Remember Me? || Jerrie

By XX_Luminary

28.9K 1K 439

Completed Jerrie fanfic [Jade forgets everything that happens to her everyday. Will she ever find out the tru... More

{Chapter 1}
{Chapter 2}
{Chapter 3}
{Chapter 4}
{Chapter 5}
{Chapter 6}
{Chapter 7}
{Chapter 8}
{Chapter 9}
{Chapter 10}
{Chapter 12}
{Chapter 13}
{Chapter 14}
Holiday Oneshots

{Chapter 11}

1.6K 62 23
By XX_Luminary

*Harry POV*

Halloween is just around the corner, and I'm going to host a party in my house in two days like I normally do every Halloween. I have to get everything ready and perfect.

I'm at Tesco, choosing out decorations and other shit with Jade. I usually do it with Perrie, but she's been busy in work lately as a result of one of our staff member quitting due to family problems, and now she's taking extra shifts for help (I only work night shifts, so I never see her that much either).

"Oh I want this one!" Jade shoved a fake spider on my face. "We can get it." I told her and she happily hopped away to the other as I followed her behind with a cart. I stared at her in amusement, she looked like a small child walking through Disneyland.

I stopped in the costume section, because I haven't chosen what I'm going to be this year. I pulled out a random mask and turned to the right, but the little northern girl was nowhere to be seen.


Shit, I can't lose her, Perrie will turn coo coo like a bag of ferrets and that's scarier than any supernatural creatures that exists in the world.

I ran around the huge store, holding down my blue beanie from flying away, in search of the disappearing princess, but instead collided with someone.

"Oh sorry." I quickly said and helped him pick up his stuff from the floor. "Harry?" I looked behind me and found Jade holding on bags of candies.

"I told you not to leave my sight you idiot." I scolded and looked back to the man I accidentally hit. He had a fit body, perfect tan skin and dark fierce eyes.

"I'm sorry about that." I quickly added, "Me hitting you, I mean."

"That's alright."

"Al, I found the Marshmallows." My head snapped towards the direction of the voice. There she was, with her beige wool blazer, dark blue ripped jeans and a white wool fluffy hat. Her smile vanishes when our eyes connected.

"Perrie!" Jade squealed and ran to hug the younger Geordie.

"Hey Pez, I thought you had work today?" I asked. "What? I thought you're off today?" The tall handsome guy (I assume is calle Alex or something) asked. She looked at me for a minute, her mouth making a movement that resembles a gold fish.

"We'll just talk about this later." I said to her and turned my gaze to Jade, who was looking at Perrie lovingly. I pulled her away, and waved goodbye to the two. "Nice meeting you."

"So why do you think she would lie to you?" Jade asked as we look at more decorations, "And who's that Al guy? Have I ever met him before?"
"Nope, I don't know when he came in the picture."

"Came in the picture? Is she replacing me?"

"No, of course not."


"So, we're gonna bake some spooky brownies, with marshmallows and melted white chocolate on top, and cookies shaped dead people and bloody teeth. What else?" She asked, listing it down in her notebook.

I look around the house, trying to think of a new idea. "Fake eyeballs gummies in drinks?" I suggested. "That sounds disgusting."

"Hey guys, what are you guys doing?" Zayn came out the guest room. "Planning the party, wanna help?"

"Sick, why not?" He chuckled and went on to give more suggestions to Jade.

"Is Niall doing alright with the charity football event today?" I asked the gorgeously tan man. "Yea, he just called me a minute ago, saying that he's having fun."

"Is Louis already here?" He looked at me with sympathy and shook his head. "Nope, he's coming to the football event tomorrow, he'll be here soon."

"You guys wanna come and pick up Liam in the airport with me? He decided that he's coming earlier." Zayn said as he went in his room to grab his towel. Jade nodded, and I decided to tag along.

"Sure, now shower you smelly ass."


"So, what time is his flight?" I asked the half Pakistani lad. "He's flight is coming in thirty minutes." He answered, and I looked over to Jade, she looked a little bothered about something.

