Neighbors (Davekat)

By sp00kyJish

120K 4.2K 12.5K

Dave Strider. Jock of the century. Leader of leaders. God of gods. King of kings. Most ironically loved guy... More

2 people, 1 project
The Dream
Gettin' shit done, son.
Gettin' shit done, son pt.2
Just a Project
Their Moment (very short)
Tears & Boners
not an update but..
Guys & Wierd Eyes
Not that Different
The Plan
Bad Yet Perfect
Happy Valentines Day
Important A/N
Back to Normal
Uninvited Guest
Uninvited Guest 2.0
Satan Is Back
Better Off
John (Continuing)
"I Don't Care."

The Two Ships

5.1K 158 983
By sp00kyJish

Be the one who is waiting for sweet death:

I got up from the couch in my apartment and walked to my bathroom, looking back at John, whose eyes were fixed on the television screen.

I thought to himself how much of a cool guy I was, thinking ,'how could anyone possibly not want me?' I shook his head in disappointment, not for me, but for everyone.

Putting my charm aside, I can't shake the feeling of something.

I'm completely aware on how ridiculous this sounds, but I feel something. It's coming, but I don't know when and where.

I walked into my bathroom and just stared at myself in the mirror. Usually, I'd smile at myself and think 'what a sexy motherfucker,' but now, I see nothing.

I took off my shades and stared stright into my reflection.

This is me. This is Dave.

Not cool-guy swaggy Dave, just Dave.

Dave, the guy that has mad skills with swords, Dave, the guy who trusts a bird he named Martha more than he trusts his friends, Dave, the guy who loves music, Dave, the guy who lost his mother, Dave, the guy who really loves apple juics but won't drink it in public because it's a 'child drink,' Dave, the guy who is terrified of puppets, Dave, who loves Karkat.

Now, I have no way out, I can't tell Karkat how I'm feeling because John is holding me back. But does Karkat even care? I mean, I told him not that long ago, and he stated that he didn't care. I mean sure, he looked out of his element, but I couldn't have caused that. He hated me, if anything.

Why is it me, though? Why is it that whenever I have something good going on, or so I thought I did, it turns to shit? Why is it fair for someone to ruin lives?

My hands turned to fists the more I thought about it, and each breath I took got quicker. 'Why is everything so fucked?' I thought.

I slammed my door open and stomped towards John, who was already startled by the noise of the door hitting the wall.

I stood there, staring at him with anger and frustration, I spoke, "What are you planning on doing?"


"If I leave you, what the hell are you planning on doing to Karkat?"

Without taking his eyes off of me, he stood up, "Dave-"

I shook my head, "No, don't you 'Dave' me! For fucks sake, John! Why can't you just leave? Why can't you just get the hell out of my life? I'm so godamn in love with the guy who lives across from me, and why can't you just let me have him? What the hell do you want from me?"

His expression changed from sympathetic to angry, "You know why I can't leave? Because, I love you. I love you, and why can't you just love me back? For fucks sake, that guy in the building next door absolutely hates your guts, and you love him? What the fuck is the matter with you?"

I stood silent.

Does Karkat really like me? How would I even know?

John continued, "You're over there, stressing about some guy who tells you he hates you, insults you, and I'm over here telling you that I love you, wishing that you'd just come to your senses. It pains me to see so much of your godamn time and emotion going towards someone who clearly doesn't want it. Are you fucking blind?"

I spoke quietly, "John..I-"

He interrupted, "John what!," he mocked, "You know for a fact that I'm right, why can't you just love me back? I'm here, I've been here for you, I know you better than anyone, hell, you even take your shades off around me because I've seen you, the real you."

We stood there with our eyes locked to one another. He walked towards me, and for some reason, my heart started pounding against my chest. He put one hand on my shoulder, and the other cupping the side of my face.

He grinned and whispered to me, "I want us back."

He leaned in, almost to the point where our faces were inches away, but something in my head told me this is wrong, that this is what he wants, and I can't give him what he wants.

