The Pretty Boys

By GladysVanessa

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Zariah McCalister, has no idea what's she's getting herself into when she transfers to Cambridge Over-Sea's A... More

The Pretty Boys
Chapter 0.0: Airplane Mishap
Chapter 0.1: Welcome To Cambridge Academy
Chapter 0.2: Ms. Stares-A lot
Chapter 0.3: X Never Goes With Y
Chapter 0.4: Writtled Scars & V-Shape Lines
Chapter 0.5: Pretty Boy Nerd Tease
Chapter 0.6:T R O U B L E
Chapter 0.7: Pepper Spray & Motorcycles
Chapter 0.8: Mind Teasing & Hipster Glasses
Chapter 0.9: You're A Good Boy
Chapter 1.0: The Side Effect Of Aaron Taylor
Chapter 1.1: Boys & Skanks
Chapter 1.3: With Ears You See, & Eyes You Hear.
Chapter 1.4: Secret Diaries Make The Perfect Superman
Chapter 1.5: The Future Pretty Boy Baby Kidnapping
Chapter 1.6: The Devil's Backbone
Chapter 1.7: Dancing With The Devil
Chapter 1.8: You Don't Hurt People You Love

Chapter 1.2: When You Go Bonkers, Kill Someone

20.7K 677 72
By GladysVanessa

Don't fuck this up. I felt my heart beating against my chest begging for me to let it free. I had taken off the transparent shirt exposing my bra "shirt". I pulled up to the gated mansion. There were expensive cars parked nicely around the mansion. One by one the cars were stopping by the gate talking to a guy who looked around our age.

 The back of my neck tickled as I pulled up to the guy. Act normal Zariah. Okay. Not your normal these type of people normal! I lowered the window smirking at the guy. His eyes landed first on my chest before looking straight into my eyes. He wasn't ugly at all, and I was right, he was around our age a bit older. His grey eyes stayed glued on me.

 "Are we good to go in?" My voice came out flirtatious.

 The guy looked at Chloe then at me. "You ladies are in for a hell of a party," He winked at me.

 I looked over at Chloe hiding the panic expression on my face. "It's exactly what we are looking for!"

 Chloe nodded. I could tell she was trying to keep her cool. I looked back at the guy giggling.

 "We brought the guys behind us, hopes that's okay," I twirled my finger around my hair.

 He looked at the guys and shrugged. "Go right in,"

 I shifted the stick and went inside the long driveway. Once we weren't near the guy Chloe and I let out a loud sigh. We were both dying from the nervousness. Once we parked we stepped out of the car. I stare at the mansion not surprised to hear the music blasting. So here it was where they steal girls and sell them. A group of girls passed up by laughing and joking around. I felt a huge guilt for letting them go inside there. Poor girls didn't know what expected them.

 I felt a warm hand on my bare waist. Aaron stared at the mansion disgustedly. I didn't know what to say about his hand being there. I couldn't tell if the little kiss at the cemetery change out status quo, but he needed to remember only us knew about it.

 "I really don't want you two in there," He talked suddenly. "I don't know what can go wrong,"

 I found my way to his concern expression on his face. "Everything is going to be okay," I took his hand off of my waist and walked towards the huge wooden doors.

 I had no clue where this burst of courage was coming from. I'm not the type of person to do any of this. I should be in Cambridge working on my homework, not at a black-market girl fest. The doors open exposing the hundreds of girls and guys dancing all around the house. The music was on full blast making the walls vibrate. For a second there it made me think of the Great Gatsby parties. Was this similar to that?

I felt Aaron push me inside the party. Just by entering I could feel the bad vibe taking over. This place was crying out danger. These girls needed to leave, and made sure never to come back to London. My eyes followed the way their bodies were rubbing against everyone around them. I imagined the nasty feeling of having strangers sweating bodies touching my skin. I quickly looked away, before I decided to backed out.

"Stand straighter, pop out your chest and butt, and take off that nervousness look on your face," Aaron whispered in my ear, playing it off as he tugged a strand of hair behind my hair.

Damn it, he was good! Even in tight situation he could persuade me. Why couldn't he be the one finding Zendaya and not me! He was a better actor. I did what I was told plastering a fake smile. We went straight to the kitchen. In a cup Aaron powered some hard liquor in it.

