Asher's Heart

By rhxpsodicxlly

2M 78.7K 18K

Unlike everyone else, Ellie Anderson thought she had it easy in high school. Except for the first year. It su... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Acknowledgments | Character Interview
Extra #1
Extra #2

Chapter 35

39.2K 1.6K 445
By rhxpsodicxlly

"You know, I've been observing something lately," Brooke spoke up as I tried to fix the beads on my hair.

"Mmhmm," I said because my hair was taking all my concentration. I wanted it to be perfect.

"Megan said she was better observer than me. I had to prove her wrong so I have been observing your boyfriend for past two weeks," she said.

Now that the beads were in place I looked at her. She was dressed up as Wonder woman, saying she didn't want to waste the night dressing up as something scary when she could be dropping jaws instead. I had other plans.

"You were spying on my boyfriend?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

She rolled her eyes and stood up, her long boots making her look incredibly tall. She walked up to me and fixed my bandana.

"He was the only one who I didn't know and who was hanging out with us the most," she said.

"You don't know Megan," I said just because I could.

"She could cheat," she muttered. I wondered what Megan would dress up as.

"Anyway, I observed something," she started. I waited for her to continue as I put eyeliner on my eyelids.

"I think Evan is suffering from anorexia," she said quickly.

I took in a deep breath.

"I know," I admitted.

"You do?"

I nodded.

"Yes! I was right. I knew I was a good observer," she stopped when she saw the look I was giving her. "I'm sorry. It's not a good thing. I was hoping to be wrong," she said.

"No, you weren't," I stated.

She huffed and crossed her arms.

"Whatever. You knew this. Why didn't you do anything?" she asked.

I saw my reflection on the mirror. I still didn't look manly enough. I turned and leaned against my vanity table.

"What could I do? Trust me, if I could shove food down his throat I would. He avoids the topic like it's fire. I still do whatever I can to make him eat," I told her. It was really worrying me since I came to realize it. He gets all defensive whenever I try to bring it up. I didn't know how to make him talk to me about it.

"He is getting thinner," Brooke said, a hint of worry in her tone. "I don't know why he wants to get thin. Nobody likes lanky boys."

"I don't think it's about looks," I said. I thought if I should share this with her. It was kind of personal. And it wasn't like I had any proof. I just assumed it from what I knew and assumptions had a bad habit of being wrong. "I think it's about his choice," I said, keeping most of it with me.

She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Help me with the makeup. I don't think I'm capable of looking scary," I said and turned back to look at the mirror.

She scoffed. "Have you seen yourself half of the time?"

I rolled my eyes, but a smile broke out on my face.


Sadie, one of the cheerleaders, dressed up as Harley Quinn, Brooke and I were hanging out with said, "Oh. My. God." All six of us turned to look where she was looking.

My eyes widened.

It was Megan. And she was looking hot. She caught my eyes and made her way towards our group, smiling shyly. She was dressed up as Catwoman and let me tell you she was totally pulling it off. Her red hair was nowhere in sight, covered by the mask.

"You look... " I didn't even have words.

The people around us snickered and soon they were full out laughing. Megan frowned.

"What the hell are you laughing at?" I said angrily. They were ruining it. They were ruining Megan's Halloween. It took a lot of courage on her part to dress up like that and they were smashing her confidence.

"Stop," I said, glaring at them.

"What were you thinking dressing up like that?" Amy sneered.

Megan looked like she was about to cry, but was trying everything to hold it back.

"She looks like someone covered her in tar," another girl said and they broke out in another fit of laughter. Those bitches!

Megan looked up and saw Brooke laughing too, hurt and betrayal crossed her face before she turned and ran away.

I gave Brooke a disappointed look before going after her. It took me a lot of time finding her in such a crowded place. Noel had gone over board this year. The whole house was decorated with candles and pumpkins and every here and there you would find something spooky. His parties were always the best, but still I saw many faces I didn't recognize.

At last I found her sitting on a swing in the backyard. The same swing Evan and I had got drunk the last time Noel threw a party. It seemed so long ago, but really it was just a few weeks.

My steps halted when I noticed she wasn't alone. Noel was with her. Noel was this cute guy with messy hair who looked like he just had an amazing party night, which he probably did most of the time. She didn't look sad anymore, but was smiling as Noel said something to her.