I pushed him off of me as he stumbled back with a shocked look on his face, I spoke, "No.." my breathing quickened as I felt a familiar sting in my eyes as my nose started flaring and my face started getting warmer, "You can't do this to me.." Before I could stop myself, tears were streaming down my face, "Stop playing with me John..I've had enough of your fucking games.."

He tried to come closer, repeating my name as if it were the only one he knew. For every single step he took closer, I took a step backwards to the point where there was nothing but a wall. I couldn't look at him, the face of the guy who wanted to ruin my life.

"Dave.." he whispered as he cupped my face, wiping the tears from my face with his thumbs. "Baby, don't do this to yourself.."

I tried to speak, but the only coherent word that could escape my lips was a whispered,"S-...stop.." through some hiccups. I was in control, but I felt weak.

His face came closer to mine, I felt his steady breathing hit my lips.

We were two enormous ships inching towards eachother with no way to stop, where the only outcome will be destruction.

And we crashed.


Be the one who just woke up from the worst nap in history:

I opened my eyes slowly, not wanting the evil sun beams hitting my face too quickly. I slowly sat up and stretched as I yawned, rubbing my eyes and looking around my room.


This isn't my room.

Why am I in my living room? Why am I in the clothes I wore yesterday?

More quesstions ran through my mind as I weakly called out, "GAMZEE!"

A few seconds passed until I heard a long, and lazy, "...WhAaAaAt?" coming from the other side of the apartment.

I managed to pick myself up, stumbling a little in the process, and trudged towards Gamzee's room. I prepared myself for the worst case senario, and opened the door as it made a quiet creeking noise.

I found Gamzee sprawled out on his bed with nothing but boxers on, snoring like an old man. One arm hanging off the side of his bed, and the other above his head, with legs spread. Wide. Open.

His hair had to be the worst part, the messy curls springing out in every direction, some resting on his face, which had some smeared face paint on it.

I knew calling his name wouldn't wake him up, considering he's probably the heaviest sleeper I know.

I grabbed one of his shoes, which were 10x the size of my baby feet, and threw it at him, hitting his head, causing a loud groan from Gamzee.

"AaAuUgGhH, wHaT wAs ThAt MoThErFuCkIn' FoR?" He said, sitting up and rubbing his head.

He added, "KaRbRo, I mOtHeRfUcKiN' aLl Up AnD lOvE yOu AnD aLl, BuT rIgHt NoW, I wAnNa ThRoW tHiS sHoE aT yOu."


He yawned one last time before standing up, towering over me.

He stretched his arms above his head, revealing his physique.

Now, not to be a creep, but godamn.

Sure, I've dated Gamzee, we've had sloppy makeouts, but I haven't seen him half naked in a while.

He had a pale yet tan skin color, soft but masculine. His long, strong arms were raised above his head, his veins popped out of his forearms, which I found beautiful. His chest and abdomen were lean and muscular, but not too muscular. My eyes trailed down to the lower half of his torso, displaying a light shadow of a six-pack, with a v-line trailing down to his-

Karkat! You fucking pervert!

I snapped out of my thoughts and cleared my throat, walking away as I felt my face heating up.



We walked into the hallways of school, shoving through the hormonal boys and the slutty girls in this school. Usually, I would have to squeeze my way between the small spaces people left to walk, but for Gamzee, it was a different story. It was as if he was one of those populars, everyone moved away from him, not in admiration, but mostly in fear. Everyone in this school knew about Gamzee, his brother, and his dad, who looked like he could be the next satan.

Gamzee, however, didn't notice this at all, not that there was any surprise to it, considering he doesn't notice much of anything.

We walked pass the place Strider would be with his thick-skulled friends, two tables outside the double doors no one dared to go through. They were tables covered in graffiti, only little tiny spaces of a vomit-beige can be seen, but the one that stood out to me was in big red letters spread across the table, saying 'Strider' with a pair of horribly drawn sunglasses next to it. However, what grossed me out even more was little pink hearts drawn around it, clearly by some dick-thirsty insecure girl who needs a stick of meat in her ass in order to achieve happiness. But, I looked beyond that, and just stared at the red letters.

