Amazing things (Ryland Lynch...

By rosesXr5

78.2K 1.7K 408

Kameryn Smith was a typical 15 year old girl from North Carolina. She wasn't much to the world, but she was s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chaper 37

Chapter 16

2K 54 9
By rosesXr5

Rydel's POV~

After we watched a couple movies it was time for the Call of Duty game between Ryland and Kameryn. Ry set up the machine and handed Kameryn a remote. She smiled and started picking her character. After they had everything set up Ry turned to Kameryn and said, "let's make a bet, whoever loses has to be the winner's servant for 24 hours." Kameryn grinned and said, "your on, I love having my own servants."

They started the game and it was really intense.

We were all watching as Ryland and Kameryn were trying to kill each other, not even just in the game, Kameryn pushed Ry off the couch. It was really funny! He was getting closer and closer to the edge and Kam finally shoved him with her foot. The funny thing is, when Ry fell his finger slipped on the remote, pulled the trigger and made a perfect shot at Kameryn, taking one of her lives. He grinned and sat back on the couch, farther from Kameryn, just to be safe.

They were both yelling at the screen and their remotes, pushing buttons like their lives depended on it, well I guess their virtual lives depend on it.

Kameryn is actually really good, if it were me, I would have died 15 minutes ago. She might actually win, which would be a first, Ry has never been beaten at this game, even when he was little and had the flu, he still beat Ross. Then again, Ross is more of a Mario Karts kinda guy.

They played for about 10 more minutes until Ryland's character pushed Kameryn's off a cliff, taking her last life. We all looked shocked, and so did Kameryn. Ry grinned and said, "well it looks to me like I have a new servant." Kameryn groaned and playfully threw her remote into the game bin.

Ryland's POV~

I was scratching my fake beard as I said, "hmmmm, what should I make you do?" Kameryn looked at me, batting her eyelashes, wow that's adorable, and said, "you could make me go down to the hot tub and relax, it's been a long day." I shook my head and said, "nnaaaahh". Kameryn frowned and said, "well I'll be in my room when you need me, the girls and I are watching a movie." "Can we watch with you?!" Ross and Rocky asked at the same time. "Yeah, why don't we just have a movie night?" Asked Riker. Kameryn grinned and said, "well we were planning on watching Magic Mike, but if y'all are into that then you can join us." We all shook our heads super fast and I said, "ummm yeah, we're good, thanks." Kameryn giggled and said, "what? You guys don't like Channing Tatum?" We all laughed and Riker said, "he's fine, we're just not really into watching guys strip." The girls giggled and Rydel said, "well we are, so if you excuse us, we're gonna go watch our movie." They all giggled and ran into the room that Kameryn, Rydel, Rocky, and Ross are sharing.

We all exchanged looks and Riker said, "I'm gonna pretend I DIDN'T just hear my little sister say that." We all laughed and said, "me too", or "agreed". Even though Riker is the only one who is older than Rydel, we all treat her as a little sister. Even I do, and I'm four years younger than her.

We all decided to play another round of video games. The score was, first place: me, of course, second: Ratliff, third: Ross, fourth: Rocky, fifth: Riker. It wasn't really surprising though, Riker's a great player but I could tell he had his date with Morgan on his mind, and how to make it PERFECT.

About an hour later it was 9:00 and the guys were gonna play a game, I didn't really want to, I kinda wanted to walk around the hotel, when I was little me and my siblings always did that, we always tried to see if there was anything cool we could find.

I got up off the couch and walk towards the room all the girls were in to see if any off them wanted to go with me. I knocked and opened the door and said, "hey guys, is your movie... I mean porn over?" They rolled their eyes and Kelly said, "yes Ry, our MOVIE is over, and it was actually really sweet, especially the ending when they plan their date to go to breakfast." I laughed and said, "whatever, does anyone wanna go hotel hunting with me?" Rydel's eyes got big and said, "awww Ry we havn't done that in years! I wanna go!!" Kelly and Morgan shook their heads and said, "actually we're gonna hang with our boyfriends. Kameryn was about to say something but I said, "oh and Kameryn, I'm making you go. And you have to since you're my servant." Rydel grinned and Kameryn rolled her eyes as she said, "fine."

