With Or Without You (Complete...

By LaraRuze

364K 17.4K 2.1K

Oliver looked on amazed as his witch dipped a little backwards, his hand still had a light grip on her upper... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 ...Rewritten
Chapter 33 ...Rewritten
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

chapter 30

8.3K 494 79
By LaraRuze

"D... Daddy!" Elli shrieked, striding after the beating party.

Gripping the banister she watched wide eyed as her brothers literally rolled Oliver like a log down the stairs. Her daddy right after them, calmly putting bullets inside his infamous shotgun.

Holy hell!

Back in her room, just minutes ago she had witnessed her brothers pounce upon a flabbergasted Oliver like hungry hyenas. They dragged him out her room and now out the house while the awful noises of kicks and punches, and Oliver screaming then saying all kinds of bullshit echoed around.

"Hey... Ufff ... Arg... Yaugh... Man! I said I'm sorry! Oomph."

No matter how much Oliver tried, nothing worked in his favor. It was like his official dooms day. And there was no mercy.

In the beginning, when the first punch was placed square into Oliver's face by John, Elli had felt satisfied for she could clearly imagine what hell Oliver had put her entire family through by the false news of - her having cancer and the side effects of the chemotherapy shit. Now she could understand why everyone was acting so weird and heartbroken around her. 

But then, after the initial beating she began to get worried and frightened for her brothers were showing no sign to stop and her father look determined to accomplish his very first murder. Hell! The boys had lost their screws.

Elli flew down the stairs screaming for everyone to stop but they were beyond paying heed to her. In a few moments, Oliver was flung out into the porch with John, Jim and Misha surrounding him from all sides. They were glaring down at a sprawled Oliver on the ground as he swiped at the blood that dripped down the corner of his lips and tried to get up. 

Daniel strolled near Oliver as John and Jim stepped slightly aside, his shotgun pointing at Oliver's face. Elli came running and attempted to push past the boys to stop the royal slaughter of Oliver. The fool had gotten himself into this serious shit! But that was simply the Oliver she knew and had fallen in love with. How unfortunate!

"You had us cry tears of blood," Daniel growled, his eyes blazing fire.

Oliver coughed and pressed his palm into his ribs, his other hand pushing the ground so that he could get up on his feet but once again, the brothers grabbed his shoulders and with a frustrated sigh he settled on kneeling down in stead. He gave the brothers a look before rolling eyes at Daniel.

"Come on, dude. Now no need to be so cramped up about it, I agree I misunderstood things a bit... but hell, you gotta believe me I saw her going to the hospital. I swear Elli went into the chemotherapy room with the doctor! She was really in the oncology department, and what about all the symptoms - that vomiting, fatigue, head spinning, hair loss and don't forget about the hallucination...,"

As Oliver talked, Daniel's face scrunched bit by bit in fury until he exploded with it all and literally lunged at Oliver with the shotgun aiming at his eye. Elli assumed Daddy intended to blind Oliver before going for the kill. 

Shrieking, she bounded and embraced Daniel from the side, effectively halting his attack. "Daddy, listen to me," she yelled and pleaded. "Stop it all of you, alright!"

She felt her father's huge body sag in her arms, twisting his body then his big arms were wrapped around her as well. Elli sighed in relief.

"He's a liar, Elli. He scared us to death, I nearly had a heart attack thinking that you would... that you would leave me too, like your mother," Daniel croaked. "I want this scoundrel's blood in my hands."

Elli heard Oliver scoff and say something incoherent from the side. She bit her lip nervously. Guilt gripped her very soul. 

No. This was not Oliver's fault. Not entirely. 

It was her who had been hiding the truth from the ones that loved her like hell. It was her obscurity, her lies that took things this far. 

"Dad," Elli sighed, finally coming to the conclusion to open it all before them once and for all. Her fears, her lies and secrecy were just making her loved ones suffer while Oliver was - well - just being Oliver. 

"Oliver's not entirely lying," she said in a low voice.