I felt a smile creeping onto my face, but quickly covered it as I coughed to make sure no one noticed. Subtle.

We made it to the end of the hallway, making a right, then a left, where the number of people kept decreasing until we got to some rusty old double doors and went through them, revealing a short dirt pathway that lead to the bleachers, where the rest of the wierdos were. The best part was, no one was allowed up here but us.

Well, if you're a friend of Equius, then yes, you're allowed here. His dad was a gym teacher here, so it was a pretty biased decision to be fair. We walked up the noisy steps, which caused everyone to look over here and yell some over-enthusiastic 'hi's and 'hey's. I sat at the very last one, the bleacher all the way on the top, showing a nice view of what the city looked like in the early mornings. A beautiful orange and pink morning sky, with a few clouds decorated here and there, and the tall, cluttered buildings, filled with stressed out mid and early-forties adults who'd rather jump off the building than work in the cubicle in it.

It's a rather good-looking view, until you realize where you have to be to be able to see it.

On the sad and rusty bleachers of this stupid school, infested with boys who wear their jeans on their ashy knee caps and girls who paint their faces to look like colorful juggalos and wear clothes that could even fit babies small.

I took a breath in, I tried to find the best in this school, I tried to find the good in these people, but then I realized, all these people deserve to go to fucking hell.

Then, I looked down at my friends, who were busy in their own little worlds, and thought wow, these people deserve to go to hell even more.

I was snapped, literally snapped from my thoughts when I saw a pale hand snapping and waving in my face. The hand lead to the guy who for some reason thought it would be a good idea to put purple in his hair. I mean purple, for fucks sake.

"WHAT." I spoke, with an obvious tone with no interest whatsoever.

He rolled his hazel eyes and sighed, "In case you wweren't listenin', I'm throwwin' a party at my place. Tomorroww night, everyone's presence is mandatory, so if you do not attend, there wwill be hell to pay. Understand?"

I squinted my eyes at him, "SO, WHAT YOU'RE SAYING IS, IF I DON'T GO, I'LL BE PUNISHED?"

He smirked and mumbled, "Not by me."


He laughed, "Wwow, you really don't pay attention, do you. Tomorrowws' Friday. Ya' fuckin' missed the wwhole wweek."


"Yeah! Wwe wwere all wworried, but realizin' that you live wwith Gamzee, it kind of relieved. Wwe told your teachers you're sick so, y'knoww, sniff and cough here an there."


"Yes, you do. Not just me, all of us actually. Oh, wwait! I got an idea. Repay us, by comin' to the party!" He made a sarcastic surprised face as I rolled my eyes.


He shrugged, "Not sure. Let's find out!" He turned around and yelled, "Hey guys! Wwouldn't it be fuckin' great if Karkat over here came to the party?"

A couple of 'fuck yeah'"s were thrown our direction as he turned around and smiled as the bell rang. He grabbed his backpack and walked town the steps, yelling, "See ya' there!"

Jesus, what am I getting myself into?


The final bell rang, and I took no hesitation rushing past these imbeciles and walking out the door, where Gamzee was waiting as usual.

I walked down the hallway with Gamzee beside me, it was kind of hard keeping up with him, considering I'm the size of one of his fucking legs.

We walked out of the doors as Gamzee sighed, I'm more than positive he didn't want to be here as much as I did.

I cleared my throat and spoke, "SO, UH, YOU..GOING TO THE PARTY, GAM?"

He chuckled, "YeAh, If YoU dO."

He looked at me and smiled as I felt my face get warmer by the second. I looked away as soon as I felt the heat on my face, "U-UM..WELL FUCK GAMZEE NOW I DON'T REALLY HAVE A FUCKING CHOICE NOW, DO I?"

He chuckled again as we entered our apartment building, he replied, "Nu-Uh."


We stepped into the elevator and pressed our level, Gamzee spoke, "KaRbRo?"


