Waking up Hitched in Vegas |...

By PaintedWings77

149K 2.6K 1.1K

Anastasia is a good, sweet girl. Her idea of excitement is Tuesday night book club meeting. She was engaged... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - The Hangover
Chapter 2 - The runaway Wife
Chapter 3 - Goodbye Vegas
Chapter 4 - Wedding Reunion
Chapter 5 - A dinner date
Chapter 6 - A dinner to remember
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 - Secrets
Chapter 15 - Lockdown
Chapter 16 - Heartbreaking Dance
Chapter 17 - Book of Secrets
Chapter 18 - Anastasia Sorrow
Chapter 19 - Masquerade
Chapter 20 - The Past becomes the Future
Chapter 21 - True Lies
Chapter 22 - The Turning Point
Chapter 23 - Drowning
Chapter 24 - She comes Undone
Private Instructions
Chapter 26 - The Nightmare Begins
Chapter 27 - Day of Reckoning
Chapter 28 - A New Beginning
Chapter 29 - Anastasia's Choice
Chapter 30 - The warrior's secret
Chapter 31 - Dirty Little Secrets
Chapter 32 - Love in the time of dragons
Acknowledgement and Thanks

Chapter 25 - Love and Monsters

3.4K 60 34
By PaintedWings77

Love and Monsters

Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. ~ Aristotle

Zak was a smart guy, in fact he thought he was pretty damn brilliant at times, but he was genuinely confused at the moment. Ana had just ran from the cabin, but before she did, she confessed to having kissed Keane and told him she refused to be the other woman in his life ... He had no idea what the hell she was talking about.

The front door slammed shut and Zak swore as Ana figure disappeared in the heavy snow that had started to fall. He lost no time and ran after her.

-"Ana, stop!" Zak yelled.

To his surprise she did stop running. They were several feet apart but he could see her shoulders rising and falling rapidly. Her wet auburn hair was stuck to her back and neck and snow quickly clung to it. His own hair was soaked and the cold wind blowing was causing it to freeze into place.

He stopped inches from her and put his hand on her shoulder.

-"Ana ..."

She slowly turned around but kept her head lowered. Despite the situation and everything that was going on he didn't miss how beautiful she still looked. Her pale skin looked almost iridescent, her lashes were lowered and a few errant snowflakes clung to them. The wind howled around them, kicking up the fresh snow and by all respects he should be cold, but all he could feel was his blood boiling through his veins.

-"Ana look at me." He ordered.

She slowly looked up at him with her beautiful, large hazel eyes. They looked pained and sad.

-"I'm sorry ..." She whispered hoarsely.

-"You didn't do anything wrong." He said softly. "But we need to talk about this ... preferably somewhere inside."

-"That's not why am sorry ..."

Zak's eyebrow rose in question but he didn't ask her to clarify. He extended his hand out and gave Ana a small smile. He held his breath as he watched her decide what to do until she shook her head no. He wasn't all that surprise that she refused; he expected nothing less from the stubborn woman.

-"I will sign those divorce papers ... do you have them?" Her voice was hard and all business like.

-"Ana, I'm really confused ... I know we been having ... issues -"

-"I overheard you on the phone with Bridgette; she's your girlfriend right? You told her you weren't married."

Zak frowned for a moment until he recalled that he had spoken to Bridgette in London ... but he had no idea how Ana had overheard that conversation.

-"How do you ...?"

-"It doesn't matter, just that I know, so you can stop lying."

-"Ana, Bridgette isn't my girlfriend." Zak's tone was cool and patient.

-"But I heard you tell her -"

He quickly interrupted Ana.

-"I went out with her a few times, that's it. She is a fame hungry bitch." Ana started to shake her head no, denying what he was saying and Zak felt his cool starting to slip. His voice grew louder. "She means nothing to me. You are what matters to me!" He took a step towards her.


