
By Klarolineswife

79.9K 2.7K 577

BEING EDITED - A Klaus Mikaelson/Caroline Forbes Love Story ♡ More

|Chapter Two|
|Chapter Three|
|Chapter Four|
|Chapter Five|
|Chapter Six|
|Chapter Seven|
|Chapter Eight|
|Chapter Nine|
|Chapter Ten|
|Chapter Elleven|
|Chapter Tweleve|
|Chapter Thirteen|
|Chapter Fourteen|
|Chapter Fifteen|
|Chapter Sixteen|
|Chapter Seventeen|
|Chapter Eighteen|
|Chapter Nineteen|
|Chapter Twenty|
|Chapter TwentyOne|
|Chapter TwentyTwo|
|Chapter TwentyThree|
|Chapter TwentyFour|
|Chapter TwentyFive|
|Chapter TwentySix|
|Chapter TwentySeven|
|Chapter TwentyEight|
|Chapter TwentyNine|
|Chapter Thirty|

|Chapter One|

16.5K 234 123
By Klarolineswife

|Just Incase You Have Forgotten|
You Are Loved,
You Are Worthy,
♡ You Matter ♡

Mystic Falls, Virginia. A small town many people, among other things, called home.

The sun had just finished setting after a fresh summers day, the warmth no longer hovered in the air.
A new chill of the evening was welcome, however eery with gentle ground fog. The moon hid sinisterly behind the clouds as the once busy streets became quiet. It was getting quite late, and with the flicker of street lights and the wind starting to whistle, there was a joyous hum coming from the local restaurant where most residents would reside after a long working day.

Everyone who lived in Mystic Falls could recognise the smell of the infamous food, cooked every day and night at the Mystic Grill. The fries that so perfectly had a touch of salt and vinegar, or the steak cooked immaculately every time. It was delicious and very busy most days.

This was a town that was thought to be, but wasn't at all, regular.

Homosapiens, or more often known as humans, only use roughly 10-20% of their brains and are often closed minded to other beings of a more intelligent or threatening species.
This is why supernatural beings roam the streets, shadows, and corners of Mystic Falls, and the world. Humans as per choose to be unaware, or ignorant and think they are at the top of the food chain. They reap the consequences of thinking this way.

Luckily for the folk of Mystic Falls, crime rates were low and it was never hugely obvious that something else, or someone else lived in the area until the Originals strolled into town. The local sheriff had reported bear attacks or thug action in recent weeks.

The Originals were an upper class, rich and glorious family within the secret supernatural society. They were well feared, very respected and above all, extremely entitled.

Niklaus Mikaelson, a well known creature to the supernatural society, was the original and only hybrid. He was half-werewolf, half-vampire and caused mischief wherever he went.

He was standing against the bar in the Mystic Grill with a smug look on his face. He had light brown curls and dark blue, green eyes which contrasted his pale skin. His playful younger brother stood beside him, enjoying the taste of the alcohol that danced on his tongue. He had similar features, but wasn't as muscular and had brown eyes.

Niklaus was unfortunately out of control, very villainous, and a cold blooded killer. He didn't care who he killed, who he hurt, and had no compassion, empathy or kindness. Everything that was humanity, was drained from him.

The rest of the Mikaelson family were following Klaus to try and tame him before he caused too much unwanted attention. Unfortunately for his family, even they suffered at his hand. Niklaus was ruthless, and was known for stuffing his siblings into horribly tight, dark coffins as a punishment if they stepped on his toes.

He was the alpha, and they were the omegas.
He was only followed by his siblings. They would constantly watch him, together as a pack, always on the lookout for their parents who mentally and physically destroyed them all with decades of abuse.

Niklaus was unpredictable, and that's exactly why Kol, Elijah and Rebekah thought best to keep tabs on him, trying their best to keep him up to date with modern ways of living, and consequences that followed murder if caught in the human world.

He also had other siblings, but they weren't as interested in his wrongdoings, and kept to themselves. They split up from the pack, and some even forgave their parents.

The Mikaelsons knew what Niklaus was after whilst in Mystic Falls, and they desperately wanted to stop him from following through with his new plans.

He wanted a doppelgänger.

With a doppelgängers special blood, Niklaus could create an entire race of hybrid monsters. These hybrids that would answer only to him, see him as a leader. Niklaus thought himself king to the supernatural society, and he wasn't necessarily wrong, he just wanted to really be king, king of his own race.