"We DoN't HaVe To MoThErFuCkIn' AlL uP aNd Go If yOu DoN't WaNnA."

The elevator dinged as we both stepped outside, "WHAT? NO! GAM, I WANT TO GO. IT'LL BE..SOMETHING."

He smiled at me and took out his key, which he painted purple for some reason, and unlocked our door as we both threw our backpacks and went straight to the couch, laying back as we both took a deep breath.

I felt the couch shift, I turned to Gamzee, who was walking to the bathroom but stopped in his tracks, which made me nervous, for some odd reason. He turned around and walked over to me, he hovered above me as he kneeled down so that we were at eye level, and he spoke quietly, "DaVe DoEsN't KnOw WhAt He'S mOtHeRfUcKiN' mIsSiNg."

His lips touched my cheek as he got up and went to the bathroom.

I sat there, speechless.

Is he starting to..

No. No. I doubt it.

Do I?...

No. Jesus, no.

We're friends.


Be the one that was also invited:

"2o, are you gonna come? KK2' gonna bee there."

I sighed and rubbed my eyes, speaking back to Sollux, who was on the other side of the line on the phone, "He fucking hates me, man."

"No, he doe2n't. Tru2t me, II know the guy."

"Even if I wanted to, I can't. I'd have to take him."

After explaining to Sollux what has been going on, after about a million times, he's even more frustrated than I am.

He groaned, "2o what! Briing hiim two!"

"Why would I do that?"

"2o you can get hiim drunk off hii2 miind, and you can go have sloppy makeout2 wiith KK!"

I felt a smile creep onto my face as I remembered the first time I kissed Karkat.

"Jesus, Captor. You're a fucking genius! Wait, is there even gonna be alcohol? 'Cause not to be a prick or anything but your boyfriend isn't exactly the party type."

Sollux scoffed, "Do you not know hii2 brother?"

Oh crap, Cronus and that purple kid are related. Right.

"Yeah, just forgot, I guess."

"ED2' a freak! And, well ah, you know me. II liike my men freeaaak-"

"Aw dude, c'mon! I didn't need to know what you're dick craves, y'know."

"2ure, 2triider. Ju2t keep iin miind, the quiiet one'2 are alway2 the freakiie2t. 2ee you at the party. Oh! And go to fuckiing 2chool, eh?"

"Yeah, I'm working on that. Wait, are people even gonna show up? Your lover isn't very...known? Sorry, I sounded like a douche."

"For your iinformatiion, my baby know2 more people than you thiink. Also, hii2 brother ii2 iinviitiing some of hii2 people, 2o you know 2hiits gonna be iin2ane."

"Sounds like it'll be hella coo- Wait, your baby?"

"Yeah! We got niickname2, 2triider. II call hiim baby and he call2 me dadd-"

"Hey! This is getting way out of hand, Captor. Keep your kinks to youself, how 'bout that?"

"Hey, don't kiink2hame me, buddy! II know what you're iinto, we liived together, y'know."

"Yeah, let's not go there. Speaking of which, you still got some of your junk here, mind coming and getting it?"

"2oon, 2ome of u2 actually go two 2chool."

"Fuck off, and since you're such a scholar, what are you doing on the phone with me? It's like, eleven in the morning."

"Pfft, are you kiiddiing? II pretty much teach computer cla22. People praii2e me here. IIt'2 a free periiod, two bee exact."

"What a fucking nerd."

"2uck my enourmou2 dong, 2triider. II've gotta go, 2ome dumba22 punched the 2creen. II'll 2ee you later at the part- Hey, 2tupiid! Don't fuckiing touch tha-"

And with that, he hung up.

The quiet one's are always the freakiest.

Karkat is quiet.

Jesus Strider get your shit together.

Stretched my arms out as I felt a yawn escape my mouth. Ever since that fight I had with John, and specifically what happened after that, I haven't been able to sleep. My eyes were surrounded by a light purple, so I've been trying to do the best I can.

John has been sleeping in one of the spare rooms I have in my apartment, he's tried talking to me a few times, and I respond, but nothing feels the same. How is it possible that I feel uncomfortable in my own home?