I watched Zak take a step to close the distance between us and I felt myself growing nervous. I knew this was probably the worse time to tell him about my doubts towards him, but I had been quiet all day long. I had spent the whole day pretending that Zak didn't matter to me, that I didn't care what happened after we went home. But I did care, and I did not want to lose him.

But thanks to all the people in my life that had betrayed me I didn't know if I could believe Zak, I wanted to believe him, everything inside me was telling me he wasn't lying, but then again I had the worse instincts in the world.

-"I don't believe you ... why did you lie to her then?"

The ice-cold wind blew around us again. My hair was frozen into place and I probably should have been freezing. I couldn't feel my fingers at all, but my anger was blinding me to those trivial facts. I tried to glare at Zak, but in the dark all I could see was the outline of him, even when we were so close.

-"Because she will do anything for publicity, I don't want her in our business; I didn't think when I said that, I just wanted to protect you." He reached out for me and grasped my hand. "Please, Ana, you are freezing cold, let's go inside."

I finally did relent and we both walked back into the slightly warm cabin. The fire in the stove didn't do much to illuminate the place but at least now I could somewhat see. Zak's face was taut with worry.

-"Is that why you have been upset the last three days, because you overheard me talking to Bridgette?" Zak finally asked. I nodded and to my surprise he let out a soft chuckle. "Haven't you been told to not eavesdrop on people, that you can only hear one side of a conversation."

Zak pulled me to him despite my protest and I slammed hard against his chest.

-"The day I met you in the library was the last day I ever wanted any other woman other than you Ana." My heart skipped a beat at his words. "I really think you need to give me a real chance."

But I couldn't bring myself to look at him, I still wasn't sure I could trust him ... or myself.

-"Even though I kissed Keane?" I said carefully.

A flicker of anger burst in Zak's eyes.

-"Yes. And the only reason I am not going to kill him is because he can help keep you safe, once this guardian shit is over, all bets are off." He growled.

I felt a shiver of pleasure at his words. There was something so dominating about his tone and his words that gave me quite a thrill. Although Zak mistook my shiver for being cold. He quickly sprang into action.

-"I saw a small shack in the back; I will go see if there is dry wood there for us." He gave me a quick smile and left the cabin without wasting a moment.

Once Zak left I quickly went in search of some candles again, which I did not find but I had found a few more logs, which I promptly put into the stove. I tried to keep myself busy so I didn't have to think ... But it was unenviable. I was alone for the first time with Zak. No one was around or would be around for several more hours judging by the weather outside, which was fast becoming a blizzard.

The gravity of our situation didn't fail to go unnoticed either. Billy was somewhere out there - alone. No one knew where we were. Nick, Aaron and Keane did but they only knew the general area we had come too. It would take them a few hours to even locate this place, and to top it off we had no phone. Zak had left his in the jeep. I had watched him set his phone on the dashboard, and mine was ruined thanks to the rain.

We were stuck in a freak storm, which I wasn't sure was something done by Mother Nature or supernaturally. I knew we had upset something when we set foot in that circle, and we were paying the price for that.

But despite all those things my mind was still on Zak. I didn't want to admit it to myself that I loved him. I couldn't have those feelings for him ... Then why did my heart feel like it was battering against my sternum every time I was near him? Why did I feel, against all logic and reason, which I belonged with this man? With the thoughts of those awful past memories and the uncertainty of the future crowding in on me, I needed something strong and warm to hold on to. Not just anything or anyone … but him. I needed Zak's warmth now—his strength—even if only for a little while, because I knew deep down he was just like everyone else and he would leave me as well, but we had this time, and I would make the most of it.


Zak had gone to the back where a small shed housed some old tools, and thankfully some dry logs.

He couldn't believe Ana had been mad this whole time over something that was not even a real issue. Bridgette was nothing to him. He regretted even starting a friendship with her all those months ago. Aaron and Nick had warned him to not go out with Bridgette but he had ignored them and now he really wished he would have taken their advice.