His younger brother, Kol, had just ordered another round of drinks. Niklaus could already feel himself burning with frustration towards his tipsy brother. Niklaus wasn't interested in what Kol was saying to him, he was slurring his words and spilling his drink all over the place, and quite honestly didn't even care.

The alcohol fizzed on Niklaus' tongue as he took another sip of whisky. His lips swatted against themselves as he enjoyed the burn deep in his stomach.

Niklaus was deep in thought, staring off into the distance, when suddenly he caught a glimpse of somebody walk past him. The second he caught the scent and the sight of this person, his lips parted.
He'd seen this person once before since arriving in Mystic Falls.
He was dumbfounded, confused as to why his breath had become hitched in his throat. He took a mental note to kill this woman before his departure, just like all the other women he'd met over the years. Soon, but not quite yet, he would have her. There was something about this one that he couldn't figure out, she was so challenging. He wanted to have some fun with her.

As walked past him, the perfume she was wearing hovered in the air. Niklaus felt himself grip onto his glass tighter and under the pressure, his fingers left a tiny splinter. It took all he had not to run over to her and drain her of all she had right here, right now.
She had ivory skin, natural blush and looked as soft as butter. She had full lips, and luscious blonde curls. He wanted her. This monster, hunter, predator, wanted this human, his prey.

Niklaus found it hard to swallow for a moment. Even as this woman spoke to her friends, the gentleness of her voice swam through him. He scolded himself for watching her, and lowered his eyes back to his glass. He could hear her pulse and heart beat, steady and calm as she searched her clutch bag.

Her beauty captured his attention, he couldn't deny that. But love is a vampire's greatest weakness. He said so himself, which is exactly why he wanted to take her as his own, and then rid himself of her. This human would be his, alive and dead.

Kol cleared his throat and stared at his brother, who wasn't often caught off guard.

Unfortunately, Kol was the type of man who women adored. He was everything and more, from funny to good looking, but was riddled in red flags and toxic narcissism. Unlike Niklaus, he didn't always kill his victims, but he would leave them hanging the following morning, or ghost them.

The woman who was searching her bag, glanced up at Niklaus. She smiled sweetly, and quickly looked away. As beautiful as immortal men were, they also left a feeling of odd dread in people around them.

Niklaus had started to tell Kol he was heading home when he heard one of the woman's friends say her name.


Caroline, what a great name, Niklaus thought to himself. The meaning behind it being Free Woman, or Song of happiness.

Caroline's friends spotted Niklaus and Kol at the bar, and told Caroline to stay clear of them. Her friends were called Bonnie, and Elena and they were very aware that supernatural beings existed and knew the Mikaelson family were just that.

Bonnie and Elena were closer friends, and often kept Caroline out of their secrets, one of those being information about the other world that existed inside their own. They both agreed Caroline was not mature enough to handle it, and thought she might tell others or put them in danger.

Elena was currently in a relationship with a man named Stefan. Stefan was very mysterious, and had a brother named Damon who was also just as mysterious. Caroline had dated Damon for a month or two recently, but he left her feeling creeped out after she couldn't piece together parts of their relationship. That relationship quickly ended when Bonnie and Elena had told her it wasn't a good idea to see him anymore.

Elena had dark long hair, and brown eyes, which in comparison to her light bronze complexion, complimented her. Bonnie had a short dark bob, and russet skin which looked lovely against her hazel coloured eyes.

Caroline made her way over to the bar, and waited patiently for the waiter whilst he served another person at the other end. She felt Niklaus' gaze burning into her.

"Can I help you?" Caroline asked, turning to face him with one brow raised. Their eyes met, and she felt nervous as he said nothing. Kol watched intently.

Niklaus smiled at her gently. He had dimples in his cheeks, and he raised his glass towards her.

"Care for a drink, love?" Was all he could manage.

Caroline lowered her lashes. She remembered their first encounter, it was brief and awkward because her friends had dragged her away. When she had arrived home the following night, a gorgeous velvet box sat on her dresser, inside it was a sparkling diamond bracelet. She adored it, and wore it every day since but with no note, she could only guess who was from, and she guessed wrong.

