By PiNK327

3K 146 61


P!NK Lies
P!NK Lies
P!NK.....{11 pt 2}
P!NK .......{14.1}


546 9 6
By PiNK327

Chapter 4: Pink is the new black

I'll go get my sister and we'll meet you and amber in Pink. Wear pink before we get there. "She's got you wrapped around your finger." "I know but there's so much i have to tell you." "Tell me later I gotta get ready." "Be careful Jenny, she can make you do things you've never imagined." "Trust me you make me do those things." I smiled and kissed his cheek before he left. I opened the door and heard amber laughing. "Are you out of your mind! Sweetie she'll eat you up." "Come on just help me get a make over please!" "You're just like them Jen I cant believe this." I wasnt about to sit up here and argue with her. I had a reason fro doin what i'm doin. I need to revisit everything I blown off and the Clique 6 can help me with that.

"I'll help you...but! you and I cannot cross paths for a while under the circumstances ." "Fine I dont care will you just help me!" "Fine lets go before they get therye.

After 3 hours of reckless shopping and trying on different shoes, cutting my hair and dying it I think we've come down to the hardest decision ever. I higlighted my eyes with black eyeliner and a light pink that had a hint of glitter. I slid on the short dennim mini skirt and put on the pink and black charm bracelet amber bought. I put on a light pink lipstick and started curling my new blonde hair. "You're really going through this....going blonde and changing everything about yourself and for what jen? What happenes if your plan fails what happens if you'll never find out what really went on in texas there's nothing you can do."

"Amber theres a lot I can do and i'm starting with the makeover." I put on the black tank and slowly added the pink jacket. "How do I look?" "You look like a movie star." I turned toward the mirror and pushed my blonde bangs out of my face. "Great...Pink. I hate pink!" Amber laughed at me and fluffed the blonde curls around me. "Well this is what you wanted." I sighed. She was right. I grabbed my pink clutch and put on my light pink pumps. "You look like a barbie doll." I laughed and added another coat of lip gloss. "Lets go robbie said they'll be there around 3." "We gotta see if the new you is worh it first." "No! no no no no no no and hell no. I refuse." "Come on he's been crushin on you for a while." "Ive been here for a week amber!" "So and he likes you just at least see what he has to say about the new Jen." "Fine. whats his number." "7082436778" "Ugh i cant believe this.

I took out my phone and started texting Justin.

Jen: Hi

7082436778: who's this?

Jen: jen

7082436778: O s... hey

jen: hi um I did a little expierment and i need your opinion

7082436778: Like?

Jen: I dyed my hair.

7082436778: LOL wow send me a pic

Jen: (Picture located in corner)

7082436778: has anyone ever told you, you look hot????

Jen: Thats a first. thx i gtg i'll ttyl

7082436778: k

"So? What he say?" "He said I look hot." "Jackpot! Grab you're keys and call robbie we're going back to the mall to meet them." I cant believe this! Pink! ewww! I feel violated I absolutly hate this color! I picked up my phone to see robbie calling. "Hello?" "Hey we're here." "Ok we're on our way." "So damage control?" "I dyed my hair blonde." "Are you serious?" "Unfortunatly." "Wow you really wanna be with the clique 6." "No i dont i hate pink its the ugliest color in the world! I like every color except pink!" "I know but you can tough it out." "i guess...i'll see you in a bit okay?" "Ok bye." "So how are you and robbie going on?" "We're good. what about you and justin?" "Excuse me?" "You heard me you absolutly are crushin on him!" "No i'm not. Am I?" "Um yeah!" "Aw man He is cute though and those grey eyes....he looks so...." "Amber sprung much?" She laughed and pulled into the mall parking lot when she slammed on the breaks. "What the hell!!" I peered down from my sun glasses to see the hottest guy crossing the street. The tight white shirt was hugging on his body good. His dark brown hair was covering his eyes but He was hot!

Amber got out the car and started screaming at him.

(Amber POV)

I slammed the car door shut and almost lost my balance in my boots.

"What the hell are you crazy! you could have gotten killed!" "Look you're the one who wasnt paying attention!" "Ugh you are so!" Thats when I saw it...those eyes. That body. My face went blank and I was starring at him. He looked dead at me and he wasnt hiding his eyes either. "You...should be careful." I feel like an idiot! He was so hot and I told him you should be careful! thats just great. "Hey look i'm sorry for yelling at you like that...I never caught your name." "Amber." "Ian" I blushed. He seemed really nice. "I'll see you around?" "Sure." I smiled and walked back to the car. "I saw you! what's his name!" "Ian...i'll be seeing more of him around." "I bet after that!" We laughed and walked inside the mall. Looks like i'll be losing my best friend for the clique....Pink.....yea right.

"What the hell is wrong with you! you could have go

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