I got up from my bed and went to the window, pushing the handles upward to let the cool spring breeze into my room. It felt nice to have the wind on my face, it's been a while since I've been out. Just as I was about to leave my room, a small bird landed on my windowsill.

Wait, I know this fucking bird.

"Martha?" I asked. It's not like she would have responded with 'fuck yeah mate it's me Martha,' but a simple 'caw'  would be much appreciated.

She tilted her head sideways, and I groaned in frustration, "Jesus Martha, you gotta cooperate with me here. I'm in a fucking pickle. In fact, it's not even a pickle. It's a whole cucumber. A big, long, thick cucumber, the whole sha-bang."

She scooted towards my hand, which was resting on the windowsill as well, and pecked at it, "Caw."

Jesus, this bird is the cutest shit I've ever seen.

I sighed, "Well, here's the scoop. I like some angry guy, but my evil ex is here to get me and ruin my life or whatever, I'm like fucking Scott Pilgrim but instead of seven evil exes I have one evil ex that has the power of seven evil exes, you get me? Anyways, if I don't go along with being his boyfriend, he'll like, fucking chop angry guys' dick off or something. The thing is, how do I even know if angry guy feels the same? He's always so...angry."

She tilted her head again, and I took that as a sign to continue.

"See, my bee friends' purple boyfriend is having a party, right? Word is, everyone is gonna be there. Everyone, hopefully including angry guy. If I go, I have to take the power-of-seven-evil-exes ex, however, if the evil ex gets drunk enough, he'll ditch me and go dance or some shit, and I'll get a chance to talk to angry guy without getting caught."

She scotted onto my hand, and looked up at me.

"I really like this guy, y'know? But he sees me as a dumb jock, and not even I know why I'm on the fucking football team if I never even play the damn game, the sport fucking bores me, man. I want him to know that I'm more than just some blonde cool kid."

I looked over at the small bird, I spoke, "And now look at me, I'm talking to a bird. I'm confessing my inner most thoughts to a crow I named Martha. I'm not crazy, am I crazy?"


"Maybe it's the lack of sleep..and doritos. Mostly doritos, and apple juice. Wow, that sounds good." My mouth watered as I thought of the savory cheese triangle and the tangy taste of the blood of the apples.

Wow, I really need sleep.

"Martha, should I even go to that party? What if he doesn't even show up, what the hell am I gonna do with myself? I mean, I would just go visit him at his apartment, but here's the twist. Angry guy has a fucking evil ex of his own, but not in a Scott Pilgrim-y type of way, oh, no, this is worse. He doesn't have the power of seven, but the power of like, the fucking anti-christ or some shit, maybe even worse. The guy looks like a fucking emo clown, and it's not like I can just punch the guy, he'd probably rip my entire arm off of my body if I even considered it. Jesus, don't even get me started on his family. Word is, his brother, Carlos or some shit, got suspened 9 times in one semester for trying to sew someone's mouth or some shit, demented, right? If you thought that was bad, you don't even wanna here about his dad. The man can look at you and you'd shit your pants like your asshole was a fucking fountain. He's like, even worse than satan. Satans' probably like an ant to him. You get me, Martha?"

She tilted her head, I'm taking that as a yes.

I continued, "It's like, Karkat is Rapunzel and I'm that one guy who saves her, Prince Charming? Anyways, the only thing standing between us the fucking tower, which is Gamzee, and John is..I don't know the fucking evil grandma? Point is, I can't get to Rapunzel if there's assholes in the way. Which is why, I'm getting John wasted, and hopefully Gamzee will be as well, which is gonna give me my shot."

Martha just stared at me with her usual bird face. Can birds even show emotions? I mean, can they smile? Do they ever feel like a plastic bag?

I opened my mouth to continue venting to a bird when I heard the front door open and close, it was probably John.


I looked to my desk and checked the time on my digital clock, thanks for the sick present, Dirk, a digital clock has a lot of sentimental value, and checked the time. 11:46 a.m.

