My Mate or My Baby Momma? Seq...

By JasmineHood

281K 6.5K 492

***SEQUEL TO MY DOM OR MY MATE!!!!*** Deacon & Declan; twins, the first born children to the 'threesome' that... More

My Mate or My Baby Momma?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Author Note
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
-Author note-
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 38

2.3K 123 5
By JasmineHood

Chapter 38


Virginia POV

The last thing I could remember was a sparkling needle looming closer while I stared into a set of very familiar hazel green eyes; eyes I knew oh so well, eyes that belonged to the woman who bore me, gave me life and raised me… and now, laying here, imprisoned to a cold metal table that stank of stale metallic blood, I knew her intentions were less than honourable.

My life was in immediate danger and there was nothing I could do to stop it; I couldn’t hear my wolf, I couldn’t break free from my restraints, and every word I tried to speak was muffled behind a cloth rag that was tight and rubbing at my open lips. I could feel my skin sting as if I had been cut or scratched maybe; it wasn’t overly excruciating, but it was a distraction from the predicament in which I found myself.

Shaking my head clear of the fear of pain within, I trained my eyes on the woman pacing across the small wooden room in which I woke up… it was vaguely familiar. Pushing the fatigue further from my senses, I realised why this place was familiar and I immediately threw up, the acid seeping past the rag, and straining through my nostrils, aggravating my skin further; I was not only laying in someone else’s blood, this was my mate’s blood. I didn’t care right now that he was planning on rejecting me, I just felt horribly nauseated by the fact that my mother had brought me to this place!

She was going to kill me in the same place my father, her husband and mate had tortured and almost killed MY MATE! Did she have no shame? Did she even care?

Who was this woman? Because I sure didn’t know her, this was not the woman that raised me, this was not the woman that taught me right from wrong, and this was damn well not the woman that showed me how to behave, what was acceptable, and what my future mate… or well mates in my case would expect of their life partner. This was not her!

This was someone completely different because not once have I ever seen her this vindictive, selfish or narrow-minded, not once had I ever considered her to behave in such a disgusting manner. I couldn’t even form a coherent sentence because I was beyond words… there were no words for this situation. I was absolutely sickened by the way she was behaving.

It was obvious my mother was rethinking her plans because she couldn’t stop rushing back and forth within the constricted space with a mask of fear coating her features, nibbling on her blunt finger nails; a habit she always showed when she was a bundle of nerves. This was obviously one of those times.

She didn’t think this through; that was god damn obvious, but what was she going to do next? Just off me or use me as leverage? Whatever it was, I would be very grateful if she could hurry up because this was table I was laying on, the smell, the way my body was laid on it was becoming intolerable; I was continually gagging and the shocks of pain that ran up my limbs and through my muscles was taking control of my senses. I was losing myself… I had already lost my wolf, what was next?

“It’s not going to work you know?” Mum muttered, suddenly stopping, “the wriggling, throwing up, dirty looks you’re giving, none of it is going to change my mind. Oh, and give up on speaking to your wolf or any of the pack; wolfs bane does wonders! You’re unreachable my dear darling daughter. Nobody knows where you are so give it up.”

This was it wasn’t it? My life? It was over… I would never get to see Declan or Deacon again, Adrianna, Lizzie or even Maddox… I would be leaving my little sister all alone, and my mates; granted Deacon was a bit of a douche but he was still my mate. I would forgive him in a heartbeat if he asked me to. I was made to love him and that’s what I knew I would do. Despite everything he’d done, I’d give him everything and anything I could conjure up.

Please, someone save me. I need somebody. Now.

I refused to let myself cry, I refused to show any sign of weakness because the woman before me didn’t deserve that. My emotions were a reaction to the treatment she was inflicting. I would die in silence, with strength and dignity and know I kept my backbone until the very end.

I could do that, right?

