By -silverargent

54.5K 1.5K 265

In which the werecoyote fell in love with Stiles Stilinski's older brother. [ SEASON 4 ] [ STAND ALONE ] Ā©... More

extended summary
[01] A way back home
[02] Mexico
[03] La Iglesia
[04] Protecting Derek Hale
[06] Satan in a V-Neck
[07] Lacrosse boys
[08] Bonding time

[05] Getting out of hand

4.1K 140 15
By -silverargent

[05] Getting out of hand

Lucas, Stiles and Scott rushed to the animal clinic as soon as Scott ended the call with Lydia. They were worried once they noticed the rushed words coming out of Lydia's mouth, telling them to come to the animal clinic as soon as possible.

Lucas thought that maybe Kate arrived and have been trying to get to Derek but his thought was wrong when they saw Deaton and Lydia, and a mess in the animal clinic with no Derek Hale.

"I don't think he's just younger in body. I think he's younger in his mind too." Deaton explained while Lydia was the one wrapping a bandage around his wound.

Lydia let out a soft sigh, as she finished fixing up the injured veterinarian. "He didn't recognize either of us." Lucas watched Lydia with furrowed eyebrows, confused as to why Kate would do this to him. "And he looked like he was scared out of his mind."

Lucas likes to solve the problem, just like his younger brother but this time, he can't seem to figure out what's going on and it's making him frustrated. He feels like he became useless to his friends.

"So if you're a teenage werewolf and you're scared, where do you go?" Stiles asked, looking at Scott, considering that he's the only one in that category. 

Scott tilted his head to the side, mouth slightly agape as he thought for a second just to be sure if he's right. "A wolf goes back to its den but Derek lives in a loft."

Lucas shook his head immediately, "Not when he was a teenager. So, I figure he would be at the–"

"The Hale House." Lydia finished for him.

"He wouldn't remember the fire. It wouldn't have happened yet." Deaton said, stating the obvious.

"Then I think it's best if we leave now." Lucas informed them, getting ready to leave while Scott and Stiles does the same.

"Wait, hold on." Lydia said all of a sudden, causing the three boys to halt in their steps and look at her with raised eyebrows. "Say you do manage to catch up to him? What are you going to say to him? That his whole family is dead?"

"So, you're saying is that someone has to tell him?" Stiles asked, not understanding Lydia's words at all.

But before Lydia can protest to Stiles' words, The eldest Stilinski raised his hand up in the air. They expected him to volunteer but he did the exact opposite of it. "Not me!" He exclaimed.

Eventually, Stiles caught on quickly before Scott can and followed the steps of his older brother. "Not me, either. I can still probably hear his threats aimed at me in my head."

Scott let out a sigh, shrugging. "I guess I'm going to have to."

"Good luck with that." Lydia told her friend, knowing that it won't end well.

"She's probably right. Maybe you shouldn't. You know, at least until we figure out how to get him back to normal." Stiles quickly added, finally understanding the whole thing Lydia's pointing at.

Scott shook his head, "I can't lie to him."

There was a moment of silence inside the clinic which amused Lucas. He didn't know that they were capable of staying silent even if they have a big problem resting on their shoulders.

Stiles let out a sigh. "Okay, I'll do it." This caused his brother to let out a snort, not believing his younger brother's words.

"You and I both know that you're still afraid of him. You practically admitted it a while ago." Lucas told Stiles, smiling smugly as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Stiles narrowed his eyes at his eldest brother, having to look up considering that Lucas is way taller than him which made him intimidating. "Let me be the hero for once, not the sidekick."

Lucas rolled his eyes at his brother's dramatic behavior. "I don't know how can this make you a hero." He shifted in his weight. "Knowing that my dear brother can't do it. I guess I have to do it."

"I don't think any of us can. Remember, he can hear a heartbeat rising." Scott told both of them, in order to stop the bickering towards the two. "When we find him, we tell him the truth."

"If he gets to the house first, you won't have to." Deaton informed them.

○ ○ ○

The sheriff let out an exhale, standing in his office along with the three boys. "I want you to be honest with me. Absolutely and completely honest." He said, his eyes focusing on Lucas, knowing that he couldn't rely on Stiles. "Have you been time traveling?"

"Out of all the possible reasons, this is the most rational one that you can come up with? Come on, Dad." Lucas stared at his father in disbelief– with a hint of amusement in his eyes also.

"Hang on, what?" Stiles couldn't believe it either.

"Because if time traveling is real, you know what? I'm done. I'm out. You're going to be driving me to Eichen House." The sheriff went on, thinking that this is way out of line.

"We found him like that." Scott answered.

Sheriff looked at them like they have grown three heads. "Where? Swimming in the fountain of youth?"

Before Lucas can possibly save their asses by lying, Stiles beat him to it by actually stating the truth. "No. We found him buried in a tomb of wolfsbane in an Aztec temple in Mexico underneath a church in the middle of a town that was destroyed by an earthquake."

"You told me you were camping!" Sheriff exclaimed, pointing his index finger at his youngest son.