Caroline was currently in a relationship with Tyler Lockwood. One of the richest people in Mystic Falls. Tyler was spoiled by his mother, and treated Caroline like an object, or a prize. Caroline had a troubled childhood, and struggled when it came to finding a decent man to be with. Her relationship with Tyler was a very on and off relationship and she thought this bracelet might've been an apology from him for disappearing on her for a week last month.

Caroline could feel her friends watching her. She bit her lower lip as she thought about what to say to turn this man down. Caroline was a feisty character, and since she was already in a committed relationship, she didn't see any point in being nice.

"I'd rather die of thirst, but thanks."
She threw her hair over her shoulders and strolled back towards her table.

Niklaus watched her walk off with a smile playing on his lips. Caroline was wearing a short white dress that touched her mid-thigh, a small brown leather handbag and ankle boots to match. It was important to Caroline to look good, always. She loved fashion and clothes, and was the head of the cheerleading squad in school, as well as Prom Queen and Miss Mystic.

"Isn't she a tasty little thing." Kol murmured delightfully as he eyed her too.

Niklaus glared at Kol and then back at her with a softer expression.

"Say another word and I'll tear out your liver."  Niklaus grinned before raising his glass to his mouth. Kol looked fearfully at Niklaus and turned to continue drinking.

Bonnie needed to go home to catch up on homework and an assignment she had to do for college. Elena was giving her and Caroline a lift home tonight which meant all three were leaving after their food.

Niklaus watched them as they left, and Caroline glanced nervously back at him for less than a moment before leaving the creaky old door of the restaurant swinging.

Stefan Salvatore, Elena's boyfriend, strutted in through the doors of the restaurant not a few moments later. Luckily, no one but the waiter had been there to witness what was about to happen.

Stefan marched right up to Niklaus, fists white from squeezing his hands together so tightly.

Kol stumbled away from the pair awkwardly. No one threatened his brother and got away with it.

"I want you to stay away from Elena. I know what you're here for Klaus and you're not getting it. Elena told me you were following her, and here you are, right where she was." Stefan spat. Stefan and Niklaus used to be good friends, and to good friend,  Niklaus was known as Klaus.
Stefan was inches from Klaus' face. Klaus looked at him with such calmness, he didn't bat an eyelid. Kol winked at the frightened waiter, who stared, ready to hit the red panic button.

Yes. The real reason Klaus was in Mystic Falls was to collect a Doppelgänger, and that was indeed Elena Gilbert.

Klaus watched entertained as Stefan shook with anger, and decided he would play this game. "If you want me to stay away from your human girlfriend, make me." He grinned. He had an old English accent, as did the rest of his family.

His eyes were fixated on Stefan cunningly, his blue eyes changed into a golden colour like volcano lava. As they used to be friends, Klaus thought he would give Stefan one chance to take him down.

Stefan raised his fist quickly, just as Klaus expected and punched Klaus in the lower mouth, tearing the flesh at his lip. Klaus hardly moved at all, he was stood like a stone statue and smirked back at Stefan.

Blood began to drip slowly from Klaus' mouth. He cracked his neck in both directions to prepare himself for a fight and his smirk turned psychotic.

Kol pursed his lips. This was going to be a long night for the Mikaelsons. Once Klaus was triggered, there was no stopping him.

Elijah, Klaus' older brother would stop at nothing to prevent Klaus harming innocent people and was the most committed to being at his brothers side until their very last day together. Elijah knew Klaus needed Elena, and was currently working on a plan to stop him before things escalated.

Klaus shook his head slowly. He slid his index finger across his lip to wipe the blood away, and flicked his hand down towards the floor as the droplet fell from his finger tip, creating a slight tap on the tile beneath them. To a human, this would've been nothing. To vampires the sound was magnified, like a loud door being slammed shut. Stefan flinched, his rage cooled and he looked apologetic.

Klaus, within a split second, lashed for Stefan like an insane person. He threw his fists towards Stefan's face repeatedly, causing blue and purple bruises to swell in with every hit. Blood splattered all over the floor, all over Klaus and Kol sat glued to the spot.

After a few seconds, Kol looked at Stefans limp body and decided it was time to try to step in. Kol attempted to hold Klaus' arms back after jumping into the madness. Klaus laughed, he could've easily have ripped his arms from Kol, but Stefan wasn't worth his energy.

The waiter stared at them the whole time, he had no colour left in his face, too stunned to move.