"You alright there, love?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." Her eyes were glued to her phone. "What you looking at there?" I asked, I stole her phone from her hand, and saw her looking at a picture of Perrie and that Alex dude in Instagram.

"I thought she hasn't broken up with me?" She whispered to my ear, since Zayn still doesn't know about the Jade knowing situation. "I don't know, I'll ask her about it later."

"What are you guys talking about?" Zayn asked. Maybe he knows something about the Perrie situation, they were always really close. "About this Alex guy." I told him, he raised his brow for a second and said, "How do you know about him?" He definitely knows something. I secretly hit Jade on the knee, as a sign for her to start asking things.

"Are they dating?" Jade asked. "Um, no I don't think so. But they have gotten really close. Perrie has told me about him, but not much." He was lying, I just knew it.

"Are they dating?" I repeated the question to Zayn, he looked at me with a serious look on his face and sighed. "No, maybe soon though, I don't think they're official yet. But he did talk to me about it."

Something inside me snapped. First, she lies to me. Then now, she's dating someone, without breaking up with Jade. Isn't that technically cheating?


"I'm gonna go to the loo first." Jade announced, she hasn't spoken much since the car ride, the ride was silent pretty much until we arrived at the airport.

"You knew about Perrie and Alex, and you didn't bother to stop her?" I was mad, mad at him for not telling me or anyone else about it. Will she still take care of Jade? Will she just forget about their relationship? What will she do with the ring?

"Why do I have to stop her? Perrie is her own woman, she can do whatever she wants, and I talked to him before, he's a good man. It's not like Jade will get hurt anyway, she doesn't even remember about them." That's the thing, she does. But I can't tell him that. "Come on, It's been two years. She needs to be happy too, she needs to move on."

"Well, she's not trying hard enough to help Jade, is she? If she is trying, then why doesn't she want Jade to remember about them? Then why doesn't she tell Jade that they're engaged to each other?" I yelled. "You don't understand what she's going through."

Before our fight could explode bigger, someone grabbed our arms, and we were away from the airport.

"Couldn't you guys shut your shouting gears until you were out of the airport?" Liam reproached, and quickly added, "Or couldn't you have wait until the lady was away to fight about their relationship?" He voice was low, not wanting Jade to hear.

"Sorry Li." I said, and Zayn said the same.

"Now let's go, and tell Jade everything is fine and I'll treat you guys out, alright?" We nodded and went in the car Zayn rented.


"We were engaged?" Jade asked. Zayn and Liam were out to buy food. So it was only her and me watching random channels in the TV.

"You heard that?" I frozed. I wanted her to know about them, but not that much, I wanted her to remember that herself. "Yeah, you and Zayn didn't notice me when I came back."

"So, about the engagement. Who proposed? When did it happened?"

"When you woke up, it was not always like this. You still remembered chunks of your daily life, except the actual accident. Then you started forgetting where you were, we thought it wasn't a big deal at first. Then you forgot us too, that's when the doctors started to check up on you, they thought your brain was having a delayed reaction from your accident. But then it got worst, you forgot your age, your identity, and Perrie."

"When did Perrie pop the question?"

"Around the time, when we knew that something was happening, when we felt like something would change."


We were outside Jade's hospital room, Perrie pulled me outside, while Jesy and Leigh talk to Jade. She wanted to finally pop the question, but she was too nervous to.

"I can't do it Haz."

"Come on Perrie! You've been dying to do this for months, you even memorized the whole speech you're going to say, you're ready, trust me. Now that she's finally awake, you have to do it, don't risk losing her again."

"It's not that easy, Harry, what if she's secretly blaming me for everything that happened to her? Do you think she'll like it if I just propose to her while she's in a hospital bed? What if Norma don't approve anymore? The last time she saw me, she screamed at my face and told me to fuck off!"

"Come on Perrie, of course she's not blaming you, no one is blaming anyone, the only to blame is the one who actually hit her, but we don't know who that is, do we? Even if I was not there that day, I still know that Norma didn't mean what she said to you, she wasn't thinking straight that night, I assume no one was." I added, "You don't need to make the proposal big, but I'm sure we can call someone who can help and plan something last minute."