We left the room, and walked out the door of the hotel room, telling everyone we'd be back soon, and walked into the hallway. As we were walking Kameryn said, "you never even let me ask my question. What is hotel hunting?" Rydel and I smiled and I said, "it's this game we invented when we were super little, I was like 4 when we made it. We basically walk around the hotel, trying to find cool places like hangouts, an extra pool, something cool that's on a floor. It's really fun when you find out there is a celebrity in the hotel and you're trying to find what room they're in. She smiled and said, "sounds fun."

Rydel's POV~

We were now in the elevator riding up to the top floor which was like 20- something, it's a big hotel. Ry got out his phone and we all started taking pictures in the mirror. Ry put his arms around me and Kameryn and we all stuck our tongues out as we heard the click from his iPhone. He typed something in and we both heard our phones go off. W checked them and it was a notification from Twitter. Ry had tweeted it with the caption, "doing some hotel hunting with my favorite girls :P @rydelr5 @kamywamy_countrygirl". Out of the corner of my eye I saw Kameryn blush, type something in her phone, then put it back.

As we stepped out of the elevator Kameryn stopped in her tracks and turned to us with a grin on her face. "Omg guys, it's the last Saturday night in July!!" We both gave her weird looks and Ry said, "and?" She smiled really big and said, "it's an old legend of this hotel! In 1972 a women died on the 16th floor. The story goes, she was in her room alone and at exactly 11:46 at night, all the people in the rooms around her heard deathly screams coming from her hotel room. They all kept banging on the door, trying to get it opened, but it was no use, they heard the screams getting louder and louder but there was nothing they could do. When they finally got the manager up there with the key, they opened the door but it was too late. Everything in the hotel had been trashed, furniture was all knocked over, everything that was on the tables and counters was on the floor, broken. They saw her body falling from the balcony, she died as soon as she hit the ground, since she was on the 16th floor. But the weird thing is, no one else was in the room with her, so why was she screaming? Also, her body had landed in the middle of the street, if she had jumped, it couldn't have gotten past the sidewalk. Investigators say someone that was very strong, stronger than the average human must have thrown her with great force. There was no way possible she could have landed in the middle of the street just by jumping."

Ry and I both stood there with wide eyes. "So what happened, did they ever find who did it?" Ry asked. Kameryn shook her head. "There were no finger prints on her body or in the hotel room, and the room was only registered to her. The investigators checked every square inch of the entire room, then the hotel, they even put it on lockdown for the night, but they never found anyone." I'm freaking out here! "So what does any of this have to do with the last Saturday of July?" I asked, clearly scared out of my mind. "Oh yeah, it happened on the last Saturday of July. Every year on this day, they hold a short memorial downstairs in the ballroom. But some people don't go, some people do what the legend tells it to do. The legend says, if you go on the 16th floor at 11:46, you will either hear her screams, or if she likes you, you'll have Good luck. But if she dosn't like you, she'll throw you out the balcony of the same room she died in. I know it sounds crazy but over 15 people have died by falling, or being 'thrown' out of the window on that exact night in the past 40, or however many years it's been. And they always land in around the same spot she did, in the middle of the road. I don't know if it's people committing suicide to keep the legend alive, or if it's the girl herself."

We both stood there, jaws hanging open, and Ry broke the silence by saying, "coool!" Kameryn smiled and said, "we should go! I've only ever been to this hotel with my mom, sister, or Morgan, and they're all huge wimps so I never got to go, are you guys up for it?"

