Mad As A Hatter | #KNLabyrint...

By vermilliondragon

7.7K 301 64

In all the lies that entered my ear and I let exit in the other, could this be the time I actually believed i... More

[Special Chapter] Answers


3.4K 97 9
By vermilliondragon

Everybody was rushing out the building. The reason? I don't know. I was clueless but I let my own feet drag me to wherever the people were going. There were small gushes and mention of names but their footsteps were more audible for me to interpret.

What's going on? is what I asked most of the time while I was in this place. A newbie of all sorts is what I am. Echo Sanitarium isn't the job place everyone dreamed of. How could it be when everyday, all you see are mad people, surrounding themselves with some things you are not capable of understanding?

The entrance glimmered with bright lights that shone the dark insides of the building. Blue, white, and red lights were as vibrant as the sky. Sounds of loud police car sirens were almost as evident.

"This is it! He's here!" I heard my co-employee scream. Her tone was somewhat eager and excited. Who gets excited when seeing a police car?

I hid behind a post and silently lurked for answers. I waited patiently for whatever or whoever is inside that police car that made the staff leave their work for the sake of this 'welcoming.' After a few seconds, the police car lights and sirens were shut completely off and the only remaining sounds were the staff's endless whispers.

Two policemen got out of the car and walked to the door of the passenger seats. One opened the car door while the other pulled the man out of the vehicle.

At that very moment, I saw the most beautiful man I ever laid my eyes on.

He had his head bowed down while the policeman pushed him to walk inside the sanitarium premises. Everybody seemed to have the same reaction as mine; shocked and stunned by the new guy.

Is this why everyone rushed out to welcome this new patient? To see what he looked like in person? Were they aware of his coming whilst I was absent-minded?

Was he walking that slow? Or is it just me? Why is everything in slow-motion all of a sudden?

All these kinds of questions kept piling up in my mind yet I can't seem to find any of the answers. Hell, I don't even know why I'm working here.

"The show's over. Go back to work. You don't get paid for your excessive immaturity." All of our heads snapped to where Glenn, the owner of Echo Sanitarium, was. "A charming psycho can weaken your bones, then a serial killer can crush them ever so easily."

As the area cleared and all the employees have returned to their bases, I stayed behind to look for the new patient. I am not supposed to be a creep, but that guy is so intriguing. Creep. How ironic, isn't this place in general a lot creepier?

His cell was located on the 13th floor. I hastily hid myself from the policemen who were about to return to their police car. After they passed, I quickly skimmed every cell to see which one was his.

Cell 1325.

From afar, I observed him. Inside, his hands were now uncuffed and free. He was checking every corner of his small room while his back was facing me. His orange presinct suit fitted his frame perfectly.

"Approaching me is better than staring, you know."

I almost jumped out of my own skin when I heard him state those words. I remained silent.

Slowly, he turned around to face me. I saw those unique features of him again. He was really handsome and... different.

I finally decided to say something to him. I was so close to opening my mouth when he said something.

"Be careful." and then gave me the most wicked and goosebump riser smile. The corners of his lips rose up and his bright white teeth appeared between his red lips.

At that moment, I definitely knew I was terrified. There was something about that smile that appeared so cruel and chaotic. He looked so capable of doing such mad things.

I ran. I ran away from him out of fear. He had no cuffs, who knows what he can do next? As I escaped, I heard him chuckle.

I got attracted to a henous man. One smile gives a lot of meanings, how could I be so stupid?


A week has passed and I didn't let myself go to the 13th floor. After what happened, who in the right mind would go back to that place? I've handled different kinds of patients through out the few months I've been working here but not any patient is as boggling as that one.

It was noon and capable patients were eating inside the dining hall of the building. Oddly enough, I was made in charge of cafeteria duties.

There, I saw him again. He was munching on a plate of chicken and beans, emotionless. The vibe I feel about him now is so far from what I felt on his first day. It's like he's changed a lot. Have the therapists done their magic already?

He looked so peaceful and... harmless.

I didn't spend the whole week just avoiding that guy. In fact, I made my way to the records room to get information about him. I am clueless as to why my curiosity always tingles when I think about him.