"Yes! That would be wonderful. Call Jake or someone, and tell them to meet us here in twenty minutes. I'll go home and quickly change. We can do this, I know we can." She was suddenly filled with determination, it was adorable.

"Alright, I'll text them right away."

We went back in the room, Perrie rushing straight to her bag. "Where are you going babe?" Jade asked her soon to be fiancé. "I'm gonna go back home and get something, I'll be back as soon as possible." She pecked her lips, and she went to the door. I immediately texted the boys for help.

-'Hey Jake, bring your boys, and your instruments with you here now, I have a favor to ask.'

-'Zayn, Perrie probably already told you this, but don't forget to buy a cake, be here in twenty minutes.'

I looked up from my phone to the girls. "You alright, Harry?"

"Yup, perfectly fine actually."


'Alright, we'll be down there in a minute.' -J. Fedo🎩

I smiled when I saw the message, and went on to tell Louis, Liam and Jed what was happening.

"Hey girls!" Jake popped in the room, quickly kissing his fiancé and hugging the girls.

"I'm not a girl." I complained. "You're kind of a girl too." They laughed and I pouted, before remembering why I called Jake in the first place.

"Come on." I called and we head straight to the door. Charlie, Lewi and Danny were all in the break area. Guitar bags and Lewi's Cajon were scattered beside them as they ate some snacks from the vending machine.

"Hey boys." I greeted and man-hugged all of them. "Hey Harry, why did you need us here?" They asked and I quickly filled them in Perrie's plan. "We know how to do A thousand years by Christina Perri." Charlie said. "Yeah, that's a nice song, but is it appropriate for a proposal?" I questioned, "Are you crazy? Of course is it! It's like one of the most used songs for proposals. And it's one of the only choices we have, we can't rehears a new song in only ten minutes time." They reasoned and I agreed with them. "Get ready, I'll check on Zayn and Niall on the cake."

"Speaking of the devils." Lewi pointed behind me, Zayn and Niall were running towards us, a small paper bag was in Niall's hand.

"Sorry. My phone ran out of battery, I just saw your texts a minute ago." Zayn said. "So, no celebratory cake or anything?! Oh god, Perrie will freak."

"Of course not, we managed to find a little cupcake, and we found something even better too." Niall raised a party horn, "A party horn? Are we trying to celebrate a birthday or something?" I chuckled. "Well It's not really the best thing, but at least it will make things happier."

"Okay! Are we ready?" Perrie ran to us. She's wearing a suede pinafore and black laced-up sandals. It's not exactly appropriate for what's she's about to do, but then again, it's not anythings we planned today is, and she still looks gorgeous anyway. That was good enough.

"What's got you on the mood to pop the question all of a sudden? Why didn't you just wait until tomorrow or when Jade leaves the hospital?"

"I just wanted to finally do it, I don't want to lose her ever again." She gave out a simple answer, no questions asked from us. "Let's do it then." We cheered and went to the door.

"You can do this Perrie!" We pep talked her before opening the door. The boys started singing the song beautifully as Perrie walk in the room. Me, Niall and Zayn decided to wait out the door for a while. Zayn was holding the cupcake, indicating that he is on cake duty.
Niall's unneeded party horn was trapped between his lips, then he pulled out a bottle of silly string, god knows why he has it, but he gave it to me.

"Um... hiya Jadey." She said, nervously. Leigh and Jesy went aside to the wall. "You're probably wondering what's happening. So let me explain. Before I say anything else, I know what I'm going to say is super corny and very cliché, everyone is probably going to cringe. So sorry about that. Now let me start. When you were in a coma, I was miserable, I was starting to lose hope, but it made me realize how much I needed you, I thought about how could someone put up with me, how do you never get tired of how stupid and clumsy I am all the time, even Jesy wants to smack me every time we see each other." She stopped, and looked around. Her eyes stared at us nervously, before taking a breath and continuing, "And being the normal idiotic blonde I am, I have already forgotten everything written down for the speech, and now I'm starting to feel awkward, and this probably the worst proposal you have ever heard. So I'm going to go straight to the point and ask. Will you make me the Uk's happiest northern girl and marry me?" She asked and got on her knee.