No one should be home for another 3 or so hours.

Meaning someone is either trying to rob me, or just wants some sugar. One of the two options seems more reasonable than the other.

Probably wants some sugar.

I grabbed a baseball bat I had next to my door, which is extremely ironic because I 'play' football, and slowly opened my door.

Should I say hello? I mean, if I were someone trying to rob a house and someone calls out 'hello' I'd probably say hi back or something.

I yelled, "Hello?" Tip-toeing down the hallway.

No response.

"Hello?!" I said, growing irritated.

Again, no response.

"Okay, you know what? If you're trying to rob me, who ever you are, I'm a satanist, meaning if you even look at me I'll turn you into a pile of cow shit, buddy. So, reveal yourself before I turn you into a pile of brown."

There was silence until I heard a familiar, lispy voice, "You can do that?"

I threw my head back in annoyance and groaned.

"What are you even doing here, Captor?"

I stepped out of the hallway and saw him looking in my fridge.

Without taking his eyes off the fridge, he replied, "Well, liike II saiid, II pretty much teach computer2, 2o II fiigured, why not ju2t fuckiing leave? II've had enough of 2chool for the da- why do you only have apple juiice, miilk, and chocolate miilk? You need two go grocery 2hoppiing."

"Did you say you've had enough of school?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Sollux, it's fucking Tuesday."

It is Tuesday, right?

"Your poiint?"

Guess it is.

"I- Whatever. Also, I mean milk and apple juice is very healthy, thank you very much."

He closed the fridge and walked towards the door, grabbing his backpack and taking some keys out with a purple fish keychain dangling from it. "Let'2 go." He said, turning around and looking at me threw his 3D glasses.

"What? Where?"

"Grocery 2tore, man. Your friidge ii2 fuckiing depre22iing. Al2o, II need 2ome 2tuff for the party later. Duh."

I grabbed my keys and said, "Guess I'll drive."

He scoffed and lifted up the keys he held in his hand, "Um, hello! ED let me u2e hii2 car. Let'2 fuckiing roll."

He opened the door and let himself out, I followed and closed the door behind me, "Just do me a favor and never say that again."


We eventually made it to the store, and by eventually, I meant 30 fucking minutes of Sollux cussing at who-knows-what because apperantly he forgot where the fucking store was.

For someone who's supposed to be a genius at everything, he's not so street-smart, literally.

He grabbed a kart, which was apperantly a lot of work for him, mostly because he's a walking noodle, and walked threw the automatic doors.

We walked threw the many, many isles in this fucking store. For some reason, grocery shopping bores the hell out of me. Maybe that's why my fridge is so depressing.

"What do you even need?" I asked, looking at what was on the shelves.

Beans, Canned beans, chili beans, canned chili beans, and ketchup.

What a variety.

He responded, "Ah, let'2 2ee, well people liike chiip2 riight? II'll get that. Um, diip, clearly. What do you even eat at a party?"

He leaned his arms on the kart as he looked around the isles.

"Well, depends, I guess. Chips and dip are a no-brainer. I guess a variety of chips, also dips."

He turned to me, "You gue22? Aren't you liike, popular or 2omethiing? You have a party two go two liike, every fuckiing day, dude. What do you pla2tiic2 eat! Or do you even eat at all? Are you guy2 ju2t robot2 who want world domiinatiion? Becau2e II wouldn't bee 2urprii2ed."

"Okay first, um, fuck you. Second, yes, I party or whatever, but I go for like 45 minuted then come back 'cause it gets fucking disgusting."

"Wow, what a wa2te of good look2."

I gasped and put a hand on his shoulder dramatically, "You think I'm good looking?"

He slapped my hand away, "Okay, scratch that. You're ab2olutely repul2iing."

I chuckled, I miss having this supreme-nerd around.

I looked around and saw the glorious sign that read 'chips' on the isle next to us.

"Finally. Follow me."

I walked ahead as I heard the wheels of the car behind me. I stopped once we got to the middle of the isle and looked around at what the shelves had.