Although he was not so happy that she had kissed Keane. It had not been easy to keep his anger in check and not grill Ana on what exactly happened but he thought it best to not push her ... not yet. That fucking Keane ... sneaking bastard had taken advantage of the whole situation. He saw right through Ana's pain over the thought that Zak was with another woman but he was also sure Ana felt some sort of gratitude to Keane for saving her life ... and the guy absolutely used it for his gain. Just the thought of Ana's arms around Keane and his lips on hers made him want to kill him. He couldn't help but wonder if things had gone further than kissing between Ana and Keane...

By the time he made the trek from the shed back up to the cabin, he was a powder keg of anger and deadly purpose. He really wanted to wait to ask Ana about the kiss, but he had to have answers ... now. But when he opened the cabin door, he was greeted by warm air and the golden glow of a fire crackling in the small pipe stove in the corner of the cabin. And Ana, seated within a fluffy nest of sleeping bags and soft wool blankets. Her auburn hair was loosened from its ponytail, falling down in tousled wet waves around her bare shoulders. Bare, naked shoulders, just like her long, slender legs, which peeked out from beneath the tattered blanket that only partially covered her. Holy hell … beautiful, sexy Ana, naked and waiting for him.

Zak cleared his throat, suddenly at a loss for words, let alone the reason why he was so upset.

-"I, ah … I found some wood and blankets in the little room over there," Ana said. "I tried to warm things up a bit in here and uhm ... changed so my clothes so they could dry."

Warm it up? If she was any hotter, Zak's body would have gone up in flames where he stood. His heart was still pounding from the unpleasant thoughts in woodshed, but now it's rhythm took on a deeper, more urgent beat. He felt a muscle jerk violently in his jaw as he watched the soft firelight dance over her smooth, creamy skin.

-"Ana …" He gave a weak shake of his head, unable to summon any coherent words.

The dozen or more reasons why this was a bad idea—particularly now, when he had just come from one of the most intense investigation ever, his adrenaline was pumping, his mind was reeling from his experience. But desire was flooding over the rage that had consumed him not even a minute ago outside. This was bad, this need he had for her. Given its timing, he wasn't sure that taking things between Ana and him to an intimate level could possibly be any worse of an idea right now.

That is, until she stood up and boldly began to walk toward him. The threadbare blanket that draped her form so loosely, trailing behind her, now split open in the front and gave him an unhindered glimpse of her endless snow-white legs with every slow step she took. And as she drew nearer, Zak felt his mouth go dry. He had seen Ana act heroic, take care of others ... but this was a new side that he knew she rarely showed. A bold, adventuress, seductive side. Anastasia Campbell wasn't merely a regular woman he could play around with, use for her talents, maybe fuck for a while, and then eventually forget her.

She was his wife ... she was also an empath that should be honored and revered. She was as precious as gold in his book, and not merely for her gifts. She was something rare and miraculous, something he damned well didn't deserve, and she had no fucking idea how much he secretly worshipped her.

-"Ah, Christ." He set the logs down on the floor. "Ana, there's something … we need to talk."

She gave him a sensual smile.

-"Unless you need to tell me that there is a three-headed monster outside or that we are under attack ..."

He stared at her, wondering how much more he could resist. He had been wanting this moment since he had seen Ana in the library. Neither one recalled their first encounter and he was left with only the few teasing moments he had shared with her. But taking that leap ... it meant things would change. They would both remember this time and there would be no going back. Sex always complicated everything ... He had sworn to protect her and that damned well included protecting her from falling into the hands of a guy like him.

He was putting her in danger just by being with her; she was wanted by a creature that lived in the world he wanted to know more about. Especially after today, he suspected that the circle of Hoia-Baciu was a doorway. Keane had said there were a few doorways around the world and if this was one of them...

-"Zak?" She cocked her head slightly as she came closer, still waiting for his answer, her tone still playful. "That's, um, that's not what you need to tell me, is it?"

-"No. That's not it."

-"Well, that's good." She whispered, blushing at his hungry stare.