"She's someone in here find her. Once you find her don't let her go, for the mean time, the guys and I are going to go pay a visit to the gate boy," Aaron said quietly.

I stared at the liquor. I don't drink. I've been sober for the last six months. Besides being a cutter I was a hardcore drinker. Zac stepped beside me an took the cup away from me. Aaron and I both looked straight at him.

"She can't drink," He said firmly.

I looked down at the ground timidly. When Zac gets protective of me, I became weak under his power. I was  powerless to him. He was the person who stood by my side during my hard times, he knows what liquor does to me.

"It's not even a quarter of the cup. It's enough to make her breath smell like it," Aaron wouldn't understand. He probably judge me then compare me to Caroline.

"I promised I wouldn't drink anymore. So I can't," I spoke up.

Aaron sighed. "I'm not going to pressure you into it, but relax a bit. If you keep giving off that nervousness vibe they'll know something is up," he told me.

I nodded. Zac placed the cup behind Aaron and they all left the kitchen. Chloe steps next to me titling the drink towards her mouth. I know I promised Zac I wouldn't drink anymore but I don't think I'll go back to old ways, not after this. In that cup there's enough to relax me and helps find Zendaya.

Without another thought I grabbed the cup behind me, gulping it down. The old feeling-the memories, the pain came flashing back, but the same way they appeared I managed to disappear them. That Zariah wasn't alive anymore. I didn't need to be reminded of the old me.

"Let's find this girl, and get the fuck out of here," I told Chloe stepping out the kitchen.

Zac had given me a not so detail image of Zendaya. He only said once I saw her I would know it's her! It made no fucking sense. This was making no sense. The music suddenly was sounding more intruding then I remember. I glanced down at my hands and they felt weird. I felt weird. What the hell was in that drink?

As I tried making sense of what was going on I found myself in the middle of two guys rubbing my body all over them. One of them traces their finger from the point of my neck down between my chest. I wanted to push them away from me, instead I raised my hands in the air letting them fondle me. I look around and see Chloe doing the same. Her arms were wrapped around this guys neck as she danced for him. Was she realizing we were drugged? That had to be it, the liquor wasn't that strong to begin with. This was how they lured these girls.

I pushed the guys away stumbling up the stairs. Opening random doors I finally found the restroom. Locking the door behind me I bend over the sink drinking as much water as I could. I had to flush out the alcohol out of my system. Then I had to find Chloe. I wiped my mouth sighing heavily. The water felt refreshing to my insides. From the curtains of the shower I could see someone sitting there.

"What are you doing there?" I opened the curtains and a girl was curled up in a ball. She was in tears when she saw me.

"Please don't hurt me!" she cried.

"Hurt you? No I'm not going to hurt you!" I exclaimed. "Are you okay?"

She looked panicked. "I want to go home. This isn't a party, once I saw her I knew what type of party this was. My dad clearly said to stay away from her!" she cried out.

"Wait, you saw Zendaya?" I questioned her lowering my voice.

 She nodded. "Are you looking for her? You don't look like a girl who would be at these type of parties," she confessed.

 She saw right through me. "I'm not but I need to find her. She has someone I care about,"

 The girl frowned. "If it's a her then I assure you, your friend is way gone."

 "No he is a guy,"

 The girl looked a bit taken back with my answer.

"My dad is on his way and if I was you I would find her and get out of here,"

It wasn't so hard to figure out this girl was worth something. She probably is the whole reason why Zendaya changed the party date. Even if her dad is on his way, if they find her before he gets here, she's a goner.

"What's your name?"

Her light brown eyes stared at me. "Roxanne, yours?"

"Zariah," I extended my hand out and shook her hand. "Look, we both know if they find you, you're a goner. So come with me, my friends and I can protect you until your dad gets here,"

Roxanne runs her fingers through her hair. I get it, you can't trust people at these parties, but I meant no harm to her. At least from all the girls here I wanted to help at least one out. She stood up from the bathtub stepping out.

"She's down stairs in the back,"

I looked in the mirror and fix myself. I was going to get Chloe, find the boys, and leave. Hopefully way before Roxanne dad gets here since he doesn't sound like a guy to mess with. I loosen Roxanne bun letting her hair fall, and took off her leather jacket. If those guys were looking for her at least now they didn't know how she looked.