There was silence around them, Elli didn't dare meet anyone's eyes. His father's arms stiffened around her.

"Then... do you have..." 

"No, it's not cancer." Elli cut in John.  

"Hell, Elli!" Oliver groaned staggering up to his feet finally. "Just say it already! What the f***'s going on?"

"I'm pregnant" Elli bellowed. 

Steeling her jittery nerves, she wiped a tear off her cheek with shaking hand. "I did go to the chemotherapy room but it was to meet a kid who's suffering from cancer, his condition's not very well. I... I met him during one of my check ups in the hospital."

She choked, her hand going to rub her belly as the habit she had grown to gather strength and comfort from her baby. "I'm... I'm pregnant," she repeated slowly this time, her voice lowering as if drained off energy.



Thud of shotgun hitting the floor.

More gasps.

Nerves took over as the silence got too much suffocating. Elli squirmed out of her father's slackening arms, fearing what was to come. She was just about to whirl around run for the safety of her room where she would probably be able to breath again, away from this frozen wind of stunned silence. But Oliver's words made her halt midway.


The voice was so frigid it shook Elli to the core. She felt all the eyes on her and never has she hated being stared at so much. At first she thought not to answer that but what was the point of keeping it in anyway now that half the truth was already out there in the open. "I don't know."

More gasps.

A pulsating pause.

"Elli...?!" Daniel muttered and then stopped with a sigh.

Oliver however was a different case. "Come again!" he screeched appalled. 

Elli closed her eyes breathing heavy. "I was in the bar and..."

"...And you got drunk and f***ed whoever could get to you first like a freaking slut?" Oliver roared suddenly, shoving his hands up in his hair and yanking them like he wanted to yank his scalp off. "I can't believe I've fallen in love with such a woman as you!"

Blood boiled in Elli's head and before she knew it her hand swung across his cheek, the sound of that vicious slap got Oliver to finally shut his mouth. 

"You call me a slut?" she yelled, her eyes blazing. "Look at your own face in a bloody mirror first, you pig. You go around and screw everything that has got legs and I can't! Why? Just because I'm a woman and that's why I'm supposed to be a saint? So what I don't know who fathered my baby? Have you even gone around and checked how many kids YOU'VE fathered since hitting puberty?"

Angry tears rolled down her cheeks, she looked up at her father and brothers' horror stricken, pale faces through hazy eyes. She suddenly began realizing that Oliver had just said it aloud too that he loved her. She never ever had imagined before that hearing that from the man he loved would be so humiliating... so wretched. 

Red - hot fury traveled through her veins and she stared directly at a pale gone Oliver, his so called confession ringing like a curse in her ears. 

It was all out now. The dam had just exploded and she was powerless to stop pouring it all out.

"You're nothing but a pathetic manwh*re, Oliver, and I regret the day you came into my life. And I regret ever falling in love with you, it's good that our feelings are mutual for a change."

And then she ran, she ran into the safety of the house and inside her room where she could hide for a while with her baby, and calm herself. The last thing she wanted was to have her baby along with her cry inside there too. Behind her, shouting erupted. However, she didn't give a damn anymore. Oliver could go and die in the hands of her family. She was so done with him.

-- -- --

So... that was it. A lot has happened in this one chap and as you can see - things are pretty much ruined. Do let me know how you like Elli against stereotype good girls?

If Oli can play around why can't Elli? :/ She's got a point. What do you say?

More drama will unfold next, let's wait and see how Oliver reacts after getting back his sense. And how the hell they'll ever be together if things keep going spiraling down to the underground like this? :P

Please don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT! Fan/Follow me to get notified when I updt a new chapter or want you to know something important.
Thanks a lot for your feedback, support and love for the story... for your votes and comments... for keeping With or Without You on the hotlist! :D
Take care till the next upload.

Lots of love,

P.S: I thought I've been suffering from low blood pressure but after the recent hospitalization I shockingly got to know it's vitamin D deficiency! :P lol. Need a lot of sun. :D So, send me lots and lots sunny smiles!!!! Tada!

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