Zak drew in a breath as he found himself taking a step closer to her. He was no more than an inch and a scrap of wool between them. And the scent of her … warm skin, feminine heat, and the spicy-sweet trace of something even more elusive.

She looked up at him, her hazel eyes darker than ever, daring him ... It was almost unbearable as he watched her—bold and brave and perfect, and willing him to take what she offered. She was here. And she was naked under the blanket. He had neither the will nor the strength to turn her away—not when he wanted her so much. There wasn't a man on earth who could resist her. And he was through trying.

Everything would change. The words whispered through his mind, and he was not sure if they were a warning or a promise. But he no longer cared. She stood proud and still, facing him, her beautiful skin gleaming in the flickering golden light, casting wicked, enticing shadows across her. Her fingers clenched the blanket with such a tight grip that her knuckles were turning white. He nearly groaned at the perfection of her. She took a deep breath, letting it out in a long, shaky sigh, and he noticed her trembling— the hesitant rise and fall of her breasts, the tremor in her throat. She was scared.

He wanted to resist but as if he was watching a movie he found himself reaching out and loosening the blanket from her body, baring her to him completely. Stifling a groan at the sight of her totally naked he quickly reached for her as she wrapped her arms around him. The heat of her naked body seared him, imprinted itself on his memory like a brand.

She plunged her fingers into his hair, and his mouth was on hers. The kiss was rough and searing, and she matched his need; where he went, she followed, opening for him, giving him everything for which he asked with a series of little, sighs that set him aflame. She was his. He tore his lips from her, but remained only inches from her face.

-"Are you sure about this?"

He wanted her to be certain this was what she wanted. She nodded, her eyes heavy with desire.

-"Yes. I am very sure."

He shook his head, knowing he had seconds before his passion took over, and they were both lost.

-"If you have any doubts ... tell me now."

There was a pause, and the need to possess her coursed through him, thick and unforgiving. Her gaze was cleared and beautiful.

-"I have no doubts, Zak." She leaned close, her lips barely touching his, threatening to drive him mad. "I want to make love to you."

His control snapped, and he no longer cared. He was overwhelmed with a primitive desire as he kissed her again and again, his hands running over her warm, endlessly smooth skin, pressing her to him, clasping her bottom in his hands. He pulled away enough to speak again.

-"You are mine," he said, and he heard the lack of control in the words. He didn't care. What he felt for her in that moment was utterly unrefined. "Mine," he repeated, refusing to let her have the kiss she was reaching for until she looked into his eyes.

-"Yes," she said, rocking into him, her heat against the length of him was making him wild. "I am yours."

He rewarded her with another kiss. God, he loved kissing her. Loved her taste, her enthusiasm, the way she set him on fire with the stroke of her tongue. When he pulled back just briefly to meet her eyes again—stunningly bright hazel with her desire, she took his bottom lip between her teeth and pulled him back into the kiss. He groaned at the roughness, punctuated by the soft, unbearably stroke of her tongue over the spot where her teeth had been.

He'd craved her since the moment he first saw her. Now all of his good intentions—all of his thoughts toward duty and honor—incinerated in an instant. He pulled away to gaze at her. Her eyes were shut, her lips were swollen and kiss-stung, her cheeks were flushed, he had never seen anything more erotic in his life. He brought one palm up along the delicate line of her spine; the other rose to caress the graceful curve of her cheek and the silky skin of her nape. Her pulse fluttered against the pad of his thumb as he stroked the tender skin over her carotid. Ana let her head fall back, exposing her neck to him.

Zak's own pulse hammered. He dipped his head and nuzzled his face in the cradle of her neck and shoulder, and he placed a series of kisses along her neck. He exhaled which came out as a low growl, trailing his mouth around to the front of her throat, then lower, bending as he palmed one perfect breast and lifted the rosy nipple to his lips. He suckled her, rolling her nipple with his tongue and reveling in her breathless gasps of pleasure. He reached down with his free hand, gripping the sweet swell of her rump, then teasing the seam of her body from behind. She felt so good in his arms, so right ... He crushed her to him, letting his fingers wander deeper, into the slick folds of her sex.