We went back down stairs proceeding as quick as we could towards the back. As I made my way I looked around for Chloe hoping to find her. But she was nowhere in here. My stomach twisted into a knot. Logan made it clear not to get separated! We stepped outside to the back where there was another whole different party going on. Chloe was with the same guy grinning on him. Her eyes made contact and they signal for me to look to my left. When I did I saw her-Zendaya sitting on the couch with some friends. I could see why Zac said once you see her you know it's her.

She gave off the evil vibe. Roxanne turns the opposite direction from her, hiding her face. I needed to get Zendaya without causing a whole lot of commotion.

"How are you going to talk to her? Her bimbos are all around," Roxanne whispered.

I glanced to my sides and saw them dressed as normal college guys. I titled my head to the side, it was crazy. My idea was extremely stupid and crazy, but I didn't know how else to confront her. Not everything was going to be easy as pie.

"Follow me," I told her. Chloe and Roxanne followed me back inside to the kitchen.

"We need to let the guys know where she is," I told Chloe.

 She agreed. "But I haven't seen them since they left the kitchen,"

 "Aaron said he was going to talk to the guy by the gate we should-"

"Girls it's time to leave," Aaron voice said. We all turned around to look at his direction. He had this whole different look on his face then before it was scary.

I looked down at his knuckles to see them bruised. What the hell did he do to the guy? Kill him?

"We found her," Chloe said.

"Yeah but they know we are here and it isn't safe," He quickly said pushing us out the door. I grabbed onto Roxanne taking her with us.

We rushed over to the car getting inside. The boys were already on their motorcycle and cars. As I turned the ignition I shook my head.

"We can't leave without knowing where Khole is," I told Chloe.

 "I'm sure the guys found something out," She assured me.

I shook my head. Something told me they found out nothing. Zendaya was our answer to everything. Dear God, what was I thinking! Why was I given the strength to feel like I can do the impossible?

I grabbed my cell phone dialing Aaron. "Is Daniel on his way?" I asked him as soon as I heard him answer.

"Yeah and the chick you have with you. Her dad is on his way too, a fucking battle is going to break loose so let's go!"

I hanged up. I remembered back to the night when we got chased. All Khole wanted was for me to be safe. And all I want is for him to be back. I had to do it. I reached over the glove carparment and took the gun out.

"Zariah what the hell are you doing?" Chloe yelled at me as I got out the car.

 I don't know!

"Stay in the car if I'm not back in five minutes leave!"

I could hear Zac and Aaron running behind me but I was already inside the party again. I kept the cold gun low enough for no one to notice it. My eyes were locked on the price. Once I was outside Zendaya was still sitting there with her friends. I don't know what made me pull the trigger and point the gun at her.

The girls around her scatter around letting out screams. Zendaya sits there staring straight at me. At the beginning of this I thought holding a fun would feel difficult. I couldn't ever point a gun at someone and nether less shoot someone. But at that moment I didn't care what happened. I wanted Zendaya and I wasn't leaving without her.

"Tell you're guys to put down their guns before I shoot," I ordered her.

She looks around nodding her head at them. I don't think someone's ever held her at gunpoint because for a second I thought I saw fear in her eyes.

"Get up you're coming with me," She placed the drink in her hand down and got up.

"Aren't you a bit innocent to be doing this?" She mocked me as she approached my side.

I grabbed her hair pulling her head back. I shrugged. "I don't know I might be," I snarled.

She tried to get my grip on her hair off but I was too strong for her. I pointed the gun around to the guys with the guns near their waist.

"Now listen clear, I'm leaving with her. I hear a gunshot or one of you try to follow me and I'll.." My throat went dry. Are you thinking of actually blowing someone's brains off? You can't even kill yourself right, none less another human being. I bite the inside of my cheeks ignoring my own thoughts.

"I'll kill her without thinking about her twice," I spat out.

This time I didn't leave through the front door. I kept my grip on Zendaya and dragged her around the house. I made sure none of her bimbos were following me.

"Just wait until my father gets a hold of you! He'll sell you to the creepiest drug dealer out there!" She was trying to get me scared sadly it wasn't working. I yanked on her hair harder causing her to yelp.

"I don't see your daddy anywhere so shut the fuck up," I muttered.

 We kept walking through the side making our way towards the car. Aaron kept up to us, he was holding a gun too. When he saw Zendaya beside me a frown plastered on his face.

"What the hell were you thinking?" He scolded me as we hurried to the car.

