Hooks Raven{Peter Pan}

By GeekGurl101

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Raven is Captain Hooks daughter. Part fairy, she is the only one able to match Peter Pan and his band of Lost... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Quick A/N

Chapter 10

1.6K 36 1
By GeekGurl101

*Captain Hooks POV*

I heard the cell door open and looked up. My arms were tied up above me and I was kneeling on the floor. My clothes were ripped and torn and covered in blood from where some of my wounds had opened.

Andrew Parkins, a usually nice boy who had taken a liking to my Raven a few years back, walked in with a triumphant smirk on his face.

"Good day, Hook. How are you this morning? No offence but you look horrible." He laughed, walking over to me with two of the other pirates.

"What do you want, Parkins? Can't you see I'm already sick of you?" I answered.

"How could you be sick if me? I've barely been here a minute." He said smartly.

"Just tell me what you want and be on your way please." I said wearily. I wasn't in the mood to deal with him.

"Well, I just came to tell you that I just sent a letter to your little comrades, Pan and the Lost Boys.  I was just asking them to return your daughter who you never looked after." He said, pacing up and down the room.

"Why do you assume that he is my comrade? He has never done anything good to me so why should I form an alliance with him?" I asked, trying to keep up the act of innocence. If he knew the truth, it would put us all in great danger.

"You don't fool me, Hook. Why else would you not go looking for your own daughter unless you gave her to them?" He asked, getting angry now.

"Maybe it was to save her life. I don't want her to get hurt."

"Ha! She's already hurt! You saw to that when you decided to rip her face open! And here you are claiming that you sent her away for her own safety. You make me sick Hook!" He spat at me.

"If I remember rightly, and I have a pretty good memory by the way, it was Pan who decided to cut her face after taking my hand." I said.

"Don't be ridiculous!  If that really was the case Hook, why would you send her off to him? So that he could slice the other half of her face!" He yelled visibly angry now.

"Actually speaking of hand where is my hook. It feels odd not having it on me." I said ignoring his question.

"Your hook is over there by the door, well out of your reach. But that is beside the point Hook. Now tell me where I'll find Pans hideout!" He yelled.

"And also what about my hat. I really do like my hat. May I have it back please?" I asked. Andrew smacked me across the side of my face and then grabbed my hair so that I was looking him dead in the eye. He was a strong boy, even at his young age.

"Now listen here Hook. At the end of the year if Pan has not returned Raven, I will destroy his camp and kill last Lost Boy that stands in my way. If you still don't tell me what I want to know, I will kill every last fairy and half fairies that I find and then I will kill you. I will then save Raven and she will rule Neverland by me side." He said his voice barely above a whisper.

"You will never marry my daughter Andrew. She wouldn't say yes." I replied with a smile.

"Yes, she will,  even if I have to force her. She will be mine." He said,  starting to walk away. "Oh and here's your horrible hat. At least now you look somewhat presentable."

He put my hat on my head and went back to the door with the large key in his hand.

"Thank you very much, Andrew. Good look in your search." I said.

"Your welcome Hook. Sweet dreams." He said, closing the door and locking it behind him.

"Thank you Mr. Parkins. You really don't know how much it means to me." I said with a grin.

I waited until well after midnight when I was sure no one would intrude. Andrew would be in bed by now and they had already dropped in my "dinner", if you could call it that.

My hat was big enough that I could take off one of the feathers in it. It had a small point at the end of it. Perfect for picking locks, which was it's purpose. It was awkward with only one hand but I managed just fine.

Placing the pont into the key hole, I twisted it around a bit until I heard a little click and the chains slipped off my arm. I quickly stood up and placed my hat back on.

I walked over to the door and put my hook back on to my left arm.

I picked the lock on the door with my hook and stepped out of the cell. I was down at the bottom of my ship where prisoners were kept. I pulled on an old cloak that was hanging up as a disguise.

I looked around for the stairs and walked up quietly. There was no one there. I could see a faint glow in the captains cabin which I assumed was a lantern.

We were still anchored at Pirate Cove so as quietly as possible, I went down the gang plank and crept through the streets. No one was around and most of the lights were off, so it was easy for me to go undetected.

I didn't know the way to Pans hideout and I thought it probably wouldn't be very good to go there anyway just in case they decided to come after me.

I decided to take out my map of the island that Raven had given me last time I saw her. Then I remembered that she had shown me somewhere on the map where I could go if I ever needed help. I looked down and saw The Fairy Village was circled. Of course. Pan had given me a necklace that would show the fairies that I was his friend.

It wasn't too far away so I started to follow the map to the village. The sun was just starting to rise when I reached the trees that we're glowing from all of the fairy dust. I walked in and was immediately attacked by tiny fairies.

"Stop! Stop! I'm a friend! I know Pan! Peter Pan! I have a necklace to prove it!" I said, taking out the necklace. Once they saw it they started to go away.

One more fairy approached me. He was clearly the leader or a king as all of the other fairies bowed to him. He flew over so that he was level with my ear.

I heard a tiny sound that could have been a bell but I was able to decipher it just about.

He asked me what my name was, where I came from and why I had come to the fairies. I answered them all truthfully. I was Captain James Hook, I came from Pirate Cove and I needed to seek refuge with the fairies as the pirates had turned on me.

He nodded and turned to the awaiting fairies. He must have told them that I was not a bad person as they all flew away.

He came over and asked me why the pirates had turned on me. I started from the beginning.

Two years ago my daughter, Raven was captured by Pan. Soon after we discovered that she was in danger because she was part fairy. Pan kept her at his camp and made sure that she stayed safe. Unfortunately a few days ago, the pirates had turned on me as a pirate named Andrew had fed them all lies, like how I had sold my daughter to Pan and the lost boys. I was put into a hold at the bottom of my ship and Andrew had become head pirate.

I told him how Andrew had threatened to hunt down all fairies if he didn't get the answers he wanted. I had escaped from him and had come through Neverland to find the fairies as I was told to do by Raven. Pan had given me the map and necklace so that the fairies would no I meant no harm.

The fairies took this all in and then nodded, believing my story to my relief. They showed me a patch of soft moss where I could sleep and told me that the would warn Pan and I if the pirates came too close to Raven.

I felt better knowing that my daughter would be safe. I would die long before I let anything happen to her. I know that Pan would too.

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