He walked over to me and asked, "Do II ju2t get liike, one of each?"

I shrugged, "I mean, there's just so many, bro."

Cheese puffs, hot puffs, hot chips, potatoe chips, vinegar chips- jesus christ why is there so many options.

I was about to tell Sollux to avoid anything with cheese, because let's be real cheesy breath is nasty breath, until someone tapped my shoulder.

I turned around and- oh for christs sake.

I forced a smile and greeted, "Oh! Hi, Brittney! What a..surprise."

Let me fill you in on Brittney here. I dated her for a day in middle school, and for some reason, since then, she believes we're soulmates or some crazy shit along those lines.

I turned to Sollux for some help, who was looking intensely at the bag of chips he held in his hand. Asshole.

"Hi, Davey!" She exclaimed, pulling me into a hug that almost made me shit my organs out because of how tight it was.

She continued, "What are you doing here all alone, and on a Friday?" Playing with a strand of her blonde hair.

"It's Tuesday, Brittney."

She laughed, "It's Friday, silly! You're like a little lost puppy!"

It's fucking Friday?

"Anyways, I'm, uh, not alone, actually. I'm here with someone."

She made a pouty face, ew, and asked, "Who's the lucky girl?"

I searched around the isle, and the only women there were was a pregnant woman with her two kids and an old lady.

I can't believe I'm doing this.

I pointed my finger to my left, which was directly at Sollux. "His name is...Jeremy." I forced a smile again.

Her head was tilted to the side as she pulled a confused face, jesus this girl can't take a hint.

I pulled on Sollux's shirt and brought him next to me, he yelled, "Dave, what the fuck!"

I put my arm around him and looked at him with the smile plastered on my face, "Jeremy, don't be rude. Say hi." I tilted my head slightly to Brittney, who was just as confused as Sollux, until he finally caught on.

"O-Oh! Brittney! Hi! I'm Jeremy! Yep, that's my name! Hah.." He laughed awkwardly.

She kept the expression on her face until it quickly changed to angry, she spoke, "You're a.." She looked around and came closer, she whispered, "A homo?"

Sollux laughed, "We are more than homo2, we're uh.." he gulped and cleared his throat, "IIn l-love."

I tried to keep myself from dying of laughter, but I couldn't help but let out a small laugh, which led Sollux to laugh aswell, and a very lost Brittney.

"O-Okay." And with that, she walked away. Traumatized as ever.

When she left the isle and was out of sight completely, Sollux pushed my arm off of him and exclaimed, "Put your arm around me agaiin and II'll cut your diick off."

I laughed, "Whatever. Dude, guess what."

"You're 2traiight for Briittney?"

"Okay, no. Bro, it's fucking Friday."

He laughed, "Hah, that'2 hiilariiou2. IIt can't bee Friiday," he pulled out his phone and checked the date, "IIt'2  actually Frii- oh shiit iit'2 Friiday."

"I mean I have an excuse, I hardly ever go to school, but you? THE Sollux Captor? Jesus, it's madness! For a scholar, you're kind of a dumbass."

"Here'2 a little 2ugge2tiion, um, fuck off? Yeah." He said sarcastically.

I grabbed whatever chips seemed good and threw them into the kart, Sollux went to the far right of the isle and came back with an estimated 34 bottles of dip, carefully stacking them into the kart.

And when I say carefully, I mean just laying them into the kart, not realizing that one of them broke, so now our whole kart and some of the chips will smell like cold cheese. Amazing.

"Fuck, how many people are going?" I asked, not being able to comprehend why anyone would want so much fucking dip.

He grabbed the kart and headed towards the 'beverages and cups' area.

"Well, the party ii2 going two bee at Cro'2 hou2e, and II mean, iit'2 Cronu2 for fuck2 2ake the guy i2 2ex iin a leather jacket, and he'2 friiend2 wiith a lot of whore2 and grea2y guy2, 2o II mean iit'2 all pretty 2elf explaniitory."