Jade's face was filled with shock, but in awe at the same time. "No, I so sorry, but I don't think I'm ready."


All of us silenced, even the music stopped, Perrie looked like she was going to break down, her arms slumped down from the rejection.


"Nah, I'm kidding. Of course I will!" We screamed in happiness and ran in the room. Niall started doing really loud irritating sounds with his horn that didn't match the beat of the song that was playing. I was spraying silly string everywhere without care. Jake and the boys were still playing music, but a more different, up-beat, happy song now. Jesy and Leigh crying in the corner like proud sisters, I understand why, we've been waiting for this to happen in a long time. Perrie was still asking Jade if she was serious. And there's Zayn, making sure that one cheap cupcake was safe from all the madness. There was now nurses and some doctors gathered around the room, clapping and congratulating them.

"Okay, we brought a cupcake, you don't have to share with us." I laughed and handed it to the love birds.

"Sorry about this, we didn't have time to prepare." Perrie told Jade. "No, love. It's alright. I mean, it does look like we're celebrating a birthday party, but this is good enough for me."


"Was that really her speech?" She asked. "Well no, but something along that though, which is really rude of her, cause I helped write the actual speech that she was going to say." Her lips twitched up to a smile, but immediately falling back down.

"Is she dating Alex?"

"I don't know. Just don't worry about it first, I'll ask her later." I patted her head, and we decided to watch a movie while waiting for our food.

*Ring *Ring

My phone rang and vibrated on the table. And I answered it, and I excused myself from the couch.

'I'm sorry Harry.'

"What are you talking about, Perrie?"
I knew exactly what she was talking about, but I wanted to hear it from her own mouth.

'For going behind your back. I know how much you wanted me and Jade to be with each other again. I just figured, that's two years already passed, I need to move on.'

"Okay Perrie, it's your choice. But in one condition," I waited for her to speak before I continue.

'Yeah? I'm listening.'

"She'll start living with me."

'What why? You can't do that, Haz.'

'Yes I can, you two are basically not together anymore. It's not my fault.' My voice was stern and harsh, and I was being unfair. But I don't care, I'm mad at her.

'Please don't be like that, Harry! Why are you like this!?'

"Why do you think?"

'I don't know.'

"Well, while you're figuring that, she'll be staying with me. Goodbye Perrie."

'Har-' I hung up the phone, not bothering to listen to what else she's going to say.

"Harry? Are you alright?" I found Jade behind me and I smiled at her slightly. "How about have a sleep over here today eh? You still have some extra clothes here." I honestly don't know why I was acting like this.

"Um... Sure, Is Perrie okay about it though?"

"I'm sure she'll be."


"So, she is staying here today?" Here comes super Zayn, saving Perrie's ass again.

"I just talked to Perrie, she's devastated. Why are you acting like this, Harry?" His feature soften, trying to be reasonable.

"I don't know. I just think that Jade is not someone that you should easily give up on. You know how fragile she is."

"She'll be fine, trust me. She'll not get hurt, she just thinks they're best friends."

"But she'll think she lost her best friend, she'll think we belittled her."

"Okay fine, I'm staying over at Perrie's until the party, and Jade will be staying here until then. We have two days, to try and solve this." He said and went to the guest room to get his stuff.

"What's wrong with the two of you?" Daddy Liam asked me. "We're fine. Just not agreeing in a few things."

"You better fix this soon."

"Liam, want me to bring you to your hotel before I go to Perrie's?" Zayn asked, his rucksack clinging on his shoulders. "Yeah, let's go." He picked up his case and followed Zayn to the door, not forgetting to give Jade a hug.

"Did you kick him out or something?" Jade asked. "No, but he wanted to stay at Perrie's."

I remembered Niall. Where the hell is he going to stay?


It's been two days since the fight, let's just say that we haven't fixed anything at all. But that's not what I'm worried about today. The party is in a few hours.