His name was Quantum Ricaverde. His case? He murdered 7 people by setting them on fire alive. His motive was somewhat unclear because he refuses to talk about the crime he did.

When I read his records, goosebumps spread across my skin. I decided that the safest track was to not go near him no matter how my curiosity kills me. He's dangerous.

I, also was eating on my own in a far table that was for nurses. Guards were all over the room, looking over the patients and their every move.

On my third bite, I heard an ear shattering shriek from a few tables down. The guards were now up on their feet, keeping hold of the woman who was throwing food and utensils everywhere. I, too, rose to my feet to help the guards calm the patient.

I then realized that his table was near the woman's. I stopped on my tracks. Quantum continued eating like no fuss whatsoever was happening behind him. Like I said, he looked so peaceful.

It was my job to take care of these patients and it is wrong to walk away in this situation just because I fear a certain someone. I should be used to people with these attitudes yet I'm still too naive and scared.

I pushed myself to take another step, and another, and another up until I reached the wild patient. "Calm down, Victoria. What do you need?"

Upon seeing me, her screams became louder. Did I push a button? But I spoke as gently as I can! "Sorry. If you need anything, tell me." I tried again, but her screams remained the same.

"Quiet." I heard a nearby guy say. Moments after, Victoria had already calmed down and continued to eat.

What, is he some kind of leader that everybody fears and follows now? In just a week, huh?

The guards went back to their original positions while I was about to go back as well. I turned my back to walk in the other direction when a hand circled my wrist. I looked back hesitantly.

"Talk to me." he said, calm and soft, unlike the tone he used on me a few days ago.

"I'm not like Victoria or other patients here that could be following you. Don't order me around." I said with all my might. Deep down, I'm trembling and running would be a good idea at the moment.

Still, his eyes and face weren't looking at me. They were still fixated on the food he was eating. "The food here tastes awful. I need someone to talk to."

Why do I have a feeling that I'm talking to a normal human being? He's psychotic, that's what his records say, but now that I'm actually talking to him, the peaceful and harmless looks he gave earlier is becoming a reality.

He let go of my wrist and suddenly, I missed the heat that lingered there. I found myself backtracking and sliding into the seat opposite him. "You terrify me, Quantum Ricaverde." I admitted out of nowhere.

Silence filled the gaps surrounding us. I expected a vicious reaction from him; like an evil laugh of some sorts, but his face remained emotionless.

"Call me Q instead. Quantum is such an odd name." he started, leaving me surprised. "I terrify you? Well that isn't new. Seems like everybody does nowadays."

Wow, he already trusted me with a nickname. "Of course, you burned 7 people alive. Who wouldn't be scared of you?"

For the very first time in this conversation, he shifted an expression. He gave me a small smile. "Looks like you did some research about me." he teased, and I instantly blushed. "I didn't terrify you the first time, didn't I?"

Who's this guy in front of me? Normally I wouldn't put some thought in responses to conversations like these.

"No, you didn't." I admitted, yet again. "But your wicked line and smile creeped the hell out of me."

His small smile became wider, it almost reached his eyes. This smile of his was way different from that wicked smile I was mentioning.

Those eyes. What kind of eyes are those? It looks so simple yet so magnetic.

"That was intentional. I needed some time alone and you were creeping me out." he said, not letting go of that smile of his.

My jaw dropped. "I creeped you out? Get lost." Is he trying to play with me?

"What's your name?" he asked, ignoring my statement.

With my eyebrows furrowed, I asked, "And why should I tell you? You're a patient, but I am not your nurse."

"Exactly because I'm a patient." he said timidly.

I was about to respond yet once again, I was cut off. The giant bell of the building rang, signalling the end of the lunch break.

"I didn't finish my meal because of you." he stated and stood up. "You owe me a name."

I stood up too. As expected, he was much taller than me. I looked up, "I left my meal back at my table too. You owe me."

Q smirked. The next thing he did surprised me. He flicked my forehead with his fingers like a little kid. I was left dumbfounded as one of the guards escorted him out of the dining hall, back to his cell.


A/N: I am well aware of mental illnesses being a serious case. The disorder is real and it is not something to make fun of. This short story circles around this situation. I do not mean to offend anything or anyone connected to the disease.

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