I walked beside him as I grabbed whatever soda I could put my hand on and threw it into the kart, and did so for probably the rest of the isle, "Aren't you gonna get like, beer and shit for the party? Do you think people would get drunk with orange soda?"

"Don't bee 2tupiid, II left that two Cro." He looked to his right and grabbed a kart that was just left there, he pushed the kart towards me, "Here, for whatever the fuck you're planniing on gettiing for your 2ad friidge."

I grabbed the kart and pushed it behing Sollux, "Well chips, dip, soda, what else do you need?"

I grabbed a bottle of soda and put it in my kart. Yes, I admit, I don't have the best diet.

"II thiink that'2 it, maybe s2ome popcorn and liike one bag of candy."

"Makes sense."


We loaded the car with the bags, mostly filled with chips and dip, there were only 6 bags that were mine, while the other million were Sol's.

Some guy took the karts as I closed the door of the trunk and stepped into the car, with Sollux eating one of the bags of chips.

"Je2u2 the2e chip2 ta2te liike a22. II took you here two get stuff for your friidge, and you liiterally got the 2ame thiing2 except for more doriito2 and 3 boxes of cereal, canned 2oup, freakiing noodle2, liike 3 apple2, 4 orange2, and 2ome miint2."

I shrugged, "What can I say? I'm a simple guy."

The car ride back consisted of me being insulted for what I got at the store, Sollux asking for directions, and him singing along to Katy Perry.

I looked at the time, 2:54 p.m.

How much time did we spend in that hell store?

He parked in front of my building and got out of the car, lifting the trunk door as I just stared at the many, many bags in this fucking car.

"Are we leaving this at my place?" I asked.

"Yeah, probably." He shrugged.

"What do I tell John?"

"Tell John two 2uck donkey ball2."

"I'm serious, ass-face."

"You can't bee 2eriious whiile calliing me a22-face, and ju2t tell hiim iit'2 miine, for the party."

After what happened between John and I, talking to him was the last thing I wanted to do.

I grabbed as many bags as I could, which wasn't even half of what was in the car, and made my way inside.

I pressed the elevator button with my knuckle, mostly because it was the only thing that seemed smart at the moment, and stepped in, it made a 'ding' as I stepped out and opened my door, throwing the bags to where ever it landed and headed back.

As the elevator doors opened, and closed once I stepped inside.

How am I going to convince John to come with me?

Do I just casually ask?

I should ask Sollux.

I stepped outside the elevator and out to the car again.

"Hey, Sollux, I wanted to ask you- Oh."

There I stood. With Sollux looking at me.

Along with Karkat and Gamzee, of course, who had a handful of bags. Peachy.

"Dave, thii2 ii2 KK and Gamzee, 2ay hii." Sollux said in a motherly tone.

"Fuck off," I said, turning my head to Karkat and..him.

"Uh, hey..guys." I spoke quietly.

Gamzee waved as Karkat and I just stared at eachother.

Sollux noticed the tension and spoke up, "Gamzee, let'2 take the2e up2taiir2." They walked into the building, leaving Karkat and I alone. Peachy.

"SO.." He said, playing with his hands.

"So.." I mocked.


Does he really think it's Tuesday? What an idiot.

I interrupted, "Well..."

He stopped talking and waited for me to speak up.

"To answer your question..I'm going..if uh.." I cleared my throat, he makes it so fucking hard to say anything, "I-If you're going."

His expression softend as opened his mouth just as Gamzee and Sollux came out of the building, "Well, that'2 all the help we need. Thank2, guy2. 2ee you later, iif you're goiing."

They waved goodbye at Sollux and started walking away, I watched the way Karkat scratched the back of his neck as he turned arou- oh shit he turned around Dave, act cool.

With a smile creeping it's way onto his beautifully pale face, he mouthed , "SEE YOU THERE," and turned back around.

And at that very moment, my heart sunk.


I'm not dead!

Also Happy 2017!

May your 2017 will be less shit than 2016.

This is dedicated to a friend who has left a while back ago, this one's for you, dear.
I miss you.

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