Klaus frustratedly removed himself from his brothers grip, brushed down his muffled clothes and stared at Stefan as his bruising began to heal. Stefan quickly stood up and ran back out through the doors.

"If you ever hold me back again from a fight, brother. I will not hold myself back from killing you." Klaus said between gritted teeth, as he smashed his glass down on the bar, slicing the palm of his hand.
He looked from the main windows up towards the sky. He watched as the clouds moved slowly. The full moon was present. This was when Klaus had the most power, as if he needed extra anyway. Stefan didn't only pick the wrong guy to have a fight with, he picked a fight with a hybrid on a night of the full moon.

Klaus stormed out of the restaurant, following after Stefan who stood lingering outside.

Kol sighed, shaking his head. He took another shot of Sambuca and watched the doors close behind Klaus. He finally managed to get in touch with Elijah after compelling the bar tender to go home and forget any of tonight had happened.

"Stefan, what happened? We used to be good friends." Klaus sung as he casually joined his old friend outside.

A loud, high pitched tyre squeal came from across street. Elena and Caroline pulled up in Elena's car, they both looked incredibly confused. They'd just dropped Bonnie home and received a call from Stefan saying that Elena was in danger, and to stay home. Elena didn't listen, and wanted to get to her boyfriend as soon as possible.

"What's going on?" Caroline asked Elena with folded arms. It was cold, and she was the only one who couldn't sense the tension in the air. Elena's brows furrowed, she tucked her hair behind her ears and looked at Stefan. She knew exactly what was going on.

Klaus and Stefan ignored the girls, they were fixated on one another as Stefan lunged once more for Klaus to protect Elena. Carolines mouth widened in horror as she witnessed the men turn into something very inhuman. They had huge black veins bulging under their eyes, thick red blood vessels in the whites and suddenly had long, sharp canine teeth in place of normal ones.

"Get in the car Stefan!" Elena yelled hysterically. She glanced at Klaus, who had stopped attacking Stefan to glance at Caroline. He quickly turned his head when he found her staring at him, and removed himself from the situation immediately.

Caroline quickly climbed back in to the car, frightened. She buried her face in her hands as Elena and Stefan took to the front seats.

Klaus looked at Caroline through the alley he had found himself lurking, but now was his chance to collect what he came here for.
Klaus used his incredible speed to grab Stefan and rip him from the car, he held him up against a brick wall and shoved him hard against it until he fell to the ground. Caroline peered through her hands, eyes wide as she sat there watching, observing every encounter and attack.

"Stefan!" Elena cried, holding back her hair in distress. She could do nothing but watch helplessly.

Caroline was in shock, and was so afraid, she barely felt the tears falling down her face before asking herself why her hands were now wet. How did Klaus and Stefan move so fast? What on earth were they? Surely this was a nothing more than a weird dream, or a nightmare. She wanted to keep her eyes closed but couldn't bare to look away.

Stefan looked at Elena as he struggled to get to his feet, he was once more distracted when Klaus quickly and brutally snapped his neck.

Caroline jolted as though someone had electrocuted her. She was shaking so badly now, she could feel the car rattling. She knew she needed to stop, or the attention would shortly fall on her.

"Distracting your idiot of a boyfriend wasn't the best idea now was it, love. I was having a brilliant night before he started a fight. Clearly he can't pick one with the right person." Klaus winked at Caroline, who was now glancing at Elena and back to Klaus.

Klaus took one last look at Caroline. He felt awful, this wasn't how he wanted her to find out about him. How he was going to get her to be his now was beyond imaginable. But it didn't matter. He quickly grabbed Elena, and rushed off into the distance leaving Caroline alone with Stefan's lifeless body.

"Elena?" Caroline almost whispered, finally finding the strength to remove herself from the car. The engine was still rumbling and lights beaming forward.

Caroline felt herself uncontrollably crying, as she took out her mobile from her bag to call an ambulance or the police. As she was in the process of dialling, Stefan opened his eyes, stood up and clicked his neck back into place with nothing more than a groan.

Caroline screamed, louder than she thought she ever possibly could. Stefan rushed over to her.

"Stefan. W-How are you even alive right now? I just saw you die." Caroline stuttered, overwhelmed with emotion and backing away from him. She collapsed to the ground and looked away.