Danielle, Jade's old room mate, is hanging up decorations on the wall. While I was sort the beverages and fix the Nachos. We made the nachos plate looking like a pumkin puking out three kinds of sauce, and placed loads of nachos on the side. I put wine glasses, and the common red cups that teenagers use for parties now a days beside the drinks, these are usually only bought in America, so I had to order some from Ebay. My main goal is to get people drunk today. I don't why, but it seems fun.

Niall was making sure the brownies were baking fine, and Jade was making sure he wouldn't eat all of them.

My costume is only one piece of clothing, and it's ridiculous. I haven't seen Jade's outfit, but our friends Anna, who is a professional body artist is helping the girls set up their looks today, so that means it'll be great. She made Jade show up as Mystique two years ago. But last year it was our friends, Adam and Aaron who helped the girls with their 'Kiss' costume last year. As for Niall, I just saw a red mask with horns and red body paint, I think we already know what's his going to be.

*Perrie POV*

"You look absolutly fab, Perrie." Zayn commented. Anna just finished my makeup. I was originally supposed to be the dumb and dumber guys with Leigh, but her friend Sam wanted to be Purge killers. So I asked Anna to help me with her magic, and she made me look like the beautiful Poison Ivy.

"You look amazing too, Zayn." He was going as the handsome Edward Scissor hand in the famous Tim Burton film, but no one can beat Johnny Depp.

"Okay guys, I'm off to Jade's now." Anna said. I looked to the corner of the house where Leigh and Sam were, with their other friend, Grace, dressed as Honey G. "Alright, see you late. Thank for helping us." She got her small case of equipment and other materials, before leaving the house to help Jade get ready.

"So about you and Jade? What's your plan for today?"

"I don't know, I'll just work it through later."

"Well, come on then, let's not be late." Leigh said and we agreed with her. We checked that everything was alright before leaving to the party.

The party was loaded, loud music making the floor vibrate, bright colorful lights flashing all around the house, making it difficult to see —If I were still my oldself, I would've hate it, by the time I step in the room, I would've been moping around, looking like an actual zombie. But that person is gone. And now I love this kind of scenery, it's makes my blood pump with excitement.

It's a good thing that Harry's grumpy old next door neighbors went away for the week, or they would be complaining to the cops right now, it would ruin the whole the whole party.

We have been at the party for ten minutes, I still haven't seen Harry or Jade in this huge apartment. I've already saw Louis already, all he wore is white face-paint on his face, outlined his eyes and mouth with black paint, and a ripped shirt, I consider that as lazy costume preparation.

Liam soon showed up with a highly detailed suit of Batman, with the mask and everything else, all he's missing is a Batmoblie.

My eyes were still searching everywhere for other people I knew. Claudimar was here as expected for that party animal, he painted his face as a skeleton, dancing crazily with Rendall. I used to hang with him a lot that people would think we were dating.

Then my eyes averted to the one and only Danielle Peazer. I didn't even know she came, she is still as gorgeous as before dressed in a white bloody bride's gown.

"Since when was she here?" I asked Zayn, who was trying to find his boyfriend in the crowd of people. "Niall said that Danielle was helping them with the Party."

"Want a drink? I think I see Niall there somewhere." He asked and I nodded, remembering to thank him before he disappeared in the crowd.

I then saw Jade emerged from Harry's bedroom, she was dressed as Detox. I don't know if Harry would still tell her what I used to or if he added a little extra to the story, or did he convert Jade's mind into disliking me. You never know what Harry can do if he's mad.

I stared at her intently, trying to seek her attention. I gave up when I realized how stupid I must have looked.

"Go and talk to her!" Harry encouraged. I was shock that he was talking to me, but I was more shock of his costume.

He was party Miley Cyrus, barely wearing anything, except little tight short shorts, covering only his private parts, his hair was pony-tailed in two sides. This has to be the most disturbing costume I saw in this party. I snapped out of it when he pushed my arm.

"Quit staring at me, I know I look magnificent. But you need to talk to the woman, you look like a puppy whose been abandoned."

"I can't." I admitted. "Oh come on. I haven't told her anything about your relationship, she still thinks that she's having a sleep over. Here, have this, it'll help." I accepted his cup of beer and chugged it.