I backed away, not wanting to disturb whatever was going on. I bumped on someone.

"I'm sorry," I apologized as I turned around.

"Jack Sparrow," Woody said.

"Captain Jack Sparrow," I corrected.

Asher smirked.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Adding to the awesomeness of the party?" he grinned cheekily.

It was weird. As far as I knew he avoided going to parties at all costs. What changed?

I decided not to go there because it was a dangerous territory and I planned on enjoying tonight.

"What's Ashton come as?" I asked instead.

"Oh he is a zombie," he replied and pointed inside where I could barely make out a person walking like a zombie from the wide glass doors. If he was Ashton he really did a good job on that make up. He looked unrecognizable and dead.

"Let's go inside," I said. I peeked a last glance at Megan to make sure she was okay and went inside.

"You coming?" I asked Asher when he didn't make a move to follow me. He hesitated before nodding.

"You know what? Let's stay here. It's nice outside," I said and walked to the other side of the massive backyard, more like a back garden. There were hardly any people here, the few who were here were far too busy to pay any attention to us.

I wondered if Evan was here. He was supposed to meet me half an hour ago. We walked until I found a bench and sat down, patting the space beside me for him to sit. He looked ridiculous in his yellow cowboy costume, but cute.

"So, what changed your mind?" I asked. I know I had decided to move go there, but I couldn't help myself. Maybe now that something had changed between us he would tell me.


"I mean what made you come to the party?" I asked.

He pursed his lips, then smirked.

"Honestly, I was hoping to catch a certain someone in a sexy costume but damn my prayers were not answered," he said.

I let out a chuckle.

"So sad," I commented.

"Remember we used to watch this movie together? You loved Woody," he said.

"I think I liked Andy better," I countered.

He scoffed.

"No you didn't," he said confidently.

Okay, he might be right. I didn't like Andy better. Well, not until the third part when he all of a sudden became hot. But he didn't need to know that.

"You look ridiculous in that," he said, pointing to my mustache.

I huffed.

"Oh please. I make the best pirate," I said.

"Pretty sure I'd make a better pirate than you any day," he challenged.

"Oh really?"

"Uh huh," he nodded.

"Let's see then, next year you dress up as a pirate and I'll dress up as Woody. Then we'll decide who's better," I said.

"That's fine and all, but you'll not dress up as a man again next year. I'll decide what you'll be," he said with a malicious glint in his eyes. I so did not like that.

"And what would that be?" I asked, hoping that my nerves weren't as obvious in my voice.

He smiled to himself. "It's gonna be so much fun," he rubbed his palms together in a creepy way. I scooted away from him.

"Hey! I haven't said yes to that," I said.

He waved me off. "Doesn't matter. It is your bet, means you are in it by default," he said.

"That's stupid," I said.

"That's logic," he countered.

My reply was cut off by the buzzing of my phone. I took it out and saw a message from Evan. He was here. I messaged him to meet at at the back and pocketed my phone.

I stood up to go.

"See you later, Woody," I said to Asher.

He stood up too.

"I'm coming with," he said.

"No, you don't have to," I said. He narrowed his eyes on me. "If you don't want to," I finished.

"It's alright Sparrow," he said.

We walked back in silence. As much as my brain was forcing me to ask questions, I didn't. It wasn't the right time. I was surprised to find I believed that Asher would tell me himself. I just needed to give him time.

Evan was leaning against the glass door, when I reached. I pouted at him.

"You didn't dress up," I stated as he took me in his arms.

"You're dressed up as a dead body? Oh wait. That's what you look like every day," Asher said as he climbed the few steps leading to the glass door.

I rolled my eyes.

Evan ignored him.

"You stink," he said to me, scrunching up his nose.

"I'm a pirate. What'd you expect?" I said, kissing his scrunched up nose. He smiled widely at me.

"Let's go in?" he asked. I nodded.

"You said you were Ashton," an accusing voice caught our attention. We turned to look, Evan's arm still around me.

Asher was rubbing the back of his neck. "Oops! I guess my secret is out," he said.

The accusing voice was of Kelsey. She was dressed up as a mermaid. That was just for naming it. In reality she wore a blue bikini top decorated with different kinds of shells and gems and a tiny blue fabric was wrapped around her hips, with more shells on it. That was all she was wearing.

"Why? Why did you lie to me?" she said. She seemed a bit hysterical if you asked me. I wondered how much she had to drink.