"Caroline, I'm so sorry. I know this is hard, but I need you to work with me here, it's life or death.
Where's Elena?"

Stefan's pupils grew wider in the silence, he was scared.

"Did you see which way they went?" Stefan asked, as he paced around, arms swinging by his side.

Caroline pointed in the direction they vanished in.

"Okay, will you come with me Caroline?
I'll explain everything. Come on." Stefan said, practically begging her. Caroline heard the crack in his voice, the fear and pain he felt with every second Klaus held Elena captive.

Caroline was hesitant, but then nodded slowly and took a deep breath as she climbed back into the car with Stefan. Being with Stefan had to be better than being sat outside in the dark after what she'd just witnessed. Even if it was with one of... them.

"Okay, Caroline. I know it's going to be a lot to take in at first, but listen very carefully. I'm a vampire. I'm not dangerous. I promise I won't hurt you or anyone else." Stefan explained.

She looked at him for a while, trying to adjust to the situation. At first she laughed, it sounded ridiculous, but then she realised he was being serious and she wasn't dreaming. Her chest raised and she held her breath unknowingly.

"How is this even possible? Vampires are just fake scary stories." Caroline said, trying her hardest to stay on the far side of the car nearest to the door. She'd just experienced the impossible, and upon hearing the words leave Stefan's mouth, was in shock.

"Caroline, listen. Elena knows about me. She'll explain it better, more comfortably." Stefan said, as Caroline started to relax. Her shoulders slipped back into the centre of the seat. She'd known Stefan for quite some time now, and trusted he wouldn't hurt her or he probably would have already by now.

Of course, Elena would know about the whole situation and she didn't, she bet Bonnie was in on whatever this was too. Again, she was left in the dark.

A moment of silence passed in the car. Caroline found herself picking at her nails anxiously, questions and thoughts blurring her head.

"And, what about Klaus?" She finally managed to say.

Stefan looked at her. He wondered how much to disclose. She was already taking a lot in, but the secret was already out, so he thought he may as well tell her the whole truth.

"Klaus is also a vampire. He's actually one of the Original vampires. Very old and very powerful. He's a hybrid, half vampire and half werewolf." He tried to make it sound like this wasn't a big deal, and was common knowledge.

"Great, so now werewolves are real too." Caroline groaned as she placed her fingers to her temples and rubbed hard.

"No. Damn you. No! Low fuel." Stefan sighed, as the car bleeped. He hit the steering wheel with frustration and sighed. Caroline furrowed her brows at him.

"So. What's the big deal? Why are you and Klaus fighting. Why has he ran off with Elena?"

Stefan stopped the car, reassuring Caroline that everything would be okay. He explained that Klaus needed Elena for her doppelgänger blood. Elena was also apart of this crazy mess. Caroline shook her head.

Stefan had never really talked to Caroline before any of this. It felt good to be able to open up to her, this way she was well informed now and was safe. Stefan explained to her why Elena and Bonnie had hated Caroline being around Klaus, he wasn't just some guy, he was dangerous and with Elena captive, he could build his very own hybrid army.

'How would anything be okay?' Stefan thought to himself. He left the car and went inside the kiosk to pay for the fuel. When he was finished, he ran back over to the car and started the engine, but as he began to pull away his older brother Damon showed up in his light blue Chevrolet Camaro SS Convertible.

"Hello brother. Caroline." The convertibles roof folded softly, and he waited patiently for a response.

Caroline rolled her eyes at him. Now she knew he was a vampire, it explained a lot about their relationship. She would be covered in little red dots every time they'd spent the night together.  Damon had been toying with Caroline ever since they met whilst also trying to ruin Stefan and Elena's relationship.

Stefan furrowed his brows and asked Damon what he was doing.

"Well Stefan, I'm rescuing Elena of course. Elijah Mikaelson of all people called me to ask for help. He explained how you and the big bad wolf got into a fight at the bar and he took Elena under your protection." Damon smirked, emphasis on the word your.
Caroline shuddered.

Damon had thick black curls and bright blue eyes, he wore tight black jeans and a black t-shirt.

"Damon, I don't know what you're doing but I have this under control. You had your chance with Katherine. Elena is nothing like Katherine." Stefan growled. Caroline sat and pondered who this Katherine was whilst the two of them bickered.

"Does she know about us now?" Damon said as he glanced at Caroline. His eyes widened for a second as he pretended to be shocked.

