Matt x Ryuu!Reader

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Title: Push My Button

Song: Bad Apple by Ashe and Rockleetist

For: :iconRecklessAlbinoChibi:

Ryuu's Profile

Name: Ryuu Beilschmidt

Age: 15

Hair Colour: White/silver

Hair Style: Waist length white hair, left facing side fringe that rests just above her eyelashes

Eye Colour: Pink/red

Height: 5’12” [3 inches shorter than Matt]

Personality: Insane, hard to control, paranoid, quiet, obsessed with symmetry and tidiness

Species: Human

Occupation: None (Ryuu was a scienific experiment [seeing if they could produce people with the power of a shinigami resulting in her being created] so everything has been provided for her all through her life)

Home: Whammy’s House

School: Whammy’s House

This does have a lot of Rue Ryuzaki in the beginning but I reassure you it is a Matt x Ryuu!Reader, I promise those fine boobs of yours Ryuu, and all of you other people's breasts- and to all you males out there, I promise your fine ass nipples. Sorry for that... Anyway, I thought this might cheer mein wife up, especially since she's getting her braces today [she's in my club now!] so this may seem kind of long but I shall dedicate to making her day happier for once [also Ryuu, Ukraine and maths lessons... /whispers/ Giant nipples]


'Don't worry Ryuu, I'm the only one here. Come down, please?'

Your footsteps pounded into the excruciatingly cold concrete floor, a puddle of water residing at the bottom of them- spring water to be precise. The reason you knew the specifics? Because you were the one who'd spilled it as per usual. You'd had to run out of Rue's way when one of L's guards had came to check on him and dropped the bottle in the rush to leave- as a matter of fact you'd only just managed to get out alive.

'I got you a present.'

As soon as you reached the bottom of the steep, towering staircase you were greeted by a pair of glowing red eyes and an illuminated white grin that seemed not to care that its owner was behind a set of iron bars.

'What is it?'

The words were strung together quickly, urgently almost, and as soon as the words left his mouth a pale pink tongue an across his lips desperately trying to get you to spill the beans.

'Okay then but I don't think you'll like it Rue.'

'What is it?'

'Well, what do you think it is?'

'What is it Ryuu?!'

The tone of desperation was overtook by one of anger that flooded through his body, his hands instantly shaking the rusty, half painted bars of his lone cell. You knew when exactly to stop teasing the boy- especially with him being a murderer who went through a lot [especially with his strange obsession with being a pyromaniac].

'Jam- strawberry of course.'

'You're right, I don't like it; I love it. Now then, gimme. Right now- come on! Don't leave me waiting. I want it now. Now Ryuu, you hear me? Please. I'm begging you. Come on, I can't live without it. COME ON!'

Short Character x Readers [CLOSED/FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now