"Yeah, we were–" Stiles trailed off, not being able to see the disapproving look from Lucas. "–In Mexico."

When they saw the Sheriff's face, they knew that they were in trouble. Lucas let out a sigh, "This is why you should have let me do the talking." He said.

"Derek's been aged backwards. He can't remember anything. We just need to talk to him." Scott continued, hoping to get both of the Stilinski brothers out of trouble and get the plan in motion. They were running out of time, knowing that Kate can pop out anytime and get what she actually wants from Derek Hale.

"Yeah, well, so far he's not talking to anybody." Sheriff told them, remembering how the young Derek got here in the first place– by going to its previous home.

Letting out a soft sigh, "He'll talk to me." Scott replied.

○ ○ ○

"Why would I go anywhere with you?" Derek asked as he sat on the couch in the Sheriff's office, looking up at the trio with confusion in his eyes.

Scott glanced at Stiles and Lucas then back at Derek. "There was an accident. You lost some memory, but we can help you get it back." He assured him, hoping that it was enough to get the Hale to trust them as of the moment.

Derek still had the same look plastered on his face. "How much memory?"

"A lot. But you can trust us." Scott said as he got on his knees to hide him from the view of the other officers who are currently glancing from time to time at the window placed in the sheriff's office.

Lucas bit his lower lip, looking back at his brother who was currently sitting on their dad's table, reading something which caught his attention.

"You're an Alpha." He heard Derek say but he was focused on what his brother may have found but before he can find it out as well, the young Derek spoke once again. "Okay, who are you? And who are they?"

"We're the guys that you can trust." Lucas answered, tilting his head to the side a bit to observe the young Hale even more.

This caught the attention of Stiles Stilinski as well, his eyes moving away from the envelope he had found on his dad's table. "We're also the guys keeping you out of jail."

"Let us help you." Scott told him.

Derek shook his head in disbelief, letting his back hit the couch. "No."

Lucas ran his hand through his hair, obviously frustrated on how the young Hale is acting. "Well, even as a kid, you're still stubborn." He managed to say, realizing that no matter what age he is, Derek Hale is still a pain in the ass.

Scott got back on his feet as Stiles began talking, possibly to change Derek's mind. "Okay, dude, you almost tore apart two cops back there." He gestured towards the two cops outside, two deputies, to be specific. "You need to listen to us. And that starts with no fangs, no claws, no wolf man. You got that?"

"I'm fine as long as it's not on a full moon." Derek said.

Scott and Lucas exchanged glances, "You still have trouble with the full moon?"

"I said I'm fine." The youngest in the room basically snapped at them, not wanting to talk about his lack of control.

Stiles got off of the table, dusting his clothes then looked down at the young Hale. "All right, are you coming with us or not?"

"You want me to trust you?" Derek raised his eyebrows, licking his lower lip then made eye contact with Scott. "Where's my family?"

The Stilinski brothers looked at Scott, expecting him to tell the truth but the Alpha changed his mind. He knew that it would probably become a bigger problem if they were being honest with him right now. "There was a fire. And they're not here anymore. They're fine. Just had to move out of Beacon Hills." Lucas and Stiles tried to hide their surprise once they heard the lie that came out of Scott's mouth. "And we're going to take you to them as soon as we figure out how to get your memories back."

Derek took a deep breath, taking this time to study them one by one before exhaling, "Okay."

○ ○ ○

"I shouldn't have done that. I lied my ass off." Scott told the two as they sat, unbelievably far from Derek, who was going through procedures considering that he won't get in trouble at all.

"You had to do it, Scott." Lucas told the Alpha, placing his hand on Scott's shoulder, a sign of comfort while he gave him a smile.

"Also, your ass is fine. You saved him a ton of unnecessary pain. We'll figure this out in a day or two, he goes back to being old Derek, everyone's happy." Stiles added, hoping to help in comforting his best friend as well.

Lucas shrugged, placing his hand back to his side, "Well, except for Derek, he's never happy."

"It's just another person that we're lying to. I always feel like it's always been better when we tell the truth. With Lydia, my mom, your dad." Scott said, already starting to overthink about the situation, like how would young Derek react when he found out that they were lying to him about his family.

Stiles squinted his eyes, "Yeah, but that is Derek Hale in there." He gestured to the young werewolf. "He may be a kid right now, but he's still Derek Hale."

"All right. Take him to my house and don't let him out of your sight." Scott told the two.

"And where are you going?" Stiles asked.

"I'm going to go talk to the guy we should have gone to before." Scott informed them. While Stiles shook his head, Lucas stood up to follow the Alpha.

"Scott, I'm coming with you." Lucas said as he caught up with the McCall boy who was already out of the building but not before throwing a good luck to his younger brother, who seems to be caught up in his own bubble.

Oblivious to what happened, Stiles scrunched his face up in disgust, "Yeah, I hate that guy." That was when he realized that his brother has left him yet again. "Dammit. I can't believe he made me to do this alone! That idiot."

○ ○ ○



Anddddd I finally updated wohooo. I'm currently editing the next chapter oops. Will probably update sooner. Lots of love!


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