Ry smiled and said, "I'm so in!!" They both looked at me and I looked around nervously, ummm. "I don't know if it's such a good idea..." I said. "Aww come on Delly!" Ry said, giving me the cutest puppy dog face ever. When we were little he could literally get me to do anything with that face, all my brothers could. Then again, I could do the same to them, I guess this puppy dog look runs in the family.

We started walking down the hallway of the 20th floor. We stopped when we saw a door that said, "must be of resident to enter". "Well that means us", I said, opening the door. We walked and side and it was so cool! "Woooah", I heard Kameryn say from behind me. In this room was an indoor pool, apparently different from the one Ry and Kameryn went into. It had a little mini bat and fridge, stacked with cool drinks. There was a pool table, and air hockey table, and fuze ball. There was a little lounge in there, along with a Jacuzzi. There were tables and chairs for the snack bar, and there was even a little balcony. This place is awesome!

We just hung around in there for about an hour and a half cause there was A LOT to do! Kameryn looked at her phone, then back at us and said, "hey guys, its 11:00, we should head back so we can get everyone for the legend." We both said ok, even though I was petrified, and started walking back.

We entered the hotel to see everyone on the couch watching "America's funniest home videos". "Hello people's! We have a mission!" Yelled Kameryn. We saw everyone look over at her like she was crazy since it was about 11:00 at night. Morgan got off of Riker since she was lying with her head on his chest and his arms wrapped around her waist. She walked over to Kameryn and said, "Kameryn, please tell me this has nothing to do with what day it is." She had a horrified look on her face and Kameryn grinned, "oh you bet it is". Morgan's eyes widened as she said, "no! I've been telling you since we were 5 years old, we are not doing that legend! It's tooooo freaky!" Everyone was looking at them and Ross spoke up, "what legend?"

Kameryn explained to all of them about the legend that took place on the 16th floor. Everyone looked at her, looking extremely interested, "I'm so in!!" Yelled Rocky. Everyone started saying things like, "heck yeah", "me too!" "This is gonna be awesome!" And, "I'm so excited!" But Morgan just had a blank expression on her face. Riker walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist while bearing his head in the crook of her neck. He kissed her neck and mumbled, please babe, it'll be fun! And I'll protect you, I promise. She grinned and said, "I guess, but we have to all stick together." We all nodded and the rest of them went to put on some clothes since they were in their pajamas.

We told mom what we were doing and she said, "ok stick together, Riker is in charge, and call me if anything happens...oh and please make sure none of you get thrown off the balcony." I laughed and said, "i'll do my best mom, love you!" I said, laughing, walking out of my parent's room.

We all looked around at each other and Ratliff says, "ready?" We all nodded and said, "yep, let's go". We walked into the hall way, and some how, we all fit into the elevator, we were squished, but we fit. Riker hit the button for the 16th floor. "I can't believe after 18 years you finally got me to do this", Morgan said to Kameryn. She giggled and said, "it's about time!, I've been wanting to do this forever! And it's only been a little less then 16 years, cause I havn't been alive your whole life... so ha". Morgan smiled and stuck her tongue out at her, "whatever".

We all stepped out of the elevator and turned the corner to see a crowd of teenagers. I looked at my phone and it said "11:39". I turned to Kameryn and said, so what exactly do we do?" She grinned and led us all down the hall and to a door. The door had the number "1432" on it. "Well we are supposed to wait out side of the room she was staying in, which is this one, and at exactly 11:46 we will either hear her screams, which means she dosn't want to kill us because we did nothing wrong, or the door will open and she will pull us into the suit, and throw us over the balcony." Rocky laughed and said, "that's so stupid!" Everyone's be agreed, but you can tell some of us were a little scared, mostly me, Morgan, and Ross. Kameryn spoke up again and said, "but if you hear nothing for that whole minute then you have one more minute to get off the floor, if you get off in time, you'll have good luck, if you don't then it can end fatal." We all looked at her and she smiled. "How do you know all this?" Asked Ross. "Well I've been to this hotel a bunch of times and I've always wanted to do the legend, I just never had ad anyone to do it with because someone *cough cough* Morgan, was always too chicken, so I just got all the information in hopes I'd be able to do it one day. Oh and I did a school project in it." We all laughed and Morgan just stuck her tongue out at her.