She was wet and hot.

-"Oh, God," she gasped, arching into his embrace. "Zak …"

On a moan, he released her breast from his toying bite and came back to her lips, capturing her sigh in a deep, hungered kiss. Although she matched his fevered pace, he was the one who set it, more urgent than intended, but he was too far gone to take things slowly.

Still kissing her, and unable to take his mouth off hers, he guided her back toward the nest of blankets near the fire. Together they undressed him, a hasty stripping off of his coat and shirt, boots and jeans. Zak shucked the rest of his clothing as Ana broke their kiss and trailed the tip of her tongue down along the side of his neck. He shook with the sudden jolt of desire that flooded his veins, felt the rush of blood racing through his limbs and down to the throbbing length of his cock. His skin prickled and felt on fire everywhere that she touched.

-"Ah, fuck," he growled, drawing in a sharp hiss as she nipped playfully at the tender skin below his jaw.

He didn't know how much more he could take. When she reached down and stroked the length of his shaft, he couldn't bite back his animal snarl. She palmed the blunt head of his sex, her touch both curious and demanding as she slicked his moisture over the sensitive skin.

-"Lie down with me," he said, his voice ragged, his breath sawing in and out of him.

He took her by the arms and sank with her to the blanket-covered floor of the cabin, kissing her as he gently pressed her beneath him. She was so soft and warm against his body, her arms wrapped around his shoulders, her thighs parted where his hips wedged between them. His cock nestled into the wet cleft of her sex. He was rampant with the need to drive deep, but Zak only played at entering her, sliding between the folds of her body. He teased her mouth along the flickering of her heartbeat at the side of her neck.

He reached down to grasp himself, rubbing his hard flesh against her softness, using the broad tip of his penis to stroke the bud of her clit. She moaned, arching to meet his tempo, spreading her legs to invite him deeper. He resisted the temptation, but only barely. The sudden, unfathomable need to brand himself upon her body—to bring her pleasure unlike anyone had before him—beat in his blood like a drum. Stunned by the feeling, he drew back slightly. But Ana looked too good, felt too good, and before he could remind himself that she deserved better, he was kissing his way down the front of her body.

He savored every sweet inch of her from the large mound of her breasts to the soft muscles of her belly. The feel of her beneath him kicked the flame in his blood to full boil. The scent of her pulled him like a magnet toward the downy patch of curls between her legs. He kissed her there, using his lips and tongue and teeth until she was writhing against his mouth. And still he didn't stop. He suckled her and stroked her, pleasuring her until she arched up beneath him and cried out with a shattering, shuddering climax. And still he didn't stop.

He kept kissing and suckling and stroking her, bringing her to the crest of another wild release, and then, he rose up to cover her with his body, thrusting deep and roaring as the hot, wet walls of her contracted around his pumping shaft.

He drove into her, realizing that he needed Ana like this, in this moment.

-"Look at me." He grounded out, wanting her to look at him.

She nodded, and he rocked against her, both breathing heavily.

-"You have the most beautiful eyes." She whispered.

Pleasure coursed through him at the unexpected compliment, and he kissed her long and slow. Ana ran her hands down his back to the curve of his buttocks and clasped him tightly to her.

-"Do that again. Harder." He groaned.

She was going to kill him. He moved, deeper, faster, with more power, and she cried her pleasure in his ear, threatening his sanity. She whispered his name, her hands tangled in his hair. They rocked together, sensation building, until they were both gasping for breath.

Zak's release coiled hard in the base of his cock, intensifying with every fevered thrust. Hotter and hotter, tighter and tighter, until he couldn't hold back a second more. He went taut with the force of it and plunged as far as she could take him, burying his face in her shoulder and giving a hoarse shout of release as his seed exploded from him in a heated, liquid rush. He couldn't have held back if he'd tried. He came with a force he had never before experienced; she was the center of his world—he wanted to stay in her arms, in this moment, in this night forever.