"Go on." He patted my back, and gave me a supportive thumbs up.

I walked to the ombré beauty, I was waiting for the alcohol to officially kick in my system.

"Hey Jade." I called. She looked at me and smiled. "Perrie, you look amazing! How are you?"

"I'm doing well, can I talk to you somewhere private?" She nodded and we went to Harry's room, where Hatchi was. I picked the little cutie and fondled his soft golden fur as I wait for Jade to close the door.

"I know what you're going to say." She stated and I lifted my tampered glittery brow at her. I thought Harry didn't tell her anything, except what we normally tell her. "What do yo-" I was silenced in surprise when she said, "I know about me and you." My lips went into a straight line.

"Don't get mad at Harry, he didn't tell me anything, I just remembered it this morning. I was confused when I woke up this morning, I went out and found a man making breakfast, I was horrified, I thought I cheated on you." She chuckled lowly, then continued.

"I asked him where I was, and he told me everything. Then he told me that you guys had a fight about a guy called Alex. And I instantly pieced it all together. So now, I've decided to save you from saying it." I knew what was coming, I needed to stop her.

"Jade stop." But she was having none of it. "I love you Perrie. I love so much that I'm ready to let go of you. It's alright if you choose him, I'm totally cool about it, as long as you're happy I'm good." Her eyes start to get glossy as she kissed my cheek.

"Wait Jade, that's not what I was going to say, please don't do this." I grabbed her shoulders before she could move away.

"Please Perrie, don't make this any harder." She smiled weakly, before removing my hands from her shoulders and immediately leaving the room. Not even waiting for me to respond anymore.

I ran out of the room, desperately searching for Jade. I later saw Harry walking stomping towards me, his face visible with anger.

"What the hell, Perrie? I told you to talk to her, not make her cry!" He yelled.
"I didn't do anything, I swear. Let me talk to her." I shouldered pass him, but he held into my wrist firmly, "I'm not letting you. You caused enough pain." I growled at him and tried kicking him away.

"Harry stop, you're not thinking straight." Louis stood in front of him, blocking me protectively, while Zayn wrapped his arms around me. All eyes were on us, it felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Come on, let's get you a cup of water." Louis forced Harry into the kitchen as Zayn pulled me back to the guest room where they were staying.

"You brought back all your things back already?" I asked, his rucksack was on the bed, beside his sliver brief-case like, luggage. "Yeah, I'm sorry. I thought you were going to clear everything and tell her that you were ready to try again, I didn't know it would turn out like this. And sorry about Harry, you know how he is when he's mad and drunk." Zayn continued, "I'm gonna sleep back in your house again I guess."

"No, stay here with Niall." He held my hand, "You don't have to worry about us, we talked about it already, we're perfectly fine. we decided that we're not leaving until this is fixed. We're with you in every step."

"Thanks Zayn, I love you guys." I hugged him. "Now go back out and have fun, your boyfriend is probably worried about you. I'll just stay here and find a way to relax for a bit."

"Actually, do you mind lending me a drag?" I knew I was stupid for asking him that, but I was really stressed, I need something to help me. "No Perrie, I'm not letting you go back to your old habits!"

"Fine, I won't do it." I rolled my eyes as the lie shoot out my mouth and laid down on the bed. "I'm going out for a bit. But I'm warning you Perrie, I swear if you're thinking about doing it again. Don't."

I waited for him to leave, before I could run to his bed-side drawer and grab the pack of cigarettes. I knew Zayn would have some lying around, no matter how much he averse the idea of me doing it again, I knew he couldn't stop himself.


"What is this Perrie?" Zayn yelled as he ran to me, along with his boyfriend, Niall. I was in an alley near the hospital, hiding in the darkness, watching the smoke flow out my mouth.

"Cigarettes." I said casualty and shrugged. "No! Stop that, Perrie. It's bad for your health, it causes cancer. It will cause a lot of complications!" I knew the risks of smoking, but I couldn't help it. Once you put one between your lips and inhaled, you know that you are done for, it's hard to give up. Cigarettes is a way to release pain, stress. It's a craving, an addiction. The urge won't leave me just like that.