I was so caught up in my internal musings, I didn’t even notice what my mother was doing at that very moment; I hadn’t noticed her shifting around the room or what she had picked up until it was too late; a thick silver blade was cutting into my skin before I had chance to wriggle away, not that it would do any good.

The pain of the cut was half as bad as the silver leaking into my blood stream but I kept my promise, gritting my teeth behind the gag, and remained motionless, letting the torture infuse my determination. I wouldn’t go down how she expected. I wouldn’t be the wimp she thought I was. I was strong; I was the mate of both an Alpha and a Beta wolf. I was strong, god dammit and neither this bitch nor anybody else would take that away from me!

And the blade cut into my skin once more…

Declan POV

Livid was not the word. It didn’t even cover it. Not by a long shot.

Deacon was the reason Virginia was vulnerable; she asked, practically begged me to let her be alone before the bond breaking so she could prepare herself mentally, but when I heard her scream at Deacon, I knew she wasn’t going to go down without a fight… just how Virginia was. She had such courage within her that I knew this ceremony was going to be forced upon her or she wouldn’t give up her mating easily.

I can’t believe I am once again rushing around, only this time searching the trails for Virginia’s scent, for the perpetrators scent, but we were losing it in the heavy rainfall rather than my brother… but once again the fucking idiot doing the kidnapping was one of my mate’s inconsiderate parents! I wonder sometimes how two selfless, mindless fools created the two amazingly wonderful girls, taught them how to behave the right way, made them love and protect those around them with such passion that everybody loved them… except their parents of course.

An idea popped into my head, but it just didn’t seem… plausible?

Would Virginia’s mother be that dense?

I just wasn’t sure.

After discussing my theory with the others, we decided it was best to follow gut instinct rather than wasting time following our noses. We; Deacon and I knew our mate the best, therefore we had some connection to her family and it just seemed the most plausible option.

Lydia, Virginia and Adrianna’s mother didn’t seem like the sort to think things through, rather she ran on impulse, a one track mind by the way she flung her girls out without a second glance. We had to go with this and head to the location of our last rescue mission. Did she even know it was this place that her mate nearly murdered my brother? Did she know it was here that Virginia confronted her father and almost ripped him apart? Does she know that we know where she is?

All these questions ran through my head but I knew we had to try. This wasn’t about me, or my tentative relationship with my dumb headed brother; this was about our mate. This was about Adrianna’s big sister; the only one she has left fighting for her. This was for the future of our pack. Virginia’s death could ruin literally everything or everybody and we HAD to save her.


Using both mine and my wolf’s anger, I raced through the trees, deeper into the abyss of green and black, the darkness clouding around us. Luckily a wolf’s vision is stronger so we can handle such situations. I used it to my advantage, as did the others; Declan and Holden being the only two able to keep up with me. I could feel my muscles burning from overuse but I just didn’t care. My body would heal within minutes; Virginia would not if she was murdered in cold blood.

As we neared the abandoned shack, we could hear a voice- one of anger and frustration, but what hit me was the overwhelming scent of blood, and not just any blood; Virginia’s blood.

“Shit!” Deacon hisses, taking in the setting in front of us.

“We have to do something. Quick!” I snap; I know Deacon is alpha but when a wolf’s mate is in danger, they just don’t care who they’re disrespecting. They lose control, and my will is slipping. Fast.

“WHY AREN’T YOU SCREAMING? ARE YOU SERIOUSLY JUST GONNA LAY THERE AND TAKE IT?” We heard the frustrated squawk coming from the shack again, “Come on Ginny, scream for mummy. You know you want to.” But yet we hear nothing else, not one little sound of pain.

That’s it sweetheart, keep strong. We’re going to save you.

With a quick conversation, we decide on a plan; take down Lydia- do whatever is needed, and get Virginia out of there. The pack doctor is ready and waiting for us. We need to get in there and fight for our woman.

It’s time for Deac to man up, and it’s time for me to show that bitch of a woman just who she’s messing with!

Payback’s a bitch Lydia. 

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