-"Ah, fuck ... Ana," he hissed, tormented by the flood of sensations she aroused in him.

He collapsed into her arms and lay there for a long moment, breath coming in harsh bursts, before he realized that his weight must be crushing her. He rolled off her but quickly gathered her against his chest.

-"Are you all right?" she asked him as he struggled to get ahold of his impulses and tried to scrap a rational thought through his mind.

-"Yeah," he managed after a moment. "Better than I have a right to be."

-"Me, too," she said, smiling in drowsy contentment.

He could feel her breasts rising and falling against his chest, and he gritted his teeth against the instant awareness that coursed through him. He wanted her again. Now. He ignored the desire, instead running his fingers across her smooth, bare shoulders, reveling in the little tremor that pushed her closer to him, loving the feel of her naked against him.

As he held her, soft and warm in his arms, he did not want to think of the future. He wanted to savor her. He wanted to savor the now. But he couldn't ignore the fierce sense of possession that still drummed in his blood when he thought of Ana being with any other man ... especially Keane.

He watched Ana slowly doze off as his body settled into a comfortable peace, but his hunger for the woman in his arms remained.


Nick, Aaron and Keane had finished setting up at the castle and had been investigating for a couple of hours now. They had a few strange experiences but the castle had been relatively quiet.

Nick had been slightly concerned about the team splitting up like they did. It wasn't the first time, but there was something in the air tonight that told him that they all needed to be together tonight. But maybe he was just worrying too much. Keane was proving to be rather useful and was a natural at ghost hunting. Although it helped that he was a supernatural creature himself. But it was a bit more than that, he didn't overstep his bounds and left most of the talking to Aaron and Nick but he wasn't afraid to voice his opinion when they heard something unusual.

Nick hated to say it but Keane was starting to grow on him. He wasn't a bad guy ... he just had a job to do and he took it seriously ... and he happened to also be in love with his best friend girl. But there was nothing he could do about that. He was a firm believer that people made their own choices and that everyone's destiny was in their hands, so if Ana ended up with Keane, it was because she decided it, and not for any other reason. Although he really thought Zak should do a bit more to improve his chances.

As the night went on, he felt himself grow more and more on the edge. Partly because he had not heard from Zak or Billy since they had reach the Hoia-Baciu forest. They had all agreed to keep in contact and check in every couple of hours with just a text message. But nothing had come through in hours. He had tried to call all three of them, but no one was picking up their phones.

By 3 am they all decided to take a small break from the investigation and made their way back to home base, where the computers and equipment was. Nick grabbed his phone and dialed Zak's number for the hundred time. He let it ring until voicemail picked up and hung up. He did the same with Billy, and then Ana's, except on hers he left a message.

-"Ana, this is Nick again, it's a bit after 3am and I still haven't heard from you guys, call me back as soon as you get this." He pressed end on his phone and sighed. He had left several voicemails on everyone's phone. "I'm getting worried, Zak isn't picking up his phone and neither is Billy or Ana." Nick looked at Aaron with worry.

Aaron took his phone and checked it for any missed calls or messages.

-"Got nothing here." He shrugged, not seeming to concerned.

Keane tossed Aaron a bottle of water from their cooler and he grabbed his phone. Nick watched him call Ana's number but there was no answer.

-"Maybe we should drive out there? I'm kinda worried"

-"Dude, it's almost three hundred miles away from here ... by the time we got there it would be morning. I'm sure it's just cause they don't have signal." Aaron sat down in a chair and stretched his long legs in front of him. "If we left here, Zak would freak out. We got to finish the investigation ... And it's not the first time Zak's has gone MIA." Aaron took a long drink of his water.

Nick gave a nod, he knew Aaron was right. Zak did have a tendency of ignoring calls during an investigation, in fact he often didn't carry his phone with him, but he wasn't so sure on why the others were not answering their phones since Billy had called when they had arrived at the forest, and Billy was usually pretty good on keeping contact.