"I thought you stopped. I said that I wouldn't tell anyone if you stopped! You promised me that you will not do it ever again. What happened to the pack of gum I gave you?" He got some 'Extras' gum from his back pocket and handed it to me. I give him a 'What the hell?' face and smacked the gum to the floor. Gum is gum. You chew on it until the taste disappears, "It helps nothing."

"It does, you just need someone to encourage you."

"Stop trying to help me, I don't need you!"

"No, we won't stop. We're already struggling with Harry and Jade's condition. We can't let anything happen to you too. Imagine what Jade would think when she wakes up and finds Harry like that, find you like this! We know you're stress, but please Perrie!"


It's true, when Jade first got in a coma, I got so depressed, that I started drinking, hanging out with random people. But the squad got my head straighten, and put me back up at my feet again.

I survived one and a half year clean. Why not damaged that record? Just one little fast one won't hurt, would it?

I put the pack in Zayn's little bag, along with a lighter and extra tissue. I sneaked out of the room, heading to the table, grabbing a bottle of beer, because why not?

"Hey Perrie, I heard what happened. You alright?" I instantly hid the bottle behind my back and faced Leigh. Putting on a fake smile and nodded. I am glad that Jesy wasn't here right now, or she would've tailed me all night.

"Where you heading?" She asked, "I just need some air, I'll be back very soon." I explained, "Alright then, be careful and remember to bring your phone incase of an emergency."

I decided to take the stairs straight to the roof, no one would expect me to be there. I lit the cigarette and opened the cap of my beer, taking a big swig as I stare into the busy streets of London, and the bright lights illuminating from houses and street lights. It was comforting, I let the fresh air fill my nostrils, before sucking in another breath of minty smoke from the cigarette into my throat.

I repeated my actions from earlier, and sighed contently.

"What the hell are you doing Perrie?" My eyes darted up to the entrance door when Jade's tiny voice rang in my ears. She was still in costume, her face bubbling red with fury.

"Give that to me now!" She demanded, I would have listened to her if I was completely sober, but instead I blew a puff on her face and laughed when she almost gagged out of disgust. She took it from my hand, ignoring my protest and crushed the burning end of it on the railing fence of the roof, only the polluted residue of ashes left as the solid remainings of the cigarette fell into the streets.

I took a sip of my beer and asked, "What did you do that for? Just leave me alone." An unexpected smacked met my chest. "You idiot! You are so stupid." She yelled, her voice wavering. "Ouch! What the fuck was that for? Why do you even care so much?" My low, grating voice came out. She had an incredulous look on.

"Perrie! What do you mean by why do I care so much?!"

My anger was getting to my head, I frustratedly threw my bottle of beer on the floor, making the whole thing burst apart, and froze when I saw a shred of glass cut into her leg, drawing blood from the surface. I dug around Zayn's little bag, finding the tissue, kneeling down to press it on her leg.

"I'm so sorry! That was not on purpose, I swear." The massive guilt inside me was calling my sober brain to come back. I dabbed the wound lightly, and looked at the mark, it has already stopped bleeding, I held the tissue on her leg a little longer, applying pressure to the wound, incase It might start bleeding again.

"All better, we have to go back down and patch this up." I looked at Jade's face, and saw streaks of tears flowing out of her eyes. I reached out to run a hand through her hair, but she jerked away.

"You were joking right?"


"About me not caring. I was willing to change everything for you. But I don't care? When I wake up tomorrow, I wouldn't remember any of these, I won't know who you chose. I wouldn't notice that everything around me changed, Perrie! I am willing to change my whole life for you! So don't you ever say that I don't care, because I fucking do." I stared at her in awe as she pants heavily after her speech.

I set my hand on her shoulder and head, pulling her in, so our foreheads were touching.

"I chose you, Jade."


Sorry. This chapter is not my best.

🎈👹Happy Halloween everybody!👻🎉 I hope that you'll have fun this year, but if you live in a country like me 🇨🇳, where nothing will happen in Halloween, and trick or treating is a weird thing😱😭 I feel ya bruh!

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