You're My Protector (Zarry St...

By IvylinMalik

54.6K 2.1K 339

Zayn was Harry's, Harry was Zayn's Zayn loves Harry, Harry loves Zayn Normal isn't it? But what if one of... More

You're My Protector
•Naughty Nine•
•Twenty One•
•Twenty Two•
•Twenty Three•
*Not an Update*


1.2K 63 5
By IvylinMalik

Louis freaked rushing to the bathroom door. Zayn beat him there and held the door shut.

"Help!" Louis yelled making Zayn hit him on the head watching his body fall to the floor. Harry caught him before he would have been knocked out cold. Louis's body was placed on top of the rug softly.

"Zayn what the fuck!" Harry yelled at Zayn trying his best to keep his voice down.

"He tried to touch you! You expect me not to react?!" Zayn was beyond pissed and was ready to snap at any moment.

"Did you really have to knock him out?" Harry asked nicely trying to calm him down.

"Yes! He can't know I'm here." Zayn gritted his teeth looking down at Louis's body that laid there barely breathing and unconscious but only for a few minutes. Zayn heard a bedroom door open down the hallway and small footsteps walk out.

"Louis?" Liam's deep voice slurred.

"Fuck." Harry whispered as he heard his footsteps go to the bathroom door.

"Louis are you in there?" Liam's hand was on the door knob ready to open it. Zayn cleared his throat before speaking.

"Yes, I'm just using the shitter." Zayn said making his voice pitchy like Louis's.

"Well are you okay? I heard you scream." Liam asked worried. Zayn coughed as the voice he was making was messing with his throat.

"Yes. All fine, go back to bed sweetie." Zayn grasped his throat and scrunched up his face.

"Okay." Liam walked away back into the room. Harry looked over at Zayn wide eyed.

"Since when can you make that voice?" Harry asked with a smile on his face.

"I've been saving it, for prank calls." Zayn said his voice a little raspy.

"Makes sense." Harry nodded shrugging his shoulders.

"Get a moist rag." Zayn told Harry watching him grab a small towel and putting cold water on it. Harry handed it to Zayn watching him place it on Louis's head.

"He's gonna wake up soon, what are you going to tell him?" Harry asked looking down at Zayn then Louis.

"Just make him believe he hit is head and imagined me." Zayn told him standing back up. Both boys watched as Louis started to stir back to conciousness.

"I'll be in Niall's room." Zayn left the bathroom leaving the door open to create the allusion.

"Oh." Louis groaned as he fluttered his eyes open.

"My head." He complained trying to sit up only laying back down again.

"What happened?" He asked looking up at the tall curly lad.

"You fell and hit your head when you were going to the bathroom Lou." Harry told Louis putting his hand softly on top of the rag.

"Are you sure?" Louis asked Harry looking ino the emerald eyes. Harry nodded totally playing off this role.

"Huh." Louis was baffled he swore what he saw was real.

"Why? What happened? What did you see?" Harry asked trying to make his voice sound cheery.

"Zayn. Yeah. Zayn was there, in front of you. Wait a second. He hit me. Yeah he was the one the knocked me out. But Zayn's dead." Louis looked down trying to collect his thoughts.

"Have you been seeing him?" Louis asked Harry his eyes looking full of trust and innocence. Harry bit down on his bottom lip, how could he lie to such a volnerable person in such an innocent state like Louis is?

"" Harry trailed off at a lost for words. The touch of Louis's hand on his shoulder brought him back to Earth.

"Harry, it's okay, I know you loved him, and that it's still hard for you." Louis gave Harry a small smile making Harry nod slowly and give a warm smile back.

"Can you help me up?" Harry nodded and stood up carefully helping Louis up onto his feet. Louis stumbled a little but smiled as Harry caught him and helped him gain his balance. Louis kept one hand up to his head holding the rag in place as Harry walked with him to his shared room.

"God I'm having a major headache." Louis whispered as Harry softly knocked on the bedroom door waiting for Liam to answer. Liam got up from bed and trailed his way over to the door seeing the one who woke him up from his sleep.

"Louis are you okay?" Liam asked concerned as he looked over the small teen.

"Yeah I think so, apparently I hit my head trying to go to the bathroom." Louis laughed softly, sitting down on the soft bed. Liam scrunched his eyebrows together confused.

"What do you mean trying? When I checked on you, you were using it." Liam asked looking at Louis.

"Well Harry told me other wise." Louis said making the both of them look at Harry.

'Oh Shi-toki mushrooms.' Harry thought to himself as all eyes landed on him.

"Harry?" Harry swallowed a lump in his throat as he looked over at Louis.

"Did you lie to me?" Louis asked him watching at how nervous Harry's face started to look.

"What? Me? No." Harry stammered off messing with his hands.

"Your lying, I can tell you are Harry. You mess with your hands when your lying." Liam cutted in folding his arms over his chest. Harry was panicking on the inside, he was not one to be under pressure, he closed his eyes and sighed. He felt a gust of air and the hair on the back of his neck to stood.

"Tell them you just walked in and found him Louis lying in the middle of the rug, knocked out." Zayn whispered into his ear.

"I just walked in and you were like sprawled out on the rug; out cold." Harry shrugged his shoulders feeling relieved.

"And how did you revive him Harry? Your not doctor, that was Zayn's profession." Liam asked cocking an eyebrow.

"Tell them you put a cold damp towelette on his forehead and just waited." Zayn whispered again.

"I just y'know grabbed a towel put water on it and put it on his forehead and just waited for him to wake up. It was a reaction." Harry looked down at his toes then back up at the boys that were eyeing him.

"Thank you Hazza." Louis piped up breaking the silence.

"No biggie Lou." Harry waved at them before closing their door letting them go back to sleep. Harry let out yet another breath of relief as he stepped out into the hallway.

"Why did you tense up like that? You were so close y'know." Zayn asked walking with Harry to Niall's room.

"I froze okay?" Harry sighed walking into the bedroom. Zayn sat down at Niall's computer desk watching Harry lay down on the bed across form Niall's sleeping form.

"Just go to sleep, remember Akshaya is coming in the morning." Zayn reminded Harry. The curly haired lad nodded as he closed his eyes getting all warm from the duvet that was laid on too of him.

"Goodnight Zayn." Harry whispered before he trailed off into a nice sleep, in which he desprately needed.

"G'night." Zayn said softly before spinning around in Niall's desk chair thinking of things.

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