"Caroline knows. Now please if you're trying to help, help us get Elena back. We're not sure where she is at the moment but we're going to start looking at their manor just off Bradbury Street."

Damon nodded once and sped off down the road. He disappeared into the darkness, along with the sound of his blaring rock music.

"So. Damon too?" Caroline guessed. She looked down at her wrist which had a pale healing pattern across it. Bite marks no doubt from their previous encounter. She wouldn't be letting him get to her anymore that's for certain.

"Yes, but I'm never sure what he's capable of if I'm honest Caroline. Every one of us are different. I'm sorry about what he's put you through."

"Who's Katherine?" Caroline asked nosily. Stefan smirked and shook his head. "Just an old friend of the family really, she's long gone."

Caroline nodded. For somewhat reason as they pulled up outside this huge, white modern mansion, she didn't feel fear. She was curious. Still. She scolded herself for being such an idiot. Caroline and Stefan could see Damon standing directly outside. He was knocking violently on the gold plated handles, demanding to be let in.

There were huge windows everywhere, this must've been the biggest property in the area, aside from Tyler's house. His mother was the mayor after all.

Stefan ran towards Damon. It was so fast, Caroline didn't even realise he'd left her side until she saw them standing together.

"Damon stop!" Stefan cursed, grabbing his brothers arm. "He will kill her and get his plan finished quickly if he knows we're here."

Caroline let herself out of the car, and stood gracefully at the huge golden gates. Damon and Stefan were too busy arguing to see her.

Caroline couldn't really believe how 'evil' Klaus was. She'd only met him twice, but he seemed nice enough. Always had good manners when speaking to her.

"Open up, asshole." Damon yelled loudly, scowling at Stefan as he ignored him. Caroline caught up to them, and the door creaked open.

"Hello?" Caroline mumbled as she stepped forward. She was instantly pulled back by Stefan.

"What?" Caroline whispered.

"We can't get to you once you're in there. We haven't been invited in." Damon said, showing her the invisible force field around the door with a quirky little smile.

The hallway looked dark, it would've seemed as though no one were home when they all heard the sound of heeled shoes making their way towards the door.

A gorgeous tall woman peered at them, blonde like Caroline, wearing a deep red lipstick and a silk dress. She wore the highest black heels Caroline had ever seen, and a pearl beaded necklace around her throat.

"What do you want?" She asked suspiciously, in a nice enough tone.

"We're looking for Klaus and Elena." Caroline replied kindly, placing her hand on her hip. The woman looked at Caroline, her eyes travelled from Caroline's head to toe as she smirked delightfully.

"Ah. You must be Caroline. My brother gives me migraines talking about you. He's practically obsessed. We haven't been officially introduced. Caroline, isn't it? I'm Rebekah."

Caroline felt a little embarrassed and blushed scarlet.
The woman held out her manicured hand towards Caroline, and Caroline took it cautiously. The woman looked down at Caroline's wrist and beamed. "Wow. He certainly does like you if he's buying you diamonds."

Caroline was confused and then looked at her bracelet. "This was from Klaus?"

"Well yes, of course. Who else could afford such an elegant piece?"

Caroline felt herself getting hot, and also a little disappointed that her gift wasn't from Tyler.

"Anyway. You won't find him here, my brothers gone on a little... How should I put it? Hunting spree.
It's a full moon and he's going to be very hungry, so I suggest you all stay clear of his path tonight. Goodbye." Rebekah sung as she softly closed the door on them.

"Thank you for getting rid of them for me, Rebekah. But I do not obsess over the little blonde. I want to consume her soul, make her mine like the others I have taken over the years." Klaus smirked an evil smirk, as Rebekah turned around to face him. She sighed in disbelief, as she turned on her heel and walked away from him.

Klaus' smirk faded as he heard Caroline speak his name from outside.

"I just want Elena to be okay. I can't believe any of this. Why would Klaus do this?" She cried. She knew the answer but didn't want to believe it.

"And what pray tell do you plan on doing with her?" A friendly soft voice spoke. Klaus had turned to go to the basement and knew instantly it was Elijah. He sighed. He didn't want to put up with his older brothers morals tonight.

Elijah met Kol at home after receiving his message, and now the family were carefully considering how they would handle their situation tonight.

