He's my Teacher

By kkharv

9.9K 473 133

Jonathan Denis is just another kid at Lofus high. He has his crew, and that's all he thought he'd ever need... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 5

787 41 6
By kkharv

Jonathan was extremely worried.

He was worried because he had detention with a certain someone, he was worried because one of his bestfriends fainted and was still in the nurse's office, he was worried because  the teacher that took Lui, Mr. Nogla if he recalled, took the day off to watch Lui and that was coming out of his paycheck, and last of all....

He was worried because he had a Math test and he totally forgot, 100%.

Like seriously, what the fuck was math supposed to be anyway?

Who in their right mind would spend their life, their whole life, on finding different ways to use numbers?! When was he even gonna use 2(3x+2zy)- 4(r+6y)?!

Probably never, yet they made him spend 2 hours of his day learning the damn thing. Horse shit if he had a say in it.

Ah, but let's back up to that whole Daithi de Lui stuff.

Why did Nogla take off a full day of work, just for Lui? Is that what all the teachers do?

If that's the case, he'd faint as many times as possible when Mr. Fong just happened to walk by.

But all puns aside, something was going on. Something between them happened, or is going to happen. He just didn't know what.

Of course, Lui was never good at speaking out his feelings, romantic wise. Jon thought that he might just have to be the matchmaker.

Ya know, push them towards each other in class, talk to one of them about the other but make it seem casual, hell! He'd even flirt with Lui a little, just to get some of that possessive action *wink wink, nudge nudge*.

Where was he going with this? He got lost in the fanfiction he was creating in his mind for a sec.

Oh! Lui and Nogla hiding there love.

He definitely believed that they were being secretive about something, and if not, then they were obviously in love with each other.

Love at first sight as they say.



Jonathan's next period was math, and although that was his best subject, he was always so into looking at his teacher, that he heard nothing he said.

Well, karma wasn't having any of that.

Jonathan sighed as he ran to his classroom. He bumped into kids, tripped over something but he couldn't place what, and ran into a locker. None of that mattered to him though.

He may have not wanted to do that test, but nothing discouraged him from wanting to see his teacher.

Jon took a deep breath as his class came into view.
Delirious got weird looks as he clasped his hands together to say a final prayer of forgiveness, following up with moving the tips of his fingers from his forehead, to his chest, to his left shoulder, and his right shoulder. Drawing out the cross with his body was his good luck charm.

He looked up to see Mr. Fong smiling at him with narrow eyes.

Delirious felt the heat rise to his cheeks, but the bell rang signaling that class was to start.

He put on a brave face and grabbed his test with shaky hands and an uneven breath.

Before he started though, he heard a voice directly in his ear. The warm breath gave him shivers.

"Good luck, Jonny".

Delirious' eyes widened as he looked up to see chocolaty eyes staring into his blue orbits.

He couldn't focus as the eyes were sucking him in and his face got closer to his teacher's. He didn't realize it, it just felt natural. He wanted those eyes to be the only thing he could see. He wanted to be closer to the river of chocolate Mr. Fong owned.

Before their lips could connect, he heard a soft laugh, chuckle to be precise.

"Not now Jonny".

He felt his eyes get a little bigger as Mr. Fong rubbed his nose against his, giving a quick but breath taking Eskimo kiss.

He closed his eyes as he leaned into the sensation, beginning to rub back.

Soon enough, the sensation was gone with Delirious feeling cold. He was about to question why, but as he regained his surroundings, he began to understand.

It seems that Vanoss had been at his desk a little too long. At least, to the point where the other students began to focus on him instead of their own tests.

With a final pat of Delirious' head, Vanoss returned to his desk. He had a satisfied yet elated expression on his face and nobody knew why.

For a second, Jonathan just sat there. But as the events that just happened began to process into his mind, Delirious let out a small shriek.

His face turned into its own shade of red and he felt hot as he put his head down. Jonathan could feel the steam coming out of his ears.

Why did he do that?! Why did Mr. Fong do that?! Was he supposed to take that seriously, or was he just being teased? How did no one notice that?! How long had Mr. Fong wanted to do that?

As his mind was swarming with questions, he peeked up from under his arms to see what his teacher was doing.

He instantly put his head back down when he saw that his teacher was smiling goofily at him.

He wouldn't be able to focus on the test, let alone pass!

He'd still try though.
For 5 minutes, he was successful. But then he'd look up and see that stupid grin on his teacher's face and he would feel hot again.

He'd look down but the feeling wouldn't go away, it'd just get worse with each passing second.

Delirious began to feel dizzy and the room was spinning. Maybe it was because of all the blood rushing to his head, or the heat it produced.

He had been wondering why he hadn't cooled off. Did he have a-

He heard a loud bang and suddenly he heard screams. All he could see were blurry faces. What was happening?

He slowly moved his arm up to his forehead and left it there. He thought so.

He had a fever.

It was probably from him worrying so much about his friends, and about the test.

The blurry faces got closer and their voices got farther.

Did he fall out his chair? Is that why everyone began to scream? Ah, he didn't mean to make everyone worried.

His eyelids were getting heavier and his breath was getting shallower.

He saw a familiar face get close to him and something soft touch his cheek. He strained his eyes and used most of his energy to focus on that person, but at least he knew who they were now.

It was obviously Mr. Fong.

He had a very worried expression on his face and he looked like he was saying something, but Delirious couldn't hear it.

Jonathan nuzzled into what he now knew was his teacher's hand, not caring about anything but the feeling against his cheek.

His eyelids dropped.

He was extremely tired all of a sudden, and he could barely think. All he knew was that Mr. Fong was worried about him.

He smiled a bit at that, happy that his crush cared about him and as the darkness consumed him, he remembered something that made his smile turn into a grin.

Now he didn't have to do the test.

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