if he was mad, then –

There was a banging at the door and Yoongi flinched, pulling the covers up past his neck. Seokjin left the room and Yoongi was contemplating whether he should try and hide in the closet when Jimin barrelled through the door and threw himself onto the bed.

Yoongi let out a loud 'oomf,' when Jimin landed on his stomach. Hoseok followed Jimin into the room more calmly, taking purchase in the window sill next to the bed.

"Hyung, hyung, hyung, hyung," Jimin repeated, wrapping his arms tight around Yoongi's shoulders and rubbing his cheek on Yoongi's chest. Yoongi just laid there, stunned, while Jimin held him tight and mumbled things Yoongi couldn't make out. "I- I thought you left us forever."

Yoongi looked down at Jimin, who was staring back at him with big eyes, red and puffy around the edges for reasons Yoongi knew weren't part of his reaction to cat hair. Hoseok was sporting the same red rims, although he looked more pissed off than happy to see him. "Hyung...?"

Yoongi looked back to Jimin, who was biting his lip nervously. Yoongi, against his better judgment, brought a hand up and pulled the lip from between Jimin's teeth, to save him from pain later. "Hyung, do you not love us anymore?"

"What?" Yoongi croaked, sitting up. Jimin fell out of his lap and Yoongi looked between his boyfriends, one on the verge of crying while the other was clenching his fist tightly. "No, why would you think that? I'll always love you. Both of you."

Hoseok glared at him. "If you love us so much, why'd you leave? Why did you tell me all your stuff would be out of the apartment?" Hoseok asked, standing up and walking over to the bed. Yoongi watched him as he went to stand behind Jimin, one hand going to loop protectively over the youngest's shoulder. "Why didn't you want to come home last night, Yoongi? Why didn't you wear my clothes to bed? You've hardly been spending any time with us as of late, and if you can somehow pull an excuse out of your ass I'd be surprised. We both already know you want out. You've always been aloof, probably feel too tied down, or something. Do you want to be alone, Yoongi? Is that it? Do you not want to be loved? Does it help your so–"

"How can you blame me for all of this when you don't even love me anymore!?" Yoongi yelled, cutting Hoseok off. Hoseok's mouth fell open and Jimin gasped, looking up at Yoongi confusedly. "Yeah, I know, okay? I know you both don't love me anymore so can we please not have this conversation?"

"Yoongi hyung..." Hoseok said quietly, all traces of anger gone as he sat down on the bed. Yoongi looked at him, cheeks burning as he willed himself not to cry. He'd done well so far, having resorted to violence instead of weakness. He'd already promised Seokjin a new coffee table. "We didn't ever say we don't love you."

"You didn't have to!" Yoongi said, still yelling even though Hoseok's voice had dropped to a whisper.

"Why do you think that, hyung?" Jimin asked, crawling behind Yoongi and sticking his fingers in the older man's hair. He started working out all the knots and tangles, left there by Yoongi's restless tossing and turning over the course of the last eighteen hours.

"Because you'd rather be with each other than with me." Yoongi said matter-of-factly. Hoseok made a noise of disagreement and Yoongi looked at him. "You– you guys are always cuddling without me, and you go to the store without me, and you sit on the same side of the table while I'm on Sad Yoongi Island," Jimin giggled a little and buried his face in Yoongi's shoulder, "and– and you went to see Hoseok's mom without me. Hoseok's mom! Parents are a big deal and you guys just... just went without me like you didn't even care whether I was there or not."

"So... you feel left out?" Hoseok asked, scooting closer to Yoongi and pulling his legs into his lap. Yoongi sighed and leant back against Jimin's chest. Jimin wrapped his arms around Yoongi's middle, and slowly trailed his fingers across Yoongi's stomach.

"I just... I feel like you two would be happier without me." Yoongi said. Jimin gasped put a loud, 'no way!' and pulled Yoongi fully into his lap.

"You listen to me right now, Yoongi hyung." Jimin said, leaning his head over Yoongi's so they're looking at each other upside down. "That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Hobi and I love you with all our hearts. Why else would we put up with your weird napping schedule and need for constant reassurance?– oh oh."

"No wonder you've been so cranky lately, your love meter is running low." Hoseok said, pushing back on Yoongi's shoulder. Jimin laid down with Yoongi's back to his chest, and Hoseok moved to crawl on top of them, crushing Yoongi in a boyfriend sandwich. After Yoongi was completely either body or blanket, Hoseok grabbed his cheeks to garner his full attention. "Yoongi hyung. We love you. We'll never ever stop loving you. We go to the store without you because we know that you like to rest when you get home. We cuddle alone in the mornings because we know that, on the days you can sleep in, you don't want to be woken up by either one of us. We cook dinner for you because you deserve to be treated like a treasure; you should never ever have to lift a finger for anything, hyung."

"And it's almost your birthday, Yoongi hyung! We were asking Hoseokie's mom to watch my house plants while we're gone." Jimin said, kissing Yoongi's earlobe.

"Oh." Yoongi said, voice tiny. He felt beyond stupid for ever doubting his boyfriends, but it felt nice to actually hear them tell him of their love. "Sorry."

"It's okay, sweetheart. You just gotta talk to us next time instead of threatening to move out and hiding yourself away on Seokjin's room." Hoseok said, pressing a kiss to Yoongi's lips.

"Wait," Yoongi said, shifting to the side so he could look at both Jimin and Hoseok. "Where are we going for my birthday?"

Jimin giggled and kissed Yoongi's nose. "It's a secret." Yoongi groaned; he hated secrets. There was a bang on the door as soon as Yoongi stopped, Seokjin's voice ringing loud and clear throughout the room.

"Reminder that you're in my bed!" He yelled, and Hoseok snickered to himself. Yoongi laughed and sat up, and Hoseok fell off his lap onto the floor.

"Can we go home? It's two thirty in the morning and we haven't had Mandatory Bedtime Cuddles yet." Yoongi asked, rubbing at his eye. Hoseok stood up and held out a hand for each of his boyfriends, pulling them out of bed and into a tight hug.

"I love you both so much." Hoseok said, kissing the top of both Yoongi and Jimin's heads.

"I love you too, hyungs." Jimin replied. He smacked a kiss onto Yoongi's cheek and then to Hoseok's chest, where his lips were smashed against the soft fabric of his shirt.

"You guys are so sappy." Yoongi grumbled, and Hoseok and Jimin both hit him on the back of the head. Yoongi laughed, warmth flooding throughout his chest. "I love you guys though."

"We know," Hoseok and Jimin chimed, and Yoongi smiled against Jimin's shoulder.

Really, what was he thinking? Okay, wait, he can tell tell you what he was thinking. He was thinking that he could have two sexy boyfriends instead of one, have two bodies to cuddle against when he inevitably got cold in the middle of the night, would have two sets of arms and hands to trail across his body and make fires ignite in his stomach. Yoongi was thinking also of things, but none of them were quite related to this; this being the constant cozy feeling he felt in his chest day in and day out. This being the endless waterfall of love that washed over him each and everyday. This being the unbridled happiness he felt every time he was with both Jimin and Hoseok.

At first, Yoongi wasn't thinking about late night conversations, trying to think up names for all of Jimin's houseplants. At first, Yoongi hadn't even considered buying a new bathtub so three people could fit in it all at the same time. At first, Yoongi wasn't concerned whether or not he ate ramen every night; but now, the little things like good morning kisses pressed to chubby cheeks, and dance battles against a professional dance instructor while Yoongi himself danced like a White Dad, and Mandatory Bedtime Cuddles; well, that's all Yoongi ever seemed to think about.

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