"Ah, Elijah. Why is my business so important to you? What I plan on doing with her is none of your business." Klaus smiled, replying to Elijah's former question.

"Klaus, I'd like you to release her to me immediately. She is a young woman and has done nothing to deserve this." Elijah demanded, stepping up to Klaus intimidatingly. Klaus rolled his eyes and continued down to the basement as Elijah followed.

Elena was curled into a corner of the room, and looked at both of the men stood in front of her. Her vision blurred and her head flopped, leaving her unconscious. There was blood on her fingers and her hair looked wet.

"What did you do?" Elijah asked as he stepped forward towards her.

"She hit her head on the way here, and I may have been a little hungry too." Klaus said causally.

Elijah crouched to Elena's level, and fed Elena his blood from his wrist to heal her. Vampire blood has special healing powers. He gently picked Elena up and carried her towards the basement stairs in his arms, giving Klaus a hard stare on the way out.

"Elijah." Klaus spat.

As Elijah turned to face his brother, he gasped. His face turned grey and his blood turned ice cold. A metal dagger dipped in silver traces of White Oak ash was forced into Elijah's abdomen, killing him temporarily by putting him in a death like sleep. Nothing could truly kill an Original vampire, other than White Oak steak. This type of steak needed to be plunged deep into an originals heart to permanently kill them.

Elijah would only be dead for as long as Klaus wanted. Until the dagger was removed, Elijah would stay as he was.

This was how Klaus used his siblings most of the time.

Klaus picked Elena back up over his shoulder and strapped her down on a metal table in the basement. That should keep her where he wanted her for now.

Klaus knew Kol and Rebekah would be furious if they found out he had done this to Elijah. Elijah was the head of the family, and would never do anything to hurt anyone intentionally and always tried to be the good guy. Klaus knew Rebekah would let him get away with it, but Kol would probably have a fit.

Klaus ran up the basement steps, into the kitchen where Kol was stood against the sink.
"Ah nice to see you again after the incident with Stefan, brother." Kol laughed.

Klaus smiled and glanced at the crystal glass in Kol's hand, he'd been drinking all night. He would be easier to take out this way.

Koo poured the last of his drink away into the sink and told Klaus he was going to bed.

"Goodnight, Kol." Klaus smiled smugly, as he watched his brother stumble past him, and turn for the stairs.

"Oh, Kol." Klaus sung. Kol turned to face him with half closed eyes.

"What?" Kol slurred. Klaus quickly stabbed him, just as he did to Elijah. He watched the circulation of fresh blood turn black and flow swiftly through Kols body. Kol stared at him darkly. He didn't see that coming, but it wasn't the first time either.

Klaus dragged Kol's body down into the basement and placed him beside Elijah.

"You're really a monster." Elena choked, finally awake.

"Thank you, love." Klaus smiled, his voice quiet as he pulled back a bookcase, a secret passage to another door. Elena watched Klaus drag his brothers into black leather coffins and close the lids. The room was lit with candles and had empty photo frames on the walls. Two more coffins sat beside them, one open, one closed. "What's the forth for? Your sad self when you have no one else left?" Elena groaned as she tried to sit up.

Klaus touched his nose twice as a way of telling Elena to stay out of his business. He locked the door, and pulled the bookcase back over it and left Elena in the basement alone.

"What have you done Klaus?" Rebekah cried, as she rubbed her thumb and two fingers together. White oak ash drifted softly from her hands as she crouched down on the floor where a splatter of blood had been left. Klaus sighed. "Look, Elijah tried to sabotage my plan. I needed our brothers out of my way, I will let them out soon."

Rebekah pushed Klaus away as he walked towards her. She was always a pawn in his games.

"Soon? Weeks, months, years... A century? Soon is never soon with you Nik." Rebekah sighed, her eyes swelled with tears and she grabbed a bag of her things, leaving Klaus alone in the house. Rebekah was the only one who called Niklaus Nik. She had a good relationship with her brother most of the time, but hated him when he turned on the rest of her family.

"You'll be back!" Klaus yelled.

Klaus grinned, a murderous and bone chilling grin. He had work to do, and he wasn't about to let a blonde, no, two blondes, ruin his night.



If you've got this far, thank you for reading and I hope it only gets better from here. Enjoy this Klaroline fanfic and please let me know if you think I could make improvements along the way.

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