We waited a couple minutes then Kameryn yelled, "it's 11:46! Everyone put your hand on the door!" We all did and we heard both Ross and Morgan mutter an, "oh god". "Awww are you guys scared?" Rocky asked in a baby voice. Morgan buried her face in Riker's chest while Ross replies with, "uhh huuhh". I giggled and Kameryn put her arm around him and says, "it's ok Rossy poo, I'm pretty sure the spirit won't want to kill you." His eyes got big as she said that and he said, "pretty sure?!?!" She shrugged and said, "yeah, we don't know, something about you may just erk her." Ross got a scared look on his face but he was soon able to calm himself down. Aww poor Ross, he can barely even handle scary movies and we're making him do this? Eeh, he'll be fine.

We waited a couple seconds and we heard girls screaming which made us all jump 3 feet off the ground. We saw 4 girls run down the hallway while one of them yelled, "I can't do this! It's too scary!!" We all sighed in relief because know we knew it wasn't the ghost. "Ok, it's 11:47, everyone run!" Kameryn yelled. We all ran as fast as we could.

Once we got into the elevator Ratliff yelled, "that was sick!" We all laughed and Ryland said, "yeah man that was awesome, but scary!" Rocky laughed and said, "it wasn't that scary!" Ross looked at him like he was insane, "are you kidding me?! I almost pissed my pants when those girls screamed!!" We all laughed at Ross acting like an 8 year old girl.

Kameryn's POV~

We all walked back to the hotel room laughing at the fact that both Ross and Morgan were still scared out of their minds. Morgan had her face burried into Riker's neck as he carried her down the hallway. Gosh they are just too cute! I'm so happy for Morgan! She's liked Riker just as long as I've liked Ry. She's been dreaming about dating him for the past 3 years, and now she actually is...maybe one day that will be Ryland and I.

We made our way into the hotel room and we all sat down in living area, trying to be quiet so we don't wake up Mark and Stormie. "So what does it mean that we all got out of there without anything happening?" Asked Kelly. "Well its supposed to mean that we'll have Good luck for the rest of our lives." I answered her. "Cool", "awesome", "great", everyone started answering.

We were all extremely tired at this point since it was about midnight so we decided to call it a night. Riker got up to go to bed first, but first he bent down and gave Morgan a quick kiss and said, "goodnight Angel, see you tomorrow on our date." They both smirked and Morgan said she'd be in there in a sec. Everyone else went to bed besides Ry, Morgan, and I. Morgan gave me a hug, said goodnight to both of us, and went off to her room to get some sleep. I said, "night Ry", and headed off to my room.

Before I could get any further, Ry grabbed my hand and stopped me. He whirled me around to face him and said, "not so fast missy, your still my servant, and I'm not tired at all. So I command you to stay up with me." I sighed, even though I was secretly extremely happy I got to spend extra time with Ry. "Alrrriigghhtt", I said, trying to sound upset. He laughed and said, "come on, what do you want to do?" "I don't know, I mean it's midnight so everyone is asleep, so what CAN we do?" He thought for a second and said, "we can go down to the pool". "Isn't it closed?" I asked. "The out door one is, the indoor pool is open 24/7". "Oh ok, well then yeah, let me go get my bathing suit on then we'll go." He smiled and said ok, then we both quietly walked into our rooms to get our bathing suits.

I walked out of the room, quietly shutting the door behind me so I didn't wake anyone. I walked over to Ryland who was sitting on the edge of the couch. He smiled down at me and said, "alright, let's go."