Asher looked uncomfortable as he raised one of his eyebrows. He put his hands in his pockets, looking anywhere but at her, probably wondering what to say to her.

"It's because of her isn't it?" she demanded. "What do you see in her?" she pointed at me. I raised both my eyebrows. I didn't realize she knew I was here.

"What is it that she has, but I don't?"

"Kelsey," Asher said.

"Tell me!"

"Kelsey you're drunk. We will talk when you're in your right mind," he said calmly.

A crowd was starting to gather around us.

"Talk now Asher! What do you see in her?" she grabbed his arm and shook him roughly.

Evan let go of me and tried to pull Kelsey off Asher.

"Let me go!" she yelled at Evan.

"Kelsey, calm down. Let's go inside and you can talk to him tomorrow," Evan tried to talk sense into her.

"What's happening?" Megan whispered in my ear.

"I have no idea," I answered shaking my head. I caught sight of other cheerleaders who were watching this with amused faces. Weren't they her friends? Brooke came over to me.

"What's happened to her?" she inquired. I shrugged.

"Trust me you don't wanna say that," Evan said to her.

What? I lost track of what they were saying.

"You sick bastard, let me go!"

He let her go. She turned on Evan, momentarily forgetting about Asher. Ashton, still looking like a fantastic zombie stood beside him and they talked without actually saying anything. They did that a lot. It was like they had this telekinesis power or something. I guess it came with being twins. Or having an amazing understanding.

"You can't even do a single job!" Kelsey screamed.

"Stop it," Evan said calmly, but I knew him enough to know he looked tense.

"I told you to do one thing! One thing!" she stomped her foot.

"Kelsey, let's go inside," Evan made a grab for her arm, but she was flailing them around, making it impossible for him to get a hold. I didn't know Evan was this close to Kelsey. I had never seen them being friendly before, but watching them right now made obvious that they were quite familiar with each other. I shouldn't be surprised though. It was Kelsey after all who first brought Evan up at the cafeteria months ago.

"How hard was it to keep her away?" she demanded. I furrowed my eyebrows. Evan stood silently now, not bothering to do anything else.

Kelsey didn't stop.

"You really are a loser, Evan. Even after all these months you can't make her yours," she spat. Evan didn't meet my eyes.

"What the hell?" Brooke breathed.

Megan grabbed my arms, because my knees nearly gave out as everything she said started making sense.

Kelsey stumbled to stand in front of me and gave me a nasty smirk.

"You thought Evan would really be interested in you?" she sneered. "I made him do that. I made him date you so that you would get off Asher's back!" she screamed in my face.

I flinched.

"But you bitch! You didn't leave him alone!" she lunged at me.

Two punches sounded at the same time. Kelsey was sprawled at my feet, groaning and Evan was holding his bloody nose. Brooke blew at her fist and Ashton held Asher back from pummeling Evan.

I stood there, not moving as hurt and betrayal drowned me. Tears pricked my eyes as I willed them not to fall. People around me waited silently for my reaction.

Noel made his way to the middle of the circle.

"I enjoyed the show however soon  it ended," he said, looking at Kelsey who seemed to have passed out.

"Anyone wants more alcohol?" he asked the audience.

He got hoots and cheers in return. He led the crowd back into the house which I was grateful for because as soon as most of the people went inside, I slid to the floor.

"I hope she's not dead. I have to beat her to shit when she wakes up," Brooke said glaring at Kelsey as Amy and Dana dragged her inside.

"Ellie," Evan said and I closed my eyes shut, a tear rolled down my cheek.

Another grunt sounded as Ashton punched him in the face.

"Get outta here bastard," he said.


Hey awesome people!!!
Do you like it? Yes? 😁No? 😢

I'm really sorry for not updating, but school has been killing me. Also, I was having second thoughts about this book. There are so many things I want to change, so many thing I want to be different that it wouldn't be possible to make those changes while editing. I'll have to rewrite the whole thing. I was like why am I wasting my time continuing writing it when I have to change it all anyway? But then I realized I couldn't do that to you guys when you have been nothing but amazing and supportive to me. So, I have decided to complete this story as it is here!!! I hope it makes you happy that I won't leave you hanging. 😂😂

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Thank you everyone for reading this story! Really, it means a lot to me. I love you all! ❤❤

Happy reading!

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