 I wasn't thinking. That's the only reason why I was actually doing this. If Zariah thought god knows what would have happened way before. My inner thoughts didn't matter here, I had to follow my intuition and hope it's right. I opened the door to the car and shoved Zendaya in there. I turned around looking at Aaron.

 "Home?" I sighed.

He nodded. "Home,"

Chloe kept her eyes glued on me as I handed her the gun. She wasn't saying anything and it was starting to freak me out. I know what I did was a bit spontaneous. It wasn't like me to do something crazy like this, trust me I was still trying to process how in the hell I was able to do that. Zendaya kept trying to escape as we drove off from her house. Luckily, Roxanne was able to keep her still so she couldn't escape

"I'll make sure my father destroys you!" Zendaya spat out angrily. "He'll make sure you pay for this!"

 I rolled my eyes. Didn’t she get it? She was worth nothing now that’s she’s alone. Neither her father nor those stupid bimbos could do anything to us. The table had just turned for us, an eye for an eye, was exactly where we were standing. Aaron was going to get the money somehow and when we get Khole back Daniel will get Zendaya.

"Can you please shut up?" I asked her. "You’re threats aren't as scary as you think!" I mocked her.

"I'll sell you personally," she mutters.I hit the breaks making all of us to stumble forward. I took the gun from Chloe and pointed it at Zendaya. I wasn't in the mood to deal with narcissistic bitches. She either has the choice to shut the hell up or I was going to shut her up. It was simple

 "Now listen here you're worthless now so you either shut the hell up or honey I'll shut you up!"

"Zariah give me the gun!" Chloe ordered.Roxanne kept her eyes at the point of the gun. It was directly aimed in the middle of Zendaya forehead. Only if I had the courage I wouldn’t hesitate to kill her but we need her alive. And for the time being I needed her quiet. The sight of herself made me want to puke, and her annoying voice wasn't helping.

 "Hey, lower the gun," Roxanne whispers quietly. I don't' mind you blowing her brains out but lets not do this here. So put the gun down, and give it to your friend." She bargained

Zendaya wasn't speaking smack anymore. Her eyes were wide and staring at the life threaten object in my hands. I'll admit having a gun at my disposal wasn't the smartest thing, especially since I feel powerful with it. The door on my side opened and I felt someone taking hold of the gun.

 Aaron glared at me. "What the hell is wrong with you?" he exclaimed. "You can't aim a gun at someone in the car!"

 "Well can you ask her to stop threatening me?"

Aaron placed the gun behind his back, sighing heavily. "Zac will drive you're coming with me,"

I ran my fingers through my hair slapping some sense back into my head what is wrong with me? Pointing a gun at someone, threatening to kill them, thinking to kill them! No, I am not this type of person.

 Zac gets out the car and walks over to us.

"What happened?"

"Zariah needs some fresh air, can you drive?" Aaron asked him.

Zac eyes land on me. Being around these type of people were getting to my head. Aaron was right I needed some fresh air, and get my head screwed back on right. Although Aaron hadn’t told Zac what exactly what was going on, he knew. I was expecting him to say something, but he just nodded and goes over to the car.

"I'm sorry about what I did," I said quietly to Aaron as we walk over to his motorcycle.

"It's fine Zariah, but you need to understand Zendaya is someone you don't want to fuck with, although you already did that," he tossed me the helmet. "Kidnapping her wasn't the plan,"

"We had a plan? Your orders were to find her and I did," I defended myself. What was the fucking plan? The last time I checked we didn't have much of a plan, I bet Aaron didn't even know what he was going to do with her when we found her. I think we were just winging everything.

"You didn't just kidnap Zendaya you decided to bring a girl who can get us in a whole different type of trouble!" He began to raise his voice.

Apparently now I was the bad one in this whole situation. And how in the hell was Roxanne a whole different type of trouble? She seemed like a pretty decent chick, he needed to explain to me the whole problem of this."Her dad is a drug lord I'm assuming, "

Aaron laughed dryly. "No, her dad is the head police officer of London. We just got the police involved in this," He placed on his helmet and got on the motorcycle. Well that was a important piece of information Roxanne left out.

I got on the motorcycle hugging Aaron. He couldn’t be so upset with me with what I did. He knows if I hadn't brought Zendaya we wouldn't have known nothing about Khole. We would be back to where we had started, not even if that makes much of a difference.


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