Short Character x Readers [CL...

By robynmoony0

6.1K 65 14

One shots and multiple part Character x Readers. I will take requests however I may not know some of the char... More

Cupid x Male!Reader ~Part One
Cupid x Male!Reader ~Part Two~
Cupid x Male Reader ~Part Three~
Matt x Ryuu!Reader
Hoody x Reader x Masky ~ Christmas Comissions
Germany x Reader ~Christmas Commission~
England x Reader ~Christmas Commission~
Death The Kid x Reader ~Christmas Commission~
100th DeviantART Post :D
Slenderman x Reader ~Christmas Commission~
Ganta x Reader [Part 1/2]
Ganta x Reader [Part 2/2]
Akise x Reader [Part 1/3]
Akise x Reader [Part 2/3]
Akise x Reader [Part 3/3]
Sebastian x Chubby!Reader ~One Shot~
Claude x Chubby!Reader [One Shot]
Laughing Jack x Chubby!Reader [One Shot]

Tamaki x Reader ~One Shot~

204 3 0
By robynmoony0


'Yeah Lu- I mean Mr Dotchi?'

'It's our classes turn to set up the ball thanks to everyone's grades and seeing as everyone else has to catch up with classes we're the only two who can actually work I'm afraid. Is their any chance I could have you every lesson today?'

The man, ______'s form tutor of the past several years, pushed an ashe blonde strand fo hair behind his ear away from his hade green eyes. A hopeful smile spread onto his face and the girl let a sigh escape her rose-tainted lips.

'Every lesson?'

'Yup, afraid so.'

'Even... Third?'

Lukan's eyebrows raised themselves simultaneously and his arms immediately folded across his chest as his stance slanted back, a curious look burrowing through his sun deprived face- obviously he'd been working too long.

'What do you have third lesson [surname]? Not another of Tamaki's outlandish escapades I hope?'

Only several days earlier Tamaki had guided ______'s group of Geography students away fromb the school's 'safe areas', leading her to being bitten by a more than vicious dog that was now know as 'Tamaki's desire' thanks to it humping the Royal Highnesses leg vigurously.

'A-Actually,' a dark, furious blush fluttered against her skin, bright light reflecting on her face from the artificial, crappy lights above the two of them, 'I have, uh, Host Club...'

'Host Club?!' Lukan's tone was that of agast horror, 'You're one of them?'

'I-I'm not, Haruhi actually asked me and dragged me- as per usual.'

'Oh... Well I guess you could drag them along if you really want to- the more there are the easier it'll be.'

A disappointed and seemingly angry look passed across Lukan's face before bending into one of defeat.

'Sorry- I'll keep Tamaki controlled and Kyoya'll help... You know how he is.'

*****~One Hour Later~*****

'I am the King of Christmas!!'

'God damn it Tamaki, I can't climb down so pass the star up. Now. It's not for your bloody head! Tamaki!!!'

'I said I'm the King of Christmas! BOW TO ME PEASANT!'

Tamaki began to run around, a glittering star residing on his blonde hear as a tinsel hula skirt swayed around his waist, Honey rolling around in hysterics as the twins began to throw shredded tinsel and glitter everywhere.

A sigh of defeat almost echoed in the room and ______ began to wonder if Lukan was ever coming back.

'Tamaki, calm it or someone wi- GAHHH!'

_______'s body flew through the air, her scream filling the air as she expected imminent pain, only to be caught by a pair of reassuring arms. She instantly burried her slender face into their owners chest, salty tears flinging their bodies down her cheeks vigurously.

'It's okay _______. You'll be fine now, I promise.'

The voice of a reassuring teacher met her ears and her hands clung tightly to his white shirt in the hopes that she would never have to go through anything like that ever again.


'Shh ______, it's okay now. Don't worry.'

His calm hand cradled her head before strands of Tamaki's more than annoying hair brushed into her face as the teacher leaned his head further down, seeming to try and take in the scent of the perfume that she had used pretty carefully- it was a present from her mother before she'd gone away.

'You smell delectable.'

Tamaki's face twisted and his arms began to flail as a more than pissed off voice echoed through the room.

'What the hell are you doing you creep?! You're a teacher! Are you turning into Mr Shido for goodness sake?! This isn't a video game! PPPPPPEEEEEERRRRRRVVVVVVEEEEEERRRRRRTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

Lukan's face turned disgusted as Tamaki moved fron in front of ______'s face that was now shocked, standing her on her feet suddenly and brushing his self off.

'Well then, I guess I should go ______. Tamaki here obviously thinks I'm doing something you don't want, unless you want me to stay?'

'N-No, I want to have a word with Tamaki. I'm sorry Mr Dotchi.'

His face hardened as he called him by his surname, obviously humilliated that he'd misread the circumstances and been found out by a stupid boy who could only flirt with girls.

'You heard her Tamaki, I'm going to leave. You better not do anything stupid here or the school council will hear about your recent escapades.'

'You think I care?' Tamaki's words followed Lukan as he turned on his heel, about to walk away and leave them to their decorating, 'My father is an established leader and there is no reason that he would believe your word over mine. You may leave.'

Lukan was tempted to turn around and wthrow some abuse at him but, someway or another, he managed to compose himself and simply walk away without a word.

'Are you okay ______?'

______ dabbed at her cheeks that were now stained with salty water that she didn't even realise was there, more of it following the example of its leader until she began to sob and decided to pull her knee's tightly into her chest.

'It's okay, don't worry. He won't be back any time soon and I'll tell you what- the King of Christmas can put his star onto the fabulous tree you created.'

Tamaki walked over to the high reaching ladder, climbed to the top and placed the golden star onto the top of it whilst he reconed that angels were singing around him in a more than amazing manner.

'Hikaru, Kaoru. Go find the headmaster- I don't care if I'm not a man of my word, I want that man banished from coming anywhere near my darl- I mean near ______.'

Tamaki hopped down from the ladder and began skipping, seizing the twins by their collars aned kicking their butts out into the hallway as Mori stared emotionlessly, Honey simply dragging him off after them in the hopes of getting a free bit of cake from the cafeteria from working so hard.

*****~Later That Evening~*****

'Hello everyone and welcome to the yearly Christmas Ball! Since it is our 50th anniversary this year, I would like to make a special announcment thanking the Headmaster for his input in all of our events. He surely has planned this well.' Tamaki's voice boomed through the full room, applause following each sentence that he produced- most of it coming from the people that had him for a Host, 'Actually, I would like to make a special thank you of my own. As we all know, the class that performs the poorest at the end of term test is set to sort out the christmas decorations and so Mr Dotchi's form class was chosen. As a matter of fact it seemed that most of the students would not be able to complete the Christmas decorations for this evening due to the fact that many of them were refused a pass to come out of classes. In fact only one of the students was let out of their classes and as you can see she did an amazing job getting all of this ready. Here she is, the one and only _______!!!'

A look of shock spilled across her face as Kyoya directed her to the stage, his clipboard in hand as he beconed her several times with an almost evil gaze.

Her body filed up to Tamaki, smiling briefly at the audience as several girls began to roll their eyes and cry at the fact that she was the one that their King and Lord had been invited onto the stage.

'Listen to me, ______. I was wondering... Oh screw it.'

And with that, Tamaki placed a more than passionate kiss onto her lips and asked her one simple question;

'Be mine?'

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