Make It To You

Av emilylovexox

11 3 0

Dan, with his curly brown hair and his dark eyes. Everything about him was new, like the beginning and the en... Mer

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

3 1 0
Av emilylovexox

Being alone wasn't such a huge deal for Phil. As he was an incredibly social person he found a few of his friends and sparked up conversation. He wandered a bit which wasn't unusual for Phil at parties. He wasn't the type of person who wanted to be doing keg stands, he just like the rush of all the people and all the happiness going around. A party was a place where everyone was having a great time and Phil always loved that. The kitchen was stocked with beer so Phil took one, not drinking it obviously. He ended up throwing it away and grabbing a coffee instead (just as he knew he would). In the basement there was some Japanese horror movie playing that Phil decided to dodge out of because he didn't like the idea of having to walk home in the dark with those images in his mind. Some of the upstairs rooms were occupied, most likely with couples that just couldn't control themselves or sneaky hook ups. The living room was pretty big and that's where the most people were. Some gathered in groups talking, many were dancing to the electronic and pop music that was blaring from the speakers, everyone was mingling. Except for him.

A boy sat in the corner alone with a beer in his hand. Well, I say boy, he looked practically like a man compared to Phil in his lion costume. He was wearing all black with outstanding face makeup of a skeleton that reminded him a lot of Tate from American Horror Story. The dark shadows outlined his high and prominent cheekbones. His dark eyes pulled you in. God, he was beautiful. And he was staring at Phil.

'Um, should I go and talk to him, he looks quite lonely. Then again, some people like being alone. Phil why are you talking to yourself in your head. You're still looking at him. He's still looking at you. Oh my god, just grow a pair and walk over there!'

And that's how Phil ended up standing in front of the mysterious man.

"Hi. Um, I'm Phil. Why are you sitting over here alone? Do you not have any friends here? Wow that was quite rude wasn't it. I didn't mean it that way! And I'm rambling. What did you say your name was again?" Phil sped out quickly, his talkative side showing.

"I didn't." His voice. Oh god his voice. It was unexpected and it was wonderful. He spoke so delicately, luring you in with every syllable. Articulate. "Oh." Was all Phil managed to get out.

"Dan." He said taking a long drink of his beer. Phil suddenly felt self conscious of not drinking, why? He never felt self conscious about these little things.

Taking a sip of his coffee, Phil say down next to Dan, noticing that Dan traced his eyes on Phil as he moved. Sitting down, Phil looked back to Dan, meeting his eyes as Dan quickly turned his head forward. "So where are you from? I haven't seen you around school." Phil asked, looking straight ahead, careful to not make too much eye contact with Dan. "A little bit of everywhere. Technically I'm moving back. I left here after third grade. Kinda been everywhere since then." Dan responded, suddenly a bit more serious than before.

"Why did you leave in the first place?" Phil asked, his curiosity getting the better of him. He sighed, "My parents just had a lot going on. I guess I wasn't such a great little kid. They thought it would be better to take me away from everything I've ever known and stick me in some little town." He said add a sarcastic chuckle at the end. "So I suppose it didn't help, judging by the laugh." Phil retorted. My god though, Phil could listen to that laugh for hours.

"Believe it or not, no, it didn't." Dan said harshly, the light going out of his eyes. Phil got a bit on edge about the way he had said that. Not in a 'I think he's gonna hurt me' way, in the 'I hope he's okay' way. But it was evident that Dan wasn't okay because his eyes had hardened and he was chugging his beer. After he finished taking down the drink he looked back to Phil. "Do you want to go outside?" Dan asked suddenly. Phil nodded.

They walked along the dark roads, the cool breeze ruffling Phil's hair. He still wasn't sure why Dan had asked him to go outside. Phil wasn't going to complain though, he would take any opportunity he could to talk to Dan. "Do you ever think that you don't really make any sense to people? Like, everything you say just goes through them?" Dan asked, looking at his feet as they walked on.

"Like nothing you do is 'normal' or you're too much to handle? As if you should just change who you are to make it easier for everyone else?" Phil answered. "Exactly! God, finally somebody who gets it! It's like every word I say isn't what people want to hear." Dan looked up at Phil and quickly looked away.

"Why do you ask?" Now they were both shivering a bit, not the slightest clue which part of the neighborhood they were in. "I'm not sure why I'm asking you. I guess I just had to get it off my chest. I feel like for a long time the people I'm around haven't really understood."

"Is that why you were sitting alone?" Phil asked quietly. "Partially that. Partially because parties aren't where I usually go. Pj and I have known each other for a long time now. Family friends. I got a text from him last weekend saying that his mother had mentioned my family was back in town and I should swing by. And I suppose we've come full circle. Besides me talking to you, which is a new thing for me." Dan explained. "Why did you talk to me? That seems over bearing but really, why me?" Curious.

"You seemed just as alone as me." That had struck Phil. He never really thought of himself as alone. I mean he had been talking to people all night but in reality, without Pj, none of them were really close and in a way he was alone. Phil's trance was broken by Dan's voice "Phil??" He asked, standing suddenly in front of Phil waving his arms to get his attention "Are you alive?" That's when he noticed that he had stopped talking, for how long he didn't know.
"Yeah, yeah, definitely, just thinking I suppose." "Thinking sucks. We should probably get back though." Dan said.
"Yes, probably." Phil nodded curtly. Why was he suddenly allowed quiet? Usually Phil couldn't stop talking. Maybe it was just the fact that he was thought of as lonely by someone. It shouldn't matter to him.
They began walking back to the party, the only sound being the echo of their shoes hitting the pavement.

When they walked up the steps to the door Dan turned to Phil and put his hand on he knob as to stop him from going in. "I'm not sure what drew me to you today but it was nice. Being able to talk to someone about those things. Not something I've done before but I quite liked it." A small smile appeared on his face. They were both shivering then. Despite Dan's leather jacket and long jeans, Phil's fluffy costume, it seemed to have gotten much colder since they had left just a half hour ago.
Phil suddenly felt bashful and shy. Happy, even. He returned what Dan said with a smile which just added on to Dan's grin and made his eyes light up. "Maybe another time?" Dan asked. Phil's heart jumping out of his chest with his every word. "Tomorrow, the coffee shop on 17th. 4:45."
Then Dan was gone.

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