With a sigh, Nick grabbed a bottle of water. He wish he could shake the awful feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach, but no one else seemed to share it. If something was wrong wouldn't Keane be able to pick up on it? He wasn't quite sure how that worked, the guy seemed more intuitive than the rest of them. He decided now was the perfect time to get a bit more information.

-"Keane, you sure you don't feel anything, I don't know ... weird?"

Keane was silent for a few moments before he answered the question.

-"I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean ... Weird as in this place or weird feeling about a certain situation?"

Nick groaned. He saw the small smile on Keane lips, the guy knew exactly what he meant but he was going to make him ask directly.

-"I don't know what the right term would be ... but can you sense anything unusual with Ana?"

-"Anastasia and I don't share this bond that you all seem to believe we have."

-"So how do you know where she is all the time?" This time the question came from Aaron.

-"I am a good investigator. I've had five hundred years to refine my skills." Keane replied cockily.

-"Yeah, bullshit." Aaron laughed lightly.

Keane grinned. It was obvious he was enjoying the exchange and was not offended by their questions, which was good, because they needed him on their side right now.

-"Seriously, how can you keep finding her?" Nick asked firmly.

-"Anastasia is a shadow empath. She is very undisciplined and has no practice ... She might deny what she is, claiming she has never had any sort of strange experiences, which might be true. None that she can remember anyway."

-"What the fuck does that mean?"

-"She still has to sleep. She dreams. It's how I knew of her existance. Shadow empaths were trained centuries ago by high priestess. But typically a shadow empath does not come into her powers until they are a young adult, before that they are virtually normal people. Shadow empath children are a bit more sensitive to people and the environment around them, but there is no hint that they area any different. But Anastasia ... she was taken and the Order of the Dragon performed experiments on her which awaken her empath side, and it was much too early." Nick noticed that Keane's fists were balled up tightly as he spoke about the Order.

"She was just a child and not ready for her gifts ... As a way to cope, her brain dealt with the empath side in her dreams. She has often dreamed about the spirit world, she just can't remember it. I am a warrior to that world; I know when someone who is not dead visits there. I felt her, many times ... but I did not know who she was until I saw her father and got a look into his mind ... that is when I realized who Anastasia was."

-"So you don't know where she is unless she is sleeping?"

-"Essentially. Over the years I have been able to get some information about her when she has been sleeping; it's how I knew she was coming to Romania."

Nick absorbed this information.

-"So you don't know if she is in trouble or not?" Aaron asked.

-"No, I don't."


Nick took the last long drink from his bottle before tossing it in the recycling bin. There was only one thing that was really bothering him about what Keane had said.

-"If you can sense her when she is dreaming and get a general idea of where she is ... who's to say that this Order of the Dragon can't do the same thing, I mean they got the help of this Guardian now, and he is even more part of that spirit world ..."

Keane furrowed his brow.

-"I guess that would be possible ..." He said carefully, his tone now full of worry.

All three men looked at each other and without another word they all ran for the exit and hurried to the car in hopes that they weren't to late.



Finally! Zak and Ana! I know some of you have waited very patiently for this chapter; I sure hope it held up to your expectations! :)

So yes, as always please feel free to leave me a comment, or inbox me, I do love hearing what you all think of my story, and I will probably chat you to death lol.

A really quick last note. I have a New story, sort of. Its a bit of a test I guess. I plan to make this book (Waking up Hitched) part of a series. Each book would follow each GA guy. Next up is Nick. So I wrote the first chapter and I would love some feedback on it. The story will happen 2 years after this one, so you will still get to see Ana, Zak and Keane in it. (First chapter has no spoilers). I am merely seeing if there is an interest out there for a story about Nick. So please feel free to give it a read and give your honest opinion. The story is titled "How to Bewitch a Ghost Hunter".

I really do adore you all!


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