We both walked out of the door with our towels and pool key. We rode down the elevator and stepped out on the floor that had the indoor pool. Ry walked in front of me and opened the door for me, holding it open for me to walk through. I blushed and muttered, "thank you." He smiled and said, "anytime."

As soon as I walked through the door I looked around and remembered the last time we were here. That girl who looked like a slut called me all those rude names and Ry stuck up for me. He then held my hand and told me I was pretty. I blushed just thinking about it. I was still lost in my thoughts about Ryland when I felt two strong arms wrap around me and throw me into the ice cold water. I came up and noticed the only people in here were me and Ry. I looked up and saw Ryland grinning at me. I pouted and said, "you had to throw me in the deep end?! You know I can't touch the bottom!" He laughed and said, "that's cause your short." I pouted and said, "whatever, can you at least help me out?" I gave him my best puppy dog eyes and pouty face. He sighed and came over, holding out his hands. I smiled, took both of them, and pulled them with all my might. He screamed and fell into the water. I moved out of the way and he landed right next to me, creating a huge splash.

He came back up out of the water and glared at me. "Payback", I said and giggled. He grinned and grabbed my waist, and wrapped both his arms around. My heart was racing a mile a minute at the touch of his strong arms. He smiled and flung me out of the water and into even deeper water. I came back up and saw him laughing, I swam over to him and dunked his head under the water. He came back up, spitting water out in the process.

For the next hour, we just swam around, laughing, and having the best time.

We got out of the pool, dried ourselves off, and wrapped the towel around ourselves. We left the pool room, once again, Ryland held the door for me. We walked out into the hallway and headed for the elevator. Once the doors opened, we stepped inside. Ry looked at me and said, "ya tired?" Am I really that easy to read? I just replied with, "mmpphf". He laughed and said, "here, get on." He bent down in front of me so I could hop on his back. I giggled and groggily jumped onto his back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and laid my head over his to get comfortable while he securely held my legs.

The doors to the elevator slid opened and we stepped out onto our floor. We (well Ry) walked over to the door and opened it with the key. He quietly shut the door behind him and started walking to my room. He slowly walked in, careful not to wake up anyone that was sleeping. He walked over to my bed, that had Rydel sleeping on her side and lightly threw me on the bed. He put the covers over me and I smiled up at him, could he be any sweeter? "Goodnight Ry", I wanted to add "I love you" to that so bad but I just couldn't. ...yes that's right, I'm in love with Ryland Michael Lynch, I finally came to the conclusion, I'm really in love with him, and not just fangirl love anymore, this is real.

"Goodnight Kamy", he smiled then left, making a funny face before closing the door. I smiled to my self and cuddled up to the little piece of blanket I had. Rydel had about 4/5 of the cover on her side, even though most of it was hanging off the bed.

I though about how much I really loved Ry, and how much he meant to me, and how much I wish I could call him mine. My birthday is coming up and I know exactly what I plan on wishing for.

As I was thinking about Ryland, I couldn't help but feel like I was missing something. I looked around the room until I saw what I was looking for. I smiled, and reached over to grab my stuffed minion who's name is Jeff Lynch. I smiled as I replayed the events of the day I got this bear.


"You see this is why I say you have no taste in football"

"Well I must at least be good at playing football, or else how did I win you this?" He said with a grin on his face". He handed me the minion while I was smiling like an idiot.


We named him Jeff Lynch, because Jeff was his name in the movie and we liked the way Jeff Lynch sounded better than Jeff Smith.

I smiled at the memory and hugged my minion tight. I fell asleep cuddling with my minion and dreaming about Ryland.


Hey hey hey!! It's 12:02 right now, so merry Christmas eve!!! Hehehe, I'm not even tired! I really need to get better sleeping habits :) so everyone please please please vote/comment and also share this story with your friends! Please comment whAt your plans are for Christmas, cause I would love to hear about everyone's traditions! Anyways love you all! Thanks for reading!


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